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Wizards 2008 releases?


New releases?


I am hoping that the releases are not a complete list, otherwise, I am a little concerned. No direct suppliments and no Forgotten realms. Any one have any ideas?

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tarcil said:

I am hoping that the releases are not a complete list, otherwise, I am a little concerned. No direct suppliments and no Forgotten realms. Any one have any ideas?

They're gearing up for 4e?
They're canning the Realms in favour of Eberron?
They intend to move everything into their online scheme?
They've run out of ideas for crunch?
The editor of that catalog slept on the job and the thing is only half-done?

I don't know, it might sound paranoid or pessimistic, but those are my ideas.

I had this feeling for some time now that I'm no longer considered part of the target audience by Wizards. I don't dismiss the possibility that one, two years from now, I'll have a lot of spare money on my hand that before that I used to put into Wizards products.


Kae'Yoss said:
They're canning the Realms in favour of Eberron?

I wonder if they believe the market for Forgotten Realms' game products might be tapped out. It seems they were experimenting in content for a few products, which usually means the mainstream ones are selling. The experimental ones seemed to get a lot of complaints, then they switched to adventures. Maybe they are going to see how the adventures go before they decide how to approach the line (besides the novels that are coming out often).


Slumbering in Tsar
Kae'Yoss said:
I had this feeling for some time now that I'm no longer considered part of the target audience by Wizards. I don't dismiss the possibility that one, two years from now, I'll have a lot of spare money on my hand that before that I used to put into Wizards products.

It will be interesting to see what demographic 4E targets.

College students (IIRC) are the #1 players, so I'd imagine that they will be the number 1 target (along with those about to enter College, of course).


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DaveMage said:
It will be interesting to see what demographic 4E targets.

Probably the kind of addictive personality that isn't addictive enough to neglect their children or personal needs to play, but pretty close to that.


Sucros said:
The other two are much more deep in impact. The lolth issue cements the FR "bastard" cosmology in cannon (ug ug ug) has a direct effect on the source material, and is way too large for the PCs to be involved in. While this led to novels that some people enjoyed, it's a large blemish on the material for players.


Not necessarily. I have not DMed in the Realms for a while, so if I start that over again, I will certainly ignore it. that, AND the cosmology. And I doubt my players will complain either.


Echohawk said:
Yes. Note that some of these products are D&D products, rather than AD&D products:

But I think a more interesting comparison is the release schedule just before the release of 3rd Edition:

2000-01 Vortex of Madness and Other Planar Perils
2000-03 Apocalypse Stone
2000-04 Slavers
2000-05 Reverse Dungeon
2000-06 Die Vecna Die!
AAhhh, there were quite a few good ones, back at the time (edited list to reflect my tastes).

Well, even if I do not like the new edition, this reminds me that I already have good stuff for quite a few years. Anyone ever run Reverse Dungeon besides me ?


First Post
Wow, I have never seen such a poor selection of goods from WOTC. I mean, I thought the last third of this year was bad, but MAAAANNNN!

It looks like after Expedition to Castle Greyhawk, it will be 20 bucks till next April. One set of each Dungeon Tiles.

Now that is really sad, as I spent over 250.00 on WOTC last year. All the completes, all the Races, and quite a few other books to boot. It is just unbeleiveable to me there is such junk. Plus the realyl odd books, Tales of a sorceress? The making of D&D? Please! I want to play the game, not turn it into the Oprah Winfrey show or wsomething!

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