D&D 4E Wonko's 4E Auto Character Sheet + Custom Power Cards

Wonko the Sane

First Post
the true is, i cant select any checkbox on the character sheet. at least not by clicking it, if there's any other way, pls say.

It sounds like you need to enable macros (Office Button --> Excel Options --> Trust Center --> Trust Center Settings --> Macro Settings --> Enable all macros). That should get things working.


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Wonko the Sane

First Post
Is there a way to outfit a wizard with more than one implement? My wizard has Staff of Defense so he usually is equipped with a Staff of the War Mage, but he also carries a Master's Wand of Magic Missiles.
Another funny/tragic story: Apparently, wands in AV got missed somehow, so they're not even listed.

Once I remedy this, you'll be able to have the quarterstaff in one of the weapon slots, and the wand in the implement slot. The sheet automatically picks the implement with the highest enhancement bonus to use with your powers.



This should only be possible if you took Novice Power, Acolyte Power AND Adept Power using your remaining 5 feats from level 4 up to level 11 (prerequisites make it impossible to take them using the level 2 feat). Otherwise, you don't get to do a Paragon Multiclass.

So at the latest, you must have taken Novice Power at level 8, Acolyte Power at level 10 and Adept Power at level 11. That is, by level 8 you must have taken Novice Power, and by level 11 you must have taken Acolyte Power and Adept Power. If you did, Wonko's sheet has a bug. If not, that's the way it should be.

Obviosuly, I assumed most people would realize that by going Paragon Multiclass, I had taken the three power swap feats throughout the levels between 1 and 11. I guess I should have been more clear about that...

Anyway, your reply to my post had nothing to do with my post at all. I know how paragon multiclassing works. I also know that Warlocks get a set at-will depending on which pact they choose. They also get Eldritch Blast as an at-will.

Pact Initiate warlocks get the at-will of their pact choice as an encounter power. At level 11, with paragon multiclassing, the only other choice the spreadsheet is giving me for the at-will is Eldritch Blast. Now, normally, this is fine, but if I am a Half-Elf who took Eldrtich Blast for his Dilettante power and then got the Dark pact at-will as an encounter power from Pact Initiate, then when he gets to level 11, he should be able to pick from the other Warlock at-wills for his replacement at-will power. At the same time, this should also apply to non-Half-elf Pact Initiates, since Human Warlocks can pick from the other at-wills when picking their third at-will power.


First Post
Now, normally, this is fine, but if I am a Half-Elf who took Eldrtich Blast for his Dilettante power and then got the Dark pact at-will as an encounter power from Pact Initiate, then when he gets to level 11, he should be able to pick from the other Warlock at-wills for his replacement at-will power. At the same time, this should also apply to non-Half-elf Pact Initiates, since Human Warlocks can pick from the other at-wills when picking their third at-will power.

Is it possible that what you are suggesting is not possible because the dilletante ability is not s true "At-will" power? It is an encounter power. Just because it allows you to select another's class' at will power to be used as an encounter ability does not mean that you truly "possess" the At will power.

To tell the truth, you are probably right that you should be allowed to select any of the Warlock at-will's for your Paragon Multi-class At will ability at 11th level, but this would seem to be a plausible explanation of why the sheet is adjudicating in this manner.....

Having said all of this, I just wanted to let you know just how invaluable this Character Sheet is to my gaming experience. Wonko, you have taken almost all of the work out of playing a character and turned gamenight into an awesomely enjoyable experience. I love how easy this sheet is to learn to use, and the steps it takes out of combat for me allowing me to enjoy the role-playing experience. Using this sheet and the fourth edition rules, I have not had this much fun role-playing since 20+ years ago in high school when i was playing the old school basic Dungeons and Dragons.........



First Post
Again thanks for the sheet.

Now, am I missing something horribly obvious, or is there no choice for Paragon Multiclassing?
I made a Gnome Cleric, Multiclassed into Wizard.
Have all required feats and am level 12.
It lists all Cleric and Wizard Paragon paths that I am elligible for, except Paragon Multiclassing. Because of this, I can't choose my abilities, without Utilities area going "WARNING" red, because it doesn't think I should have a Paragon Utility.

Please, someone point me to where I am missing this option. Thank you. =)

PS. I am using the newest version of the sheet, as of this post.


First Post
Obviosuly, I assumed most people would realize that by going Paragon Multiclass, I had taken the three power swap feats throughout the levels between 1 and 11. I guess I should have been more clear about that...

Anyway, your reply to my post had nothing to do with my post at all. I know how paragon multiclassing works. I also know that Warlocks get a set at-will depending on which pact they choose. They also get Eldritch Blast as an at-will.

Pact Initiate warlocks get the at-will of their pact choice as an encounter power. At level 11, with paragon multiclassing, the only other choice the spreadsheet is giving me for the at-will is Eldritch Blast. Now, normally, this is fine, but if I am a Half-Elf who took Eldrtich Blast for his Dilettante power and then got the Dark pact at-will as an encounter power from Pact Initiate, then when he gets to level 11, he should be able to pick from the other Warlock at-wills for his replacement at-will power. At the same time, this should also apply to non-Half-elf Pact Initiates, since Human Warlocks can pick from the other at-wills when picking their third at-will power.

Well, it's simple. Firstly, I'm a programmer, so I think like a programmer. (Well, maybe not so much a spreadsheet programmer though -- more like C++, Java and stuff) You weren't clear, so I was trying to get you to put things clearly. What you believed to be clear was actually an assumption. Wonko can't work on assumptions, so I was hoping you would provide more details for him after my comment. No need to be so hostile.

Oh yeah, by the way, I know all that Warlock stuff too. Should we start a club? :p

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