WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

As promised earlier this week, WotC has posted the draft OGL v.1.2 license for the community to see. A survey will be going live tomorrow for feedback. https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1432-starting-the-ogl-playtest The current iteration contains clauses which prohibit offensive content, applies only to TTRPG books and PDFs, no right of ownership going to WotC, and an optional creator...

As promised earlier this week, WotC has posted the draft OGL v.1.2 license for the community to see.

A survey will be going live tomorrow for feedback.

The current iteration contains clauses which prohibit offensive content, applies only to TTRPG books and PDFs, no right of ownership going to WotC, and an optional creator content badge for your products.

One important element, the ability for WotC to change the license at-will has also been addressed, allowing the only two specific changes they can make -- how you cite WotC in your work, and contact details.

This license will be irrevocable.

The OGL v1.0a is still being 'de-authorized'.

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This is possible. But they actually are currently involved in litigation with a legitimate Bad Actor in this regard (nuTSR). And they have a major motion picture coming out and other entertainment properties which have the potential to raise D&D visibility and make it more of a target for additional bad actors.

I think they should compromise on this clause by having violations determined by an arbitration panel including WotC and, say, two other OGL stakeholders.
Holy crap on a cracker $600 million lost in share holder value, that is more then it cost to make the D&D movie. How does Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks, WotC President Cynthia Williams, and D&D VP Rawson still have jobs at this point?
I don’t know that it is cause and effect. A lot of the stock drop started prior to the OGL debacle.


It's funny that people are so against WotC now that "defending literal bigots" has now become a hill they will die on.

Yeah, there's fuzzy stuff that WotC has decided is unacceptable or not desirable for their books but that some people like. But then there's actual hate speech in books like nu-TSR's Star Frontier's product.

You're here on EnWorld. You've seen the people Morrus and co have had to ban. You've seen the stuff spewed onto the internet. Should those people be allowed to make games? Should those people be allowed to create D&D content with a badge and advertisement on DnDBeyond if they can get enough Proud Boys to buy their PDF.

EnWorld has an "acceptable content" policy. Kickstarter has a policy preventing "Projects that promote discrimination, bigotry, or intolerance towards marginalized groups." These aren't new policies. Why should the OGL be any different?
Neither of these can weaponize their policies against a competitor.

If this was actually about being against biogtry they could refer concerns to binding arbitration, it's not really about that, it's about being able to take out competitor at anytime by declaring what they publish "harmful" not even hateful and they don't have to defend their reasoning before anyone.
I think this is pretty ridiculous. Arbitration is expensive for one and you don’t see brands like LoTR or Marvel offering arbitration to decide things when they don’t like how their licensees use their brand.


Forgive me if this has already been answered: it looks from the document that they're deauthorizing OGL 1.0 and licensing only the 5e SRD under OGL 1.2. So what happens to products that rely on pre-5e SRD content? I'm thinking particularly (because it's my niche) of the small amount of 3pp Pathfinder First Edition content that gets released under OGL 1.0. At least per WOTC, they can't use OGL 1.0 anymore. But they can't use OGL 1.2 either because the D&D 3e SRD isn't licensed under OGL 1.2.


"No Hateful Content or Conduct. You will not include content in Your Licensed Works that is harmful, discriminatory, illegal, obscene, or harassing, or engage in conduct that is harmful, discriminatory, illegal, obscene, or harassing. We have the sole right to decide what conduct or content is hateful, and you covenant that you will not contest any such determination via any suit or other legal
This should have an arbitration clause.

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