[WoT Adventure] Turn 2 - Back at the Inn


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Bennett, the stablemaster of the Golden Stag Inn, is the first person to see you returning. And with his daughter.

"Sirene, are you all right?" He asks her, obviously relieved that beyond dirt and bruises, she seems to be fine. She nods, too shocked to say anything at all.

"I don't know how I can repay you." Bennett says. "I don't know that a stableman can do much for any of you."

But Bennett is not the only one staring at the adventurers when they returned to the inn.

A man in the uniform of the Queen's Guards, with a knot of rank on his shoulder, walked up them. And not three steps behind him was Lila Sedai.

The guardsman was a stocky,sandy-haired man of about 25, who seems rather friendly, for a guard. But he would like to know what happened here.

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Lord Tomas stepped forward and addressed the commoner, "The smile on your face is thanks enough Goodman. It was my duty as a Nobleman to help your daughter, and these good people were pivotal in that task."

He then turned to the Guardsman and says, "I am Lord Tomas Menorian of House Menorian. Three creatures of the Shadow attacked the good people of this Inn and made off with the Stableman's daughter. I and these good allies ventured forth to rescue the girl. In fearsome combat were the other two shadowspawn dispatched and we brought the girl back."

[ooc: woo...I got to post first. whee...guess I'm the only one without a date tonight. ;)]

Shalimar raised an eyebrow at Lord Tomas's description of events, but decided not to say anything unless she had to.

I really am too tired to think. But it is probably best to downplay Sirsei's and my involvement. Lila Sedai probably wont be pleased with this. Stories of women using the power would probably not be well recievd either.

"Like I promised you Sirene, your back safe and sound, and we wont let anything else bad happen to you." she said patting the child on the shoulder." turning to the stableman ,"Lord Tomas is quite correct, there is nothing to repay."

"To be exact the shadowspawn were trollocs, Captain. These brave men killed three of the beasts, quite skillfully I might add. Ashrem actually put himself into danger to protect me from one of them." She smiles at Ashrem and flutters her eye lashes at him.

I hope that was convincing enough. If Sirsei and I show them frightened girls, thats all they will see. hmm, I hope that wasn't over the top, Sirsei always knows how to do this stuff. Still it wasn't so bad, but how did she really feel about Ashrem? she wasn't qite sure yet

"Tonight has been very tiring, and I never did get that bath. I am sure these fine men can answer your questions if you have any more. I am quite exhausted." she says with a yawn. "Could I persuade someone to show me to my room?"


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Pedron keeps his mouth shut

Pedron does the smart thing and doesn't say a word. He knows he's not very convincing even when he's being completely honest, which admittedly isn't very often. He has to learn how to lie better. In any case, he's perfectly happy to let Lord Tomas do the talking. If he hadn't spoken up, Pedron might have given one of these take charge, leader types a little shove forward to get him started. As it is, he didn't have to.

If asked any direct questions, Pedron will answer honestly, unless they ask him about his background. If that happens, he'll play it by ear. <In other words, wait for player input.>


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The guardsman -- a Lieutenant Jerman by name -- seemed satisfied with your answers; they matched up with what he had learned from the other guests, and it seeme you knew nothing of how or why trollocs were in Caemlyn. So after making arrangements to dispose of the trolloc corpse in the stableyard, Jerman and his men left.

"You are welcome to the best rooms in my inn, as long as you are in Caemlyn." Master Ferrin tells Shalimar, though it's clear that he includes the others as well. "I can hardly charge you after what you have done for us."

What should I say. Thank you is definately in order, but decline? Lila Sedai will want... what would she want? And What about the others I should nor decline for them, the tower is not paying for their stay, so what to do? He might fee insulted to be turned down. Midlanders were strange why should they be treated differently? This was what people do for each other.

"That is very kind of you Master Ferrin. Overly kind, thank you for your hospitality."

She looks over to Lila Sedai, looking for any indication of approval or disapproval.

"Lila S..." she hesitates on adding the honorific, not sure if Lila wants it known what she is. Not sure if the others will believe her about not being Aes Sedai if she was with one. She really does not want the others uneasy around her, she is starting to like inspite of themselves.

"Will you speak to me in private upstairs?"

Jain Hadlin

Well this certainly is the perfect time to be in the company of a noblemen. Go distract the guard oh, human shield!

Fealing quite grateful for Lord Tomas's taking care of the officals
Jain takes a moment to speak with Bennett and Master Ferrin.

To Bennett, "You have a very lovely daughter, Bringing her back to you safe was all the reward any of us need. I have some training in tending injury, and i looked over, Sirene, after the battle. She seems non the worse for ware, but if an problems arise, please feal free to call on me at any time." Jain smiles warmly and patts Sirene gently on the head. " If I may ask are the horses alright?"

To Master Ferrin, "Thank you very much for the rooms, I trust there was no damage to the inn? And that non of your staff were injured?"

If there are no other injuries and if Jain can manage to slip away, he goes up to his room and cleans himself up and goes through a the few simple sword exercises he knows.

trollocs in Caemlyn, i don't know how this could happen. There's nothing to be done now though, just ware myself down a little so i can sleep. Then see what the creator brings with the morning.


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Lord Tomas' smile fades as the Innkeeper addresses the woman rather than the obvious Nobleman standing before him. These Andorans are so insufferable. They have no idea how to properly act when the nobility are around.

Lord Tomas approaches the innkeeper, "Do you imply that the room you have given me to this point is not your best?"


Yuri gives a grateful nod to Master Ferrin, and then finds the nearest chair. There, he sits, relaxing after the night's events. He pays close attention to the Aes Sedai, to see if she'll try to bully him back into the Tower.

Burn me if that'll happen!


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Tay-Dor said:
Lord Tomas' smile fades as the Innkeeper addresses the woman rather than the obvious Nobleman standing before him. These Andorans are so insufferable. They have no idea how to properly act when the nobility are around.

Lord Tomas approaches the innkeeper, "Do you imply that the room you have given me to this point is not your best?"

"Of course not, my Lord." Master Ferrin said, though he seemed slightly agitated. "You asked for the best room we had when you came here." But burn me if I'm going to bow and scrape like a fool Tairen commoner. This young Lord is a brave man, to go chasing after monsters in the night, but I would not act the way he expects for the Queen herself.

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