Jedi Master
Have really been enjoying this discussion. For me, I like the fact that 5e can accommodate a wide range in party makeup and level of magical vs mundane. I'm currently involved in three campaigns, and only one of them I would consider highly magical.
Sorcerer, bard, barbarian, shadow monk/rouge assassin.
The other two campaigns have only one half caster each.
Rouge assassin, battle master fighter, hunter ranger.
Open hand monk, champion fighter, paladin.
On the other hand, I also get the appeal of the old school version of magic. It doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to modify to get a similar effect. Off the top of my head I would remove all attack cantrips (except Eldridge blast for warlock only). Full casters bump base save DC to 12 from 8, half casters to 10. EK and AT stay at 8 but get 1 attack cantrip. Full casters also can concentrate on multiple spells (equal to prof bonus) and can spend a bonus action to relight one if they lose concentration the previous turn. Probably need to allow for more magic item creation by PCs (at least scrolls) to move some magic back into the utility belt.
Is this too nerfed?
Sorcerer, bard, barbarian, shadow monk/rouge assassin.
The other two campaigns have only one half caster each.
Rouge assassin, battle master fighter, hunter ranger.
Open hand monk, champion fighter, paladin.
On the other hand, I also get the appeal of the old school version of magic. It doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to modify to get a similar effect. Off the top of my head I would remove all attack cantrips (except Eldridge blast for warlock only). Full casters bump base save DC to 12 from 8, half casters to 10. EK and AT stay at 8 but get 1 attack cantrip. Full casters also can concentrate on multiple spells (equal to prof bonus) and can spend a bonus action to relight one if they lose concentration the previous turn. Probably need to allow for more magic item creation by PCs (at least scrolls) to move some magic back into the utility belt.
Is this too nerfed?