• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

World's Largest Dungeon


wmasters said:
Aswan looks at the imposing doors in front of them, "Do you think we should knock?" he asks the assembled group.

"Only if ye want an answer," Carolina says offhandedly as she makes her way to examine the closest of the light-shedding rods. "Interesting."

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
wmasters said:
Aswan looks curiously at the gnome. "Seems doubtful it can turn doorknobs. Whatever gave you that idea?".
"Don't see many rats in the mountains. Too much open air, too much chance for some bird to come pluck him off when he's looking for the food that's not there. Rats don't go riding horses around atop mountains, waiting for landslides. This rat is from inside this place and someone else opened that door recently and he got stuck on this side when it closed."


First Post
The rod is a nondescript metal bar, firmly bolted to the wall. It doesn't seem to be giving off any heat.

Thorg has trouble hearing anything over the sound of the now-torrential downpour, although it sounds like rain isn't the only thing that's falling out there now. His keen eyes, however, reveal that the rat looks somewhat the worse for wear, with its fur matted in places as though it had been scurrying over jagged rocks that had drawn blood. Despite that, it still seems to be in good health -- in Thorg's limited experience, he'd be tempted to say he's never seen a better-looking rat. Not that he's ever really looked at one this attentively before.

Aside from the rat, the room is non-descript. There are no symbols on the walls or any indication of what the room is, or what lies on the other side of the door. It was obviously constructed with great care and skill, but to what end no one could say.

OOC:[SBLOCK]Carolina's Search check = 2+6; Thorg's Listen check = 3+3; Thorg's Spot check = 20+3.[/SBLOCK]


Kafkonia said:
The rod is a nondescript metal bar, firmly bolted to the wall. It doesn't seem to be giving off any heat.

Carolina shrugs as she finishes examining the metal rod, somewhat disappointed. She was really hoping it would be something she could use.

Almost as quickly as the rods captured her attention, she forgets about them as she now focuses on the large iron doors. She purposely gives the rat no obvious attention as she makes her way to the closest of the doors, although she makes sure the filthy creature stays within her field of vision at all times, ready to fire a bolt from her crossbow if need be.


First Post
Jerolan moves up alongside Carolina.

"Clearly this is the entrance to some sort of structure. The question is, were the bloods who constructed it expecting visitors - and if they were, would those visitors have been welcome?"

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
"There was a dead gentleman laying outside their front door, if what you're saying is true. That suggests we might need to try extra-hard to make friends with them," Baeril chirps, apparently without irony or sarcasm.

"Say, could he have even fit through those doors?"


"Friends are good, Baeril. I like more friends, too."

Thorg puts his spear away and crouches down, facing the rat. "Hello, rat. How are you? I am fine. Do you want a blanket? Mulgrave always gave me a blanket when I came inside out of the rain. It was warm and comfy."

Thorg pulls his vestments out of his pack and presents them to the rat.


First Post
The rat steps back as Thorg crouches down, but stops and watches him. When he presents it with his vestments, it hesitates, steps forward a bit, and sniffs. Slowly it moves forward and sniffs again, then climbs up onto the proferred clothing and from there to Thorg's hand. It begins exploring his arm curiously, moving up and down.

The doors, upon closer investigation, are surprisingly smooth, and Carolina would guess they're about four feet across by nine feet high. There's a slight indentation at eye level to the halfling on each of the doors, and combined with the lack of hinges on this side of the door it suggests that the doors, if pushed, would open inward. Given the size of the giant outside, it's likely he could not have fit through the doorway without substantial discomfort -- in fact, he may have had difficulty even travelling down the tunnel that led them here.

While the others are examining the door or speaking to the rat, Aswan notices that dirty water is slowly starting to trickle into the room from the hallway.


First Post
Aswan glances at the water trickling into the cave. "Looks like it might get as wet in here as it is out there. Do you think we should go in?

Voidrunner's Codex

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