wizards forums are up


First Post
Good: The new features. Groups, wikis, blogs to a lesser degree. Integrated support with DDI looks promising.

Bad: The whole forums setup. It's only optimized for a 1024x768 viewing space; any bigger and you've got white space. A third of the viewing space is ate by "Recent Posts" and "Popular Topics", features which look like they should exist on the home and forum browsing pages but absolutely loathe on the thread browsing page. The actual text of the posts gets about a 4 inch screen. The editor for posts is awful. Quotes take up huge spaces, every enter is automatically a double space. No option to change the immediate background the text sits on to anything but white. I could go on, but I'm getting bored.

Basically new features = awesome. New layout = horrible. You'd think gleemax would've taught them a lesson... evidently, not really.

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First Post
So, it's like a slightly less intuitive Facebook for gamers. A little redundant, but a nice enough idea. Looks pretty enough, I guess.

The forums are dreadful, however. Worse than they were before, and it was hard enough to say anything nice about the the old forums.

It's only optimized for a 1024x768 viewing space

It's not even optimized for that, actually. My monitor is set to 1024x768 and I have to scroll side-to-side to read posts. :(

I like a lot of the new stuff, but the aesthetics do need to change--or at least there need to be options to customize the look. Hopefully that's part of what they're working on.


The new site is ugly and hard to navigate. All that nonsense to the right side of the screen needs to go away. I also hate how I can't tell when one person's quote begins and another ends.


New Publisher
Good: New tools to communicate with my friends, and with my RP groups. Better looking.

Bad: Ummmm, could the forum listings and sub-forums be any worse in terms of layout? Really, really bad.


The more I use it, the more I like it. However, I do agree that the formatting of the forum lists needs to change. Its too blocky.


First Post
Oh it eventually worked, but I had to give up on the thing ever finishing what it was doing on the page and going back to the thing.

After spending some time with these new forums, I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather play F.A.T.A.L. or RaHoWa than use them on a regular basis. No. Seriously. I think I might lose less SAN that way.

They were already bad, how in the name of Corellon did they manage to make them WORSE?

Oh yeah you can't see when a subforum has new posts anymore either, you have to open it manually and check. Or see the posts in the topic you're replying to while you reply to it. Or...


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