Will Favoured Soul be required to choose a God in AL?


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Not really. Based on my experience with both the DndNext playtest and UA- I don't assume that the UA material comes with anything more than barebones fluff. That and fluff doesn't really need playtesting and so could change with no notice and it wouldn't affect the features in any way.

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
The 4e FRCG gave different abilities to Chosen, based on which god they were chosen by.

Only if Favored Soul has a similar feature should it matter which god - if any - they follow.

Ex: if I have given my heart to Sune, but for some reason Asmodeus decides he likes me, will my powers and abilities become any different?


That guy, who does that thing.
Only if Favored Soul has a similar feature should it matter which god - if any - they follow.

That makes sense -- it's the mechanical explanation for why clerics must choose a patron deity, because a cleric can only select a domain offered by the patron.

With that said, Kalani's point is still valid -- even if the Favored Soul's divine connection is primarily fluff, the AL admins might well choose to enforce that fluff within the AL campaign, not unlike the way that characters making use of the monstrous races from Volo's Guide are required to select a faction even though faction membership is optional for other characters. Similarly, AL rules override even the cleric domain rules by allowing any cleric, regardless of patron, to select the Life domain. So it's not impossible that there may be some AL-specific guidance given on this part of the Favored Soul ability.

It's interesting to speculate, but not worth getting bent out of shape over something we don't yet know for certain.



I got it from Jeremy Crawford at Dallas Epicon weekend before last, but it will only be official when it's official from AL

Part of the reasoning is that X will contain the spells (etc?) from the Elemental Companion, so AL folks aren't going to be forced to choose between X and E.

It's a good and logical move, and still keeps the AL buy-in manageable. YMMV.


That guy, who does that thing.
Part of the reasoning is that X will contain the spells (etc?) from the Elemental Companion, so AL folks aren't going to be forced to choose between X and E.

If that were the case, I'd expect that the admins would already have done this with the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide, since that book also contains some of the legal races from the EE Player's Companion, and races are a more generally applicable rules item than spells are.

Not to mention that, were such a rule to be made, it would be the equivalent of declaring the Xanathar's Guide to be an additional 'core book', and thus something that the D&D team uses to playtest new rules against -- I don't really see that happening. One of the big reasons for PH + 1 is to ensure that all legal AL combos have at least, in theory, been playtested prior to publication -- allowing XTE and other books to combo undoes that protection.

Given Skerrit's comment, I'd definitely wait for confirmation before planning to combo up more than two books.


Voidrunner's Codex

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