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Will you accept fudging?

How much fudging would you tolerate?

  • 10 – I’ll accept constant fudging, all the time.

    Votes: 8 3.2%
  • 9

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • 8

    Votes: 9 3.6%
  • 7

    Votes: 10 4.0%
  • 6

    Votes: 11 4.3%
  • 5 – I’ll accept occasional fudging.

    Votes: 88 34.8%
  • 4

    Votes: 16 6.3%
  • 3

    Votes: 25 9.9%
  • 2

    Votes: 28 11.1%
  • 1

    Votes: 24 9.5%
  • 0 – I won’t no fudging, ever.

    Votes: 32 12.6%


Practically, what el-remmen said. But, I voted as 1 because I don't want any fudging to occur unless something really really horrible happened (like, the GM made a character-threatening mistake).

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Jolly Giant

First Post
I voted 1. I'm not a fan of fudging, either as DM or player, and prefer fudging to be used only to rectify a potentially lethal mistake on the DMs behalf.

Most of my group seem to enjoy the "let the dice fall as they will" style of play, and we've never had a DM screen.

The exception is the guy who is currently is the DM, who fudges a bit much for my taste (only in the PCs favour though). However, he makes brilliant adventures, interesting NPCs, good descriptions of everything we see and he singlehandedly designed the game we're playing, so I guess I can live happily with his fudging for quite some time. ;)

PS: Sometimes he will bring a bottle of good whiskey to the gameing table, which -IMHO- is an excellent quality for a fellow gamer to have! :D
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I would prefer that it doesn't occur at all but when it does there is a reason and I don't mind knowing about it.

In one of our last fights the DM forgot we were in a darkness spell and the monsters couldn't sneak which caused my character to take a fair bit more damage than he should so he died. When the druid nipped over to cast revivify on me he discovered he had forgotten to buy the components. The DM allowed him to have 1 component to bring me back in return for the fact I maybe shouldn't have gone down.

Occasionally I don't mind that kind of stuff but I don't want the DM fudging the dice all the time to secretly keep us alive - its hard to hide if they do it often enough

Ranger REG

Quasqueton said:
As a Player (as opposed to as a DM), how often are you willing to accept a DM fudging to save your PC?
Fudging to save my PC? To be personally, brutally, deep-down-inside honest, hell yeah, I can accept! No matter what style of game.


But I'd be willing to talk to the DM to tone it down as I do not want the other players to notice the favoritism. I tell the DM to throw them a bone once in a while.


Jolly Giant said:
I voted 1. I'm not a fan of fudging, either as DM or player, and prefer fudging to be used only to rectify a potentially lethal mistake on the DMs behalf.

Ditto. Anything more than that makes me feel like it really doesn't matter what I do or what decisions -- god or bad -- I make. IME, DMs that fudge a lot do so for one of two reasons:

1) The Altruistic Reason: They don't want anyonre to feel like a loser, so they save PCs from a well deserved death. It's a nice gesture, but not only does it kill suspense and suspension of disbelief, it also tends to reward bad player and/or character behavior and decision making

and 2) The Selfish Reason: The DM has a story to tell, and your character has a part to play. Your 1st level fighter can't get ganked by the kobolds that just ambushed you because you're supposed to discover you're the king's illegitimate son three months down the line and take the throne by the time you're 12th level. No thanks. I'll decide my own fate, thanks.

As a DM and the occasional player i prefer to never ever have to experience Fuding, For number of reasons already mentioned.
I feel that if the players made a huge mistake then they deserve to pay for it, just like in real life. Now if it because of a mistake on my part i will try to fix it without them ever knowing. I have an unforgiving group. My brother who was 14 at the time Dmed his first game ever is Star Wars d20 and hes still taking heat for a characters name. So i cant really afford to let my players know i made a mistake, especially when it comes to making judgement calls.
As a player i dont want the Dm saving my character or altering rolls at all, especially if he can do it for the NPC's too. As a DM if the players manage to foil my BBEG before they where supposed to, then congrats to them. I have had one too many DM's have me or my fellow PC's lose or have the villain escape because we where to good, or start secret rolls so he can lie about the results.
I prefer all rolls in the open, with the numbers to be achieved kept secret (ac, dc, sr, whatever).

Ranger REG

Role-Playing Game Manifesto

These rules are written in paper, not etched in stone tablets.
Rules are suggested guidelines, not required edicts.
If the rules says you can't do something, you can.
There are no official answer, only official opinions.
When dice conflict with the story, the story wins.
Min/Maxing aren't problems with the games; they're problems with the players.
The Game Master has full discretionary power the game.
The Game Master always works with, not against, the players.
Okay so I violate that part above ... a lot ... but at least I'm consistently sadistic and cruel. :]
A game that is not fun is no longer a game -- it's a chore.
The rules contains the answer to all things.
When the above does not apply, make it up.

Agree or Disagree?


First Post
fudging? no thanks!

I would much rather lose a favorite PC than to have the DM bail me out. Let the dice fall where they may! Crit happens! Down with the safety nets!

I play Dungeons and Dragons not shoots'n'ladders... :p
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Wut LostSoul said.

Don't fudge. I prefer to see almost all die rolls in the open. If I die, I die. Gives me a chance to try a new character. Dying is part of the game. Besides, spectacular death is pretty memorable anyway.

Voidrunner's Codex

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