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Wild Spellcraft


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Also the comparision between Mongoose's book and this is a bit pointless. They have nothing to do with each other and deal with entirely different subject matter. The only thing they have in common is that both have the word 'Wild' in the title.

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Zarrock wrote "Pdf products are difficult to measure against real books"

Then don't. Measure it against other PDFs.

Halifax wrote:
"Also the comparision between Mongoose's book and this is a bit pointless. They have nothing to do with each other and deal with entirely different subject matter."

First off, he didn't do a critical comparison of the two. He merely stated his interest and view of the two.

Second, they certainly are worth contrasting. Yes they are different, but they are both about a highly unpredictable form of magic. Sure they are different, but which one is right for you is a point worth considering.


Sigh... again with the percentile thing.

Okay, I can see your point if you just use the basic mishap table. But really, the meat of the book is the three tables in the back that divide mishaps into three categories. Those haves stretches that aren't in 5% increments.

Second, this is a table. When we are talking about straightforward resolution rolls, yes, please do use d20 if possible. But IMO tables really don't have a compelling reason to use a d20.

'nuff said.

The book's rating wasn't affected by how it measured up to printed products - I just mentioned that I thought they should have a separate ranking. I mostly rated it in comparison to the BoEMI and BoEMII (both of which are slightly better).
And yes, I didn't measure it directly up against Mongoose's product either. I do think that they are similar enough (as magical supplements if nothing else!) to contrast.
My main point is - I think gamers who prefer a more grim-and-gritty magical feel will find much more to love in Chaos Magic than they would in Wild Spellcraft. It is not a factor that detracts from the value of the work - I judged it on its own merits.
About the rating - it's a really good product (especially at the price) - but it's not superb enough to warrant a rating of 5/5 IMO. That's all... :)

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