WotBS [WotBS] 5ed. still a thing?

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As soon as the PoD proof comes back from DTRPG, all the formats will be released simultaneously. It's coming soon!
Organize Black Cat GIF by Industrial Workers of the World

Hey, just a quick Q, hope it's ok to put that here:
Is there some sort of "official" pre-AP adventure to kick things off with? Something to boost chars to the right level, introduce the setting and stuff? Looks like I'll start this AP (again :D) in February / March, so I'd be ever so thrilled to get my hands on something like this...

Hey, just a quick Q, hope it's ok to put that here:
Is there some sort of "official" pre-AP adventure to kick things off with? Something to boost chars to the right level, introduce the setting and stuff? Looks like I'll start this AP (again :D) in February / March, so I'd be ever so thrilled to get my hands on something like this...

I don't know of anything in particular, but I could easily see a "pregame" adventure taking characters through levels 1 and 2, focusing on the state of Gate Pass in the month or so leading up to Ragesia's invasion. You could take the time to introduce characters and concepts the heroes could use in Chapter 1, rather than need to be infodumped about. Ideas could include:

1. Facing the bitter cold. Winter has hit earlier and harder than usual, and many of the city's poorest are ill-equipped to deal with it. While the city council concerns themselves with the overall state of the city, the Resistance implores inexperienced adventurers to help the lowest tiers of society. Actions could include chopping firewood, repairing or building shelters, hunting game for food and hides, or aiding local temples in relief efforts. This could be a good time for couriers to bring word from afar, that "following the shocking death of Ragesia's immortal emperor, there are signs that their armies have begun to mobilize," leading the heroes (and all the city) to an even greater sense of unrest
2. A magical mishap. When a magical effect goes awry in the city, all fingers point to Gabal's School as the ultimate cause of it. Perhaps someone spontaneously went up in flames when they tried to teleport, and a young acolyte was blamed. The heroes could be called upon to find and return the scared acolyte before a mob of anti-sorcery protesters get to them... and then, to pacify an angry crowed before someone goes a bit too far. This could include a trip into the sewers and caverns below Gate Pass, to reinforce the significant dangers below, and make it a less-appealing escape route come Chapter 1.
3. Preparations for the (soon to be cancelled) Festival of Dreams. Maybe there's an order from the city council to "clean up Summer's Bluff" in preparation... the implication being, "drive the elves back to their ghettos." The Resistance, ever looking out for the good of Gate Pass' residents (over that of its authorities), dislike this turn of events, and want to subtly undermine those efforts. Thus, the party has to find a delicate (or maybe not!) way to navigate the situation. It's a way to reinforce the plight of the city's least influential residents.

Other rapid-fire ideas might include:
  • an early run-in with the Black Horse Mercenaries...
  • running into a delegation of Ragesian diplomats that are hastily leaving the city...
  • investigating a report of burglary at the home/shop of Erdan Menash...
  • a brief encounter with the irreverant hero of Gate Pass, who never bothered to share his name (Rantle)...
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