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WotC puts a stop to online sales of PDFs


Hey all. I wanted to step in and add shine a mote of light on the subject. First off, this cesation of PDF sales has absolutely nothing to do with the Internet Sales Policy. I know it's the 6th of April and I can definitely see how the two would appear linked, but the truth is, this is a completely seperate matter.

Unfortunately, the truth is that due to recent findings of illegal copying and online distribution (piracy) of our products, Wizards of the Coast has decided to cease the sales of online PDFs. We are exploring other options for digitial distribution of our content and as soon as we have any more information I'll get it to you.

Thanks for the info Trevor.

I'm still really angry at this action of WotC but I appreciate the information.

I was hoping it was just in prep for WotC to sell them themselves and not just a reaction to piracy. I'm very angry that WotC has chosen to take away the opportunity for me to buy legal D&D pdfs.

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First Post
Oh, you're talking about GW! :blush: No, they haven't implemented any new policy lately, but all of the crap policy that they implemented years ago is still in place.

It's definitely policy designed to help brick and mortar stores by crippling online retailers, not simply by extending extra benefits to brick and mortar stores (frex, as of July 15th, 2003 they forbade any online resale of their items by US distributors or retailers).

And some of the conditions that must be met in order for GW to suppply brick and mortar stores are very, very, arbitrary (frex, your entire staff must be well-versed in GW products as determined by the GW rep). Check the attached file for specifics.

No I was talking about Wizards. The new policy includes what was already their policy. The big difference seems to be:

1. The "proof" that they own a nrick and morter store goes directly to Wizards as opposed to through the distributors.

2. They have to sign a document.

3. Possibly some stuff about magic the gathering (I'm not sure.)

It's the same thing they've been doing forever, linked to their retailer support stuff. Which is freebies for stores, and other stuff. (They apparenly even help you create signs, and other store info material.)


First Post
Wow, well, consider me floored. I truly believed that at this point in our day and age a company would have more sense than that... but I guess the heads-in-suits still rule the roost over the guys-who-actually-know, like they always have. Sad.


Front Range Warlock
I've been a rabid WotC apologetic over the past few years and thought it was great when they embraced open licensing, released OOP products via RPGNow, and so forth. They've pretty much undone all of that good will in the last four or five months. While I don't hate the system, with this latest development, I have no love left for the people at the helm of this sinking ship.


First Post
You know, it's funny. I'm right now watching the 1998 version of Cupid on YouTube. I like it so much, I've not only become a committed fan of the current version of the show, but I'm also ready to purchase the DVD of the original series, because it whetted my appetite. Funny how free distribution on YouTube in a reduced frame and picture quality has made me want to purchase higher quality products at a premium pricing. Funny that that's how it worked with Battlestar Galactica for me too.


Okay wizards folks... it doesn't even take a high school degree to know that this decision was going to piss off people who legitimately purchased WotC pdfs.

So either your PR guy/gal sucks, or you don't listen to him/her, and either case... well, it doesn't speak well for your concern for your legitimate paying customers.

Count me among those who is upset. That terse little explanation was not an explanation at all. Piracy of Wizards products, really of all gaming products, has always been a problem, but anybody with a high school education could tell you that this heavy handed action is more likely to increase than decrease piracy. And it will only serve to further tarnish the image of the company behind it.


World of Kulan DM
This development reinforces my belief that physical products are better than PDF products. I'm glad I have several local used book stores that often have older edition D&D books avaiable.

Once I buy a book, it's mine forever. It may not come with an electronic index (or search function) but that's life.
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