D&D (2024) DMG 2024: Is The Sandbox Campaign Dead?

Not liking them personally isn't the same thing as being fine with them no longer existing.

Hot take, around here at least. I'm indifferent to the existence of an officially supported 4e clone. Does that mean anything? I don't know that I am required to care about something because someone else does.

Does it work in reverse? If I like WotC, do I have to support their dissolution because others wish it?

Where is the obligation? What am I missing?

EDIT: I dont actually like WotC, they are a corporation. I could care less about them. Just to clarify before people start asking xD

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Because my character might be interested in something else? Anything else?

This talk of "your character has to be interested" or "make a PC who wants to go on this adventure" is a big red flag: this DM is willing to hammer player agency whenever it suits in favour of telling the players how to play their characters.

For brand new DMs, sure; as players we should cut 'em all the slack they need. Experienced DMs don't get that slack, however, as (due to being experienced) they should know what player agency means in principle and how best to foster it.
You are saying adventure path play has no agency and experienced GMs should avoid it. That is absolutely not the case.

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