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Wildwood RiTaC III Gannu Mines


Gravan is quickly able to gather some useful herbs after observing Inamar and Weylan's condition. These are to be steeped into a hot tea to be ingested.

[sblock]You diagnose their conditions as the onset of filth fever after its initial incubation period. You can treat the underlying disease in each (~10 minutes but needs to be done twice over two days each) and the symptoms (doubling ability damage healing from 1/day or 2/full rest day to 2 and 4/day respectively). One day of full rest under your care should get Weylan back to full recovery. Pressing on would mean he would still be suffering some symptoms (ability damage).[/sblock]

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"I think that we should stay put for a while, er, at least until this illness passes. It'll take about a day, maybe two if I feed you the wrong berries. We should at least wait until I have some tea for you. No sense fighting through the jungle while you're ill!" Gravan sets about preparing the herbal tea, humming cheerfully to himself.

Gravan's thoughts turn inward. Hmm, Tuor always said something about bedside manners, how they made people, ah, recover more quickly. What should I say? I need to think of something.

Once the tea is prepared, Gravan approaches his charges with a steaming kettle. "Ah, here you go. Um. Well drink up, you probably... won't die?"

Gravan smiles and nods at a job well done.


Taking the day to rest under Gravan's competent but not entirely reassuring care seems to do the trick.

Both Inamar and Weylan's fevers break and given another night's rest they have fully recovered from the effects. Gravan feels back in his right mind again as well. With the return of daylight and calm air the air turns warm and humid again.

During the day there are only a few periods of rain as lesser storms seem to move through the area and only one of them brings occasional thunder and lightning.

One of the lightning bolts does crash near to the party though, striking a tree that crashes within feet of NR4ZN.

NR4ZN [sblock]The bolt was close enough to set off electromagnetic sensors and for a warning diagnostic to report that normal insulation and electricity conductive rerouting systems are currently partially compromised, some systems would be at risk from direct exposure to external electrical current.[/sblock]

The storm has done a number on the woods. There are branches that broke off and crashed to the ground, occasional whole trees that were too rigid and snapped midway up the trunk, and some where the soil was loose and the trees toppled from the base exposing numerous roots and large amounts of soil. Sunlight pierces in among some new holes in the canopy and dapples on the moisture covered leaves.

The morning of the day after the full rest Rooth makes her way back to finding the trail of the goblins, the rains washed away tracks and she does not expect to see signs of their passing until the party comes upon an encampment of theirs. Also with fallen trees and debris the course of the trail is sometimes obscured and requires some ranging to pick it up again after blocked points and some awkward maneuvering to scramble over downed trunks.

Eventually the party does come upon what Rooth identifies as the goblins' encampment, places where a fire pit was excavated, wild strawberry plants that Rooth notes should have been bearing fruit are picked clean, and there is a little clearing space. A great tree is split by lightning and parts of it lie facing two different directions. At the base of the tree the bark is scorched and burned black and there is the chewed on but definitely burned corpse of a large wolf creature.

Looking around it appears lightning struck near here relatively closely multiple times.

Rooth also notes large numbers of odd tracks seeming to originate from here. Not worg, rat, or goblin, but some sort of large insectoid tracks. Odder yet Rooth finds two sets where the size of the marks seem to grow from tiny to increasingly large as if the creatures grew as they walked.

Drowned Hero

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Rooth frowns and looks worried as she explain the findings to the others 'has there been some sort of summoning here?' she asks out loud to no one in paticular.


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A little subdued from her sickness, though feeling much better, Inamar marvels as the group walks at the sheer power of the storm. The wind and rain, and the lightning! Shattering trees bigger around than she was! The thought of it was both scary and yet delightful...would she ever be able to grasp power like that? Once, the question would have been ludicrous. Now she looked at the markings crawling over her hands and arms...and wondered.

At the campsite she eyes the worg-chewed tree with some trepidation, but at Rooth's question she concentrates...trying to see what was behind the air here, if there were any traces of magic still drifting like smoke after a fire.

(Detecting Magic to see if there's a residual aura)


Shayuri said:
A little subdued from her sickness, though feeling much better, Inamar marvels as the group walks at the sheer power of the storm. The wind and rain, and the lightning! Shattering trees bigger around than she was! The thought of it was both scary and yet delightful...would she ever be able to grasp power like that? Once, the question would have been ludicrous. Now she looked at the markings crawling over her hands and arms...and wondered.

At the campsite she eyes the worg-chewed tree with some trepidation, but at Rooth's question she concentrates...trying to see what was behind the air here, if there were any traces of magic still drifting like smoke after a fire.

(Detecting Magic to see if there's a residual aura)

Inamar's eyes flash with a blue light as she concentrates and a second sight comes upon her. Vague shadows appear before her eyes, almost after images compared with the solid illuminations of her staff, the Gannu's knife, and the druid's cloak that Weylan now wears. These afterimages seem most concentrated over the corpse of the worg.


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Curiously, Inamar goes over to the dead wolfish body and hunkers down.

"There's a sort of...magic in the air here... Around the body."

She looks back at Rooth.

"Maybe they used magic to kill it. Or did something to the little...bugs and things that get into dead bodies?"


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"Or," Inamar goes on, gathering steam. "MAYBE...they -sacrificed- it!"

She points triumphantly at the beast's slit throat.

"And raised unholy DEMONS! Demons that feast on blood! Ugly and horrible, to drive anyone mad who sees them!"

She pauses at that and adds, "Except the goblins, of course."

Drowned Hero

First Post
Rooth looks at Inamar and the very dramatic behaiviour shaking her head. 'If we had moved into them on the start of the storm we migh have been able to stop this.... un-natural act'

Voidrunner's Codex

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