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WoW Monsters


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ooh that's weird, they were working yesterday.

Edit: Should be fixed.

Double Edit: Fixed what I could.
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Inventor of Super-Toast
I don't know much about World of Warcraft, but I must say that these monsters are high quality work. Good job as always, Pants!

Demiurge out.


First Post
Thanks for all the kind words.

I just found out that there's a World of Warcraft Monster Guide coming out at the end of January. So it might be a worthwhile purchase for anyone interested in this stuff (depending upon if it's good or not). I'll probably pick it up at least, mostly because I'm a shill. :D

Currently working on a couple of epic beasties. I'm gonna post them all up at once so it might take some time.


First Post
This tall, lanky humanoid gracefully strides toward you, its body wrapped in layers of cloth and piecemeal armor. Strange, eerie light shines out from beneath its folds of clothing.

CR 8
Usually N Medium outsider (extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +12, Spot +2
Languages Abyssal, Common, Ethereal, Infernal
AC 23, touch 19, flat-footed 17; Dodge, Mobility
(+6 Dex , +4 armor, +3 deflection)​
hp 45 (7 HD); DR 10/magic
Immune critical hits, force, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning
Resist electricity 10, fire 10; SR 20
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +7
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +1 short sword +14/+9 (1d6+2 + 2d6 force/19-20)
Melee touch +13 (2d6 force)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +7; Grp +8
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th):
At will – detect magic, dimension door, levitate, read magic
3/day – blink, magic missile
1/week – plane shift (DC 18)​
Abilities Str 13, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 19, Wis 14, Cha 17
SQ body of energy, ethereal armor, ethereal grace
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon FinesseB
Skills Appraise +14, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (any two) +14, Knowledge (the planes) +14, Listen +12, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +14, Tumble +16, Use Magic Device +13
Treasure Double standard plus +1 short sword
Advancement by character class; Favored Class rogue

Body of Energy (Su) An ethereal’s body is composed entirely of force energy, granting it several different qualities. Ethereals are totally immune to force energy; its body merely absorbs any force energy directed at it. It can freely pass through force effects (such as a wall of force or an otiluke’s resilient sphere) without harming either itself or the effect.

Ethereal Armor Ethereals often swathe their bodies in thick layers of clothing and bits of armor. Despite their semi-immaterial forms, this clothing and armor clings easily to them, granting them a +4 armor bonus to its Armor Class, no max Dexterity bonus, and no armor check penalty.

Other creatures that attempt to wear this armor find it difficult to do so as the ethereal's energy-based body grants the armor most of its protective abilities.

Ethereal Grace (Su) An ethereal gains a deflection bonus to its Armor Class and a bonus to its saving throws equal to its Charisma modifier.

Force Touch (Su) An ethereal can charge its attacks with force energy. It can make a touch attack to deal 2d6 points of force damage or it can charge any melee weapon it is holding to deal the extra force damage. This extra damage lasts as long as the ethereal holds the weapon. Additionally, any weapon it wields is treated as if it had the ghost touch special quality. It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Skills An ethereal has a +4 racial bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive checks.

The ethereals are a race of planar travelers that scour the planes in search of rare artifacts, arcane secrets, and other bits of odd lore that just might be valuable to someone somewhere.

Ethereals prefer talking over the rather unproductive act of combat, however raiders and looters aren't above resorting to violence to get what they want. A fair fight is usually a fight that an ethereal is not interested in. They primarily rely upon their spell-like abilities to confuse their foes and place them into prime ambush spots.

Most ethereals take levels in the rogue class, as their penchant for skulking about dovetails nicely with the rogue's abilities. Many also take levels in wizard and sorcerer, as these classes allow them to make full use of the magical trinkets they possess.

Ethereal society is based entirely around the mantra that 'everything has a price and a potential buyer.' Ethereals align themselves with various interplanar corporations that deal primarily in the 'locating' and selling of magical items and lore, the Consortium being the largest such organization.

The ethereals are everybody's friend and no one's enemy. They happily supply goods and services to warring factions while shrugging and saying 'We're just providing a service.'
Ethereals are ruled by trade princes who, in turn, run the large corporations. The hierarchy beneath the trade princes is muddled, however, rank appears to be directly tied to wealth, information, and personal holdings. Thus, most ethereals are eager to climb the corporate ladder and gain enough wealth and power to ascend in rank. This leads to cutthroat tactics, smear campaigns, and other nefarious deeds.

Other ethereal organizations include the Protectorate, which believe that they are as great a threat as the Void-beings that destroyed their homeworld. The Ethereum are devoted to hunting down and reaping vengeance upon the Void-beings.

Alignment: Ethereals are driven primarily by greed. They hold very few grudges and are happy to except potential customers of any stripe. They are usually neutral, with some leaning towards neutral evil.

Ethereals are strange creatures. Their bodies are formed entirely of swirling masses of pure force, though they usually wrap themselves in thick swathes of clothing, most likely to help facilitate trade. Underneath their clothing they resemble featureless balls of light. An ethereal's voice quakes with vibrant power, almost as if it is manifesting upon several different levels at once.

It is unknown how ethereals reproduce. Despite the fact that they are friendly and garrulous with any potential customer, they are tight-lipped about anything regarding their own physiology and they quickly steer conversations away from such topics. Even so, ethereal young have never been knowingly encountered by outsiders.

Although most ethereals are primarily interested only in trade, there is something else that guides many of their thoughts: the destruction of their homeworld by the Void-beings and their leader Dimensius. Most of the ethereals were able to escape the destruction, however many still hold grudges against the Void. The Ethereum wars unceasingly with the Void, holding all other pursuits (even economic ones) in lower regard, an act that is seen as blasphemous by most other ethereals.

The ethereals could potentially fill the same spot as the mercanes. Also, while the ethereal's homeworld was still destroyed, the ethergaunts (Fiend Folio) make excellent replacements for the Void-beings.

Ethereals can be found anywhere in the planes, though they prefer neutral meeting grounds such as the Outlands and Sigil. They also happily sell weapons and other dangerous items to the fiends in the Blood War. Demons and devils both pay handsomely for ethereal items, which they are only too happy to exploit.

So I got the Burning Crusade and by far, one of the coolest new 'monsters' in the game are the ethereals. So I statted them up. Hope you all like them as much as I do! :)

EDIT: The new statblock doesn't look very good in vB Code so as much as I like it, I'll probably stick with the tried and true old version from now on.
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First Post
Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 38d8+684 (988 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 58 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +33 natural, +11 profane), touch 25, flat-footed 52
Base Attack/Grapple: +38/+60
Attack: Claw +56 melee (3d6+19/15-20/x3)
Full Attack: 2 claws +56 melee (3d6+19/15-20/x3) and bite +53 melee (2d8+12 plus energy drain) and tail slap +53 melee (1d10+12)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Augmented critical, constrict 2d10+14, corrupt blood, energy drain, gaze of the blood god, improved grab, siphon life, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/epic and good, darkvision 120 ft., immunity to acid, death effects, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, polymorph, partial divinity, resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, sonic 10, spell resistance 44, true seeing
Saves: Fort +50, Ref +38, Will +39
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 22, Con 47, Int 31, Wis 24, Cha 32
Skills: Appraise +51, Bluff +52, Concentration +59, Decipher Script +51, Diplomacy +60, Intimidate +56, Jump +63, Knowledge (arcane) +51, Knowledge (history) +51, Knowledge (religion) +51, Knowledge (the planes) +51, Listen +48, Move Silently +47, Search +51, Sense Motive +48, Spellcraft +55 (+59 checks to decipher scrolls), Spot +48, Survival +7 (+11 on other planes or when following tracks), Use Magic Device +52 (+56 involving scrolls)
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Devastating Critical (claw), Dire Charge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Overwhelming Critical (claw), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw)
Environment: Zul'Gurub
Languages: Speaks Abyssal, Common, Giant, Infernal
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 31
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: -

A terror beyond reasoning rises up before you, its body a horrid amalgamation of serpent and bird. Its body is long and serpentine, with scales the color of glittering rubies. A pair of teal, feathered wings adorns its back. Its head, semi-humanoid with an elongated, serpent-like maw filled with razor sharp canines, sits atop its body. A vibrant blue crest of plumage runs from the middle of its head all the way down its back. A purplish gem sits encased in a ‘cage’ of jagged rib bones within the center of its chest.

Hakkar is the horrid Blood God of the ancient Troll Gurubashi Empire. Known collectively as the Blood God, the Soulflayer, and the Faceless One, Hakkar was once part of the primitive pantheon of gods worshipped by the trolls until the Gurubashi Empire was shattered in a terrible war.


As a semi-divine being, Hakkar will know when intruders enter his sanctum and will quickly send his minions to deal with any transgressors. Should any fools attack Hakkar directly, he lashes out with his awesome powers. He relishes melee combat above all else and relies upon his physical might before falling back on his spell-like abilities. Hakkar fights with an enraged zeal and if overmatched, he roars with anger and lashes out with his most powerful abilities, hoping to destroy anything within reach.

Hakkar's natural weapons are treated as epic weapons and chaotic and evil aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Augmented Critical (Su): Hakkar's claws threaten a critical hit on an 18-20 and deal x3 damage on a successful critical hit. Additionally, Hakkar's claws are treated as if they possessed the vorpal special quality.

Constrict (Ex): Hakkar automatically deals 2d10+14 points of damage on a successful grapple check.

Corrupt Blood (Su): The area around Hakkar is continually enshrouded in deathly, corrupting forces. Any creature within 60 ft. of Hakkar takes 3d6 points of unholy damage every round. Creatures that take this damage must also succeed on a DC 40 Fort save or becomes nauseated for 1d6 rounds. Creatures without blood (undead, constructs, some oozes, etc.) are immune to this ability. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Energy Drain (Su): A creature struck by Hakkar's bite attack gains 2 negative levels. For each negative level inflicted, Hakkar gains 5 temporary hp. The DC to remove the negative levels is 40. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gaze of the Blood God (Su): Hakkar's gaze can crush the will of even the stoutest of heart. The range on this gaze attack is 30 ft. Unlike normal gaze attacks, Hakkar must focus his gaze on a single creature within range (a free action). That creature must succeed on a DC 40 Will save or be affected as if by a confusion spell (caster level 28th). This affect lasts for 1d6+3 rounds. The creature must be able to see Hakkar for the gaze to have any affect. Once Hakkar uses his gaze attack, he must wait 4 rounds before using it again. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Improved Grab (Ex): If Hakkar hits an opponent with his tail slap attack, he can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If he wins the grapple check, he establishes a hold and can then constrict and siphon life.

Partial Divinity (Ex): Despite the fact that Hakkar is no longer a true deity, he still has some of qualities inherent to the truly divine. Hakkar possesses all the immunities of a rank 1 deity, he receives maximum hit points per Hit Die, and he receives a profane bonus to his Armor Class and saving throws equal to his Charisma modifier. He can also telepathically communicate with any of his worshippers within 1 mile.

Siphon Life (Su): If Hakkar constricts a creature, he can draw siphon off his life source, adding it to his own. Any creature that takes damage from Hakkar's constrict attack must succeed on a DC 47 Fort save or take 2d6 points of Constitution drain. For each point of Con drain that Hakkar inflicts, he heals 10 points of damage. If Hakkar deals Con damage to a creature currently under the effects of a poison, he automatically takes 10d6 points of damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will – acid cloud, analyze dweomer, blasphemy (DC 28), detect good, detect magic, dream, feeblemind (DC 26), greater dispel magic, greater magic fang*, greater teleport (self plus 100 pounds of objects only), nightmare (DC 26), soul scry (DC 31), symbol of persuasion (DC 27), unhallow, unholy aura (DC 29); 3/day – eclipse, ruin (DC 31), superb dispelling, symbol of insanity (DC 29), symbol of death (DC 29); 1/day – greater ruin (DC 31), imprisonment (DC 30); 1/week – wish. Caster level 28th. The save DC's are Charisma-based.

True Seeing (Su): Hakkar is under the continuous effect of a true seeing spell (caster level 28th).

The history of the Blood God is a long and violent one. During the years after the Great Sundering the troll empires were beset by plagues and famines. The Gurubashi trolls seeking a way to help their people, called for aid from ancient, powerful forces. They summoned forth the divine avatar of one of their gods, the bloodthirsty and vile Hakkar.

Hakkar granted the Gurubashi untold wisdom and under his rule the borders of the Gurubashi Empire greatly expanded. Unfortunately, Hakkar demanded daily sacrifices as payment for his aid. He wished to gain full access to the physical world and so that he could devour the blood of all mortal creatures.

The Gurubashi, after finally realizing the true horror that they had unleashed upon their people, rebelled against Hakkar and his priests, the Atal’Ai. The great war that followed shattered the Gurubashi Empire although the trolls succeeded in banishing Hakkar and driving off or slaying his priests.

The remaining Atal’Ai fled north into the mires of the Swamp of Sorrows where they built a temple with which they could use to summon Hakkar physically into this world. The green dragonflight, learning of the priest’s plans, descended upon the temple and destroyed it. The temple sank beneath the swamp, along with the surviving Atal’Ai.

To this day, the temple is still protected by green dragons and dragonspawn, though the Atal’Ai have remained in hiding deep within the sunken temple performing blasphemous rites to their dark god. The Prophet Jammal’an leads his people in a desperate play for immortality. He hopes to summon the Avatar of Hakkar which will in turn grant him immortality.

Unbeknownst to him, in the Gurubashi Capital of Zul’Gurub, Hakkar has begun to enter the physical world. In order to finally quell the rising of the Blood God, the remaining trolls have sent their high priests to confront and destroy him. Each priest was a powerful champion of the Primal Gods – Bat, Panther, Snake, Tiger, and Spider – but, unfortunately, Hakkar corrupted and enslaved them. Now they serve Hakkar, siphoning off their power in an effort to allow him full access to the physical world.

Although he was gravely weakened when the trolls first banished him, he is slowly gaining back the power he once had. He draws energy from every sacrifice granted to him and from the High Priests that he corrupted.

He's one of my favorites in the game, hope you enjoy him as much as I did dying fighting him in World of Warcraft. :)

Note: I uploaded a .doc file that has Hakkar statted out using the new statblock.


  • Hakkar.doc
    39 KB · Views: 114
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First Post
Very cool!

-- Why do so many critters have IMproved Bull Rush? I would imagine that its most appropriate for critters that do knockdowns and charges (like the Lave Surgers).
-- Immunity to Fire ... ? Doesnt match the game source. They have high FR to be sure, though. Replace with varying levels of SR?

Ancient Core Hounds:
-- Look good. My only concerns are that the Ancient Dread is "castable" in the game (i.e. not necessarily cast immediately) and 6 rounds of confusion seem very harsh.
-- You combined a few of the abilities I notice, and dropped a few like Ground Stomp :)~
-- As they had 6 random abilities you could always have a small table that determined what each one would have.

Core Hounds
-- Hmm these look wierd. They seem remarkably tough if you keep them in such large packs for one thing.
-- The immolating blast is out of place. No way to model their stacking bite DOT?
-- The Fiery Regeneration sounds cool but is wonky and seems pretty complex. In D&D you could probably minimize the mechanics and keep most of the feel (without slavishly requiring players to kill an entire pack at once) by just giving them a high regeneration at 0 hp if there are other healthy Core Hounds nearby.

-- Nice! Matches the game feel very well.

Molten Giant
-- The Hide bonus is just silly ...
-- Rock throwing? Never do that in the game, they are hardcore melee bruisers who don't need anything as ungiantly as a rock.
-- Most of their spell abilities just seem unnecessary and out of tune with the game source.
-- No ground slams?
-- Bull rush does seem appropriate here for their knockback.

-- The Ethereal Armor ability seems odd. Dunno, probably simpler just to stay that they can only wear Light armor and leave it at that (should cover the various types seen in the game).
-- They can't be resurrected or healed normally perhaps? :) They do the whole "disintegrate" deal when they are killed.

-- Eh? He's tougher than Magmadar by that much? Seems unlikely even in a rpg conversion :) And he's a mere +2 CR over him despite the massive TPK abilities and huge hp pool?
-- The abilities you gave him are just insane compared to his relative power level in the game. Vorpal claws? 3d6 corrupted blood within 60' and MASSIVE energy drain?!


First Post
Tzeentch said:
Very cool!

-- Why do so many critters have IMproved Bull Rush? I would imagine that its most appropriate for critters that do knockdowns and charges (like the Lave Surgers).
Instead of creating a new mechanic, I'd just use an existing one.

-- Immunity to Fire ... ? Doesnt match the game source. They have high FR to be sure, though. Replace with varying levels of SR?
They live in the Molten Core. That was my reasoning for being immune to fire, game source be damned in this case.

Ancient Core Hounds:
-- Look good. My only concerns are that the Ancient Dread is "castable" in the game (i.e. not necessarily cast immediately) and 6 rounds of confusion seem very harsh.
-- You combined a few of the abilities I notice, and dropped a few like Ground Stomp :)~
-- As they had 6 random abilities you could always have a small table that determined what each one would have.
The new WoW Monster Guide has a much better take on both Molten Giants and Core Hounds than mine (IMO). Core Hounds, for example, get to pick from a variety of different abilities as they advance, which allows for more of the abilities that I either folded out (with the intention of not making them too complicated to run efficiently) and more varied encounters.

I like the way the book handled them quite a lot.

-- The Fiery Regeneration sounds cool but is wonky and seems pretty complex. In D&D you could probably minimize the mechanics and keep most of the feel (without slavishly requiring players to kill an entire pack at once) by just giving them a high regeneration at 0 hp if there are other healthy Core Hounds nearby.
I agree, there are probably better ways of doing it, I just couldn't think of a way to word it properly and still keep to the Spirit of the game.

-- Eh? He's tougher than Magmadar by that much? Seems unlikely even in a rpg conversion :) And he's a mere +2 CR over him despite the massive TPK abilities and huge hp pool?
-- The abilities you gave him are just insane compared to his relative power level in the game. Vorpal claws? 3d6 corrupted blood within 60' and MASSIVE energy drain?!
Well.... he IS a god. Or at least partially one. ;)
For most of these epic+ creatures... I try to eyeball the CR's as best as I can. Sometimes it works.... sometimes it doesn't.

I also try to view the various 'bosses' around the fact that level 60 characters in WoW translate roughly to level 20 D&D characters. The Monster Guide agrees with me, as Baron Rivendare and Balnazzar hover around CR 20 while Geddon and Garr are 25 (though, to be fair, the editing on the 'boss' statblocks are quite slipshod).

Hakkar may very well be a CR 32-34 creature. I'm not really sure, I've never run a game at that high of a level and I don't think I will, but in terms of internal consistency it doesn't feel right making Mag, a glorified really ancient core hound tougher than Hakkar, an ancient god-like being that once caused the destruction of the troll empire. That's the reason he's tougher than Mag.

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