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Wildwood Red in Tooth and Claw II [IC]


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"I don't believe you need to hide or banish your weapon Weylan, just lowering it should be fine. I do not think the badger will lash out at us as long as we remain non-threatening to it. Inamar did you find anything in your belongings that we could feed it..? That my assist us in befriending this animal"

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"I fear that the badger still suffers from many wounds, though the worst of them has been healed I fear he may still need healing. I can heal him again but that would limit my ability to heal any of use should we engage any more enemies before we reach the druid. I can also stabilize his wounds instead to at least halt the bleeding...If it allows me to that is...Inamar Did you find any of the rations you spoke of?" Turning his head slowly away from the wounded animal but keeping his preception still on the bader, Thelso peers at Weylan and Ennar "Weylan Ennar I also think we should search a little down this tunnel....If this badger is a pet of the druid he may be close by, I can give either of you the pendant should you want to scope things out."


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Weylan nods in agreement, "Yeah, I can scout ahead a bit while you tend to the critter. NR, would you follow up behind me in case we find something other than the druid?"


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Before Weylan and Ennar head off "Weylan take this should you meet up with the druid, If you do not have it he will attack." Thelso still close to the badger rises slowly and removes the pendant and reaches it out to Weylan. "Should you encounter anything dangerous or to much for the two of you to handle return here in haste. So Inamar and myself can assist you."


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"Here!" Inamar yelps, and yanks a brown hunk of jerky from her pack. "Sorry...things got all messed up when we were jostling around...but I found some!"

She gets up into an awkward-looking crouch that makes her torn tunic hang rather perilously and waddles over towards the badger, extending the meatlike thing in front of her.

"Here you goooo...gooooood boy... I can heal him some. I haven't used too much power yet."


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"That would be fine with me Inamar, I think with another healing the badger should be able to move. Or at least see friend from foe if it hasn't already."


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She puts the meal down in front of the badger and cautiously puts her hand on its head.

"Just relax," she croons, "this won't hurt...but it might feel a little weird..."

Words that weren't words...calling, empowering. The blue runes on her arm and hand flare brightly, and there's a white flash from where her hand touches the badger.

(Cure Light Wounds, 1d8+1, plus foooood...now can it be my teddy badger?! :))


The badger snarls low, warily, revealing dangerous looking teeth, but does not snap as Inamar comes closer. Its nose catches the scent of the meat and it sniffs the air, it actually licks its lips as Inamar holds out the treat before eyeing her warily again. When the meat is brought close it snaps down quick and gobbles up the jerky. Inamar has bought herself a little good will, enough she feels to get off a spell without having her hand chewed off.

Meanwhile Weylan begins to scout down the further tunnel, with NR4ZN following a good distance behind so as not to disrupt any stealth Weylan might achieve. The tunnel becomes shorter and the warzoder must double over to maneuver through the smaller passageway, which slows his progress.

The tunnel curves around for several hundred feet but has a discernible ascending grade to it. Eventually Weylan spies a root covered opening where some sunlight from above filters down to provide some natural illumination.

Voidrunner's Codex

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