D&D 5E Would you require a roll for this?


The palm side of the gauntlet is going to be leather at best. It doesn't need to be armored, in fact you don't want it to be armored. They could smack the trap with the back/metallic side of the gauntlet. At that point they could bypass by smacking it with a hammer.
If the rogue is deliberately using a metal gauntlet, I think it's disingenuous to assume that they're not deliberately interposing the metal part over the spot where they know the needle is. Sure, they could use some other bit of metal, but if "gauntlet" is what their mind jumps to, there's no reason not to let it work as a clever solution.

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If the rogue is deliberately using a metal gauntlet, I think it's disingenuous to assume that they're not deliberately interposing the metal part over the spot where they know the needle is. Sure, they could use some other bit of metal, but if "gauntlet" is what their mind jumps to, there's no reason not to let it work as a clever solution.
I just disagree. If they are interacting with the environment then I need to make a calls on the environment. A gauntlet is not solid metal, if it is then there's no fine control the might as well whack it with a hammer.

Again, people come up with alternate solutions all the time in my game. This one just wouldn't work. I'm not an "always say yes" Dm and I wouldn't want a DM that was.

Rolls are made to resolve uncertainty in the game fiction. Depending on exactly how the trap's trigger works, it sounds like there may be some uncertainty in this situation about whether or not the rogue can be sure if the needle will hit a hard or soft part of the gauntlet when the trap is sprung, so we may need a dice roll to see what happens.


A suffusion of yellow
Rolls are made to resolve uncertainty in the game fiction. Depending on exactly how the trap's trigger works, it sounds like there may be some uncertainty in this situation about whether or not the rogue can be sure if the needle will hit a hard or soft part of the gauntlet when the trap is sprung, so we may need a dice roll to see what happens.
when a PC wears a gauntlet they get AC, theres no where that says some parts of the gauntlet has lower AC than any other part - thus assume the armor quality relates to the whole gauntlet


Sure. The rogue has disadvantage on their check due to the gauntlet interfering with picking locks / using thieves tools, but if the trap is sprung their hand uses AC of the armor set the gauntlet was taken from.

I mean there are many more variables I’d want to know, but in lieu of knowing more I’d generally be comfortable with my above ruling.

when a PC wears a gauntlet they get AC, theres no where that says some parts of the gauntlet has lower AC than any other part - thus assume the armor quality relates to the whole gauntlet
Which is why there's a to hit roll against that AC, we need to resolve the uncertainty of whether or not the attack bypassed the most protective parts of the armor.

I'm A Banana

There is a chest and the Rogue rolls and detects a trap. A needle trap that would eject into the thief's hand and poison them.

The Rogue's player says that he borrows the Fighters metal gauntlet (which the needle couldn't penetrate) and safely sets off the trap.

Roll for disarm or not?
No roll if there's no chance of failure.

Voidrunner's Codex

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