D&D General WizKids Announces Unpainted Minis for D&D, Critical Role


The Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures line of unpainted miniatures celebrates Dungeons & Dragons 50th anniversary with dual-pack miniatures, one from the modern interpretations of the characters and one from the original editions of the game. The line will include miniatures for dwarves, elves, skeleton knights, kobolds, goblins, and mimics.

Each two-figure pack will retail for $5.99 and is expected for a Q3 2024 release.


The Critical Role Unpainted Miniatures line is also expanding with several new entries. These figures are also sold in blister packs with one or two miniatures per pack, depending. This new wave will include Dorian Storm, Orym of the Air Ashari & Fresh Cut Grass (2 minis), Imogen Temult, Ashton Greymoore, Fearne Calloway & Mister (2 minis), and Chetney Pock O’pea & Werewolf (2 minis). The single-mini packs will be available for a retail price of $4.49 while the two-figure packs will be available for $5.99 and is expected for a Q3 2024 release.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

I'm very, very irked with Wizkids about their unpainted miniatures lines. They've recently removed the bases from the packs, so now you have to buy them separately (if available). And with these new releases, they've substantially raised prices.

I'm boycotting them. They're low quality anyway, compared to what I get from Reaper, Steamforged, and others, and now it feels like they're trying to gouge me.

What wave did they stop including the black or clear bases as I haven’t seen that in the shop or online BUT I haven’t been paying close attention lately.

What wave did they stop including the black or clear bases as I haven’t seen that in the shop or online BUT I haven’t been paying close attention lately.
Last wave. And I am still annoyed that my flail snail didn't come with a base, nor does Wizkids sell huge bases, so for huge miniatures, you're just SOL.

The lack of bases for medium creatures doesn’t bother me personally because I have so many. But when it comes to small, large, or huge bases I am reminded of how mercenary it is to not include them.

Heck with work being so hectic for the last 4-5 months, I haven’t kept up with the wave releases. Is it now wave 22 the newest release? Wave 23 says later this year. Missed some nice looking minis that I need to review and find the best shops to buy from.

I'm boycotting them. They're low quality anyway, compared to what I get from Reaper, Steamforged, and others, and now it feels like they're trying to gouge me.
Yeah, I’m staying way the hell away from anything WizKids puts out. Overpriced, poor quality, poorly painted (for those that are painted) and this base thing is just eye-roll inducing.

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