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Winners of the "Name That Mechamorph" contest announced!


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To help get the word out about the new Horizon mini-RPG Mechamorphosis, and give our brains' creative centers a break, we've decided to open up some of the development to you, the fans.

Okay, granted, we're just asking for names. But still, it's a contribution!

Come up with cool names for these three mechamorphs, and post your ideas here. If we use your name in the book, it'll see print and you'll get Special Thanks credit, and of course all of our contributers receive comp copies of the book.

As a bit of background, the scout and guardian morphs are good guys (Exiles) while the cell phone is a spy for the dastardly Tyrants.

Have fun!


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Green Knight

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I nominate Cypher for the cell phone. A couple definitions for the word "Cypher".

a quantity of no importance
a person of no influence
a secret method of writing
a message written in a secret code
convert ordinary language into code

The first two definitions signifying his size. Nobody'll think much about a bad guy who's that small. As far as everyone is concerned, he's a "quantity of no influence or importance".

The latter three definitions refer to his abilities. He's an infiltrator, and he took the form of a communications device because of his job, which is to hide behind enemy lines and spy on the enemy, then send back coded messages to his allies of any weaknesses which he uncovers.

Which brings us back to the first two definitions. A "quantity of no importance". Nobody thinks much of him, and because of that and his area of expertise, he can potentially be one of the most devastating bad guys around. The good guys will be there scratching their heads wondering how all their secrets were uncovered, and it'll never occur to them to consider that this miniscule, insignificant robot was instrumental in their defeat.
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Green Knight

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I nominate Quicksand for the dune buggy guy. Here's a definition of "quicksand".

a treacherous situation that tends to entrap and destroy

That guy's a Scout, therefore part and parcel of his job is to prepare the battlefield ahead of the main force, and make it as advantageous as possible for his side. With his alternate form, he's more then likely a specialist when it comes to combat along shorelines and deserts. And like many predators indigenous to those kinds of terrains, he's also highly skilled in hiding in the sand. He's also probably adept at setting traps. So his particular skills most likely revolve around him laying traps in that kind of terrain to disable, confuse, and delay the enemy, as well as hiding in the sands, himself, until he can spring up unexpectedly and strike. In short, his role is to entrap the enemy so that his comrades can destroy them.
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Guardian: Hawkwind or Gyre

Scout: Backtrack or Trailblazer

Cellphone: Cold Call

Btw, I hope the cell phone really is tiny, and not one of those 50 foot robots the shrinks down to a cellphone, 'cause that was like the one thing that annoyed me about the Transformers. Regardless, I'm stoked for this game to be released. :)

Green Knight

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A couple suggestions made by someone I know, and who I'm shamelessly stealing the credit from (He's not an RPG player, so he doesn't much care for getting a free copy of this or any other book). ;)

Rubble (Scout)
Dervish (Guardian)
Punchline (Spy)
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C. Baize

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Had to remove one that someone else already mentioned.

Scout = Whiplash; Crashcourse; Roostertail (that big spray of sand/dirt that flies up when spinning the tires really fast on the appropriate terrain); Headwind; Q-Blast (because it looks like a Quad); Spinout; 4by (4 wheel drive vehicle); Wheelie; Windup (the sound the engines on those things makes)... Ugh... done on that one...

Guardian = Divebomb; Props; Skytearer (yes... I spelled that correctly... for tearing through the sky, but out loud it's a double entendre); Spinblade; Sentinel; Choptop; Buzzcut; Rotor; Patch (Phonetic shortening of "Apache" for the chopper... I don't know exactly what kind of chopper it's supposed to be, though); Crossfire; Wingman... I'm tapped, for this one, too...

Cellphone = Ringtone; DTC (Doesn't Take Calls.... or Down The Center :) ); Long Distance; 911; Broadband; Landline (ironic name)... I can't think of any for this one...
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