WotBS WotBS Cheat Sheets - UPDATE w/ #10 (Ye Cursed Child)


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My group has been slowly playing through War of the Burning Sky and having a great time. Before starting each adventure, I create a "cheat sheet" that summarizes the adventure. I've attached them below--I hope they're useful!

Erm... and it should go without saying, but SPOILERS.

Latest update: WotBS #10 | Sleep, Ye Cursed Child


  • wotbs1-episodes.pdf
    96 KB · Views: 874
  • wotbs6-episodes.pdf
    76.5 KB · Views: 510
  • wotbs5-episodes.pdf
    77.1 KB · Views: 520
  • wotbs4-episodes.pdf
    76 KB · Views: 404
  • wotbs3-episodes.pdf
    74.8 KB · Views: 575
  • wotbs2-episodes.pdf
    71.1 KB · Views: 529
  • wotbs2-background.pdf
    35 KB · Views: 524
  • wotbs7-episodes.pdf
    77.4 KB · Views: 553
  • wotbs8-episodes.pdf
    78.3 KB · Views: 502
  • wotbs9-episodes.pdf
    74.8 KB · Views: 449
  • wotbs10-episodes.pdf
    78.4 KB · Views: 458
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I've added my cheat sheet for WotBS #8--Tears of the Burning Sky. It got inserted all wonky-like instead of added to the "Attached Files" list, but you can still download it.

Edit: Derp Oh Wintry Song of Agony derp
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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
That's great! My group has also been slowly working through the adventure path and over the years, it can be easy to forget what happened 6-12-24 months ago.

You wouldn't also have an index / cast of characters, would you?


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Added adventure #9, The Festival of Dreams.

That's great! My group has also been slowly working through the adventure path and over the years, it can be easy to forget what happened 6-12-24 months ago.

You wouldn't also have an index / cast of characters, would you?

Some of the individual cheat sheets have characters included, but that's all I have.


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I've added adventure #10: "Sleep, Ye Cursed Child." My group's just started this one, but it looks like we're actually going to finish the entire 30-level campaign! That will be a first for me. Thanks [MENTION=63]RangerWickett[/MENTION], [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION], and all the EN World folks for the years of enjoyment you've provided.

Holy crap that's amazing. I commend you for figuring out how to play 4th edition at Epic Level, which seems to be quite the bugaboo. If you need anything for these last few adventures -- or if you just want to brag -- please post and let us know.

It wasn't playtested by WotC as extensively as Heroic, so a lot of effects are incredibly annoying and lock-down-y. Both by PCs and monsters. I ran a group of 30th level PCs against Level 35 solo Lolth, AND I beefed her up, and they still completely owned her. Admittedly that's prominently due to the poor design of solos.

Oh, he tripped you? Well, since you're equivalent to five monsters, he basically stole 5 move actions.

Oh, he's a revenant swordmage who teleports you away from his allies whenever you try to attack him, and who's insubstantial and nigh unkillable when he's at negative HP. Oh, did I say nigh unkillable? I meant literally unkillable, because the legendary warlord simply won't let him die while he's up, and the swordmage won't let you attack that warlord.

Or consider mind flayers, which stun (save ends) with an at-will. Or bards who can impose a -7 penalty to a monster's attack roll, again as an at-will.

Whereas 3e had lots of one-hit kills (and countermeasures you had to put in place for them), 4e has lots of 'you'll-never-win' effects, and practically no counter-measures.

Voidrunner's Codex

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