D&D 5E WotC's Nathan Stewart Teases New D&D Setting Book in 2019

No real details, other than denying that it will be Spelljammer, but in the latest Spoilers & Swag episode Stewart stated straight up that another hardcover setting book is coming in 2019: "Nathan Stewart, the senior director of Dungeons & Dragons and Avalon Hill, made the announcement on his monthly "Spoilers & Swag" Twitchcast yesterday. 'Next year for our annual releases I can confirm...

No real details, other than denying that it will be Spelljammer, but in the latest Spoilers & Swag episode Stewart stated straight up that another hardcover setting book is coming in 2019:

"Nathan Stewart, the senior director of Dungeons & Dragons and Avalon Hill, made the announcement on his monthly "Spoilers & Swag" Twitchcast yesterday. 'Next year for our annual releases I can confirm there will be a setting book,' he said. 'A new setting book. A book that we have not created that is for a D&D setting.'"

I'd speculate, given the Settings mentioned in the recent marketing survey and what is listed in the DMsGuild, that the likely options are from the following, given we got Magic this year and Stewart has previously said they are not working on a new setting right now:

- Dark Sun
- Dragonlance
- Eberron
- Greyhawk
- Planescape
- Ravenloft



They won't do Drizzt movies, the Hollywood Feminists would never allow it. Just look at how Drizzt's Dad deals with Priestesses vs males in the last Drizzt novel. If you put that into a movie they will flip right out.

You will never see Drow in a major D&D movie, the Drow are just too in your face unPC by todays standards to make it in, and it's as unsubtle in it's way as the new Charmed is in the opposite direction.

You seem to miss the popularity of The Handmaid's Tale.

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The handmaids tale is very unPC!

EDIT: So, the suggestion is: if you can make the handmaids tale (and it is popular) you can make Driz and Drow

So in someways is Sabrina, but it's UnPC in a that reinforces, or seems to, reinforce PC messaging. The Drow and Drizzt and even more so his father screams MRAs to many feminists if they saw it. There would be a frenzy. So the movie studios will make sure it never happens in a million years. I could be wrong, I just don't see it happening.


So in someways is Sabrina, but it's UnPC in a that reinforces, or seems to, reinforce PC messaging. The Drow and Drizzt and even more so his father screams MRAs to many feminists if they saw it. There would be a frenzy. So the movie studios will make sure it never happens in a million years. I could be wrong, I just don't see it happening.

I know nothing about Driz or his father, but the point is that Handmaids Tale is a about a patriarchal government/ religion that has taken over the USA in which the noble families are given women (handmaids) to rape. There is nothing PC about it, yet it was produced by Hulu and is popular.

EDIT: And it does not reinforce PC messaging.

Thus, if the studios can except the subjugation and mass rape of human, american women - they can probably justify what ever in a fantasy society.

PS - I have no idea why you mentioned Sabrina
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
WotC's Nathan Stewart Teases New D&D Setting Book in 2019

So in someways is Sabrina, but it's UnPC in a that reinforces, or seems to, reinforce PC messaging. The Drow and Drizzt and even more so his father screams MRAs to many feminists if they saw it. There would be a frenzy. So the movie studios will make sure it never happens in a million years. I could be wrong, I just don't see it happening.

I’ve seen you randomly bring up your personal politics in the form of MRAs in two threads (that I’ve noticed) in the last couple of days. Not sure why. Please don’t do that. This isn’t the place.


Honestly, I keep on seeing people bring up settings like Mystara and even Dragonlance and Greyhawk and I just don't see them coming anytime soon, if at all.

they've already said that Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Dark Sun, Ravenloft and Planescape or SpellJammer are the most popular.

I honestly doubt that they'll even do Planescape just because of the fact that 4th & 5th seem to have incorporated the major features like the elemental planes and places like Bytopia and Mechanus in the core cosmology already. To me Planescape has a 50/50 shot of getting support. Far more likely that they'll just release a Manual of the Planes style book and flesh it out there.

While the Mtg crossover with GGtR was surprising I don't see them doing more 2-3 more products like it (Barring any additional new planes) Ravnica was unique in that it was a planet/ planewide city. It worked because of the guilds and how they interact with each other. The problem with magic settings is that they have limited lore and are more templates to work off of. I don't see any of the other magic settings with the exception of maybe Theros as having a hook as strong as Ravnica.

I think the two most likely contenders are Ebberon or Spelljammer with Dark Sun being in third place and Ravenloft in 4th. The fact the Wayfinder's guide exists now shows that progress is being made while Spelljammer has had all of those easter eggs over the past few years.

Darksun needs Psionics fleshed out and while they did do CoS for Ravenloft I think it will be a while before they expand on it. Yes Horror is fun but it's far more niche than Ebberon, Spelljammer or Darksun.


Honestly, I keep on seeing people bring up settings like Mystara and even Dragonlance and Greyhawk and I just don't see them coming anytime soon, if at all.

they've already said that Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Dark Sun, Ravenloft and Planescape or SpellJammer are the most popular.

I honestly doubt that they'll even do Planescape just because of the fact that 4th & 5th seem to have incorporated the major features like the elemental planes and places like Bytopia and Mechanus in the core cosmology already. To me Planescape has a 50/50 shot of getting support. Far more likely that they'll just release a Manual of the Planes style book and flesh it out there.

While the Mtg crossover with GGtR was surprising I don't see them doing more 2-3 more products like it (Barring any additional new planes) Ravnica was unique in that it was a planet/ planewide city. It worked because of the guilds and how they interact with each other. The problem with magic settings is that they have limited lore and are more templates to work off of. I don't see any of the other magic settings with the exception of maybe Theros as having a hook as strong as Ravnica.

I think the two most likely contenders are Ebberon or Spelljammer with Dark Sun being in third place and Ravenloft in 4th. The fact the Wayfinder's guide exists now shows that progress is being made while Spelljammer has had all of those easter eggs over the past few years.

Darksun needs Psionics fleshed out and while they did do CoS for Ravenloft I think it will be a while before they expand on it. Yes Horror is fun but it's far more niche than Ebberon, Spelljammer or Darksun.

I don't see Planescape or Spelljamer getting full supplements, but instead getting adventures that also act to introduce the setting (much like ToA). Eberron & Dark Sun are likely contenders, but I think that Dragonlance has a bigger shot than you give it credit for.


I'll admit that I don't know much about Dragonlance. What would you say the hook is? Every time I see Dragonlance mentioned I'm given the impression that it's just a typical fantasy world.

I honestly doubt that they'll even do Planescape just because of the fact that 4th & 5th seem to have incorporated the major features like the elemental planes and places like Bytopia and Mechanus in the core cosmology already. To me Planescape has a 50/50 shot of getting support. Far more likely that they'll just release a Manual of the Planes style book and flesh it out there.

I don't think they will do Planescape. I think they will do Sigil. Possibly as part of an adventure, in the same way that Dragon Heist is a Waterdeep setting book. The hardback book format simply doesn't have enough pages to try and cram in the entire multiverse, and there is plenty of useable material on other planes already out in the wild.

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