So today, if you needed to design a dungeon for next week's session, you would bust out your graph paper and ruler and randomly determine every hallway and room using Ye Old Random Tables rather than pop onto Google image search and search "D&D dungeon" and find a suitable map?raises hand
I do all those things. The first draft of my homebrew setting map was made on graph paper during a slow period at work. I used tables to procedurally generate a wrecked post-apocalyptic neighborhood for my players to explore in a mid-sized modern city a couple months ago, and a different set of tables to determine the NPCs trapped in a flooded building with them.
You are addicted to doing too much prep work!
Hey, if it works for you, go for it. But WotC even puts sample maps in the back of the book because they know most people will take a map they find interesting and repurpose it.