Why Do Batman Fans Hate Christopher Nolan?


But aren't there several batman stories that have Bruce Wayne going into retirement?
Given that Batman was first published 75 years ago this May, and stuff like Bat-Mite exists, it's probably a safe bet there have been stories featuring Bruce Wayne retiring. Or in a retirement home. Possibly in drag (Bat-Granny!).

As for the Nolan films, yes, some longtime fans didn't like them. Given the success of the series, I'm pretty sure many more did. That's just... math.

I think the real phenomenon here is how nerd audiences often like to express their affection for a given work through feelings of ownership, authority, and exclusion. "The definitive version is the one I like best", "I know the character/setting better than the writers", "I'm a real fan", etc.

This is part of the reason why nerd criticism is sometimes indistinguishable from fan-fiction.

Personally, I found Batman Begins to be competent, but largely forgettable (though I liked Cillian Murphy). The Dark Knight was mostly excellent, a one-note film (existential urban dread) that hit it's note perfectly. And the The Dark Knight Rises was something a mess, but also the most comic book-y of the three. I kinda the loved how operatic is was; the exaggerated length of Batman's sidelining, Bane's hijacking of Gotham City, Bats being cast down into the Pit of Metaphor. Of course, the happy ending was totally un-operatic.

I'll echo the sentiment that Nolan's films gave as a good Batman for their time. But I'm glad he's done.
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I have a confession to make: I love CN's Batman trilogy. It's got continuity, memorable villains, and Hans Zimmer. The only other Batman flick that sticks out in my mind is Batman Returns...and I think CN's trilogy still wins out as my preference.
I must confess, I don't like Tim Burton movies, but I did like Batman and Batman returns.

why all the apparent hate?
Some people just want a reason to complain, and they'll look long and hard until they find one. The Nolan movies are great for what they are: entertainment. As ZB mentioned, if you're going to a Batman movie (or any other super hero movie) expecting The Deer Hunter, you're doing it wrong.

Consider: I somehow got the rights to make Justice League: The First Movie. I do the following: Superman is an aryan, cigar-smoking, steroid enhanced leftover from WWII (remember, Superman was originally conceived of as a villain), Batman is a birth-defect with enormous ears that give him active sonar and the ability to glide from tall buildings, Aqua-man is a water elemental with the combined IQ of the aquatic animals swimming within 50 feet of him, WonderWoman is a Raging "feminist" who grew up reading Ann Rand, Green Lantern is a former call girl who got a magic ring from a sorceror who didn't have any cash on him.
I want to watch that movie. I really do. If you start up a Kickstater for this movie, I'll support it.
Would you consider this a valid interpretation of the characters?
Sure, why not? They're fictional characters. Every new writer and artist that works on a super hero comic is giving us their interpretation of the character.
Would this be "Justice League"?
Sure, why not? I mean, it won't be the Justice League that people are expecting. It would be your interpretation of the Justice League.
Sure, I painted an extremely ugly and offensive picture. But if "any interpretation is valid", then so is this one.

(Note: I not only would not suggest making a movie with this version of the characters, I probably wouldn't want to see a movie with any one of these characters in any way.)
I think your version would be far more entertaining than whatever Justice League movie the studios actually come out with.

They have worn the paint off Batman, Spiderman, and Superman. Anytime I see a movie teased for any of these IPs it just shows that Hollywood has very little imagination.

Redbox only, if I'm even tempted to see it.
I wouldn't say they have a limited imaginations. I just don't think they have the confidence in any of the other characters available. Batman and Superman are well known characters, even to non-comic book fans. They are two characters that most people have heard of. They are pretty much guaranteed to attract a large movie viewing, and paying, audience. Other characters, not so much. Making a movie isn't cheap, and he studios are not likely to invest in a character that they don't believe will make them their money back and a profits. Thus, we get stuck with Batman and Superman remakes.


I want to watch that movie. I really do. If you start up a Kickstater for this movie, I'll support it.Sure, why not? They're fictional characters. Every new writer and artist that works on a super hero comic is giving us their interpretation of the character.Sure, why not? I mean, it won't be the Justice League that people are expecting. It would be your interpretation of the Justice League.
I think your version would be far more entertaining than whatever Justice League movie the studios actually come out with.

It's not the Justice League they need, but the one they deserve? Or is it "It's not the Justice League they deserve, but the one they need"?

(Please tell me you're joking--OK, the last sentence is probably true...)

It's not the Justice League they need, but the one they deserve? Or is it "It's not the Justice League they deserve, but the one they need"?

(Please tell me you're joking--OK, the last sentence is probably true...)
Need? Deserve? No, it's the Justice League they get. You get what the studios put out. Some times is what you want. Some times is not.

And no, I'm not joking, I'd watch your version of The Justice League.


And no, I'm not joking, I'd watch your version of The Justice League.
People watched the new Battlestar Galactica for four years, and it wasn't any more revisionist than your Justice League!

I mean, the creators of that show took a cheesy Star Wars knockoff featuring Lorne Green, a cute kid, and a robotic dog and turned into an apocalyptic soap opera for the War on Terror/War in Iraq & Afghanistan-era. With lots more sex.

In fact, that bit of revisionist TV is widely considered a contemporary classic, up there along with the likes of The Wire.


I wouldn't say they have a limited imaginations. I just don't think they have the confidence in any of the other characters available. Batman and Superman are well known characters, even to non-comic book fans. They are two characters that most people have heard of. They are pretty much guaranteed to attract a large movie viewing, and paying, audience. Other characters, not so much. Making a movie isn't cheap, and he studios are not likely to invest in a character that they don't believe will make them their money back and a profits. Thus, we get stuck with Batman and Superman remakes.

Yeah, but thanks to JLU and even (I'm sorry) Smallville, Green Arrow has made it to his own series. He wasn't widely known outside of comic book fandom.

I blame the seeming deliberate failures and shoddy work with movies like Green Hornet, green lantern, and The Spirit. They took comic book/radio serial characters and utterly failed to translate them. Sure, they were matinee-fodder back in the day. So was Super-man, and they managed to make decent movies for him. (OK, one good, one decent, and 4 or 5 others).

Tequila Sunrise

People watched the new Battlestar Galactica for four years, and it wasn't any more revisionist than your Justice League!

I mean, the creators of that show took a cheesy Star Wars knockoff featuring Lorne Green, a cute kid, and a robotic dog and turned into an apocalyptic soap opera for the War on Terror/War in Iraq & Afghanistan-era. With lots more sex.

In fact, that bit of revisionist TV is widely considered a contemporary classic, up there along with the likes of The Wire.

If anyone ever needs proof that the original isn't automatically better than the remake, New BSG is it. Ten years after it aired, I'm still regularly listening to its soundtrack, and every time I see it on my netflix queue I get a little closer to rewatching it. For the second time!

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