No flips for you!
And how does any of this map to, "You've arrived at a vista, make a perception check so I can tell you more things?"I think this type of thinking misses that there can be a mixture between dice rolls and roleplay that both changes how the outcome occurs.
For example, I have a box and the box has a hole in it. The players can roleplay with the box, describing different actions they do. These actions then fuel the DM's decision for dice rolls, possibly changing the modifier, advantage, or even the DC.
One player suggests putting their ear to the box to listen to it. Well, they hear nothing. One player wants to look into the box to see what's inside. The box is in Darkness but the player has darkvision, they make a perception check with disadvantage. They fail and can't make out the contents. One player picks it up and shakes it, making a Strength check, revealing its a heavy and metallic item. Finally, one player says "screw it" and opens the box, its Demonic Armor.
Each player did something different and the results were different. Some of them relied on rolls, others passed/failed automatically.
It doesn't. Your defense of the initial point is to create a completely different situation where players are declaring actions that require resolution. The vista example had no such declarations, and no input from the players to impact resolution at all -- it was just flipping over the next card in the Candyland deck.