aramis erak
What is interesting is that, by the revised (2nd) edition, all new abilities in supplements were being kept at introductory price, not at setting appropriate price.It's a consequence of what Steve Jackson said to Sean Punch as reported at Steve Jackson Games Forums - View Single Post - Advantages Are Not Utility Priced
"To be fair, I know as a fact that in GURPS, First Edition, advantages were indeed priced for desired rarity in the game, not for their utility. I know this because the designer [Steve Jackson] told me! Combat Reflexes is far more useful than most 15-point traits and many traits worth quite a bit more, but it's priced cheaply because it's common in adventure fiction and not meant to be rare. Warp costs more mostly because it's an outré superpower, and just about always rare when it's innate rather than technological."
From this I infer that if you want different rarities than the default metasetting, you should change the point costs.
Conan and Horseclans changed several skills' and a couple advantages' prices, and were pretty early in 1E. I can't think of any from the G3 era that did so.
(The irony? 2e Core change was almost exclusively errata.)
Yes, I used to run GURPS. But by 3E, the player culture was becoming pretty toxic min-maxing, at least in Anchorage and its BBS-scene, and I was seeing some of that on alt.rec.frp.misc