D&D 5E Would You Play This?


Thus is an idea I've been kicking around a very long time since the 90s. Along with my stone age idea.

Basically a magitech setting. Probably mine the Eberron book. Curated races list Probably PHB+ Warforged. Warforged are possibly reflected to be cyborgs or appear like them anyway. Maybe other Eberron raced.

New background available. Pilot. Proficient in aerial vehicles. Tie everything together a'la BG3.

The world is based off Phantasy Star III video game a JRPG from the early 90s (PS4 was better but I'm talking about the world). It's a giant spaceship/worldship.

There's 7 worlds basically a hexagon and a central hub. Desert world, cold world, water world, mountain, 3 normal and the central hub.

Advanced tech from the DMG would be available. Lost technology for the most part but you might be able to buy it later in exotic locations.

Flying machines and submarines would be available. Travel between worlds is via tunnels or telephone circles between specific points. You can't teleport normally between worlds. Each world is a sealed dome.

Tunnels between worlds have a Barrier Peak type vibe.

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Uh maybe?
You gave us the mechanics, but what about the flavor? Light and whimsical? Dark and moody? How sciencey is your tech? What are the major challenges to life and adventure? Are kingdoms or worlds at war with each other or is this a frontier feel where just surviving the week is a challenge? Or perhaps great kingdoms and its all about surviving court intrigue and growing your power base? How common are adventurers and what is their role in society? For that, what is society?


Uh maybe?
You gave us the mechanics, but what about the flavor? Light and whimsical? Dark and moody? How sciencey is your tech? What are the major challenges to life and adventure? Are kingdoms or worlds at war with each other or is this a frontier feel where just surviving the week is a challenge? Or perhaps great kingdoms and its all about surviving court intrigue and growing your power base? How common are adventurers and what is their role in society? For that, what is society?

I would probably have a backstory to the game.

1000 years ago big war, the world's gave been sealed.

The tech is more magi tech. Transforming submarines, magical flying cities things like that.

Probably default grittinesd. Maybe lighter side not after Darksun or Ravenloft grittiness.

Exploration part would be accessing the new worlds. Each world is probably fairly small.


I'd be keen on magitech, what was the d20 game with the dragons running a magical space empire? I thought that was pretty cool.

Voidrunner's Codex

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