Would You Let a Halfling Rog1 Have this Magic Item?


I was also pretty damn impressed.

One general comment as a uneducated tolkeen-type:
There are a lot of powers. The one rings powers functioned like those of the Cthulhu mythos IMHO, they were what they needed to be to fit the story.
(but i realize this is the grad student questioning the professor)

I also don't think that the one ring immeadiatly does anything when put on to the wear's stats. I liked the subtle thing when it turned up in the hobbit. When I later read fellowship it was nicely developed. (As I recall the books were written in reverse order but...)

I don't know that you need to have a specific spell for everything the ring did to manipulate someone in every scene in the books.

maybe just a DC and an effect?

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First Post
One thing that I've always wondered about, and which the movie highlighted: Does the ring bestow the same abilities for different bearers? In the movie, why wasn't Sauron invisible?

I always thought/assumed that the ring bestowed an ability based on the race/personality of the wearer. With hobbits, folks who tended to avoid danger, it granted them invisibility. But perhaps it would grant a different power for different people. For example, for a megamaniacal fighter type, it would bestow Greater Cleave (or at least magical boost to it).

Just a thought. Very nice work!



The ring does bestow abilities based on the individual race and even the individual itself since it acts as a multiplier of whatever power is native to you. But invisibility is not one of those powers. In fact, the 'uncontrolled' 'invisibility' is a more of a side effect of the rings evil when worn by mortals in particular and everyone in general. When wearing the one ring you are moved slightly into the 'wraith world' and thus become invisible to things that cannot see fully into it. Note that it is actually not full invisibility. Even in the Hobbit, JRRT notes that very bright lights cause you to cast shadows. Sauron does not automatically become invisible, though, since he is master of the ring he might be able to should he wish to.

On the other hand, JRRT himself waivered about the exact nature of the invisibility. And from the above explanation, it is not clear whether the ring actually made you invisible to someone like Glorfindel or Galadriel and had seen the light of Aman and were a denizen of both worlds yourself, or whether they would become invisible donning the ring, etc. Certainly elves and other immortals wouldn't 'fade', which Sep correctly describes.


First Post
Great detail

You forget to mention what would happen if it is returned to Sauron and its relationship to the other rings.

Are Sauron's benifits confined to the spells and epic spell advantages?

I would say yes, since those are some nasty benifits, but state it in the description. You might want to include some other benifit that might be realised when returned to Sauron.

The ring bearer can also read the thoughts and/or communicate with the other rings of power.

This is hinted by galadriel (i think) when she said something about bilbo/frodo not focusing on the other rings. NOTE: I may be thinking of something out of tolkien's letters, but there is definately something in the book.

In addition, the owners of the other 3 rings of power were able to detect sauron as soon as he initially wore The One Ring.

There is definately some sort of telepathy between the wearers of the rings.

I would also add something along the lines of the master taking direct control over other ring bearers and being able to cast spells and have clairvoyance/clairaudiance at the location of each bound ring of power.

Something along those lines. Otherwise, great stuff. Tho... i wouldnt give the full item description to the players... that might be a bit too munchkinny.



What? Me Worry?
I think this is a good interpretation of the One Ring, except in one regard. The One Ring enhanced the abilities that one already possessed. So, I'd say that there should be a bonus to skills in which one already has ranks. Perhaps the more ranks one has in a skill, the greater the enhancement.


What? Me Worry?
Re: Great detail

trix said:
I would also add something along the lines of the master taking direct control over other ring bearers and being able to cast spells and have clairvoyance/clairaudiance at the location of each bound ring of power.

This would be OK for the 9, and maybe the 7, but not for the 3. The 3 were the ones untouched by Sauron during their creation. Basically, if Sauron revcovered the One, he would know where the Three and their wearers were, and know everything that was done with them, but he wouldn't control them. However, just knowing all that would give him a tremendous advantage, letting him concentrate his efforts. The powers of all of them are linked, though, so when the One was destroyed, the powers of all the Rings faded.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
What about the 9 rings for men and the 7 rings for dwarves? Have you decided what powers they provided (if any) to the original wearers - as well as the curses, of course!


First Post
Celebrim said:
On the other hand, JRRT himself waivered about the exact nature of the invisibility. And from the above explanation, it is not clear whether the ring actually made you invisible to someone like Glorfindel or Galadriel and had seen the light of Aman and were a denizen of both worlds yourself, or whether they would become invisible donning the ring, etc. Certainly elves and other immortals wouldn't 'fade', which Sep correctly describes.

I would say that the invisibility is a side effect for those that don't exist in both the real and spirit worlds.

After all, Tom Bombadil put it on and wasn't affected AT ALL. Sauron was more powerful when he wore it. That would seem to tell me that only mortals -- who don't exist in the spirit world -- become invisible.

It would be really interesting to see what would happen if Aragorn put it on -- or Gandalf, for that matter.


First Post
wolff96 said:

It would be really interesting to see what would happen if Aragorn put it on -- or Gandalf, for that matter.

I think the Invisibility was controllable. Gandalf had the Elven
Ring of Fire & it seemed to allow him to disappear at times. For
example look at the Hobbit: While in the goblin caves, he blasted
a couple of goblins with a spell & vanished. He later appeared
in the goblin cave. In DnD terms, I'd say he cast a spell & willed
the ring to make him invisible (move equivalent or even free
action). He then just followed the rest of the party until a suitable
moment of surprise was available.

Additionally the other Elven rings of power were able to hide
themselves from view (cast invis on an object?). Only Frodo could
see Galadriel's ring because of the powers the One was giving

In a Dragon Mag from about a year ago, they presented the
concept of a LEVELED MAGIC ITEM. If the Rings of Power are
thus leveled items, then at low "user level" the DCs to get
powers to occur on command are high & the save DCs from
side effects are low (to model the idea that the Ring hasn't
consumed much of the wearer's life).

So at 0th level (as when Bilbo found the ring), the ring would
only provide Invisibility (a high Will save to negate, say DC 50. Will Save only allowed if the user has SOME knowledge that he
could prevent the effect). As the user puts in more focus in
controlling the Ring (by spending XP on it), the DC drops (so at
user level 1 the Invis Control DC is 40-45?). Other powers are
granted at higher user level, and worse penalties appear as well
(say at 6th user level, Scry Other Ring & some powerful penalty).

Great work on the list of powers! I'm stealing them for my campaign (seriously distorted Tolkien -> Isildur destroyed the One
Ring, but the others maintained their power. So the Nine are
independent now)).


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