Worlds of Design: RPGs in Just Six Words

How much detail do you need to know to run a particular setting in FRPG? Some settings have about the detail level of comic books, some are more detailed such as Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom novels or Lord of the Rings (LOTR), some have settings as detailed as the Game of Thrones show. Can you explain your RPG setting in just six words?

How much detail do you need to know to run a particular setting in FRPG? Some settings have about the detail level of comic books, some are more detailed such as Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom novels or Lord of the Rings (LOTR), some have settings as detailed as the Game of Thrones show. Can you explain your RPG setting in just six words?

Many D&D settings are detailed enough for a large book, tens of thousands of words long. The Game of Thrones books (Song of Fire and Ice) will top two million words. LOTR has spawned three movies over 12 hours altogether (extended versions). Yet other settings are relatively sparse.

On the other hand, Jeffro Johnson (author of the "Appendix N" book about D&D's sources), says that you only need to know six things about your setting to run an adventure. He tends to rely much more on GM invention and much less on written material than most.

Jeffro never put any categories, it was just six things. I'd think of categories:

  • Transportation and communication would be one.
  • Lethality (how many die/get killed prematurely in the world) might be another.
  • Rarity of magic; how powerful is magic; stage of magic (see "Four Stages of Magic"); is it people or magic items that are powerful?
  • What forms of government exist (empires, monarchies, oligarchies, etc.).
This brings to mind another "minimalist" route. Ernest Hemingway once answered a challenge to write a six word story thus: "For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn". Since then, others have written such minimalist stories. (Why six rather than, say, seven? No idea.)

I've asked readers of my Gamastura (video site) blog to offer six word statements for various topics, with interesting results. Limiting yourself to a few words can help creativity. Here's the challenge:

Can you explain your RPG setting in just six words?

I've tried a few examples for existing settings below (admittedly, some of the most detailed settings around). Anytime you try to describe something complex in six words, it can only be a hint, but might be enough to interest players. Another way to approach minimalism is the "elevator pitch," well known in video game design, about as many words as you say during an elevator trip. Two or three sentences, say 25 words?
[h=3]Original D&D - Greyhawk[/h]
  • Medieval fantasy, cooperation, magic is dominant
  • Medieval monsters, tactical combat, magic everywhere
[h=3]Game of Thrones[/h]
  • Betrayal, lust, greed, swords; magic rare
  • Winter is coming, war and rebellion
  • Devastation, fire-breathing dragons, Ice Walkers cometh
[h=3]Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom[/h]
  • Forever young, constantly at war, Mars
  • Desiccated Mars, pseudo-science, swords, guns, flyers
  • Aerial battle fleets, individual heroism, Mars
  • One Ring, evil reawakened, orcs, besieged
  • Orcs dominant, magic rare, medieval technology
  • World in decline, monsters reawakened, Doom (Double-entendre there.)
  • Fantasy space-travel; Neogi, Beholder, Illithid ships!
  • Fast fantasy spaceships, low gunpowder technology
[h=3]Arabian Nights[/h]
  • Arabian nights, desert survival, desert "spirits"
  • Desert survival, princesses, thieves, "genies," spirits
I suppose you could call this un-rhymed free-form poetry. Some of the above describe a story more than the setting. Perhaps that's easier. Can you do better describing these settings? Or how about describing your own campaign? If six words is just too few, try the "elevator pitch" (25 word) description.

This article was contributed by Lewis Pulsipher (lewpuls) as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. Lew was Contributing Editor to Dragon, White Dwarf, and Space Gamer magazines and contributed monsters to TSR's original Fiend Folio, including the Elemental Princes of Evil, denzelian, and poltergeist. You can follow Lew on his web site and his Udemy course landing page. If you enjoy the daily news and articles from EN World, please consider contributing to our Patreon!

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Lewis Pulsipher

Lewis Pulsipher

Dragon, White Dwarf, Fiend Folio


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'd differentiate between an elevator pitch - a quick, short sell to hook people into the idea of the setting, and what a DM needs to run that setting with consistency.

You need both. But they serve different goals. If I had just six words, I wouldn't describe the mundane, but what makes it different. Some of [MENTION=30518]lewpuls[/MENTION] examples are really good at that - evocative and makes you want to play there. (And the ones that aren't are more a limitation of trying to be more inclusive in the description that it waters down the sell, but since he was going for the full description that's not a weakness, just a different goal with six words.)


It is a great exercise, getting your ideas down to just a simple sentence. It really does force you to think about what is important.

Example: Ashes of Blade & Bone (MW world setting I am working on)

Magical rivalry endangering world after apocalypse.


Staff member
Some of my homebrews:

1) Rising from ashes post-apocalyptic fantasy

2) Magic: the Gathering using Fantasy HERO

3) Wellsian/Vernian Superheroes in early 1900s

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