D&D General Why is "OSR style" D&D Fun For You?

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Also Widsom and Intelligence did not do much at all in game and Charisma was limited in AD&D.

Intelligence let a magic user learn spells and gave his maximum number of spells in his book and at very high levels the maximum level of spells. But a Magic-User with a 9 intelligence had the same fireball and same charm person as a magic- user with a 19.

Wisdom gave a bonus to some saving throws and gave Clerics extra castings per day.

Those two stats were not very important for Magic-Users and Clerics respectively and they were completely irrelevant for other classes.

Charisma was meaningful during some social interactions, if the DM played that way, but often they did not.

Strength, Dexterity and Constitution affected melee attacks, missile attacks and hit points so these stats were relevant, but at the end of the day a level 6 Cleric with a 9 strength swinging a Flail was doing the same damage as a level six fighter swinging a longsword with a 15 strength and were pretty close to a fighter with a 17 ..... and since there were no Cantrips and Vancian casting those clerics (and wizards) were swinging weapons a lot in combat.


Golden Procrastinator
Also Widsom and Intelligence did not do much at all in game and Charisma was limited in AD&D.

Intelligence let a magic user learn spells and gave his maximum number of spells in his book and at very high levels the maximum level of spells. But a Magic-User with a 9 intelligence had the same fireball and same charm person as a magic- user with a 19.

Wisdom gave a bonus to some saving throws and gave Clerics extra castings per day.

Those two stats were not very important for Magic-Users and Clerics respectively and they were completely irrelevant for other classes.

Charisma was meaningful during some social interactions, if the DM played that way, but often they did not.
In AD&D, magic-users have to roll for each new spell they want to add to their spell books. Also, with a low INT they ran out of spells they can add, when they hit the threshold.

The bonus spells from wisdom are super important and quite a boost for clerics and druids.

Charisma is vital when you try to negotiate to avoid combats. Also, very important for henchmen and hirelings.


B/X Known World
In AD&D, magic-users have to roll for each new spell they want to add to their spell books. Also, with a low INT they ran out of spells they can add, when they hit the threshold.

The bonus spells from wisdom are super important and quite a boost for clerics and druids.

Charisma is vital when you try to negotiate to avoid combats. Also, very important for henchmen and hirelings.
And they have to find or research new spells. They don't get to just pick.

Voidrunner's Codex

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