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WotBS - Scouring of Gate Pass


She nods to the woman and corrects her with the name, "Hammerstar," and then continues, "Tis a pleasure to be able to serve, this time around. Alas more of the Clan could not come. Preparations are being made to secure our lands. We will not fold to these threats as the Council appears to have done. Fools."

The dwarven woman peers t the door as the elven male enters. She watches him and his feline companion the entire way to the table and watches both sit and greets them, "Greetings to you Fantalass. I am Marda Hammerstar."

She turns to Torrent and replies to her query, "He was to meet me here. I am sure he will be along soon."

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Barrik gives a slight grunt and nod to each newcomer, silently fuming. Accursed interruptions! Two more minutes and I would have had what I came for.

His gaze turns back to Torrent, waiting for her to continue and paying little attention to the other two.


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Shade, Elven Rogue

The elven maiden tries to keep to the shadows, but the snow on the ground isn't helping one bit, crunching underfoot and reflecting the dismal winter light into every nook and cranny. Stealth (1d20+6=11) She looks around the corner of a dark building into the central corridor of the low end section of Gates Pass. "What a rutting hole...at least the streets are empty of the filth that passes for residents around here." She approached the poisoned apple from the alley side, noticing the narrow bridge that connects the two buildings. She deftly scales the side of the building, with a quick set of leaps using her daggers against the side of the structure Acrobatics (Jump) (1d20+7=24). Opting to enter the pub from the top.

Once inside the darkened tavern, Shade feels much more comfortable, seamlessly blending into the shadows Stealth (1d20+6=26), she moves down into the common room. She takes a seat at the table in utter silence, then drags the pitcher of ale and a cup loudly across the rough wooden surface to finally draw attention to herself. The effect of the girl in a black cloak, with black hair and a black mask and armor seemingly materializing at the table is quite startling. "Entrances are overrated. Call me Shade." She pours herself a drink.


Thy wounds are healed!
Torrent's eyes widen as Shade's appearance out of the shadows, startles her. She nearly chokes on the sip of her beer she was taking.

*cough, cough*

Wiping her mouth with the back of a hand her smile returns instantly. "You must be from the guild. They didn't tell me who they would be sending only that your 'expertise' in certain areas would be invaulable."

Torrent looks at everyone gathered so far with her smile firmly in place. "I think we will wait another moment for Master Aaron, no sense telling you of my needs twice. Until then everyone have a drink and," she says raising her glass. "Happy New Year to you all."


As the second elf, a female this time, and wearing some sort of mask suddenly appears, the dwarf reaches for the heavy mace at her side, but stops when Torrent regains herself and welcomes the rogue.

"Greetings." she takes a seat and takes up a mug of ale for herself. She raises the glass to the others, "Happy New Year."

She thinks to herself... Where is Aaron, he is not usually late. If he has gone and gotten himself in trouble... She lets the thought go and takes a long pull of her drink.


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Shade, Elven Rogue

Shade pushes the diaphonous shawl up on her mask, exposing her scarred lips and chin as she raises the cup. Taking a long swig of her drink, the steely gray eyes of the dark rogue dart toward the dwarf's hand as it moves toward her weapon. "And what pray tell is so happy about it then? The Ragesian army is marching strait up the arse of this tiny hamlet. The local government is rolling over and snatching up business owners that they can blame for any resistance the invaders might face. And the magic using types are going crazy trying to get out of the way of the whole mess, blasting anyone that even looks at them cross-ways." She tips the cup to the side a bit, looking at its contents and slides it away from herself back across the table then casts an eye toward Torrent. "Yes. The guild usually likes to have representation on all these sort of deals. Its surprising they still have a nose to stick in other people's business, but who am I to judge." She pulls her shawl back down over the small portion of her face that the mask does not cover.

Her smooth and even voice has a sharp, cruel note in it that grates on the ear. Like being dragged over broken glass naked when you're really drunk. Pleasant and painful all at the same time.
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First Post
Barrik looks at the sudden entrance of the strange elf and promptly shrugs. "Nice trick," is his only response. I wonder if my eidolon could take on that hue... One way to find out. He, or is it an It? No matter. He's changed a bit already, maybe color is possible, too. It would certainly be intimidating, the half-orc trails on mentally, his eyes losing some of their focus.

He snaps back at the mention of another person, running a hand back over his ropey hair. A frown creases his features. "He'd better be here soon. In the meantime, Torrent, you were about to give me what I came here to get. Care to proceed? Or are you going to insist our matter be conducted privately, after whatever this other thing, involving all these people, is concluded?"

His expression becomes one of boredom as he sets down his mug.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Watching the figure from a distance, Aaron waits for another 5 minutes. Once satisfied, Aaron moves up the bluff, watching the night sky with interest. Seeing the clay urns, Aaron does not know which one is the one he is looking for, but it mattered not. It only held a memory and his prayers went beyond the urns.

'Another year has come... and we are both alive. Again, I pray for Gracenys guidance in the year to come, the knowledge to identify evil, the power to lay it to rest and the compassion to aid others not so lucky. I will continue to watch over her again, as she had before I was able do so on my own. Forgive me for the wrongs I have done this past year, and see that it was always in the best interest of the greater good...'

Standing, Aaron stretches, noting that the time was getting to be even later, and moves with a renewed purpose. As he skirts the streets, he takes a roundabout way to the pub, his thoughts on the name causing a bit of uneasiness within his soul. As he moves through an alleyway still over a block away, he slows, as he keeps his senses on his surroundings.

Moving with care, he checks the snow for tracks, wondering if there were more than the appointed that were intent on making this meeting. Knowing that Marda would take the direct route, Aaron moves through the alley at the far end, coming to the pub and checking the tracks. Easily spotting the various types, he notes that only three sets have entered, with another set seeming to disappear near a wall.

'Curious..' he thinks to himself, making sure to note this for later.

Glancing about, he tries to see if any more were taking note of the comings and goings on the establishment before entering the doorway. Shaking his boots at the entrance, he examines the room, noting that there were indeed five persons waiting. Marda, ever the one not to dismiss free ale sits drinking from her mug. A Half-Orc that seems impatient sits waiting as well along with a thin male elf with a cat of matching eyes. Lastly, he spots a female elf in a mask, sitting and drinking.

'Again, curious... ' he thinks to himself with the array of strangers before him.

Bowing out of respect, Aaron introduces himself. "Apologies, for it seems that I have kept you waiting... I had a matter to attend to. But that is no excuse.
My name is Aaron. Are there more coming?"



Marda looks to the masked elf and shakes her head and says sarcastically, "My, are we not a ray of sunshine. Some folk like to think more of the good things in life, rather than dwell on all that is or can go bad."

As Aaron enters the dwarven woman is relived to see him well, She raises her mug in salute, "Welcome friend. You would appear to be the last for this eve. Come, sit." She kicks out a chair at her side for the human man.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Seeing the mug, Aaron makes his way to the seat offered him, not caring to take part in the drink yet. "So, if I am the last, then I guess the reason we were summoned here should be discussed?"

Aaron sits back and awaits for someone to tell him what is going on... and who the mysterious newcomers were.

Voidrunner's Codex

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