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Why do you back Kickstarters?

Why do you contribute to Kickstarters?

  • Patronage: I feel I'm helping ensure that the product gets to exist

    Votes: 43 44.3%
  • Timing: I want to get the product before it becomes generally available

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Value: I want to get the product at a lower price, or get a great deal on additional content

    Votes: 36 37.1%
  • Altruism: I do it to help someone

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • Exclusivity: I want to get something exclusive which won't be generally available

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • Other: Write-in (below)

    Votes: 7 7.2%


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This is a quick little poll. I'm curious about why people back Kickstarters.

For myself, I think it's mainly the "to get it first" reason. I haven't - yet - participated in one of those Reaper Bones type mega-deals, though that doesn't mean I won't, and I never feel that my contribution makes much difference to a project's success (and half the time, by the time I see it it's at 1 million percent its funding goal already). I think I've only contributed to one for altruistic reasons (Chris Pramas' spinal surgery), but I could be misremembering.
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I chose Patronage, but it's really a combination of that and value. Exclusivity could be a consideration, but only insofar that I really want a particular product. Getting something exclusive for the sake of exclusivity does nothing for me.

I'm rarely time-sensitive and altruism is taken care in other ways in my life.


I didn't vote, because I don't back Kickstarters and I assume you wanted numbers from people who DO back kickstarters.

If I did back one, I suspect it would be for Patronage and Exclusivity (getting something that I can't get otherwise).

Per other KS topics, I would view the money spent as an investment. Subject to risk and failure. So I would hope to receive my Return On Investment, but I wouldn't count on it.

Some people were treating KS like making a pre-order purchase, and I never got the impression that KS was a guarantee.


The reason I believe in crowd-funding is for patronage, though I'm not really a KS or other crowd-funding backer, rather I'm a creator, having been involved in 3 crowd-funded projects. 2 as KS, and one with Rite Publishing's in-house crowd-funding system (which Steve doesn't use anymore, everything going to KS or Indiegogo, depending on the product.) Of course my last KS (successfully funded) was my own project with me as publisher and project creator, for the 25 Quick & Dirty Map Tutorials Guides book project (five funded books for a full academic teaching of all aspects of fantasy mapping.)

Not to say, I'll never back a project, but I tend to be money tight most of the time - I do have decent KS acquired seed capital at this time however. Most of that goes directly back into the project, than being spent elsewhere.

Hand of Evil

should have been a Multi-choice poll, went with Patronage. I think a lot of these projects are worth support and that it helps the industry as a whole. The other reason, Altruism, it is a way to help.


I voted patronage, but I really think this is a bad poll, because it really depends on the project. I've backed quite a few kickstarters, and at each one has had a different motivation. Sometimes I did so to help ensure the product gets made, other times it's because I want it as soon as possible, other times it's because of the bonus rewards. So although I did vote, I think my response - and I'm guessing most people's - is really meaningless.


I back video game projects because I want to fund an ecosystem whereby developers can go direct to consumers with no publisher acting as gatekeeper. In this sense I rarely expect to get a product, as I understand these are risky ventures, and so far I have NOT gotten a product so that's in accord with my expectations.

I back other products because I want them, and I am happy giving my money to the developer who makes the thing, rather than the retailer who does not. So Reaper Bones, Numenera, the Dwarven Forge KS, I backed a Cerebus kickstarter. All of these worked out great. No problems.


I voted patronage, but I really think this is a bad poll, because it really depends on the project. I've backed quite a few kickstarters, and at each one has had a different motivation. Sometimes I did so to help ensure the product gets made, other times it's because I want it as soon as possible, other times it's because of the bonus rewards. So although I did vote, I think my response - and I'm guessing most people's - is really meaningless.


RAPPAN ATHUK - was because I'm simply a fan of RAPPAN ATHUK and wanted to support Frog God Games.
TABLETOP FORGE - because it seemed like a cool project and I wanted to see it succeed.
REAPER BONES - Because plastic mini's and REAPER and the value was amazing. ANd that was before the stretch goals really go rolling. HOLY CRAP. Best KICKSTARTER EVER.
REALMWORKS - because I really like the work that Lone Wolf does and have been a supporter of HERO LAB for a while now.
DWARVEN FORGE GAME TILES - because I've always wanted Dwarven Forge setup but they are waaaaaaay too pricey. This seemed like a good way to get in on the ground floor of something. Also STRETCH GOALS. I supported at the $175 level and feel like I'll have enough to make an amazing setup. I'm already planning on possibly buying more when theyre available for sale.
VERONICA MARS MOVIE PROJECT - It's one of my top 10 favorite TV shows of all time. Just so we're clear it shares space with THE WIRE, SPROTS NIGHT and the first 3 seasons of THE WEST WING and well as HOMICIDE. I love this show so this was a no brainer.
TABLESCAPES - Pretty much the same reasons as the Dwarven Forge. I'd been mulling over getting the GW equivalent but I really, REALLY, REALLY dont want to give GW any of my money. So this was a reasonable alternative. I supported at the $190 level and feel like I'll get enough for what I need.
DEEP MAGIC: A TOME OF NEW SPELLS FOR PATHFINDER - This was a no brainer. I'm a fan of Kobold Press and the pedigree of this book is pretty darned good. Also I regret not having supported Kobold Quarterly more so...

There were a couple of KICKSTARTERS that I regretted not supporting on the outset now that I've gone and bought the product after the fact. SUPER DUNGEON EXPLORE and ZOMBICIDE being the most recent ones. But I cant support every thing....



I used to back "in the day" quite often...back when they were "new" and, generally, done by beginning/established ("indie") writers and what not. Then, as it became more and more popular, the pro's started using it.

That annoys me.

Why? If you are a "pro" writer/whatever, then you do it for a living. You already have the skills and capability to make a salable project. IMHO, you should just "do your job" and make something people want to buy. Now, the "newbies" trying to break into a particular field have to (potentially) compete with pro's that have a name and have the experience and *time* to do it (face it, most if not all newbies have a 'real job' whilst waiting for their big break, so can't devote 10 hours a day to writing/designing/creating something they aren't getting paid for). I can foresee the future when the majority of stuff is only going to be produced if some particular dollar value is "pre-approved" via a kickstarter. That's just...wrong. I can see so many potential gems not being produced because of a failed kickstarter. What if kickstarter was around back in the beginning of the RPG days? Would we have seen "Isle of the Ape", "Unearthed Arcana", "Keep on the Borderlands", or "Tomb of Horrors"? What about entire game systems, like the Alternity system, or Call of Cthulhu? I just hate thinking that some awesome game or product doesn't get made simply because of "the bottom line" (re: $$$).

Anyway, for truly large projects, I don't mind companies/pro's doing it...example, Paizo's upcoming MMORPG. But when an established writer says "Here's a kickstarter for an adventure I'm writing", when he's known for writing awesome adventures to begin with... Well, lets just say I find it a bit, hmmm, almost underhanded. Like cheating in a way.

*shrug* Maybe I'm just all old and curmudgeonly, but it just rubs me the wrong way.


Paul L. Ming

Voidrunner's Codex

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