While i don't mind DMing and quite enjoy it, it won't run games longer than 5-10 sessions maximum, but i prefer 1-3 sessions and done. I only ran one game, 2 sessions of Cairn, in entire 2023 and thats it. In 2022 i ran 6 session game of 5e. Last real campaign i ran was in 2018-2019, and that was mostly on the monthly basis, so about 20 sessions for full campaign.
One major limitation is my group. They play 5e. Thats it. And we have one weekly time slot for gaming. When it comes to D&D, i'll only run horror games, grimdark and lethality cranked to 11. So for that kind of games, shorter stories and one shots do better than full on campaigns.
If i would ever again run full on campaign, that would be under some specific conditions. First, it's eather VtM revised or nWoD core only. Second, regular weekly or at worst bi weekly, but emphasis on regular and in person. Third- serious gameplay, heavy emphasis on role play and exploration of mature political, social and personal themes. And my current group isn't interested in that kind of games.
One major limitation is my group. They play 5e. Thats it. And we have one weekly time slot for gaming. When it comes to D&D, i'll only run horror games, grimdark and lethality cranked to 11. So for that kind of games, shorter stories and one shots do better than full on campaigns.
If i would ever again run full on campaign, that would be under some specific conditions. First, it's eather VtM revised or nWoD core only. Second, regular weekly or at worst bi weekly, but emphasis on regular and in person. Third- serious gameplay, heavy emphasis on role play and exploration of mature political, social and personal themes. And my current group isn't interested in that kind of games.