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Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

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The Heart of Nightfang Spire - Chapter 1

Gnarly flying octopi-things that kicked our asses...

The Heart of Nightfang Spire - Chapter 1

OOC Notes:

Experience breaks down as follows:

Dravot: 2255
Jozan: 2592
Kayleigh: 2592
Rackhir 1917
Scorch: 1917
Valanthe: 2592

Loot List:

What we got and who has it at the moment:

3 gems at 50gp ea (general)
potion of neutralize poison (general)
potion of invisibility (general)
ring of blue stone (transmutation magic, Rackhir)
10 +1 arrows (Rackhir)
Cloak of elvenkind (Kayleigh)

This Week’s Adventure:

Given the generosity and nature of Lord Gelban’s reward, there seemed only one thing to do – go shopping. I had been thinking that while my bow has been a wonderful asset, perhaps it should be replaced with something more suited to the horrors we’ve been encountering. So with Aran’gel in tow, we set off towards the High Market.

I have never shopped for anything quite of this quality before, and while I was familiar with the Greyhawk market, I was unsure what to expect when asking for something this nature. I knew I wanted to go back to my preferred composite bow – it was much easier to shoot from horseback and I wanted the stronger pull of my old bow. I also found the flaming properties of my current bow to be quite effective and was hoping to find something similar. We stopped at two shops and looked at what they had, but I didn’t find anything that suited me. A third shop was suggested by Aran’gel and we went inside.

It was more of a house than a shop, but there were a number of fine elven bows on racks on the wall. An aging elf came out from another room and greeted us, mentioning it was pleasant to see Aran’gel again but didn’t seem to know him by name.

I told him what I was seeking in a new bow. He paused and looked me over – I was asking for a fairly expensive item and he was certainly considering if I could afford such a thing. I’ve made many changes in the past months, and my wardrobe was of course among them, but I was certainly not dressed as a high Lady. After a moment of reflection, he walked over to a rack on the wall and removed a bow and brought it to me.

This was not a bow for my purchase however – this was clearly just a test. I gave the bow a thorough inspection and made several remarks. He nodded approvingly. He was trying to determine the type of person who he was selling to, and I in turn was examining a sample of his work. I handed the bow back to him, having established that he is a skilled craftsman and that I was no average bowman, and we then began in earnest. I debated removing my gloves and allowing him to see the mark of the Champion but somehow that seemed a cheap tactic and unappealing.

He then brought several bows of fine quality before me. Some were longbows and some composite but all magical. I looked over each in turn, ending with a fine bow. I asked for an explanation of its construction and was pleased with the details. The bow was wrapped in bark as a final covering from a birch sapling and it had the look and feel of silk and a warm golden-white sheen. Over this was arcane scrollwork written in gold ink. The string was a finely spun silk. Through all my detailed questions the gentleman answered patiently but was uncertain if I would be able to afford this most expensive of the bows he showed me. Aran’gel was simply standing there, amused by the whole thing.

He really can be quite delightful when he’s smiling. More on that later though.

I also inspected the dweomer of the bow and nodded. It had the level of enchantment I sought and the blazing property that worked so well on Gulthias creations. I willed the bow ablaze and was pleased, and let the flames die.

He asked if I would like to shoot it, waving a hand towards the back of the house. Through two doorways, a cabinet and an open window there was a small strip of land out back, and a target hung at the far end, some 50 yards away. Aran’gel was watching me more closely – another subtle test perhaps? So be it.

Rather than leave the house, as this seemed to be the focus of the test, I simply took an arrow from my quiver, and drew. The draw on the bow was heavy and felt good – my current bow was too easy to pull and the arrows too slow as a result. I slowly released the tension and commented to Aran’gel casually about the pull, then quickly looked up and snapped the shot at the target. The arrow landed with a satisfying thump and was easily a hand’s width into the target.

The elf just smiled sightly.

Aran’gel, who preferred the longbow to a composite, asked if I would be comfortable firing it quickly. He was hiding a smile as he asked the leading question. I shrugged and said “Good question.” And promptly dropped three shots into the target next to the first one. He walked over so he could see the target out the window, and said “Hm. Within a gold piece,” as if it were merely adequate. I smiled back at him and said “Well there is a slight breeze you know.”

The elf smiled slightly more, and nodded. Seems I had just earned some credibility at least.

Now that I had a bow I was pleased with, there was the matter of the deal itself. I produced my current bow from my quiver and let him examine it, saying I would like to trade this as part of the deal. He gave it a cursory examination and nodded and we began talking of price. I have little skill for this, but fortunately the man was not a cutthroat. We arrived at a price of 14,400 gold for the bow and while I might have done better, I was pleased at having precisely what I was seeking. I gave him the letters of mark from Lord Gelban, which he accepted without question as well as the necessary cash and some of the sleep arrows I’d been carrying around, and we left with my new purchase. Of course we spent the next several blocks debating the merits of longbows and composite bows. It seems to come down to a style thing – I find the size and power more manageable whereas he finds the longbow better in the types of fighting he does.

I was a bit stunned at having spent quite so much money in a single item, but my life has changed greatly, and this just seemed one more drop in the bucket. Since I had some coin left to me, we stopped in the low market for a magical backpack. Not a very useful item in battle, but the utility was unquestionable.

After that business was done, we wasted the rest of the day walking, talking and (to a large degree) drinking. There was a common room Aran’gel knew with a rather unusual concoction. It was . . . rather effective.

We had about a week and a half before I had to return to Shand, and Aran’gel would depart for Highfolk. Scorch was scribing spells and everyone else was making their own preparations, so we had some time to pass. We spent the days on furthering my training – I could tell Aran’gel was at least trying to get me to the point of being somewhat self-teaching knowing we would only be able to work together intermittently. He regretted that he would have to leave me so soon, but was hoping that Lord Gelban could arrange something to help us in the future with my training.

As for the evenings, we spent them talking, or laughing or (once again) drinking. One night it was gambling and we managed to leave a few gold richer than we entered. Another it was a concert. I was enjoying the chance to get to know him more, and he seemed to be returning more to what I imagine he was before Ravenna struck.

I was of course curious as to what he would do regarding his arm. Dravot had seen to it that his arm could be fully returned to normal if Aran’gel wished it. Aran’gel however was hesitant. While the trauma of it all seems to have passed behind him, the metal arm was a scab that he liked to pick at. He also enjoyed the discomfort it gave others on some level. I’ve been encouraging him to release it and have his hand restored but he was not listening much. At least he wasn’t, until I mentioned something about the attributes of living flesh as opposed to cold metal, and then I think he gave the matter thought on a rather different level. Some times men must be led in spite of themselves…

We spoke on any number of subjects. One of them was of course the Champions. I had been considering a visit home some time soon, and I was quite distressed about how to handle it all. I’m afraid I must have sounded like a babbling idiot. But I was nervous – I had no idea how my parents would react or if I would be welcomed. I had thought that a Champion was always a Champion – I didn’t know they “sparked” as he liked to say. What would happen when I went home? Was there someone I had to speak to? What would my parents think? Should I not mention Aran’gel’s name?

I blithered like this quite a bit.

He was generally patient and understanding. "Champions are not born, except in the fires of combat, any more than a hero is born. As it was for me, so it was for you, and so it has been since the Awakening. Learned from the bow of the First Archer during the War of the Storm Lords, in peril with the dark spider-lovers. Some say it was a boon from the Moonbow herself, in our time of greatest need. Some say that dwarves can cook well. Who can say?"

He also told me that I would not need to tell “someone”. One thing he made clear about Celene...the Queen knows from whence her Champions come and whither they go. Once someone has 'sparked', the Queen and her court mages have ways of tracking the comings and goings of the Champions within the borders of Celene, or at least near enough to court. When I return, they shall know it. The Queen may even wish to see me.

At one point I just looked at him and asked “So when were you planning to tell me?”

He sighed, and rolled his eyes to the heavens. He leaned against the nearby wall and crossed his arms before he answered. "I suppose I would have mentioned it, sooner or later. After I thought you wouldn't react...oh, like you are now, I'll say.”

I just glared at him, trying to look more serious than I felt at his jest.

“I left court to live my life as Aran'gel, not the second Prince Brightflame. I am still an elf, just as you are. If I could make it so, I'd gladly lose my title...but wishing never makes a thing. You might claim I ran, and perhaps you'd be right...but I did not leave for cowardice, and when my people called, I was there."

I answered him "I'd never claim you ran. You are not such a man. I am not your judge and you must go where your path takes you. And I can see why you would not trumpet your title loudly. "

I couldn’t resist and started grinning a girlish grin. “But imagine me telling my sister of what an interesting man I had met and what I might have said when she told me your birthright?”

“I do not keep my heritage secret, Kayleigh. Neither do I point it out...to anyone. I wish to be known for who I am, not who birthed me. My mother and brother cast long shadows...and sometimes one needs to step into the light on their own. I would have told you, but after you were more confident in your skills. Just the knowledge I was a champion was enough to make you awed...that I was a prince, as well? Perhaps I did you a disservice, but there was no mischief in it, please believe that. There are no ranks among our kind. All champions are equal to another, in our eyes. Some have more skill or experience, but we are all of us of a kind. We answer no summons but the Queen, and even that begrudgingly.”

I nooded at that. “Fair enough. You were certainly told by Lord Gelban of my birth and rank, but perhaps didn't realize that I am used to rank, but there as you say there was no mischief in that. I have always placed more stock in the man than the title. But given my father, I surely understand what you mean about stepping out of the shadow they cast.”

What caught my ear more was his statement about the Queen. I had not realized the Champions were so autonomous. I have much to learn.

“As to your family? They will accept it or they won't. I am certainly no expert on how to deal with that. But if they love you, as I know they must, then they will adapt, one way or the other. I know of your father, at least...and while he may have trouble with what you've become, I doubt very much he will not be proud.”

Again I was smiling madly. “He has never had any trouble being proud. Enough of all this. You've convinced me - I am what I am, and others shall do what they will. And I will do as I have done this last year - follow my own path.”

As the days went by something else became clear. At first Aran’gel was conflicted – he saw me as a student that needed instruction but was also found me attractive and that was difficult for him. However as he has seen me come to a better understanding of my abilities as a Champion, and knows now that I know of his heritage and am not awed by it. He was realizing that there would be no evil in a relationship with me and was much more at ease with my casual flirtations. Over the days we definitely became more than just a student and teacher but the change is slow and subtle, as with most things where elves are involved.

Lord Gelban was showing an unusual level of urgency about our mission. We had determined to wait twelve days before departing. This was largely to give Scorch time to acquire and scribe new spells. After a week, Lord Gelban was becoming more ill at ease but simply verified we were still planning to leave shortly. During this time we each spent time largely on our own, or in selected company as the case may be. Jozan commented he saw a great deal of traffic in and out of the city, largely refugees from Geoff. He also heard the Duke was planning an attack on the giants.

On the morning of the twelfth day, the portal was activated for our return to Shand. While they were finishing with the portal, he and I said our goodbyes. He gave me a phantom moonflower and I was touched. Where he got it from I couldn’t possibly guess as they do not grow anywhere save elven forests and at night, they sparkle like a lightning bug. He wished me luck, and I leaned up and kissed him for the first time, which he returned warmly. And as it ended, I could hear Scorch shouting outside for me to hurry before the portal collapsed. I pinned the blossom to my blouse, and with a quiet smile I left.

We stepped through the portal and looked around. The area had been fortified in the time since we left, with many of Lord Gelban’s guards about to aid in the defense. There were also a great number of animals and large predators in the woods, surely recruited by the druids to defend the Great Map.

We ask if there have been any attacks or attempts to re-take the map. There have been no attacks, but they do have word of troop movements by Iuz. One of the Greater Boneheart, Venom, has a mass of 25,000 orcs and ogres that are moving into the Rift Canyon. The rebels in the Rift are apparently causing trouble but that information is unreliable. Venom is known to be a powerful wizard but little more is known of him. The troops moved in seven days ago and have not been seen since.

We are given directions to reach Nightfang Spire, and we head out at a brisk pace. Obviously the roads are certain death for us so we keep well clear of them. After several hours, we catch sight of a huge dust cloud. It’s a force of 30,000 gnolls heading southward. The advance scouts spotted me but did not seem to notice the rest of the group and were unconcerned by a single elf. [OOC Note: I was rolling only two things tonight – really really low, or a 20. My hide check rolled low.] We retreated deeper into the woods. They are carrying a standard but not of Iuz – it was Chavram’s banner. We simply stared at each other silently in shock. We retreated even deeper into the woods to try to put some space between us and them. Apparently a few of them saw me, but it was not worth more than a few pot shots from their crossbows.

Towards evening we are moving through the deep forest. Suddenly several arrows land in the trees near us – one near each of us. It was clearly a warning. We stopped immediately but did not draw any weapons. I removed the arrow casually and examined it – it was a fine make and of a vaguely elvish style but still somewhat crude. We all stay still as Valanthe goes to scout the area.

The telepathic contact of the dragon scales showed it’s worth as Valanthe was able to keep us updated as she moved out. She quickly found the group of wild elves that were carefully watching us. She was so close as to be in their midst but we cautioned her that they would be a very jumpy lot and suddenly appearing would not be good for her or us. She make a less threatening appearance and spoke with them. (Interestingly their leader was also a champion – she had the mark and the glow of the arrow on her bow. I didn’t realize it crossed all the elven communities but it is logical once I considered it.) We had not realized we were trespassing on their territory. Valanthe explained we were merely passing through and meant no harm, and we would exit as soon as possible.

I briefly debated attempting a conversation with my kindred spirit but since the situation was under control there was no sense risking more. We were true to our word and moved quickly through their lands. We set no fire and caused no disturbance. They were always near watching us, sometimes getting as close as a stones-throw when I was alone on guard, but they would not speak to me.

After three days later when we emerged from the Faustwood into a scraggly rocky land. There were no sign of the grand roads of the Shield Lands here – just lots of low scrub and rocks. There were several signs of troop movement in the area but none that were recent. We periodically see a burned out farm but all of them have been abandoned for years.

Another day later, we begin to see the southern edge of the mountain range. We also see a small city, or what remains of it. The gates were smashed from the inside and the walls didn’t fare much better. The town was laid to waste – surely there were giants involved. From the number of skeletons it was clear nobody remained to bury the dead. This is most likely the ruins of Aetherstone, not far from the border with the Theocracy of the Pale. The town probably was home to 30,000 people. It was smashed at least 20 years ago though. On the walls at odd places are the symbol of Drawmij – most unusual. Near the symbols were always some fresh plantings (within the last couple months). The plants have a faint magical aura. We decide not to risk further investigation on something so unrelated to our mission.

As we moved further into the low hills, the wildlife began disappearing until there was nothing left once we reached the peaks. Dravot faintly made out the trail to the old north road that was in our instructions. [OOC Note: we have nobody in the party with any kind of wilderness skills at all so it’s easy to see how we missed the warning signs the wild elves left us, or how we are lucky to find a trail even if it does have a neon sign over it.] Nightfang Spire was supposed to be near a series of Menhir rings. Except for some occasional weak weeds, there was a complete lack of life. We followed the road and the walls gradually rose higher and higher, until they were some two thousand feet above us as the road sloped into the crevasse. Eventually we saw a stony fang thrusting up from the canyon floor. Wider at the base, it tapered gradually ending at the top in jagged stone splinters three hundred feet above us. The high canyon walls cloaked the spire in shadow but we could see the carved sides covered with porticos, faces, ledges, gargoyles, and other baleful textures. At the base, a small stone structure abutted the spire. It was a small dry mortared building that was old, but not as old as the spire itself. All around the base the ground was covered with some kind of vine – odd given the lack of vegetation to this point. And there was of course the unmistakable smell of evil. Valanthe moved closer and scouted around the tower – she could make out some shapes in the building – possibly bodies. As she scouted, a storm was rolling in.

We elected to make camp and enter on the morning. We took shelter against the cliff wall from the rain and kept a vigilant watch, but the night brought nothing but rain and thunder.

In the morning we prepare and move closer. There is clearly something amiss with the vines around the base. There is a faint tinkling sound in the air near the vines. Someone realizes it is blightvine, and once close the music will lure you to sleep until you die. This presented quite an obstacle and we were at a loss on how to clear the vines. Rackhir finally used two of the explosive arrows (made with the material from the Brotherhood pirate ship) to clear a path. (I wager he was tired of waiting to use the arrows in that way.)

Just after the vines were cleared, there was another crack of lightning, but this time much closer. A bolt descended into the crevasse and struck Scorch, burning him badly. We found ourselves once again under some type of (we assumed) druidic attack. We quickly crowded into the small stone building as the only shelter from the lightning.

There was hardly enough room for us all with the corpses – 14 in all. Most were vermin but there were several humans and one wild elf. The oldest body was some six months dead. The wild elf was oddly well equipped carrying a quiver with ten magical arrows, a bow (broken) and a cloak, also magical. (I examined the cloak and it was a cloak of elvenkind, making me glad I had not purchased one on my shopping trip. I fastened it on my shoulders for the time being.) The elf also had some coin, and a note that said “Flee fool, lest the cuckoo slay you”.

[OOC: 10 +1 arrows, 23p 10g, cloak of elvenkind. The note has something to do with the Standing Stone module, which we made fun of for a bit before resuming.]

Valanthe went up the tower to attempt to find our attacker. On the tower sides are carved chutes, that may lead inside. However the window structures we saw from the ground were just shadowy carvings. At the top, the spire was open and the rim lined with jagged shards of stone. Inside Valanthe could make out a bizzare mound of flesh with writhing tentacles – it was casting spells and preparing, presumably for us.

[OOC Note: As we sat down to begin the night’s game, the module was sitting on the table. I asked to see it, and looked at the cover, stating that I wanted to see what we’d be fighting. You see in the Sunless Citadel and in the Forge of Fury, the covers both depicted a significant combat in the module. As a group of players, we’re no dummies, and we figured that HoNfS would follow this pattern. And on the cover are the heros flying around, and a large tentacled beast fighting them. So we were right – there it was. Nobody expected to have to fight it so SOON tho.]

Valanthe observed it and could tell its senses were very keen – Rackhir borrowed the new cloak and stuck his head outside to have it nearly blasted by lightning, and the small builiding shook around us. How Valanthe remained undetected was something of a miracle. [OOC and an amazingly high hide and move silently] We knew it could not take another blast like that, and we scattered. Upon seeing us move, the beast rose up from the tower to destroy us.

[OOC: It’s a mooncalf. Let’s just accept that we know the name and move on. Round 1]

I had no target and was forced to wait until the mooncalf crested the tower and came towards the ground at us. I fired but forgot the pull of my new bow and missed wildly. Rackhir fired but his arrow just bounced off – magic would be required for this beast. Jozan hardened himself against the elements while Scorch turned himself into an umber hulk and began tunneling below the ground. Valanthe waited for an opportunity as the mooncalf descended.

[OOC: Round 2]

Seeing this great monster nearly falling at us, with it’s mass of tentacles and long reach, I tended to my own defense and put up a shield. Rackhir fired and this time, using magical arrows, landed some of his shafts. The rest of the group could do little but wait as the beast plummeted 300 feet towards us. During its descent, Valanthe jumped on it and struck, and then jumped back. It flicked a tentacle as she did and nicked her.

[OOC: Round 3]

I moved back and shot a single arrow. It landed well enough but the magical protections the beast had cast snuffed the flaming arrow. Rackhir fired and hit with two arrows. Scorch was still tunneling below the ground. Dravot invoked a harrier and a wispy bird of light came into being and flew at the mooncalf. The calf dropped another ten feet and launched its tentacles at Rackhir which lashed at him and picked him up and continued to squeeze. Jozan swung at the beast but could not strike a solid blow.

In our minds we could hear a rasping sound saying “You shall not enter the tower….the spire is held by Gulthias and he has told me to keep you ouuuuut….you shall sleep with the vines…”

Valanthe, undisturbed, jumped back on the top of the beast and drove her venomous dagger into its back.

[OOC: Round 4]

Far enough away to avoid attack but still close enough for controlled shooting, I open fire, landing two more arrows. Rackhir burst free of the tentacles and fell to the ground, and as he did, Jozan attacked one of the appendages. Dravot invoked a Recitation. Scorch burst out of the ground and launched a volley of magic missiles at the mooncalf. Meanwhile on its back, Valanthe chose carefully and landed a well placed blade, and a flood of ichor was released as she cut it above the eye. The mooncalf was screeching “No…it cannot happen…no…” It flung its tentacles at the umber hulk Scorch and grabbed him with such force as to nearly break him in half. Scorch screamed and fell unconscious in an instant. [OOC: Scorch was mostly healed from the lightning bolt but the damage was so massive from the mooncalf he was at –8 hp. We thought he was actually dead, but we checked Polymorph self and there is a small healing component which was enough to keep him above –10. We were already worried seeing how badly it hurt Rackhir, and we were not quite concerned. We tend to keep a running damage number and this beast had already taken a huge amount of damage and was not slowing down. We were not sure we could kill it in time to save Scorch.]

[OOC: Round 5]

Finally feeling the new bow, I land three solid shots on the beast. Rackhir also hit several shots. Jozan waited beneath the beast for Scorch’s near-lifeless body to fall if the beast discards him. Dravot moved closer and healed Scorch enough to bring him conscious. The mooncalf discarded Scorch and he fell into Jozan’s waiting arms. The tentacles on the beast flailed around looking for Valanthe and wrap around her. However Valanthe immediately wriggled free and leapt to the ground.

[OOC: Round 6 and we are worried. We haven’t been this worried since Nightscale was kicking our butts.]

Rackhir and I both let arrows fly again and again landed solidly. Rackhir’s shots struck some vital organs by the amount of foul blood that gushed out [OOC: 2 crits out of 3 shots]. The beast lurched in the air and crashed into the ground, landing on Dravot and Jozan. Fortunately the battered Scorch managed to dive free. As it’s form bled and deflated, it hissed at us once more “Though I have failed to ward the door, Gulthias knows you have come and he makes his revenge ready. Let the world weep at his return…”

The top of the spire is hollowed out and filled with the stench of rotting meat. There is a half eaten corpse of a black dragon laying atop a pile of coins. In the center is a rough hole into the inner spire. On examining the pile of coins we saw some movement within the pile. A long white hand emerged and tossed a scroll to the side of the pile and went back into the pile. Dravot sensed three wights within the pile upon being lifted up by a draconic Scorch. He invoked Pelor’s wrath, combined with his own special hatred, and destroyed them utterly.

In the pile we found three gems (50gp ea), a potion of invisibility, a potion of neutralize poison, and a ring of blue stone with some type of transmutation magic which is in Rackhir’s hands. Also we found a plaque that had writing in draconic: “The Vow: With my brothers and sisters I abide the centuries until Gulthias awakens the relic at the core and we rise together into unlife.” The coins came to 450gp and 4234 sp.

From Dravot’s Journal:

Much has happened since our journey from Brindinford. We had a brief stop in Greyhawk before continuing on to the lands near Tenh. With Gelban's help, I commissioned an agent to locate new housing suitable to someone of my recently elevated station. In anticipation of this, I spent much time packing my belongings from my apartment in the Temple; afterward I cleaned my gear for our trip with Arang'el, and spent a lot of time in prayer and meditation.

My newfound status still takes some getting used to. Being the 3rd of 4 sons, I grew up with the notion that I wouldn't ever be liege lord of Brindinford. This was fine, as my interests in following Pelor would have conflicted somewhat with this anyway. Now my father is dead (or should be, instead of being in his currently horrid state), my eldest living brother will abdicate, and my other brother is in the same state as my father. I will inherit the estate, the title and all responsibility therein. In preparation, I have started brushing up on law, so that I can discharge my new found duties in an appropriate fashion.

Thora informs me that her search on my behalf goes well. Xavener has expressed an interest that we look to Xel Astra or the Northern Kingdoms. I have informed her that this would be fine, but that I would not stand for a marriage to any child of Drax.

The recent trip has given me more time to think about other matters. The spot where I have been marked is still upon my arm. I have absent mindedly rubbed at it for quite some time now, as if I could remove it like it were dirt or a stain. It is now red, raw and inflamed, which only draws my attention to it that much more. On our trip to Brindinford, the idea popped into my head that I could remove the mark (which I have researched as a variant of a Mark of Apostasy) by removing my arm.

I threw away that notion as extreme and desperate, but I keep coming back to it. I've tried everything I've thought of to remove it, spells, positive energy, prayer. All to no avail. It would seem that more physical action is needed. While we were in town, I decided that it needed to be done, and began to make arrangements: when we returned to Greyhawk, I would remove my arm, and thus remove this horrible stain upon my soul.

I'm not sure when exactly I changed my mind. Looking back, I think it was what I saw of the aftermath of the battle that killed Arang'el's men. I found an arm, still clutching a bow, severed from the body of the man that previously bore it. I looked around, but couldn't find the person to whom it belonged. This disturbed me greatly. The next morning, as I prayed for guidance and spells, I reflected on how Pelor was a god of healing, and that removing my own arm seemedwrong somehow.

Yet, I was at a loss. I feel a need for action. This has been with me for far too long. It grows in strength, slowly. It is most likely a link to Chavram, and those others similarly afflicted have become his puppets. I will NOT stand for this. Instead, I have come up with a new plan.

Upon returning, I made some discrete inquiries. Those within the Temple were quite unhappy with my decision, and some tried to talk me out of it. I located a blacksmith who follows Pelor, and who was willing to help me. He made a brand for me, with the holy symbol of Pelor. We blessed and anointed his shop, his forge, his anvil, as well as his hammers and other tools. I provided him with holy water daily for quenching the brand while he worked. I blessed the iron that he used for it.

Meanwhile, I secured myself in the Temple. Jasmine is in the process of setting up the new household and I used the opportunity to stay out of the way, and do this. For three days, I prayed and meditated. The only food I would eat was that provided for by Pelor and my spells. The rest of my time I used to heal and counsel those in need.

On the morning of the 3rd day, I would use the brand to cover over the Mark. The night before this was to happen, I received a message from Bellamy. He had head of my plans, and begged me not to do it. Against my better judgment, I have acquiesced for the time being. I made it clear that I had not given up the idea entirely, but will delay it while more research is done.

I have followed his advice and have spent the rest of my time in Greyhawk promoting the good works of Pelor. Every night since then, I have gone into the poorer areas of town, using my abilities to heal injury and disease. I have also moved through the graveyards, searching for undead, but have found none. I thought I saw Valanthe one night, and Rackhir on another, but didn't seek them out. I doubt that they saw me. Bellamy was right in one respectthis was a good idea. I feel better about myself and my predicament, and I'm genuinely glad that I was able to help others. In a way it is action, and I felt the need to do something, and I have. What I don't know is if it is enough.

I am bringing the brand with me on the upcoming trip. It is a reminder to me for why I joined the church, and I am sure that I will continue to contemplate my future actions. I have debated the idea of Communing with Pelor for advice. I will probably do that when we return.

Meanwhile, Jasmine has done a wonderful job on the house, setting up a staff, and organizing things. She will be the household Majordomo until I return, and can find someone suitable to take over it. I have made arrangements to have the house Hallowed, and protected with Negative Energy Protection, but as usual, the mage's guild is taking their own sweet time in approving the permit for the spell. I will take action to resolve this upon my return.

Also, the Church has seen fit to allow me to take possession of a Greater Holy Symbol, for a suitable donation. I am looking forward to my next encounter with the Undead with much glee...

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First Post
Valanthe's Deal

Well, here's Val. I am wrestling with the question of if Valanthe should let the group know about my "deal" with Ralishaz. What do you guys think?...

Val’s Journal – NightFang Spire, part 1

Well, if there’s one thing I can say about Gelban, it’s that he knows the value of gold piece. I was flush with cash, even after my normal donation to the orphanage, and that’s saying something. Mother Gota was having a hard time believing that I’d come by all this money legally. Past experience, I guess. But she can’t make noise after she saw Gelban’s letter of mark. I’ve never been that good at writing, so forgeries are beyond reason.

Ardestor is in Greyhawk! Now that’s a nice change. The advantages of a disorganized clergy, I guess. He was very smug…I think he’s trying to take credit for rehabilitating me, or something. Why are priests always so crazy? Still, it’s good to have someone around that I can talk to besides Gota and the other members of our adventuring band. Jozan’s the only one who might understand what it is to be an orphan…but he’s an elf, and he was raised to follow Pelor, even if he worships Sehanine, now. His hearts in the right place, but well, he has these ‘laws’ that he expects everyone to follow.

So, next thing I know, it’s time to go shopping. I’ve had my eye on a sword that Mad Orphen’s been itching to sell for some time. But it’s not the kind of sword that you can buy in some prissy High Market shop, or out in the stalls in the low market. For pity’s sake, you can’t buy swords in the same place you buy apples! But I was at the low market all the same, to speak to Bennaldid the Bigmouth. How a halfling that small can talk that much is beyond me….but he knew where the Midnight Market was going to be tonight, and it was worth buying one of his awful pies and listening to his even more awful stories to get that fact.

It turned out that tonight it was going to be on the shore of the Rheenee shantytown on the northside of the city, away from the docks. I was glad Verilunda would be along if I needed her, the shantytown’s not safe after dark, even for me.

Turns out I didn’t need to worry…there were Dharkaguards everywhere. They weren’t allowing any funny business. A few shadowy blokes tried to get in after me, until one of the Rheenee vethas cast her evil eye their way. Next thing you know, harpoons are flying and it turns out they were Kua-toa! Imagine, those toad-men trying to sneak in. Hmmph. I wonder if they’re going to skin them and eat them?

Anyways, I found Mad Orphen, all right. Same old Orphen, telling tales of how the blade was forged at White Plume Mountain itself, and the hilt was made from a Manticore scale…blah blah blah. I was quick to point out that for a sword from White Plume Mountain, it sure had a funny set of marks on it…you know, like Elven runes? Whatever. We haggled, as usual, and I got it. It’s got some magic on it that I liked - it actually seeks out the vitals if I will it to. And I’m planning on willing it, if ya know what I mean.

Well, after that shopping trip, funds were a little dry. Where to re-supply those funds was another matter. Think, think, think. Hmmm, maybe I could kill two birds with one stone?

I got a crazy idea - partner with Hammer and maybe get to spend some time with him. He definitely piques my curiosity (among other things), and he definitly knows how to have fun.

I’ll have to go see if Gelban can get me to get a message to the copper. So I go to see the big man, himself.

"Good day Lord Gelban. I was wondering if you might know a way that I might be able to contact my friend, The Hammer? I have some things of a personal nature that I need to discuss with him."

Well, that got an odd look, I can tell you. I’m betting he didn’t think I even KNEW the Hammer, let alone that I’d be talking with him. Who knows what’s going through his head? I got a big kick out of that.

"Well...I'm sure that arrangements can be made. The portal cannot be opened again today, but a message can be sent, if you choose to write one. Or you can wait until tomorrow, when I will be sending reinforcements to the Map, and you can speak to him yourself."

Well, that’s Gelban for you. All propriety and all that. I’ll bet it’s driving him crazy. Anywho, I decided to wait until the next day. I’m in no rush, after all. Sure enough, Gelban sent a number of troops (he has troops? Where’d these guys come from, anyways?) through the gate the next day…and I tagged along for good measure.

Sure enough, I found him (in his husky human form) giving instructions on some fortifications. The druids didn’t seem to be thrilled with a blacksmith about, but who’s gonna tell the Hammer that? Not me, I’ll tell you. Still, I decided he could use some cheering up, and I don’t get to have nearly enough fun with the stiff bunch I travel with.

"Hello Handsome! Do you have some free time to have a chat?"

Which, of course, he did. I mean, he’s still male, after all, dragon or no dragon.

"I would like to partner again to, how do you say it?... "liberate" some items from their not so deserving owners - people like Ibrahim. I figure it would benefit others more, like you, myself and places like the Orphanage, etc. And it would probably be good to get some of the nasty toys outta the wrong hands..."

"Besides, you'd get to see more of me (I flashed him a big smile)"

Now, if there’s one thing I’ve figured out about the Hammer, it’s that he loves to sneak things past folks like Gelban. It’s one of his most endearing qualities, ya ask me. He jumped at the chance…well, sort of.

"Heh! An ye' think I'm the brash one, eh? Well it's true enough that I were lookin to see ya, lass. Sure'n it's nae only my sister that 's looking fer a dance with a pretty one. " He smiles broadly and scratches his beard.

"Now as ta a...favor o' sorts ya can be doing fer me? Well, thar's a feller in Greyhawk what could use havin his load a lightened a little....but he'll nae be away for a few weeks, tis true enough. And ye wouldna wanna try and rob him while he's there, I 'sures ya that. And anyways, I'd not like to see you singed. Ye're a pretty lass, for one what's got nae scales, ta be sure."

"His name is Infernus, and he's worse 'n Ibrahim. You'll need ta be
careful, 's sure enough. I can give ya more details whens the times right, sure enough."

Well, that was a little less than I was hoping for, but still better than nothing at all. I know that he’s good as his word. Still, I’m wondering what else he’s good at, if you follow me. So I say to him,

"That sounds like a fun outting. I'll be waiting to hear from you. Hmmm, how will I be hearing from you anyway? Is there anyway we can keep in touch quickly?

Anyway, I'd better be getting back. You take care out here.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and headed out.

And off I go, after he mentions that he’s got a way to contact Gelban, and get the messages to me. Seems that Infernus is something of a tougher nut to crack, and there’s a lot more to set up. Well, I love a challenge.

It was mid-morning and we were ready to go. Most of us had spent the last few days preparing, shopping , and other things. For the first time ever, I am almost sure that after a bit more practice I’ll be able to use some scrolls. It will definitely be a big help to my other hobbies. Ah, the sword of subtlety, a thing of beauty.

Anyway, Gelban opened the portal and in we went. The grove was looking much better. Those druids don’t waste anytime in reclamation. The Coppers were long gone since my visit here yesterday. I wondered what The Hammer was up to?

We checked our map again, and headed off. Did I mention that by now you think I’d be used to the fact that whenever we travel, it never goes smoothly. And they wonder why I always prefer to work alone.

Sure enough, only a few days from the map, we run afoul of an army of gnolls. Flying under Chavram’s banner?!? Am I the only person around here without a legion of troops. Ooops. Forgot Verilunda. Scratch that, forget I mentioned it. It wouldn’t have been a problem, mind you, ducking into the Phostwood as we did…except that Kayleigh, the wood-elf, somehow forgot how to blend. Yeesh. Luckily, the gnolls weren’t too interested.

I oughta point out that I run in the company of not one, but two elves. And neither one apparently knows their way around a forest. I mean, how do you miss all of these things. Turns out we walked right into wild elf territory, and they were NOT pleased. Mind you, they never saw me moving about, and I managed to convince them to calm down.

Well, OK, actually they just sort of threatened us and then disappeared. But that’s kind of the same thing, isn’t it? Anyways, after that, we made good time (and passed some abandoned city) and made it to the spire. Eeuuch. Who the hell designed this thing, anyway, Iuz’s tailor?

Whoa, what the?… something huge and ugly was laying in wait. I had a feeling that it’s the source of that lightning bolt that did a number on Scorch. Damn if that thing wasn’t laying in wait. I quickly sent out the warning to the group below of this thing. Very still I clung to the spire. Soon, the Mooncalf started flicking it tentacles about, and it was then I realized it was sensing them down below and would most likely find me.

I sent the message to Rackhir to pop his head out again and it would most likely come down and say hi. While the group readied, I tried to think of what my plan was… Patience is a virtue they say, so I decided to wait for the thing to move past.

As soon as the group went into action, the creature descended towards them.

Some combat notes….

After seeing the resistance to Kayleighs attacks, I knew I was not going to be able to effect it with my light xbow. Time to live a little, I thought. The gambling fool took over me and I did the only thing I could think of… I jumped right on it’s back and plunged my venomous dagger, hoping to poison it and slow it down. Unfortunately this thing was pretty resistant to the poison. Time to jump back off to the tower and, oof, I didn’t move fast enough to avoind one of it’s tentacles.

Kayleigh opened fire, landing two more arrows. Rackhir burst free of the tentacles and fell to the ground, and as he did, Jozan attacked one of the appendages. Dravot invoked a Recitation. Scorch the Umberhulk burst out of the ground and launched a volley of magic missiles at the mooncalf and then became Lobster dinner to the beast. Just when I thought things were looking bad, they got worse. I heard a cracking sound as the mooncalf put the squeeze on Scorch. “****!” I thought, “he’s dying!”

Yea, I know Scorch isn’t the most personable guy around, but I consider him a friend and I’ll be damned if I am going to stand there and watch him die. Besides, who would I have to give all those wizardly things I “borrow” - and they wouldn’t go running to Dravot or Jozan about it.

Don’t ask me why, but I suddenly rembered the Unsought One, Ralishaz, God of Gamblers. What the hell, I thought, I might as well play with the best there is and roll the dice of fate.

All right, Ralishaz, I bet you can’t resist this. Give me a hand here and I’ll be owing you later.

I swore I heard a voice in the back of my head exclaim “You crazy, bitch!”

“Nooooo, you’ll not have him!” I thought and as I rolled the bones I grabbed my dagger and jump on for another ride and thrust it in as much as I could. Screeching “No…it cannot happen…no…” the Mooncalf yelled out. It dropped Scorch’s limp body right into the waiting arms of Jozan. (luckily I found out that Scorch would pull through). We then made short work of the ugly bastard. Oh, he was right mad, I can tell you. Flung me around like a rag doll for a few seconds, there…but I’m too slippery for some ugly flying squid-head to hold on to, and I was free faster than you could count to six.

I guess I’ll be owing ol’ Ral a favor. But, hey, live a little, right? That’s my motto.


First Post
Jozan's Journal

Jozan's Journal

We made it back to Greyhawk. I know this would probably be a sacrilege to other elves, but sometimes I miss Cities. Maybe it's my vocation, but it's tough to help others when there aren't others around, like in some of these forests.

Kayleigh seems to have the right idea in finding a bath, but first things first. I settle into the quarters set for myself and Meepo, and tend to crescent and Meepo's Pony. A careful inspection of Crescent shows a few nicks and scrapes, along with the odd battle scar. Nothing even close to fatal, but even so, I feel them as much as he does.

I make sure he is comfortable and well fed, and leave some instructions with the stablehand. I've been through here a few times, and the stablehands, while still a little..awed, I suppose, they're not as afraid of having a large Dire Wolf taking up so much of their space as they once were.

As much in awe as they once were to Crescent, they have a sense of mild amusement at the Kobold who comes down to care for him once in a while. At one time, they tried to take advantage of Meepo, but a few words from me ended that. One even came to his aid when some of the local toughs tried to intimidate him. I only heard whispers and rumors, but with the aid of the stable hand, and a few deft movements with his dagger, the toughs were chased away with nothing more than minor wounds. My style of fighting is considerably less subtle, however; I have to believe one of my companions is...helping Meepo with his skills.

As I leave the stable, my thoughts drift back to the wounds on crescent. I don't know if he'll wear barding, or how much it might hamper his movement. I need to find some way to protect him. Meepo stays with Crescent, while I proceed to find a bath. In the bath I notice my own wounds. Each one has a story with it, from the Rat bites from the Sunless Citadel to the acid burns from Nightscale. Dravot's healing magic prevents a lot of the scarring, but never all of it. Not even my own healing abilities can do that, and I guess it's okay. Each scar is another lesson learned, a foe vanquished. After the battle with the Vampire / Gulthian Spawns, My simple mail shirt isn't going to be enough. Even with the addition of the ring of defense, the monsters and enemies are only going to get worse. An improvement to my own armor must be found.

I finish my bath, find a decent outfit to wear for the briefing, and go tell Gelban of our adventures. Kayleigh does a wonderful job of recounting our exploits, so the meeting is very easy for me. A few slips regarding Valanthe's...side trips, catch my attention, but I know that a lot of her earnings go to a good cause, so I just pass them off. Although I am still not 100% satisfied with her explanation of that "Shadow" that follows her around, but it seems there is little Dravot or I can do about it right now. I have devoted some meditations to it, but gaining no insight. My guess is that it will be helpful to My Lady's cause, or simply beneath Her notice. If it is simply as Valanthe states, a companion, I suppose it's okay. But I'm afraid it may start influencing her actions, and its motives may not match our parties, or even Valanthe's for that matter. I can't deny that he/she/it has come in handy, however.

Gelban has seen fit to give us a very generous reward! This is good, because there are a number of projects the Elven Parthenon could use these funds for. I take a small (relatively) number of coins, wait for Meepo to return, then buy us a real meal at a local tavern. Some people look a bit odd at my Squire, but this isn't the kind of place where anyone would say anything that might disturb their evening out. But the meal is excellent, and that is why Meepo and I are there that night. Our bellies full, we retire to our rooms.

I spend some time in meditation and prayer, and then I trance for a few hours. I can't remember my dreams, but I wake with my mind made up, and grab the reward and proceed to the market.

Boy, it's hard to find anyone brave enough to make simple chain barding for a Dire wolf. My sense from Crescent leads me to believe I won't be using it a lot anyway, due to the time it would take to fit him into it before combat. But if we know about a battle ahead of time, it would be a good measure of protection for him. Dravot's family armor has an amazing enchantment on it that it pretty much appears around him. I wonder if that enchantment can be fitted into barding.

I suppose I've been going about this all wrong, and return to the parade grounds where Gelban's forces train, and ask around for who does the barding for their horses. One name pops up more than once, and a quick word with Gelban's steward gains me a Letter vouching for me and the Dire Wolf. I locate the armorer, and while a little nervous, he seems delighted by the challenge, and he proceeds to measure Crescent, tying Knots in a cord in some unfathomable code that only this man understands. He assures me he can make it, and judging by the armor that is in his shop, he is a wondrous craftsman. On impulse, I ask him if he can make it of a quality that it might be enchanted at a later time. He understands, and while the price suddenly jumped, it wasn't outrageous. It would, however, take time. I leave a down payment, and proceed to try and procure an item I've been wanting for Meepo.

Shopping the market does not turn it up, and I abandon my search to go to the part of town where the Elven Temples are located. There are few Priests of Sehanine Moonbow, but luckily there is one in Greyhawk, and to him I present a large portion of Gelban's reward. The priests here run an almshouse, and also try and maintain a section of farmland that some of the less fortunate can run to get started again. One of the statues in the grove has been vandalized, and while the new one is ready they could use help in raising it. I promise to help the next day, and return to my quarters to relax.

The rest of the day is uneventful, as is the night. My trance is deeper, possibly because I have Crescent taken care of. My wounds I can accept, but even though he is exceptionally smart for a wolf, it would be unfair of me to presume he accepts them as I do. Each wound he receives is taken in my service, and I feel better for trying to prevent as many of them as possible.

Sehanine Be Praised! One of the Elven Priests gave me a great gift today! But I get ahead of myself. The Day started with a quick glance at a few of the more...discreet shops, looking for that item for Meepo. Having no luck, I then hurried off to assist in the raising of the statue. It's part of a ring that keeps track of the phases of the moon, so its placement needs to be exact. And it's heavy. It takes quite a bit of effort to position it, then raise it, then adjust it's position this way, then that way, but finally myself and the crew have it in place. Due to the labor, I, like the rest of the crew, were working without our shirts. One of Sehanine's priests saw the same scars I saw in the bath, And said he had something for me. I should seek him out after the simple lunch that they brought for us. This I did, and when I found him, he said "There are precious few Paladins among the elves, and fewer still who are Sehanine's Champions, so Holy Armor is almost unheard of amon
g the elves. But starting new chapters, in remote areas is dangerous work, so there is a small cache of..well, I hesitate to call them mundane, because some of them are enchanted...I guess you could say that the have mundane enchantments on them. Judging by your scars, you could probably use this."

With that, he produces a very fine, beautifully worked set of chainmail. The metal shines with a very pale radiance, and the cloth padding and tabard are a very light blue. The combination looks very much like moonglow, and indeed Her Symbol is on the Tabard itself. I have a very hard time thanking the old priest, I am in such shock at his gift. He smiles, and bids me to continue to bring glory to Her name. We say our goodbyes, and I spend the rest of the day simply relaxing.

And the next day is spent relaxing. And the next. I understand the need for it, Scorch needs time to "inscribe his spells" or whatever it was that he called it. Those spells of his have come in handy on several occasions, so If he says it's needed, I'm content to give him his time. Soon, however, Gelban himself is getting restless about our troop, so I think a...discreet withdraw may be in order. I gather Meepo and crescent, and we head out through the south wall towards a small forest I know of. It's close enough to the city that I doubt any trouble will find me, but far enough away that we won't be disturbed either. I have the small brooch Gelban gave us to stay in contact, so everything should be fine.

On our way, though, I do notice a large amount of traffic in and out of the city, the majority of them refugees from Geoff. The scuttlebutt from the soldiers is that the Duke of Geoff is making plans for an attack on the Giants there and Gelban is lending support. This puts a small damper on my mood, as it catches me between two duties: helping the refugees, and defeating Gulthias at the Spire. I finally decide that Gelban is doing all he can for Geoff, and that Nightfang Spire takes precedence for me and my troop, but it is still an uneasy peace for me.

Getting into the forest cheers me some, and the small hidden pond in the middle of it is an ideal place to spend a day or two. It's fresh water, fed by an underground spring, making it a very refreshing place to swim. (And, incidentally, getting Crescent a bath.) There still is much to be done, and many dangers ahead, but there is a peace here. And that's what I needed most of all.

During my trance for this night, I receive a vision. I'm in a small clearing in a forest lit only by moonlight. In the middle is Sehanine Moonbow talking with a...an avatar, I guess. From the markings it can only be one of Pelor's Servants. I have the feeling that this is something that happened in the past, a feeling confirmed when I hear Her voice.

"...They Destroyed the Entire Village! They Killed everyone!" She said, Fury Mixed with Despair in her voice.

>From the Avatar: "My master says 'All save the one'."

"Yes, one Elf babe, the only survivor of this attack!" a small measure of calm returning to Her.

"My Master says the monks have taken him in, and taught him much. They have named him "Jozan" after one of My Master's heroes."

"And for that, I thank you. But I would ask something of your master"

"My master is curious."

"For what they have done to my village, I will have my revenge. But for that, I will need a champion. These are almost unknown among elves, and never from one of my followers. But this elf, Jozan, has had a unique upbringing, and the teachings from your monastery combined with martial training in the future could make him a mighty paladin indeed. And what I ask is this: that I might have him back, To be my champion. It was, after all, his village that was destroyed."

>From the Avatar: "My Master understands your needs. My Master will let you have Jozan for your Champion. However, My Master does say that you owe him a debt. A time will come in My Master's war with evil where your champion will be needed."

Resolution from Sehanine: "I understand. Providing you do not deprive me of him at a critical time, I accept the debt. When you ask, he will be your Sword and Shield. Until then, he shall be mine."

"My Master Agrees. In this way shall he serve both Sun and Moon, the Sword of Twilight." and the vision slowly fades.

I slowly recover from my trance, absorbing this new vision. Her debts are my debts, and having worked with Dravot and lived among Pelor's faithful, I have no problem repaying this debt. I enjoy the calmness around me for some time more. When my companions awake, we enjoy a lazy morning, swim some more, then begin to break camp. I send one final prayer, thanking Sehanine for the respite, and take my small band back to Greyhawk.

Much to my delight, Kayleigh has bought just the object I sought for Meepo! From her directions, It was easy to locate and purchase one for the kobold. Since he's been carrying around a good share of items for us, with little complaint, I found him an amazing backpack. A haversack, really, but it holds a lot more inside than it looks like it can, all without gaining any more weight! A truly wonderful aspect is that a moment’s concentration before opening the pack, and what you are looking for is right there on top! No digging for a missing tent peg that fell to the bottom, or trying to get a healing potion in an emergency. I hope he likes it, and he does seem genuinely happy to have something to lighten his burden. I make a quick check with the armorer to see the progress on Crescent's protection the joints that have been made fit so precisely, any doubt I had about hampering crescent are gone. It will be an amazing piece of craftsmanship when it is complete, no doubt.

But it will have to wait. Scorch has finished his work, and our party now turns towards Nightfang Spire, and we steel ourselves to the task of destroying it's undead inhabitant.


First Post
The Heart of Nightfang Spire - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – For whom the bell tolls

OOC Notes:

Experience is as follows:

Rackhir 3066
Jozan 3666
Kayleigh 3666
Dravot 3666
Scorch 3966
Valanthe 3666

Loot was:


Wand of mage armor, 23 charges, 3rd level
Ring of Protection +2 (currently with Valanthe – probably should rethink that since she has evasion. Who has bad saves?)

4 flasks of alchemists fire. (If you believe that. Hmf.)

Notes for Next Time:

We need to rest, repair the Silent Brother (Sister?) and talk to her. Then go back inside. But I’m not sure if we can given recent events.

Of deeper concern is Dravot’s recent actions. We have a problem (in character) and I’m not sure we can go back into the spire in our current state. I don’t know if we want to discuss this on the list or in person at the next game.

This Week’s Adventure:

Having dealt with the mooncalf, and looked over the lair, we made preparations to enter the spire. However one thing troubled me and that was the chutes Valanthe had discovered on the outside of the spire. She returned to examine them more thoroughly. Unfortunately the two she found both seemed to dead-end after some distance and she could see nothing further. I had an uncomfortable feeling, and Rackhir mentioned “floor traps” and then it clicked. Thinking he was right, I suggested Valanthe tie ropes across the end of the chutes. That way if one of us fell through, we could grab the rope and be saved from a certain death in the fall.

Satisfied with that, Valanthe dropped down the hole into the spire from the top. She saw some rooms covered in rubble and broken stone, and acid burns in various areas where the dragon had apparently breached the spire. Since it seemed calm enough we all began to enter quietly.

All that is except for Dravot, who slipped while lowering himself and fell to the floor in a noisy crash. We all simply sighed and kept going. I couldn’t fault him too much – we all have bad days and just a few days before I was careless enough to be seen by gnolls.

The interior was very dark. Scorch, ever prepared, set off a Daylight spell on his staff and things became more visible. Cobblestones paved the circular area that opened underneath the hole in the ceiling. There were shattered stone statues everywhere and the north wall of the chamber had been obliterated. The silence hung heavy over all. [OOC Note: It was in the flavor text, gimme a break.] The next chamber had a fair bit of rubble also and the floor was covered in loose chunks of stone, broken sculpture, and other debris. The tracks of what we assume was the dragon wound through the destruction. Apparently it didn’t like statues, most of which were of elves in formal dress. (A discontinuity I found quite odd.) Other chunks appeared to be from statues of dragons. I’m reminded of the dragon worshippers in the Sunless Citadel, and since Gulthias had a home there too, perhaps it’s more than coincidence.

No sound was made, but the feel of the place changed from tension to immediate danger. We moved carefully into the next room and suddenly several vampire spawn emerged from another area, scuttling across the ceiling. Dravot saw a mist curl under the door of the circular chamber and form into another vampire.

I opened up on the vampire nearest me and wound it. Rackhir followed my lead, and Jozan took Shatterspike to a nearby vampire. The one I shot moved closer and swung at me from the ceiling but was easily avoided. Scorch moved to a good line of fire, and let magic missles fly, killing the vampire attacking me. Dravot invoked Pelor again, and several of the vampires turned to mist and fled.

The vampire spawn begin retreating, as some were killed and some were turned. I fire at a retreating one and nearly kill it. Fortunately Rackhir finishes what I started and the beast fell into mist. As we pursue them we can see in another room six stone sarcophagi with their lids open. I had expected their lair to be deep within the spire, and we would only have fought them off temporarily, but apparently fate had a different plan. One of the retreating beasts begged Gulthias for aid, and in reply two canines formed out of shadow and ether. As quickly as they formed, they melted into the darkness in the chamber.

One vampire still threatened Jozan and Dravot and I had to remove it, and did so with prejudice. Rackhir moved into the next room and saw the situation. It seemed that while they were inside repositioning, they were not going to come out to face us. Instead we were forced to enter their lair and assault them, something that would not go well were we careless. Dravot read off a scroll behind me and healed himself of something though I was not privy to what injury he suffered.

Thanks to the telepathic link we formed a quick plan. We assault their lair from two sides – I threw a quick light spell on Dravot’s shield to add more illumination and hopefully hamper the shadow beasts. Jozan moved to the door and waited for the explosion that would be coming shortly. Scorch moved in from the other end and dropped a fireball squarely into the room. I regret he had to move in so close to do so as I worried for his safety. As he moved, the daylight he carried on his staff forced the shadowy dogs more onto this plane, and they suddenly solidified and were therefore easier to both see and hit. The fireball blew out the door near me and had good effect on the remaining vampires and the dogs.

The dogs leapt to the attack. One rushed Scorch and bit at him but Scorch’s earlier shield spell deflected it. The other engaged Jozan but tripped over the fallen door and ruined its charge. Dravot stepped up and brought his hammer down on the beast’s head.

I was expecting this beast to be quite tough, and I planted three shots squarely into it. I was a bit shocked when it fell over very dead, the arrows sticking from the other side of its body. Apparently the daylight had more effect than I had expected. Rackhir moved into defend Scorch and performed a similar operation on the remaining mastiff, and it too dispersed into the ether.

The vampires were either cowed or in a gaseous state from damage, and this was clearly their lair. We easily dispatched the remaining ones into their coffins, and then after a brief discussion set about destroying them permanently. Dravot set himself to this task with a zealous fury, and would brook no assistance save Jozan. Since this took some hours, we proceeded to examine the area more closely. Valanthe found a copper ring on one of the beasts in her searching. Meanwhile I was homing in on a source of magic, and found a wand. We believed it was a wand of mage armor as many of the beasts had the distinct flash of the protections of that spell.

Valanthe put the ring on, and felt protected. Jozan nodded at this and removed a ring from his own hand and bid her put it on instead. Upon her doing so, he said “Do you feel more protected now or about the same?”

[OOC Note: Jozan earned himself an exp bonus for being a smart ass. His ring was +1, and the copper ring felt more protected so it was likely a +2. Wizardru opened the door and Jozan stepped through with a smirk.]

There was a room beyond, blocked by one of the coffins. When Dravot was satisfied we moved it aside and opened the door. But we were not ready for what was beyond.

The stench of slaughter assaulted our nostrils. Various humanoid bodies lied about in various states of decay, some strangely deflated. One body was moving ever so slightly. It was a woman, her face sallow and with drawn. She was suffering from her vital energies being drained away til she was near death but it seemed she was being preserved as a food source. The whole room seemed to be a pantry for these foul beasts. Around her neck on a chain was the emblem of the Silent Brotherhood – this must be the woman sent to watch Gulthias. She was truly at death’s door, and we set about moving her very carefully so as not to strain her further. While we worked on her, Valanthe found a secret door at the back of the room. By the time she was ready to open it we had removed the woman which was fortunate. Valanthe missed the cold trap and set it off in her examinations. Fortunately those in the room avoided any injury from the blast of cold. Beyond the door is a small space with a rusted metal chest, covered in the dust of ages. In the chest was a pile of gold coins, and four flasks with dragons carved on them.

Given our depleted state and the injured party in our charge, we withdraw from the spire. We had no desire to remain inside come nightfall in any case. As we move, she is feverish and barely coherent, muttering “must get far away…”. We withdraw a mile or two and set a camp. There is no wood in the crevasse, so we can make no fire. Scorch ponders for a moment, then summons a small fire elemental and bids it heat the rocks so we can provide some warmth to the Silent Brother. It is a small comfort among the damp stone but it does help. I’m becoming quite tired of being wet all the time but I can’t think of any way to alter the situation.

While I’m huddling under my cloak, there is suddenly a commotion in camp. I turn and see that Dravot has used a magic circle to imprison Verulinda. He speaks of merely wanting to question her and verify her intentions but I find that explanation entirely unsatisfactory. Valanthe is outraged and demands he release her immediately.

I attempt to point out the similarities between Verulinda and Meepo. I had no love of that kobold and a deep hatred of his kind. But it is not Meepo’s fault he is a kobold and has tried to go beyond the norm of his kind. Verulinda is a victim, not a beast of the night, and deserves no such treatment. Dravot is unswayed. However during the argument Valanthe disappears and there is little doubt where the tip of her blade will reappear.

It was little surprise that neither Scorch nor Rackhir had much to say in either direction. I was surprised at Jozan, who seemed to listen intently but did not object.

As the situation was decaying, Jozan suddenly turned and hushed everyone, listening. I too then heard the sound of a bell, ringing, then stopping, then ringing, then stopping, as if someone with a belled staff approached. I concealed myself against the rocks and others did likewise. As I stared into the mist, I could see a man approaching, leading a horse and carrying a lantern. He also carries a halberd with a bell on the hook, causing the ringing. He is in a heavy cloak and dark clothing, with his face covered. While I was watching this man, Dravot must have released Verulinda and the circle, and she, disappeared.

Rackhir, thinking the lone man posed no threat, approached him. Scorch disappeared with a quick bit of spellcraft and went up with Rackhir. From his dress, the man apparently came from the western deserts. He seemed to be one of the Shadowed of Pelor and was seeking “one of his own”. Rackhir walked him back to camp but I elected to remain hidden a bit longer.

Upon seeing Valanthe, the man moved his halberd closer to her. It glowed briefly and then stopped. He seemed satisfied with this, and paid her no further mind. He went to Dravot, who greeted him. The man asked to see Dravot’s arm, and Dravot complied. He then said “So you’re the one acting the fool then?”

To myself I thought “More than you know.”

The man went on to Dravot – “Among my people I am Zara bin Telbara. I received a message three days past and I was the nearest of our kind. They fear for you in Greyhawk. They do not wish you to fall too far into shadow.”

At this point, I left my concealment and paid the conversation little mind. It seemed a private matter, and despite Dravot’s recent actions I was not inclined to eavesdrop. Still it was a small camp and I did overhear bits of their conversation. Largely Zara was admonishing Dravot for his actions and his intentions. He felt Dravot was arrogant and not having faith in Pelor to provide a solution when the time is right.

Verilunda for some reason returned to Valanthe. Zara bin Telbara saw her, and his halberd flew from his horse to his open hand. Again the blade glowed briefly, and Zara relaxed and put his weapon back on his steed.

After finishing his conversation with Dravot, Zara was apparently satisfied he had done what he needed to do, and kept to himself but would comment if spoken to. We explained of the injured Brother and he was willing to see her to civilization once we had restored her health in the morning.

At some point Scorch examined the vials we had recovered. Each flask depicted a dragon hatching out of an egg and contained alchemists fire. I thought it odd that alchemist’s fire would be so elaborately marked and locked away but Scorch assured me that is what it was. Again I’m reminded of the Citadel, and the troll beast that was locked away.

For now, we rest. In the morning, we face a turning point. As a group, we have worked well together over the past year but we have not fully trusted each other completely. Each of us has had a slightly different relationship with each of the others. In spite of this we have been successful, both in our missions and personally. Much has changed for each of us since we set out for Oakhurst and for some the change has been more severe than for others.

But this night, Dravot breached whatever trust there was both with Valanthe and with most of the group in my opinion. I am unsure if his condition has driven him to the edges of fanaticism, or if other issues hound him. But if I had attempted to imprison Meepo for questioning, I’m sure that my companions would not have looked well on it, despite my deep hatred for the humanoid races. I have come to see Meepo as another part of our band, and as someone trying to be more than he was born to. And Verulinda is much the same. Even more so – she was a good woman in life, and made a victim by evil forces. She deserves no destruction for that if she is no menace to others. And she hardly deserves to be treated like a criminal. As one of Aran’gel’s troops, I’m sure part of my feelings stem from a protectiveness for her that Aran’gel would show himself were he here.

I can look at Dravot’s action with no kindness. He has breached the sometimes delicate trust within the group. I do not know how or if this can be restored. Come the morning, we may well need to withdraw and return to Greyhawk, our mission a failure, the evil unabated, and our group fractured and broken.

I fear for us all. In the past year it has always been us against the evil before us. Now we have fallen upon ourselves. Who will stop Gulthias now?


First Post
From Dravot's Journal

Dravot's Journal - (Nightfang Spire parts 1&2)

Today has been busy, exhausting and confusing.

We entered the lair of the foul beast Gulthias today. It is a spire, several hundred feet tall located within a barren canyon. As we approached, we noted the gathering of storm clouds. Scorch was hit by a bolt of lightning and damaged severely. I healed him as we moved on. We feared the return of the evil druids of Vecna, but we were not to be so lucky.

As we explored a building at the base of the spire (a hut, really), Valanthe climbed up to the top to investigate. She saw a huge, malevolent creature there, obviously an Outsider. She was lucky that it didn't see her, or she wouldn't be here now. It seemed to know of our presence, but unsure of where we were. When we realized that the only way in was through the top, we knew we would have to face it. We also realized that the building didn't protect us from further lightning strikes, so we moved back into the canyon and prepared for the ensuing fight.

Valanthe jumped upon the beast and struck it with her sword, and then jumped back off. It headed toward the archers. Kayleigh correctly guessed that she should move and backed out. Rackhir valiantly stood ground and fired several shots into it, and was injured in return. I feared for him,but was unsure what I could do to help him. I summoned forth a harrier, and I prayed a recitation to Pelor to aid us, and to hamper our foe.

Scorch thoughtfully distracted the beast, causing it to turn it's attentions upon him. Unfortunately, Scorch was severely wounded by the creature's strong grasp. I realized that if I did not help, Scorch would die. I ran forward and invoked the healing light of Pelor and brought Scorch back to consciousness. Valanthe jumped back onto the beast, doing more damage and distracted it. The beast lost interest in Scorch and dropped him into Jozan's waiting arms. Just at that point, the beast was killed. Scorch managed to evade it, but Jozan and I were not so lucky, and bore the full weight of the beast as it slammed into us from above. It was dead, and I thanked Pelor for carrying us through this safely.

We moved up to the top of the spire, and found the remains of a black dragon within it's lair. Apparently the Mooncalf, as Scorch called it, killed the dragon and took over it's lair. It uttered words to the effect that it was to protect the master from all intruders. Sorting through the treasure were 3 wightsI invoked the holy wrath of my god and turned them to dust.

We debated whether to continue on, or to go back and rest. The arguments for both were compelling. It was only 11am, yet we had expended some serious resources to accomplish these tasks already. In the end we decided to push our luck a bit and move forward.

In the center of the lair was a hole in the floor, leading to a dark room. Valanthe went down first, taking with her Verilunda. I was quite apprehensive about the shadow's appearance, and had been since she first showed up, following around Valanthe. No one else seemed to be worried about it, but me. More than once Valanthe made fun of my concerns, which did not sit well with me. Jozan seemed to be unhappy, but was willing to trust Valanthe. Seeing as he was raised by servants of Pelor, I was somewhat surprised at his lax attitude toward the undead within our presence. I meant to ask her questions about it, but felt awkward about it, and decided to wait. But more on that later.

One by one we moved into the room as quietly and carefully as possible. I was the last to enter and stumbled upon some of the wreckage within the room, causing a bit of noise, nearly twisting my ankle in the process. At the same time, Scorch cast a daylight spell, as it was quite dark down there.

At that moment, foul creatures of the night, vampire spawn erupted from the darkness. 4 of them approached from the northwest, where Valanthe and Verilunda were guarding, and 3 more emerged from their mist forms in the same room as myself. Chaos erupted as we started taking them down as fast as possible. I used the positive energy of the gods to turn several, while my companions used more crude techniques of sword and arrow.

I turned all but one near me, and it rushed me, slamming into me and injuring me slightly. Or slightly in the physical sense. At the same moment, I felt a sensation that I had not felt since Brindinford, in the family crypts. The foul beast had drained me of life essence. I turned it again, but Jozan chose that moment to strike it, breaking the fear that I had placed upon it. At that point there was not time left for subtlety, and I used my SunHammer to help tear down the beast. When it was dead, it turned into mistform and fled back to it's lair like the coward it is.

Much to my later embarrassment, I chose that moment to use the only restoration scroll I had with me. It was a moment of weakness, but the thought of being drained was unbearable. It's taint filled my nostrils and clung to my skin. The only way to rid myself of it now was the scroll. I could have shrugged it off easily the next day, but I could not wait. This would have repercussions shortly, however, and I continue to regret my actions.

Valanthe followed the fleeing monsters through the far entrance, noting those who fled from my turnings and those who had been injured in the fight. Scorch followed, and the room erupted in an inferno as he unleashed a fireball upon the inhabitants. A shadow mastiff moved up and attacked both him and Rackhir, but Scorch's daylight spell helped suppress the beast's abilities, making it easier to kill.

At the other end, Kayleigh cast light upon my buckler, and we moved into the other door. We quickly dispatched the remaining mastiff and made quick work of those cowering undead, staking them to keep them from coming back.

It was quickly decided that the spawn should be permanently disposed of, and quickly. Others volunteered, but only Jozan was qualified to help. We detached their heads, put holy wafers within their mouths and uttered incantations, resulting in their total annihilation. Scorch wanted to help, but this required the work of the Divine, and divinity is one thing he does not have.

When this was done, I attempted to sense undead. I was overwhelmed by an image of a man standing in front of a giant, black heart, which pulsed regularly. I also detected a HUGE undead presence to our East. Jozan verified that it was evil as well. This did not surprise me, as it has been my experience that undead and evil go hand in hand.

Valanthe heard something from the room next to us though, and we decided to check it out. She sent the shadow to look for us. On one hand, I was pleased that none of us would have to risk ourselves to find out what was behind the door, but on the other, how could we trust the words of an Undead?

What we found was horrific. It was comparable to what we found when we slew Gulthias the Lesser. Death everywhere, it reeked of rotting flesh, the victims of the vampire spawn, used like cattle for them to feed upon. As luck would have it, there was a survivor; our contact from the Silent Brotherhood. She was quite weak and needed medical assistance. We tried to heal her, but she needed more than that. She needed Restoration. And I had none, for I used my only scroll upon myself, and had not prepared the spell today. The best we could do was to make her comfortable and gently remove her from this place, which is what we did.

We got as far away as we safely could without unduly risking the lady. We went maybe 2 miles and found a defensible spot in a canyon. We went about our business of setting up camp, and all seemed normal. It wasn't normal however. In a moment of weakness, I let my emotions get control of myself. After all of the horror that we've witnessed, perpetrated by the undead, and finding myself unable to help our contact due to my unwillingness to wait, I lost it.

I had to know then and there what Verilunda's intentions were. I knew from Jozan that she wasn't evil, but that didn't mean that her intentions toward us were necessarily beneficial. Valanthe certainly couldn't understand this, since she's afflicted with this shadow sense (much like my brother). I feared that asking pointed questions would cause Verilunda to show her true colors, so I saved an extra spell and when she wasn't looking, place her within a magic circle vs. chaos. It was a neat little trap that would keep us safe while I determined what she was really about. I prepared to cast zone of truth to begin investigating when people went haywireor at least Kayleigh and Valanthe did. Jozan sat back and watched, as did Scorch. I'm not sure what was going through Rackhir's mind at that time.

Kayleigh started to spout platitudes about trusting Meepo and how he and the shadow creature where the same. How she can compare a living, breathing creature to the undead, I do not know. I do not pretend to understand the ways of elves. She said that the shadow was a victim. Perhaps, but all the undead do is make more victims. She asked whether I should be restrained for the party's own good. This stopped me for a moment; I have contemplated much the same. I was about to answer that I was at least attempting to fight, and that I was willing to die before succumbing to Chavram's will, but I never got a chance, for at that moment, Valanthe disappeared.

I knew that this was a problem. I had a hold person readied just in case, but Kayleigh's spurious logic distracted me from using it. I felt her dagger in my spine. "Release her now" she said.

I attempted to explain that this was for the good of us all, and that when I had my questions answered, I would release her. She didn't believe me. I've always been true to my word, and she didn't believe me.

At that moment, Jozan heard somethinga faint bell. It grew louder, as it's source moved toward us. Around the corner we saw a lantern emerge from the darkness. Party members moved into positions of concealment and ambush. Valanthe was obviously itching to do the same thing, and pleaded with me to release the shadow now. She attempted to sound tough, but she was afraid for her newfound friend.

The bearer of the lantern was a man leading a horse. He wore a white tabard and carried a halberd emblazoned with an altered symbol of Pelor. He was a member of the Shadowed like myself. He asked to speak with the follower of Pelor within the group. Apparently he didn't know me by name, but knew that someone like me would be present. His name was Zara bin Tabara, and his manner and dress showed him to be from the far west. His face was scarred horribly, as if some evil creature raked their claws across his face. I wondered momentarily if that wound had led him to become one of the Shadowed.

I announced myself, and begged him to partake of our meager hospitality. I tried to tell him about the valiant work I had performed today. Three wights and eight vampire spawn forever removed from the landscape. As a fellow Shadowed of Pelor, I assumed he’d be pleased. I was crestfallen when he replied that it was unimportant.

He said that he came to speak with me about my intentions back in Greyhawk, and that people were worried. They're worried? I'm the one who's afflicted, and they're worried. I admitted that I had explored certain avenues, but nothing more. In front of the entire group, he mentioned my thoughts of removing my arm, and my alternate plan of branding the symbol of Pelor upon the Mark on my arm. I didn't want to discuss the particulars, but admitted yet again, that I had contemplated it, yes. Zara then mentioned about how my proposed actions would affect other Shadowed, and that the Church would rein in the autonomy that the Shadowed currently enjoyed in their pursuit of the Undead.

By now I started growing angry. I had heard quite enough back in Greyhawk about my thoughts. I showed him the brand that I had made, and which I had brought with me. I rattled off every single attempt I had made to rid myself of the mark, every spell, prayer, use of positive energy that I could think of. I would think that my colleagues and the church would be supportive of my attempts to stop my slide toward the Abyss.

His response: "How much research have you done in Greyhawk?"

Um, I haven't had time to sit down and think in Greyhawk in 7 months. No, not much research, and I freely admitted it. Not from lack of interest, but from other, outside pressures.

I turned my anger upon my colleague. "Fine. Criticize me for taking active steps. You come up with a solution then. How would you solve this? What would you do? Please? I'm waiting. I'd really like to know."

I knew his answer before he said it. Pelor would provide a solution when he was ready to, and not before then. I knew this answer to be right, and I knew it back in Greyhawk, yet I refused to listen to it then. I let him speak for a bit longer, though I didn't really listen to him. I said I'd take it under advisement and would consider it during my morning prayers.

When our business was over, he turned to Verilunda and struck up a conversation with her. I sat in stunned silence as I watched him, a Shadowed of Pelor, freely conversing with an Undead, as if it were a person. I pretended not to notice, but I listened to their little talk. Through it, I realized that she was a victim of the unholy terrors of Gulthias the Lesser, and I learned a bit about her life. He seemed quite unconcerned about her status. Clearly he thinks that she's not a threat, but I don't know why. Either he knows that he can handle her if she becomes dangerous, or he thinks that she won't harm us at all.

I will have to ask him in the morning about it.

Kayleigh said only one thing to me the rest of the night, and it haunts me as I write this now. No one else within the party has shown such a degree of distrust as I have today. I'm not sure what to make of this statement. They should see that I was acting in the best interest of everyone, but apparently I'm the only one who sees it that way.

I have never felt so alone in my life.


First Post
From Valanthe's Journal

Valanthe’s Journal – Heart of Night Fang Spire, part 2

Descent into Darkness

After managing to get Yaleth stable we knew we had leave this place and try to get her to safety, she was so close to dying. Carefully we made a retreat and after about 2 miles we set up camp for the night.

I heard Dravot casting and quickly got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. (I know I should trust that feeling more often.) He suddenly cast a spell on Verilunda and trapped here in a circle of sorts. I know Dravot has been troubled by the recent turn of events lately with Chavram, Gulthias and the mark, but I did not think him disturbed enough to turn on one of our own. It was like a knife in my back.

“I want to question her” is what he informed the group. Anger in my voice I told him “let her go, she has done nothing to you!” I do not tolerate people harming or attempting anything on my friends. Nor do I tolerate arrogant wielders of power using it on innocents.

Thankfully I was not alone in my shock and anger. Kayleigh immediately jumped up and proceeded to dig right in and question Dravot as to what the meaning of this all was. He definitely made some thoughtful points about Verilunda being a victim, and a comparison to the group’s treatment of Meepo. I took the distraction as an opportunity, and let my anger take over for a bit. Right in front of Dravot I melted away into the darkness.

As Kayleigh continued to try to reason with Dravot (she was excellent at pointing out a few very good things about Dravot’s unscrupulous actions) I stayed out for a second before silently coming up behind him and firmly pressing my dagger into the small of his back. This definitely put a little shake into him and I could see that he was not quite as composed as he once was. He knows all too well that I sometimes do what seems crazy to normal people, especially when defending those who I consider friends.

He definitely heard the steel tone in my voice, “Let her go now! Is this how the high and mighty ruler of Ahlissa treats people? With such rudeness? If you had wanted to ask her something, you could have just asked her like a normal person does. She would gladly have talked with you!” I pressed a little more into his back. I was growing impatient.

Just then, Jozan informed us that we had company. (using the Jozan Instant Evil DetectionTM he could not detect any menace about the approaching figure) In the distance we heard a bell and saw what looked like a man in dark robes carrying a light. I thankfully managed to take control of my emotions again, and quietly slinked off into the darkness to get a better look at this person coming our way.

Rackhir decided to just go up and approach the cloaked figure and greet him. I cautiously crept up in silence and listened to what he had to say. His name was Zara bin Telbara, he was originally from the western lands and was a Shadowed of Pelor. Other members of the order were apparently concerned with Dravot’s actions lately and had sent him to look for him. As soon as he asked where Dravot might be I took that as a cue and with an obvious edge in my voice said “You can find your so-called follower of Pelor over there”. I got some small satisfaction, as he obviously didn’t realize I was there. He leaned his halberd in my direction and it glowed white for an instant, and he then pulled it back. “Hrrm, thanks” he said and he continued towards the camp.

Zara arrived at the encampment and found Dravot, and asked if he was the follower of Pelor who was ‘acting the fool.’ Dravot was shocked at first, then he got an attitude. ‘I slew eight vampire spawn and three wights on this day…. they will plague the world no more.’. or some such nonsense. Zara’s response was simple and to the point: “So? You can kill. Should I be impressed? “ Damn, that was a verbal smackdown if ever I heard.

I figured I’d test this guy, so I asked Verilunda to appear before him, to see what would happen. She agreed, and appeared. Zara leaped forward, dropped to a roll and made his halberd fly through the air to his hand. He thrust it towards Verilunda and it glowed white-hot…for a moment. Then he seemed to relax, stand back, and replaced his weapon. And that was that. He didn’t pay any more attention to Verilunda from that point, other than to exchange a few pleasantries with her. Then he grew silent and didn’t speak to Dravot, or anyone else for that matter. Much to Dravot’s irritation, he just sat down near the rocks and started quietly eating. I had to stifle a laugh. Obviously, the only one with the problem was Dravot.

Glad Dravot couldn’t see the huge smirk on my face. It was a fleeting sense of satisfaction though. Kayleigh and myself were definitely very aggravated at the fact that one who we had thought a friend would do such a distrustful thing. I did not expect anything said from Scorch or Rackhir, they are not one to care about much besides themselves. But it was Jozan’s silence on the whole incident that was surprising. I think Dravot was expecting the paladin to defend his erroneous assumptions. And I think it stabbed at Dravot more than anyone else that Jozan just stayed out of it. While I admit it makes me wonder, I am grateful that the Paladin obviously didn’t find Verilunda warranting the rash actions that Dravot thought were necessary.

I’ll have to think on this, on my original decision to team up with this group, and how I had thought I could trust most of them. (While I trust Kayleigh and Jozan, and I think I can trust Scorch a bit, I find Rackhir questionable - but more to that later) Right now we had better figure out what we are doing next. After the biting conversation with Zara, I sincerely hope that Dravot’s eyes were opened a bit and he doesn’t prove to be detrimental to himself and the group. Time will tell, but that is a luxury I fear we do not have…


First Post

Total aside:
Most of us work in the technology field. And an unnamed one of us said there would be layoffs at his place of employment last week. There was then discussion of making an Employment check, DC16, and the question of whether a Masterwork Resume would add +2.

I clarified the rules about that and Rackhir asked:

"I missed that part about using it against the employment check. Was that in the errata for "Pencils and Paperclips"? I had thought that was an opposed check against your boss's Int. "

My reply, which I share for your amusement on a friday:

"Boss" is a template, similar to "vampire" or "lich". They have no INT, CHA
or WIS scores.

Reference the SRD:


"Boss" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creature (referred to
hereafter as the "character"). The creature’s type changes to "suit." It
uses all the character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted

Hit Dice: Increase to d10

Speed: Same as the character

AC: The Boss has +5 natural armor or the character’s natural armor,
whichever is better.

Damage: Creatures without natural weapons gain a touch attack that uses
negative energy to deal 1d8+5 points of damage to living creatures; a Will
save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 Boss’s HD + Boss’s Charisma modifier reduces the
damage by half. Creatures with natural attacks can use their natural
weaponry or use the touch attack, as they prefer.

Special Attacks: A Boss retains all the character’s special attacks and also
gains those listed below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 Boss’s HD + Boss’s
Charisma modifier unless noted otherwise.

Stupidity Aura (Su): Bosses are shrouded in a dreadful aura of idiocy.
Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius that look at the Boss must
succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by Confusion as cast by a
sorcerer of the Boss’s level.

Paralyzing Touch (Su): Any living creature the Boss touches must succeed at
a Fortitude save or be permanently paralyzed into inaction. A paralyzed
victim is incapable of making any decision or taking any action that
further's the goals of the company. The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone
paralyzed by a Boss seems entirely useless and ineffectual, though a
successful Spot check (DC 20) or Heal check (DC 15) reveals that the victim
is still alive. This power works in conjunction with the Boss’s damaging
touch (see above).

Spells: The Boss can cast any spells it could cast while an employee.

Special Qualities: A Boss retains all the character’s special qualities and
those listed below, and also gains the suit type (see page 6).

Damage Reduction (Su): A Boss’s body is tough, giving the creature damage
reduction 15/+1.

Immunities (Ex): Bosses are immune to reason, impact analysis, well reasoned
business cases, and mind-affecting attacks.

Saves: Same as the character
Abilities: A Boss gains +2 to Stubborness and Constitution, but being a
suit, has no Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score.
Skills: Bosses receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide, Cower, Evade Decision, and
Buck Passing checks. They receive a -4 penalty to Listen, and Sense Motive.
Otherwise same as the character.
Feats: Same as the character

Climate/Terrain: Any cubicle or office
Organization: Solitary or troupe (1 Boss, plus 2-4 sycophants and 5-8
Challenge Rating: Same as the character + 2
Treasure: Standard coins; double goods; double items, project plans
Alignment: Lawful stupid
Advancement: Any way they can.


First Post
The Heart of Nightfang Spire - Chapter 3

The Heart of Nightfang Spire - Chapter 3

OOC Notes:

Experience for this session is 1650 for everyone except Jozan, who received 2662 (surely for his excellent mediation in the crisis).

Some of the early parts of this took place via email but are included in this chapter.

Loot tally:
6 gems at 20gp each
4 bone dice (oh yeah uber there)
6 gems at 20gp each.
Silver goblet with a winged dragon as the base - 245gp

This Week’s Adventure:

After the entire mess, tensions were high in the camp. We all kept largely to ourselves and few words were exchanged. As it grew darker, a heavy gloom settled over us and was only fueled by the rain, and the occasional feverish fragments from our rescued victim. I was quietly stewing myself. I was angry, shocked and offended at Dravot’s actions. I felt in striking against Verulinda, he struck at Valanthe, and by extension, at all of us. He did not have trust or faith in any of us, and did not even consider speaking with us first.

A double watch was appropriate for this unfriendly area and I was on the first watch with Valanthe. As the others settled in to sleep, Jozan came and sat next to me as I quietly prepared more arrows. He pulled out a metal flask and offered it to me and I accepted gladly.

“This isn't a rift in the party. Some straining to be sure, but we're all on edge this close to the spire. What Dravot did to Verilunda was a symptom. He may not believe it himself, but he is suffering a crisis of faith within himself, as Zara Bin Tabara pointed out. It's not, I hope, a fatal flaw in his character, but a weakness brought on by the mark on his arm. And while what he did to Verilunda was a bad decision, even I agree with that, Dravot has helped us and been with us since the Sunless Citidel, and has earned the benefit of the doubt. So, “ he said with a wry grin, “our problem now is simple: one of our merry band has shown a weakness, and needs the party to help him. How should we handle it? “

Leave it to Jozan to start making sense. “By the use of a mace, applied with sufficient force, to the back of his head? No? I suppose not.” I took another sip and passed back the flask, then spoke my mind.

I said “There is no small bit of merit to your statement. Indeed a crisis of faith would seem to be the issue. The evil done by Chavram did not cause his actions in itself, but it has caused him to doubt himself and more significantly, his god. He is grasping about for solutions rather than having faith. He has been afflicted, but he does not believe Pelor will provide. As a result he casts about desperately for a solution, even those short sighted, even for a human. Meanwhile he turns his frustration into anger and vengance against the undead. An anger that is not always well placed. “

The damp chill was coming on with the night and I pulled my cloak closer as I went on. “We cannot restore his faith. That is a matter between him and his god and regretfully I can see no way for us to aid in this. But should he find his faith again, and return to us seeing the error in his deeds, it may be possible to forgive him. He has given no small offense, not only in his overt actions but in the lack of trust that must lay beneath them. (Though surely this crisis has muddled his thinking here too.) I do not know how he may earn forgiveness from each of us, but when you look at it as you have done, it should be possible for him to earn back our trust. (Although he will have no small task where Valanthe is concerned.) “ At that I couldn’t resist a wry smile.

But I even the immediate had problems. “But this raises the same question in a different way: Do we wish to enter the very lair of evil with a cleric who has lost his faith? What would this spell for us? And more troubling, what for him? “

Jozan thought about this for a moment before he answered. “Who knows what it would spell for us? It may be the cure for his affliction lies inside the tower; It may be that something in there will cause him to fall further. But will we cast aside party members, when they need our help, even if they don't know how to ask for it? “

He paused for another bit of warmth from the flask. “The problem now becomes a question of faith on our part. I believe in him, but this faith comes naturally to me. I can understand how the rest of the party might lose faith in dravot from this, but this mistrust is an illness in the group that must be...well, a cure will take some time, no question. but we must not let it get in the way of our duty here.”

He passed back the flask as he said “Besides, where are we going to get another cleric at this hour?” And I had to laugh.

I took a sip and followed the though. “It seems either we turn away from this festering cancer and return to Greyhawk, brought low by this deed, or we steel ourselves, support our comrade and destroy the evil within” I said waving the flask absently at the spire “and perhaps that very evil might shepherd Dravot to a new path.”

I realized that Jozan had just about changed my mind on all this. I looked at him a moment and said “Sehanine chose well.”

“Very well. You've convinced me - something I thought would not be easily done mind you.” At that I stopped and looked at the flask suspiciously a moment. Then shrugged and took another sip before returning it. “I still think he will need to seek forgiveness among us, but should he emerge from this crisis I have no doubt he will wish to do so. But that can wait for later. What concerns me now is if he will continue to persecute this shadow or if he will let it go and turn his attention back to the greater evil. If he can at least focus on our mission then we can deal with matters here. If not, then we have a problem.”

Jozan nodded at this as he took the flask. “I think we can get his focus away from Verilunda. I'll have to refill the flask, though.” And he gave a smile and moved off to perform his prayers.

After an hour, the others were asleep, save Jozan still praying. Valanthe appeared next to me – a phenomenon I’m getting all too used to, and seemed ready to talk. Funny, an hour before I would have had a very different conversation with her, but having thought on Jozan’s words I had come to a different mind.

“I know you are as concerned about Dravot's recent behavior as I am. Are we going to be able to count on him or even trust him to think and clearly for the rest of our assault on the spire? If not, what then?”

I said to her much the same thing that Jozan had said to me. But her question had a sense of the immediate and deserved a particular answer.

I told her “But you asked something different. Can we go on as we are now? I do not know. Dravot has lost faith, and his anger and frustration have turned against all things undead as a release for what he cannot change in himself. If he insists on directing this at Verulinda, then we will have great difficulty in our task. If he will set her
aside and focus his attentions on Gulthias, then I believe we can proceed and settle the rest later. So it hinges on just that. I think he will need to rest and pray before he is ready to answer that question however. So in the morning we can ask and proceed from there.”

By the end I felt like I was talking like Jozan. All I could do is sigh.

She thought a moment and sayd “Aye, you and Jozan do speak true, but it is sometimes not as easy for me to forget such events. Whilest the rest of you may be accustomed to working with others, I have always had to rely on myself, my wits, and instinct - it is not an easy thing. And while I might have known Dravot longer, I have no doubt in Verilunda, nor she in me. She and I are tied more closely that one knows.”

I had the same hesitation and told her so. “I do not readily forget such events either. We do have a long memory. And Dravot will need to find a way to mend the damage he has done. But for the sake of what he has done over the last year, I am willing to give him time to realize what he has done and make amends.”

She seemed to accept this for now. “I will do what I can to help but I will also be on my guard. I trust that he does not slip further down into the dark. I will let time run its course and I hope it's not the death of anyone in our motley crew.”

I replied that there is little else to be done, for now. And she disappeared into the many shadows around. I did not actually see her for the rest of the watch but she was there all the same.

At the end of my watch, I roused Dravot, and Jozan, who was resting a bit, and tried to settle into a trance. I sorely needed the time to allow this chaos to settle. I was aware that Jozan and Dravot were having a conversation, and the topic would not be hard to guess. But I was more interested in rest than eavesdropping.

Dravot suddenly looked at his arm as if in pain, and then an arcane bolt of energy burst forth, and a wave of magic swept over the party. The energy returned and coalesced into a form. A human form.

It was Chavram.

I tried to stand, but I was fixed in place. There was an imperative in my mind that I remain where I was and do nothing. I could watch, but no more. Chavram turned towards Dravot and Jozan, and ordered them to kneel. I could see they were resisting but still fell to their knees. Jozan particularly was defiant. He could see two very large rings, one on each of Chavram’s hands. Each had a stone with a different color and the air of magic was almost palpable. Surely they were two of the binders. He waved absently and Dravot and Jozan’s hands were bound behind their backs.

It wasn’t til then that I heard another sound. The sound of snoring. Scorch was still asleep. Whereas everyone else who was asleep was instantly awakened by Chavram’s domination, Scorch remained in snoring ignorance. I presumed that meant he was still free of Chavram’s control. [OOC: DC28 will save but Scorch made it that bugger.]

Chavram heard it too, and turned slowly towards Scorch. “The wizard is still free of will. This irritates me. Your incompetence knows no bounds, boy. I’ll deal with it.” I later learned that Sebastian too was here, and that was the target of Chavram’s scorn. At a gesture, Scorch was pinned to the ground by a wall of force, and jolted awake. He could not move. But Scorch has a knack for having just the right spell at any moment and with only words he was able to dimension door off into the darkness. Chavram looked annoyed but ignored it.

He turned back to Dravot. “You’ve caused me a great deal of trouble boy. You may stand.” At that Dravot stood. Chavram then looked upon Jozan. “This one resists me. I was not aware there were some who could.” But after that he returned his focus to Dravot. “I can’t have you cutting yourself up boy – I still have plans for you. This could . . . inconvenience me. I still have some binders to collect. You will aid me in that.”

Dravot muttered something defiant and Chavram replied “Oh you will aid me… after I transform you. Now how did you alter the mark?”

Dravot had no idea what Chavram meant. Had he found a way to alter the mark he would have done so. He had contemplated a brand that would go over the mark, but had not yet used it. Chavram thought upon that and since Dravot is a horrible liar, believed him. “Still,” Chavram said “I need the mark and I need you.”

Dravot refused to budge. “You can’t have me.”

Chavram nearly laughed. “I already have you boy. I have the rest of the family, why can’t I have you? Why do you all have to be so contentious?” He talked more like he was arguing over a horse. “What am I to do then… how am I to resolve this problem?”

Chavram seemed to happen upon an idea and turned on Rackhir. “The archer… ah…yes. You’d be perfect. Our mutual interests are assured and you’d be a far more willing servant.”

Rackhir simply said “What do you want?”

Chavram gladly answered “Well from my grandson I want a great deal, but from you…. A proposition: I want to slay Iuz.” Rackhir was most surely interested. Chavram went on about how Iuz and Vecna sought to collect all three Theoparts. (These are parts of some ancient power that Mordenkainen separated and placed in the hands of various enemies so they would not be re-united.) Chavram does not wish this to happen. While Chavram can do little against Vecna, he can deal with Iuz.

Rackhir obviously harbors more of a vendetta against Iuz than he has previously indicated. I’m not sure he was totally willing, but he was clearly not totally opposed either. Chavram says “Ali Ben Yala, move the mark.” There was screaming from both Dravot and Rackhir and energy flashing over both their bodies. Rackhir crumpled to his knees, while Dravot passed out completely. The mark was gone from Dravot’s arm, but now the mark of the Emperor’s Hounds appeared on Rackhir’s forehead.

While this was happening, Scorch had escaped into the darkness of the canyon. He could barely make out some shapes in the distance (after casting darkvision). He could see one mane in fine clothes but his skin was cracked. It was likely either Dravot’s father or brother. Behind him Scorch could make out things moving around and surely their intent was not good for Scorch. From behind him, Crescent came running to Scorch, and Scorch climbed on.

Rackhir again asked “What do you want from me?”

Chavram said “First, you have contact with the Great Index and that is useful to me. You also have…connections. You will come into contact with one of the closed nodes and they would receive you well. You will help me recruit them and free them from the Black Brotherhood to whom they are now beholden.

There was a sudden glow around Jozan that nobody was expecting. It was not hard to see it as a cat’s grace. But where had that come from, and why? Then I could see it – apparently Meepo had dug out a scroll and cast it. Surely he had no idea which one it was though. Chavram waved his pinky and there was the sound of a kobold being pummeled.

Chavram, unfazed, went on. “We have a connection now. I will contact you as needed.” To Rackhir he said “Take care of yourself. Do not get yourself killed when I went to some trouble to get that attached.” He then berated Sebastian a bit. In that he said something about “not to let Fraz do anything to the mark.” The only Fraz I could think of was Fraz Erb Lu - a demon prince and lord of deception. But how this could have any bearing on this situation was beyond me.

He then yells “Sebastian! We’re leaving. Tell your father and idiot brother not to harm the mage and leave them.” And Chavram then faded out.

One by one our free will returned. Except for Zara who seemed quite unable to break free. A spell from Jozan released him however.

We started at one another in shock and confusion. The mark of the hounds still smoked on Rackhir’s forehead. Rackhir now had the touch of undead, and Dravot was free of it. None of us had the faintest idea what to do next.

I concluded that this was a rather significant turn of events and that perhaps it was time to use the other property of the scales. I tried to contact Lord Gelban. It took some effort and was difficult but eventually Lord Gelban’s image formed in my mind, though it shifted oddly at times.

Lord Gelban listened intently and was nearly as shocked as we were at this turn of events. He mentioned the Black Brotherhood is the offshoot of the Scarlet Brotherhood – they worship Therizdun and seek his release. As for Fraz, he doubted that unless the Horned Society was involved. They worshipped ones such as Fraz. But the Horned Society did appear in the dream I shared with Jozan…

This development opened an endless stream of new questions, but the most immediate was how to proceed right now. Either there was no binder here, or Chavram could not get to it, more likely the former. Chavram did not seem to care what we did about Gulthias or he would have stopped us. Gulthias definitely has access to some kind of powerful item that can channel negative energy great distances.

I had some relief when Lord Gelban said “You were wise to contact me, Kayleigh.” I thought this all to be quite significant but did hold some small worry that he would think this too trivial to contact him over.

Lord Gelban directs us to proceed as we see fit, and requests we contact him again at dawn. He believes Gulthias still should be stopped, but realizes that there are many other issues. At that, we all retire again to try to rest as best we can. I was too agitated to rest without the help of a sip of wine, after which I was at least able to find some measure of peace.

Just before dawn, Zara’s halberd began glowing. He stuck it into the ground and kneeled. And then his features and shape began to change. He got slightly smaller somehow, and the symbol on the halberd changed to a normal symbol of Pelor. Then he stood, but it was no longer him. Zera bin Tebara stood up – now a woman. She looked at Jozan and bid him good morning, as if this were a completely normal occurrence. Jozan recognized her as a paladin. She absently mentioned something about the curse of the Tebareen, a family curse, and something about angering wizards. (Valanthe seemed a bit concerned at this but said nothing.) She was still willing to see to the safe escort of the woman we rescued.

This left us with another matter – that of Dravot. If he insisted on persecuting Verulinda, then we should not return to the Spire. If on the other hand he would rather focus his efforts on Gulthias, then we could proceed. I put this question to him directly in front of everyone. There was talk of private conversations but since the act was committed in public and the answer affects us all, it too should be openly discussed.

Dravot said that he was wrong. In his desperation to fight the undead forces applied to him and with the zeal that has come upon him to fight all undead, he missed the fact that Verulinda is not a threat and is not evil. He only saw the fact that she was not alive and for that he was wrong, and he apologized. He has begged guidance from Pelor and has begged his forgiveness as well. While this cannot make up for that act he hopes that Valanthe understands that this is at least a first step towards mending that. Valanthe seemed content with this, and apologized for her part in this. Everyone seemed content at this and the matter was dropped.

For myself, I’m not sure I can forget so quickly. We shall see.

As instructed, we contact Lord Gelban again. It was oddly much easier this time. The Silvering has confirmed that Gulthias has something powerful at his command and that we need to deal with it regardless. At first they had suspected a binder but if he had access to a binder he would surely use it. The binder may have been removed from this place, but something powerful still lies within. Chavram’s indifference to our attack on Gulthias is something to be concerned about though. They hope to have more information about the remaining binders and how to access them soon, courtesy of the studies being done on the Great Index. Lord Gelban said “Our knowledge of the Theoparts is most distressing.” I’m not sure if he meant what we reported was distressing, or that we knew of them at all. In any case, we tell him we will proceed as planned.

Dravot then turns his attention to our rescued captive. His spells restore much of her health. She tells us she had thought she remained at a safe distance but they came in the night and took her by surprised. Gulthias has harnessed some sort of incredibly powerful necromantic artifact in the tower’s protected core. (She could not dimension door into it.) Gulthias is a fanatic and worships the dragon Ashardalon – the same one mentioned in the Sunless Citadel. Ashardalon is either dead or simply gone, but Gulthias is insane. Ashardalon was killed by a druid by the name of Dydd. She believes that Gulthias will try to bring Ashardalon back if he gets enough power. He has summoned some servitors also. If Gulthias can’t raise the dragon, he’ll raise as many undead creatures as he can to attempt to prove himself worthy to bring back Ashardalon.

Zera will take the woman and head for the Pale as the nearest safe place. As she packs, we prepare to assault the tower once again.

We again return to the top of the Spire via Scorch’s polymorph. Inside we notice the tracks of many humanoid creatures, and for some the size of the feet do not match.

We then proceed to move through the floor room by room, not wishing to leave anything to assault our flank. We find various debris, some small treasures, (oddly a few dice) and some rooms with sarcophagi and shadows lurking within. The shadows are easily driven back by Dravot and are scarcely a threat. Carved on the sarcophagi are elven figures with vaguely reptilian features, again hearkening back to the Citadel.

Dravot was detecting a large undead presence and we were finally ready to enter that room. Whatever we were expecting, we did not find it.

Inside a small sliver of a room on the tower’s outer edge there was a large puddle completely covering the floor. The black liquid sat unquietly, swirling and bubbling. After the door was opened, it began seeping towards the door. We fell back slightly unsure how to approach it. I fired a flaming arrow to test the effect but the liquid simply snuffed the flame. Dravot began attempting to destroy it with positive energy – Jozan attempted to bolster Dravot’s power in this. Even so it took several attempts before the liquid flashed and turned to ash, and we had no small relief at that.

In one small room was a set of spiral stairs leading downward. Content that we had left nothing behind on this floor we moved downward. At the bottom of the stairs Valanthe found a carving of a gulthias tree in marble, laced with some type of divination magic.

Before we had even all gone down the stairs, we were under attack. Specters began floating through the walls and tearing at our group. Jozan was touched by them and felt his life force ripped away. Dravot too felt their icy touch. Then a mummy burst through the door and slashed at Jozan with a small weapon and tore a significant wound.

We wasted no time in retreating. We were unprepared and unable to fight in such a small space. We hoped to at least withdraw to the area above that Dravot consecrated in his attempts to turn the ooze. While retreating the specters again touched Jozan.

However, once we were upstairs, the specters did not follow. We considered this odd but were not questioning it. Considering that our group had been seriously drained, and that Dravot had already used the single scroll of restoration we had in fighting the vampires, we withdrew from the tower to better prepare.


First Post
From Dravot's Journal

Dravot’s Journal, Heart of Nightfang Spire II

We have retreated from the spire, fleeing from foul specters that took us unprepared and unawares. Jozan and I both experienced the frightening drain of these evil creatures and I am most concerned for both of us. My ability to restore energies lost from the drain has been taken from me; we must steel our courage and strength and appeal to our gods for aid.

The mood in camp is subdued. We are all still reeling from the events of the last 12 hours.

I was on mid-watch with Jozan, discussing Verilunda and my actions. He brought me to the realization that I made a severe mistake in misjudging the shadow’s intentions. Even as I recognized it, I couldn’t accept the notion, and resolved again to speak with Zara about it in the morning.

During our conversation, I felt a severe burning in my arm…within the mark. I have never felt such pain. Energy exploded out from it in all directions and suddenly Chavram stood before us. Everyone else was pinned to the ground, but Jozan and I resisted his evil machinations…at least for a bit. Eventually I succumbed to Chavram’s overpowering strength and he forced me to kneel before him. My hands were bound behind my back. Clearly, he thought I might do him some harm.

He seemed concerned for the Mark upon my arm. He knew about my thoughts for branding it, or worse. I’m not sure if he had spies about, or if the Mark allowed him to eavesdrop upon my plans, but this was disturbing news. Apparently something had affected the Mark though, and Chavram wanted to know what it was. I refused details, but admitted that I had tinkered with it. I thought about lying, but saw no purpose in it. Chavram wondered if some demon lord had tampered with it…Fraz. While I’m happy to see Chavram worried about something, the notion of a demon lord tampering with the Mark upon me is a disturbing one.

I denounced Chavram, saying how I would see his plans come to ruin. He laughed at me, clearly discounting my growing skills. I may not be able to yet, but I will see the day when his presence is removed from this plane permanently and my family and lands can live in peace. He told me that I would transform into undead, just like my father and brother and aid him in his mad quest. I will not allow that to pass.

Chavram turned to Rackhir, offering him some sort of alliance vs. Iuz. I knew that Rackhir had no love for Iuz, but I found that his willingness to accept an offer from Chavram in order to fight Iuz to be a bit shocking. Calling upon the binder from my homelands, Chavram had the mark removed from my arm and placed upon Rackhir’s forehead. I passed out from the intense pain.

I awoke to find the Mark of the Emperor’s Hounds smoking on Rackhir’s forehead, and my arm to be free, finally free. A quick scan showed that I no longer had the taint of undead upon myself, but Rackhir reeked of it. I am still at a loss when considering the implications of this.

I am most disturbed to learn that my father and brother were present, as was the Bastard Sebastian. I am certain that they are acting under Chavram’s will, and I will see them laid to rest appropriately.

Kayleigh contacted Gelban about our encounter, and promised to speak with him later on in the morning.

An hour later, Zara’s halberd started to glow, and he picked it up and strode a short way from camp. I took the opportunity to follow him, and respectfully asked him about Verilunda. He told me what I had already figured out…she was no threat. Just as mortals have all sorts of motivations, so do the undead. Pelor’s displeasure for the undead isn’t in their lack of mortal life…it’s in the evil that certain undead do. For sure, there are more evil undead than non-evil, but there are exceptions to the rule. I must take this lesson with me for the future.

I thanked Zara and started to move away to let him pray when he glowed with a shimmering light and started to change. I was at first alarmed by this, but watched patiently, ready to act if need be. He transformed into a woman! She was slightly smaller than him and she seemed vaguely familiar. Her features were similar to that of Zara. She introduced herself as Zira bin Tabara, a paladin of Pelor. She and her brother, Zara were under a curse, she was destined to walk in sunlight, and he was denied the light of Pelor. I asked if I could help, but she said no…the curse would only be broken with the accomplishment of good deeds. She agreed to take the lady Yaelith with her to safety.

During this discussion, I was looking for an opportunity to speak with Valanthe alone. I needed to apologize to her, and more importantly to Verilunda. Kayleigh wrecked those plans by publicly asking me for an explanation for my actions. She was worried that I might try something else. I was most annoyed with her, for this was meant to be a private apology for a private action, and should have had no affect upon anyone else. Certainly, to propose that I would do anything to jeopardize our mission is preposterous. Last night was a mistake, yes, but only that. A mistake.

So, denied of the opportunity of speaking with Valanthe in private, I apologized to her in front of everyone. I made a mistake, and I acknowledge that now. My wont for revenge upon the forces of the undead has colored my thoughts to an unhealthy degree, and I know this now. I can see that my actions have disrupted the fragile unity that our group has built up over the past few months, and for that, I am sorry. I told Valanthe that an apology is only the first step toward re-earning her trust, and not the final step of atonement.

I may have to do the same for others within the group. So be it. I will do what I can to show my regret (and my intention to make up for my past deed), and it will be upon their souls to accept or reject my actions. Pelor requests that good works be done, I will oblige. I can do no more, I will do no less.

I restored some of Yaelith’s lost energies, which she had lost to the foul vampire spawn. She was awake enough to speak with us, mentioning that Gulthias has an evil, necromantic artifact within the spire, and that the core of the tower is protected from various majicks, preventing many forms of magical access. We had to go back in the way we did previously.

And so we did. We found several shadows, and I turned them easily, killing them in the process. The holy light of Pelor filled me this day. We searched every room carefully as we went along, recovering treasures that the unholy beasts were harboring.

Eventually we approached the massive undead obstacle that I had detected previously. It was huge, diffuse and spread out. We opened the door and found a black liquid substance upon the floor, and it started seeping out of the room. Yes, it was the undead that I detected. We tried various things upon it. Daylight, searing light, holy water, greater turnings…nothing worked. I consecrated the area to allow me to work stronger turnings, but nothing. Items tossed into it dissolved quickly. We started retreating down the hall. We were running out of options. I tried to use positive energy once more, vainly trying anything. This time the might of Pelor was with me, and it dissolved, leaving a bit of residue and dust in it’s place.

We then moved downstairs. The stairs were in a small room, with a tree engraved upon the floor below us. Jozan opened the door at the bottom of the stairs when we were beset upon by specters. I was hit once, feeling the icy touch as it drained energy from my being. Jozan was hit by two of them, and tells us that he was also beset upon by a mummy which moved up to engage him in combat.

We realized that this narrow room was no place to fight, but I doubted that we could avoid a fight. We could however choose our location…upstairs where I had consecrated the hallway. We quickly moved into the area, waiting for them to show themselves…but nothing. They did not pursue…something which I still find odd.

So now we wait for the effect from the specters to either wear off or become permanent. I will pray to Pelor for his aid, and then we will go back and we will destroy them. I am most certain that the only one who will be annoyed with me for destroying them will be Gulthias, and for that I am glad.


First Post
The Heart of Nightfang Spire - Chapter 4

The Heart of Nightfang Spire - Chapter 4

OOC Notes:

Experience this session is 2761 for everyone except Kayleigh who gets 2275

Notes for Next Time:

If I recall correctly, Gelban again raised the question of whether we want to go back and continue, or withdraw from the mission.

This Week’s Adventure:

[There is no new entry in Kayleigh’s journal.]

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