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WotBS - Scouring of Gate Pass


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Shade, Elven Rogue

[sblock=The Entrance]Shade looks at the seam of the door to see if the latch is the lift or slide variety and if its engaged. She uses her short sword to disengage the bolt. She raises her family rapier to the ready and times her shove on the door for the next punch noise.

She moves through the doorway before set of wooden planks can hit the wall, lashing out with her blackened blade.

Rapier (1d20+5=16, 2d6+2=6) (he should be flat footed)[/sblock]

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Barrik nods, stepping aside to get the rapier and the case as he stows his falchion. The half-orc looks to his summoned dog, the celestial canine sitting down and scratching behind one ear. With a quick whistle, he calls it over and pats its head, then motions for it to leave. The dog barks once, happily, and fades out of sight as the half-orc stoops over and picks up the foe's blade and the stolen box.

He walks over to Rivereye, nods to the gnome and hands the case to him. Speaking quietly, he tells the gnome, "Nice hit," then adds as he holds out the rapier, hilt first, "I think you might need this more than any of us."

Listening intently, Barrik walks away from the others to the side of the room. Trying to block their view a bit with his sizable body, he scratches a small symbol into the floor and begins a quiet intonation.

Since it seems we'll be questioning Larion for a little bit, Barrik is taking the opportunity to summon his Eidolon. And I'll work on my level-up in the OOC thread.


Marda steps forward her weapons now put away and her hands spread open... "We are not here to kill you. You have been the one who has had us attacked. We would like to know why? We might even be convinced to let you leave... but that depends on you. Please, share what you know?"

Diplomacy 1d20+10=29

(last time I use EN's die bot, when i get rolls that that...)


Thy wounds are healed!
"I... I don't know much," Larion says moving to sit down. "Shaelis was in charge." he says pointing to the dead elven woman.

"I was suppose to get the case from the gnome and deliever it here, because she wanted to conserve her strength for escaping the city and returning to Shahalesti." Larion seems at a loss and you know he is speaking the truth.

"I don't know what you mean about attacking you, we were told to get a case from the Resistance, because it had something to do with the Ragesian army. And we found out that it was do to be handed over tonight. Didn't think the Rags' would attack too." he says disgruntled. "But our only mission was to get the case and return home with it, so whoever attacked you it wasn't someone from Shahalesti."

He sits and stares at Shaelis and mumbles, "What do I do know?"

Rivereye beems at the half-orcs comments and watches as the summoner works his magic.

[sblock=OOC] Common knowledge would lead you all to believe that these Shahalesti elves were trying to find out information on the Ragesian. These two nations have been trying for a long time to become th eone dominate power in the land. Each held back by the other. So when they heard about someone having a case full of Ragesian secerts they set out to steal it for themselves.

Since neither of the elves are wearing an armband and every one of the attackers from the Poison Apple were, then it is safe to assume these elves aren't with that group. [/sblock]



Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock="What the...?"]Shade surprises the man inside, as she steps in blades at the ready and cuts him across the mid section right below his armored breastplate. He takes a step back against the wall apparently trying to get away.

But Shade notices his fingers reaching for a blood stained battle axe leaning against the wall. Most of the blood has been wiped from the blade but since he has yet to polish it the metal is still dark from taking the lives of the innocent. [/sblock]

OOC: roll init



Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=The Attack] The armored axe man takes the axe bringing it up in an arc from its postion leaning against the wall. Shade nimble moves back, ready for such an uninvented surprise strike. Then she hers something near the other side of the bed and thinking that the downed wyvern pilot might have help, she moves closer to the door.

A small bot peeks his head up from behind the bed, his eyes red from crying. He unkempt hair makes it look like he has had a raggered night. And in that instant Shade almost smiles, bombs in the middle if the night and a bandit raiding your home are probably not typical. Her momentary lax gives the axe-man a small opening and he scores a small cut across Shade's thigh as she again moves from the axe rather than deflect it, with a blade. [/sblock]

[sblock=OOC] That dmg roll is wrong It should be 1d8+2 I guess I was thinking d8 when I typed in the modifier. So the damage was 3 pts not nine. For your post the axeman is AC 17, HP 3/26 so you can post up a hit or kill. [/sblock]
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First Post
Shade, Elven Rogue

[sblock=The Whirl]Opportunity Attack (1d20+5=8, 1d6+1=3)
Rapier (1d20+3=13, 1d6+1=5)
Short Sword (Critical Threat=20, 1d6+1=3), Crit Confirm (1d20+1=14, 1d6+1=3)

Shade slices wide with the rapier across the shoulder of the rider's armor. When his attention is to the sparks from the blade grating over his protection, she sinks her short sword deftly up under his chin, pinning his lying tongue to the roof of his mouth and through to the squishy gray of his brain above that.

She casts her veiled eyes downward at the surviving peasant cowering in the corner of the room. "This is no time to cower you simpering squirt! Your parents are dead so gather any valuables they might have hidden in this crumbling hovel and head to the shelter in the center of the city. The enemy army is almost to the outer gates of this pathetic excuse of a city."

After collecting her "trophy" and anything light of value from the corpse Perception (1d20+9=13), she turns with a dramatically sweeping swirl of her deep black cloak and leaves the child to its fate with only her turse words as guidance to catch up to the others. She wipes her blades off as the rogue quickly descends the stairs and moves back into the cold of the rapidly vanishing night.

OOC - Well the 3 dmg is enough to knock him just to 0. As an enemy, I don't know if you're going into negatives with him. I think retrieving an object from the ground (or anywhere other than on your person) draws an AoO so I included one even though it didn't hit.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=The End] No you did a great job. In PF if you are at zero hp and preform a standard action you take 1 hp damage so he would have been at -1 after the AoO and you could have couped him. Great job with all that, and glad your computer is up and running. Please lvl up Shade and let me know so I can give her the once over. Oh and no baubles on this guy he has a breastplate, mw battleaxe, and a silver short sword. And was wounded from the fall from the sky (i.e. the blood trail) [/sblock]


First Post
Shade, Elven Rogue

[sblock=The Loot]Shade will grab the silver short sword and leave the rest.

OOC - Shade is upgraded and a link to her 8 out of 8! hp roll is included in the RG.[/sblock]

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