Part of this debate has been about some of the things the DMG no longer provides. Your comment on randomly generated dungeons is a good example of something we simply don't need any more. If I want to randomly generate a dungeon they are just a quick search away. So the generators exist, easier to use and quicker than what we had back in the old DMG. Same thing goes for random encounter generators. A quick search for "d&d random encounter generator" gave me a page of results. The first result that came up:
D&D 5th Edition Random Encounter Generator - Goblinist let's you enter party makeup, how difficult you want the encounter to be, what environment. A chart in the DMG can't really compete with this, why should they try?
With WotC D&D, they've abandoned the idea that they need to control every aspect of the game with the OGL. In many ways they don't even try. For some people this is a bad thing, I think it's just acceptance of reality and opens up the door to creative solutions.