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WotBS - Scouring of Gate Pass


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Barrik looks as what seems to be the last member enters. A lean human boy... His lip curls a little. "Seeing as you fill the last seat, I'd definitely say you are the last to arrive. Thanks ever so much for being on-time. Not like any of us were punctual or anything like that."

He grabs his mug and takes another sip, eyes going back to Torrent. "Now can we get down to whatever business you called us all here about? Quite a lot of people and secrecy. Never a good combination, doubly so in times like these."

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Fangor the Fierce

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Hearing the words of the Half-Orc, Aaron wonders just how blasphemous the man is, and if he would have to be judged. With only Marda offering him any type of greeting that would be cordial, Aaron turns back to the Half-Orc.

"So, your time is worth more than any of the others... I will have to keep that in mind for when you are left bloodied and bleeding, asking for aid... Hopefully I would be more punctual with tending to your wounds... Then again, maybe not... Old habits do die hard.."


Thy wounds are healed!
Torrent still sitting puts her mug under the tap and tops it off. Just as she is about to address Barrik's remark everyone can hear church bells starting to ring throughout the city. It seems midnight had finally arrived.

Torrent grimaces and straightens in her chair, saying, “That’s one year gone. I guess it’s time to get down to business."

“The city’s in trouble. The Ragesian army is marching on us, and will be here by tomorrow. Before then, we have a mission."

“I used to study at a magic academy to the south, called Lyceum. They’re good people. So when word reached them about Ragesia’s ‘Scourge,’ they sent out messages calling for anyone fleeing Ragesia to come to them. They want to stand against the Ragesians, and the resistance wants their help. We just need to get a message to them."

“Normally we would have sent something by teleporting courier, but something strange is going on with planar magic. The last courier who teleported into Gate Pass, rumor is that he showed up burnt to a crisp. Not that
I have that sort of magic anyway, but if we’re going to talk to Lyceum, we’re going to have to go overland. And that’s a problem, because the city’s walls are sealed."

“Ever since their emperor died, the Ragesians have been trying to show that they’re not weak, and they’re marching an army in our direction, since the mountain pass we’re in is apparently 'strategically valuable.’ Either way, a few idiots on the city council want to negotiate with the Ragesians, and rumor is they’re going to invite a group of inquisitors into the city to look for‘magic-users who are hostile to the empire'. They’ve sealed the gates of the city so no one can get out, to make sure they look like they’re cooperating, and only military personnel can get in or out."

“We’re going to have to get out of the city, and I’m open to suggestions on how. Once we’re out, I can get us safely to Lyceum, but before we get ahead of ourselves, we have a mission tonight."

“The short version is that we’ve got to meet a contact —a gnome named Rivereye Badgerface —in about an hour at a guarded depository about a half-mile from here. He’s carrying a case of vital military intelligence which he stole from the Ragesian palace, and the heads of the resistance think that it needs to reach Lyceum. We’ve got to get that case, get out of the city, and get far away from here before the idiot city council lets the Ragesian inquisitors in. Once that happens, the odds of us escaping are —“ she finishes off her mug of beer in one
long guzzle “—slim."

“I know I’d love to stay here and fight against the Ragesians, but I’m no soldier, and this mission might be more important. Worst case, you get away from the Ragesians and we can part ways a few days down the road. Best case, you can come with me to Lyceum, and we come back with an army of our own to drive off the Ragesians. But we’ve got to act fast either way. Are you ready for this?”

"The resistance has asked for help from every able group in Gate Pass. And in turn they believe in our mission and sent all of you."

"The warrior Barrik Mav'Kar" she says gesturing to the half-orc.

"Fantalass from Gabal's School of Magic." she says with a nod to the elven male and his cat.

"Shade the Masked," she says with a smile to the elven woman who stares daggers back at her. "Both in apperance and in abilities known to me."

"And Marda Battlestar and Master Aaron, both disciples of Gracenys." Torrent finishes with a nod to the dwarven woman and young man.

[sblock=Adventure Goals]
Get the military intelligence from Rivereye - Obtain LvL 2
Get Torrent and Intelligence out of the city - Obtain LvL 3

Will put this back on page one for easier reference.

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First Post
"So, your time is worth more than any of the others... I will have to keep that in mind for when you are left bloodied and bleeding, asking for aid... Hopefully I would be more punctual with tending to your wounds... Then again, maybe not... Old habits do die hard.."

Barrik snorts, looking the boy up and down. His voice is nearing a growl as he says, "When I've got things to do, I certainly consider my time more valuable than that of others. For example, if you had been here on time, we could have already been thinking up answers to this situation, but instead you make us sit for an annoying, extraneous length of time, when the message I assume we each received was quite clear about timeframe. And I'd be careful with veiled threats, human. You look much more frail than I."

The half-orc snorts again, shaking his head and taking a swig from his mug. "Bah! It doesn't matter anyway. What does matter is this circumstance. I will assist, as you have something I need, Torrent."

His expression changes to one of curiosity, as does his tone, now questioning. "A possibility for leaving the city comes to mind... Does Gate Pass have a, how to put it, waste disposal system? Sewers? Godsawful smell, I'll grant, but I doubt anyone would be looking in there for anyone trying to escape. Of course, it's meaningless if this city doesn't have one. Not all do, as I hear. And I'm guessing no one here is capable of casting a spell of flight, correct?"


First Post
Shade, Elven Rogue

Shade rolls her eyes as Marda starts the inevitable lecture on optimism, but is interrupted by the arrival of the final attendee. Torrent begins her grim statement of the situation and the meager goals that this unlikely group of companions needs to achieve this night. Her eyes move back to Marda in an 'I told you so' fashion as their host continues.

The rogue stands as the speeches are finished, not wanting to even touch the cup of ... beer. "Lets go if we are going. I've fought quite a few Ragerian sailors during my pirate days, and I'm not looking forward to fighting them a hundred at a time." She glances over her shoulder. "You done counting rays of sunshine now that my realities have been confirmed by an outside source? So where are we meeting this ... Badgerface?" Seeing the half-orc is ready to go as well, she gives him a nod.
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The dwarven woman looks to the female elf and starts to respond but stops herself with some effort. She shakes her head before looking to Torrent. "I may have been young at the time, but I know all too well what happened the last time Regesians took Gate Pass. I am in. I may not have skills of stealth, but I have divine magics to aid us in battle and to heal our wounds."

She looks to the half-orc, "I agree it would be a good way out. That said, I am also quite sure that we are not the only ones to consider that option. I am more than willing to take it though, unless someone has access to something that allows flight?"


Thy wounds are healed!
Torrent pipes in, "There is no sewer system, an underground river, but it is unnavigable. And flying is really out unless you really want to deal with the Sky Cavarly."

"We need..." she starts to say but stops short, cocking her head to listen.

The quiet is almost eerie and then you understand, the bells have stopped tolling, and all at once (strange).

"You hear that?" Torrent asks.


I don't know did you hear that? Two Perception checks post what you character does whether he hears or not. Torrents warning should be enough to have you ready even if you hear nothing.

[sblock=Perception check #1 DC 20]
You hear creaking from the floor boards above you. Probably half a dozen men. [/sblock]

Perception check #2 on hold just getting it out of the way. [/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

The elf coughs and was just about to raise his voice... but then he hears it, too. "Steps, maybe half a dozen men. On the floor above.", he whispers.
He continues with some quick arcane syllables, but nothing seems to happen...


Perception (1d20+5=23)
Perception 2 (1d20+5=17)

Casting Mage armor on himself, sharing with Caty.


AC 11 (T11, FF10), HP 5/5, F +0,R+1,W+3

Acid Dart: 6/6 (+2, 1d6+1) (includes Point Blank bonus)

Prepared Spells:
DC = 10 + spell level + 3
Cantrips- 3, 1st- 2+1
0: Detect Magic, Message, Read Magic
1: Mage Armor - Color Spray, Feather Fall

Effects: -

XP: 0

Caty: AC 15 (T14, FF13), HP 2/2, F +2,R+2,W+3 (Imp. Evasion)



Marda looks to Torrent, "What do you..." and then stops as Fantalass informs them of what he hears.

She looks to Aaron and reaches for her mace and shield as she prepares for trouble.

[sblock=ooc]Perception Check 1 1d20+6=10 Clueless B-)

Perception check 2 1d20+6=25 Now we are talking! :D[/sblock]

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
As the church bells ring, a smile spreads over Aaron's face, as he answers the Half-ORc. "Ah, it seems you were wrong. From the sounds of the bells, I am right on time..."

Choosing to ignore the Half-Orc, knowing that it would be unwise to show him his powers, Aaron instead puts his attention to the words of Torrent. When the options arise, and the mention of the sewage system is presented, he is thankful that there is not one. Perhaps the Half-Orc was more attuned to rolling around in filth, but he was not. If he had to, that's a different story...

As he thinks on it, he hears the creaking from above easily, as he confirms the warning. [sblock=Perception Rolls]Perception Rolls (1d20+9=27, 1d20+9=28)[/sblock]

Whispering: "Yes, I saw a single pair of tracks outside that hinted of someone else coming in from above, and not from the doorway. I had assumed it was one of you, but perhaps I was wrong..."

Flexing his spiked gauntlet, he grabs his Bastard Sword, knowing that a number of intruders like half a dozen at a secret location and meeting only spells trouble. He turns to Marda, nodding slightly as he says, "May the Hand of Grace guide us..."

OOC - Awaiting Perception Results, I think I got it!

Voidrunner's Codex

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