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Wraith's Whispers - CoSQ (Update: 4/5/04)

Nightingale 7

First Post
Wait a minute there...A drow bladesinger?!Now there's a race-prestige class pairing I'd never expect to see!I know that the rules allow it,since drow are elves after all,but there is all that fluff saying that Bladesong is an exclusively surface-elven style,and that elves rarely teach it even to half elves,so the chance of a drow learning that technique is virtually non-existant.If this guy has an interesting backstory I'm VERY willing to hear it Wraithdrit! :confused:

PS:Is he a PC or an NPC?

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First Post
I keep the line between PC and NPC blurred in the story hour on purpose. I want you to learn the characters and not root for the particular heros. But that being said, Telinal is an NPC.

As for the bladesinger being a surface only thing, I was completely unaware of that. I pulled it from Races of Faerun and don't remember that being mentioned. Everything said elf, not surface elf.

I was mostly inspired by the dancing sequence in the Windwalker Serie's first book. There is a scene where the main character goes to a rave like drow noble party. The dancing is really wild. I thought to my self. Self, if these drow like to dance this much, toss a blade in their hand and you got a bladesinger.

As for Telinal, he is a follower of Vaerun, a very skilled bladesinger and definately has a back story. Whether or not it ever sees light will depend on how long he remains in the story. That of course depends on the players.

I'm really enjoying the character of Tursa. The players are really starting to wonder what is going on with her. Mytrym's player told me today that he reread the entire story hour last night so he could refresh his memory on what she has been involved in.

Nightingale 7

First Post
I'm not the kind to root only for the PCs.I'll be the first to acknowledge a well made NPC,and I am very interested in the drow bladesinger.

Yes,that scene in Daughter of the Drow is very inspiring,but Bladesong is a predominantly sun-elven and moon-elven technique.Bladesinger schools exist only in big elven settlements,such as Evereska and Evermeet.Elves are VERY reluctant to teach it to even the "outsider" wild and wood elves.Half-elves are almost always refused to be taught,since they aren't full-blooded elves.Drow are NEVER taught Bladesong by the surface elves.

If you frequent the WOTC boards there was a big debate a long time back as to the possibility of drow bladesingers.It can be argued that before the Descent,the Ilythiiri(drow predecessors) lived peacefully with the other elven subraces.They may have known the bladesong style from then,and continue to practice it in the Underdark all the way to the present,albeit in a wicked,twisted form.on the other hand there is no such empirical evidence in the sourcebooks or the novels,and since Corellon Larethian is the patron of bladesingers he might,very possibly,have scoured the bladesong style from the Ilythiiri minds,when he laid upon them the curse that turned them into drow.

Of course I'm not saying all this to discourage you from using that character,but I'm trying to give you a broad perspective,in the off-case that one of your players know that FR lore and showers you with the same questions.Perhaps you could modify his background a bit to explain his bladesinger status


First Post
Bladesinger schools exist only in big elven settlements,such as Evereska and Evermeet.

The Races of Faerun Bladesinger Prestige class specifically states that idea of a bladesinger school is "an absurd notion". I guess they tossed some of the older background material on the Bladesingers out the window.

It also references it being a single master teaching a single student. I was pretty much thinking along the same lines as your explanation above. The art of bladesinger is not something new to elves, and before the drow were forced underground, they too could have known.

Mainly I follow a rule of its not in one of my source materials (mostly all the 3.0 and 3.5 FR stuff) then I don't know about it. I've been following FR since its inception, but am not an FR scholar or anything. I honestly had NO clue that Bladesingers were a surface elf only thing. IF that were the case the race requirement would be like the Elven High Mage which specifically lists the surface races. Also the Races of Faerun lists half-elfs, so again, I'd say they kinda loosened any restrictions they had on it before.

That all being said, its mostly a moot point as they never met him last night. It was a good game, and logs will be going up soon.


First Post
The group froze for a moment, listening as the sound echoed through the chamber for brief moments. Then as quickly as they had frozen, they were moving again. Delorian quickly pulled a shadow from the wall stepped through, cloaking himself with invisibility. Marcus ran over to one wall and started walking up it, the magical slippers carrying him easily up the wall. Amador strode across the room, pulling a fresh arrow from his quiver. Plickit found a corner and crouched down, looking up at the nearest door. Mytrym leapt from the floor, his cloak flipping out into large wings that carried him easily up to the first door.

Marcus continued up past the first door to the second door up. He slid one of his rods in place behind the latch and triggered the button on the end of the rod. When he moved his hand back, the rod remained perfectly still, immovable. Marcus grinned and moved quickly toward the highest door and repeated the process.

The others were still watching the other doors, or watching Marcus work. Naria moved up next to Will and he motioned for her to look at the upper doors. She cast a quick spell then shook her head. Neither door radiated magic. Delorian used the second pair of magic slippers and climbed up between the highest two doors. He watched as Marcus blocked them both with the magic rods.

From somewhere on the third floor, a deep resonating voice cried out in an otherworldly tone, “Solom! Niztaka du minchak! Rerfezitakil nolin zorinti zu!” The companions all looked at each other and shrugged, not knowing what the creature was saying, or where exactly it was.

Their wondering was cut short when three massive wolves appeared within the now tight confines of the tower. Plickit, still able to see invisible, could see past them to a drow mage that had appeared with him. Mytrym spun around and saw the mage as well. Everyone else could not see the invisible drow male. They were more worried about the massive wolves before them anyways. The wolves had dark fur, and dark circles under their bloodshot eyes. Behind their eyes, faint flames could sometimes be seen.

Will frowned at the sight of the fiendish dire wolves. This was most likely someone’s idea of a distraction. He just hoped that Mytrym and Plickit could see whoever was responsible for their appearance.

Though two of the wolves were right in front of him, Plickit knew that he had to take care of the mage before he began lobbing powerful spells around. When he threw his first wedge both wolves pivoted their heads toward him, growling. As the second wedge was released, both wolves took advantage of the thri-kreen’s ackward stance. The first wolf bit Plickit hard in the leg, then wrenched back, sending the insect sprawling to the ground. The other wolf bit out a moment later, tearing at one of his arms.

Ignoring the pain and awkward position, Plickit kept throwing the wedges. Wedge after wedge slammed into the wizard, but obviously they were not having as much effect as he would like. He knew the wizard was probably under a stoneskin spell. It would not last long under the assault of his wedges.

Seeing Plickit go down, Will stepped to one side, muttered a few arcane symbols and sent a massive bolt of lightning arcing through a pair of the wolves. Having seen that Plickit was obviously throwing at something invisible, he made sure the bolt passed through that spot as well. The cry of pain that was let out when the bolt ripped through was quite satisfying to the evoker.

Amador spun and let his hand go from his bow string. He pointed to the back of the large chamber and muttered a few words. Holy energy ripped out of a small rift in the wall, and slammed through the wolves and the wizard they were guarding.

One of the wolves fell to the side, then disappeared, back to whatever plane it had been summoned from. One of the ones remaining lashed out at Amador. As he launched itself forward blackish green energy poured from its mouth. Its teeth sank deep into Amador’s thigh. He let out a cry, dropped his bow and began pushing at the massive monster’s head, to try and get its teeth out of his thigh. The last remaining wolf pushed in beside the first and snapped out at Amador. He threw up an arm, managing to thump it in the nose before it was able to bite him.

Mytrym dropped down, his wings folding away. He started cutting at the wolves before his feet even touched the floor. His blade shone with holy energy as it arced forward and cut deep into one of the two wolves’ flank. He yanked the blade free and stabbed it deep within the wound, trying to pull the thing away from Amador.

In the doorway, Naria pulled a wand out that Will had given her. She thrust it forward and a pair of globes zipped forth, each spiraling toward one of the wolves. One splashed harmless against the infernal hide of the beast it hit, while the other scorched its way into the side of one wolf’s muzzle, causing it to yalp and pull away.

Regaining his feet, Plickit threw his returning chatka, sending it slamming into one wolf. As the chatka disappeared and reappeared in his hand, the wolf fell to one side and disappeared back to its home plane.

Lifting his crossbow to his shoulder, Will marveled that he had even remembered to load it. But he had, and he was finally going to use it. The string snapped forward as it was released. The bolt slammed through the creatures flank and it too slowly faded back to its home plane.

Mytrym stepped past the disappearing wolves and helped steady Amador. The priest already had a potion out. His hand was shaking as he brought it to his lips and downed it quickly.

Plickit also pulled a potion from his pack and downed it. The insect warrior was obviously very hurt. He seemed to be having trouble standing well, and Amador quickly jogged over and cast a quick cure spell, covering one of the nasty bites with glowing healing energy.

Not waiting for them to finish, Will began motioning the entire group toward the 2nd level door, the lowest of the doors they had not already been through.

Mytrym said a quick prayer, and blessed the group.

Marcus moved down to the door and quickly scanned it. When he shook his head, Mytrym flew up, shoved the door open and landed just within. Quick muttered words from one side of him, caused Mytrym to spin and lift his shield. It made little difference when a pair of rays appeared from one doorway, burning through his shield and armor, scorching him beneath. Whoever cast the spell was invisible, like the last wizard, and quickly pulled back within the room behind the door and slammed the door behind him.

Will, Marcus, and Plickit drew into the hallway quickly. The others stayed in the tower room, guarding the other doors, making sure nothing was about to try and sneak in behind them. As the four in the hall gathered, Will nodded to Mytrym. The paladin kicked open the door, triggering some sort of runic marking hidden on the doorframe. Flames ripped out and burned into the paladin. He softly thanked his celestial heritage, knowing that anyone else would have been far more hurt than him.

As the door slammed open, Plickit could see that another invisible mage was standing in the back of the room. He was ready with a spell yet again. This time five small globes of energy spiraled out toward Mytrym. At the last moment his brooch of shielding flashed, and sucked the magic missiles in, dissipating them harmlessly.

As Mytrym raced forward, Plickit began throwing his weapons. They streaked forward, slamming into the wizard, but his enchantments held, and turned away much of the chatka’s damage.

Mytrym had seen roughly where the missiles had come from, so he swung at that location. It was to no avail though, the blade passed harmlessly through nothing but air.

Plickit could see that the drow male had ducked to one side and was once again casting. When the spell finished, he disappeared completely. The thri-kreen did not think there was an invisibility spell that could counter the spell that allowed him to see them, so he glanced around before moving in to get his chatkas. He was surprised to see that the wizard had not actually fled, but was instead at the end of the hallway that they now stood in. Plickit through up an arm and pointed, “Over there-tck!” The thri-kreen stepped toward the mage, chatka after chatka once again sailing toward the wizard. Still the man stood, though the last chatka seemed to finally bite as deep as it should and sent the man sprawling to oneside, crying out in pain. The stoneskin had finally failed.

Knowing that there was little he could do in these tight confines against an invisible opponent, Will ducked into the small bed chamber the wizard had been in. He smirked as he saw the spellbook laying open on the desk in front of him. As he snatched it up, flames ripped forth and bathed over him. Will had spent far too much time studying fire for such a simple spell to be very effective against him. The elemental savant closed the spellbook and dropped it into his magical backpack.

Also able to see the wizard thanks to the shade prince’s spells, Marcus advanced on the wizard, lashing out twice with his rapier. The blade cut deep twice, and the wizard began muttering arcane words as Mytrym stepped up and stabbed out at where he thought the wizard was. Marcus saw the paladin’s large sword stab just beneath one of the wizard’s upraised arms.

The spell complete, the wizard disappeared yet again. Marcus and Plickit both looked all around, including out into the tower room, but to no avail. The drow had gotten away.

The four went to the next two rooms, finding another empty bed chamber that smelled of brimstone and wolf fur, and assumed that the book laying open was the property of the dead wizard laying at the bottom of the tower.

Will told the others to step back and picked that book up as well. The firetrap on it was a little more powerful and his hands burned a little when it went off, but it was nothing the fire wizard could not handle. He dropped the spellbook into his backpack as well.

There was one door left on that level of the tower, so the four moved toward it. Outside in the tower room, Delorian, Amador and Naria watched the exit of the tower and the upper two doors. They had heard the fighting inside, but after the fight the others had looked out to motion that things were all right.

Marcus searched the outside of the last door and nodded to the other that it was safe. When Mytrym swung the door open, he found himself staring at a blank wall. Marcus shook his head and leaned in past the paladin. He easily passed his hand through and whispered to Mytrym, “Illusion.”

The paladin and dungeon delver nodded to each other and slipped in past the illusion. The room seemed to be nothing more than a large twenty foot by twenty foot empty room. Marcus frowned and whispered, “This doesn’t make sense, even the abandoned bedroom still had furniture. And if this room was empty, one of the other two would have moved in here.” Suspecting another illusion he felt his way forward slowly.

As Plickit and Will stepped to the doorway, soft arcane words came from one corner, followed by a soothing voice. “You should leave the outpost. There is nothing really here worth your trouble.” Mytrym and Marcus both moved towards the voice, and could see through the illusion that room indeed was another bedroom, and that another wizard stood in one corner.

Will and Plickit meanwhile glanced at each other, shrugged and turned to walk out. Mytrym glanced back and blinked, confused for a moment.

Marcus could see the wizard now and was walking straight toward him. Mytrym was not able to see the wizard, and was torn between his departing companions and whoever had enchanted them.

The wizard muttered a couple more arcane words and a dark shape leapt from one of the corners. A thing of nightmares, all claws and scales, it threw itself at Marcus. The dungeon delver yelped and threw up his hands to protect himself and started to dodge to one side. Claws ripped and shredded at him, and the pain was intense. He could feel his heart stopping with fear. His death was at hand.

Another illusion he thought! Shaking his head clear, he growled and stepped forward toward the wizard, blood trailing from the corner of his mouth, “I think not mage.” He thrust his rapier forward, fully extending the attack, the point aimed at the mage’s heart.

The tip of the blade turned and weapon twisted in his hand as yet another stoneskin spell protected their opponent.

Mytrym stepped up beside the rogue and lashed out at where the rogue had been attacking, but the mage was already moving. He dodged out of the way of the paladin’s attack and quickly muttered a few arcane words, disappearing completely. Another mage had gotten away.

In the tower room, Will and Plickit landed near Amador. The cleric had cast a circle of protection on himself while he was waiting for the others, and the moment Will and Plickit entered it, they blinked and shook their heads.

Naria and Amador stepped up. “What is it?” asked the cleric.

Will frowned, “I think we are supposed to be leaving, but that makes no sense what so ever.”

Plickit nodded, then added, “Made perfect-tck sense a moment-tck ago… now not-tck so.”

The drow woman cast a quick dispelling on the pair, but frowned when it seemed to have no effect, “The enchantment is to difficult for me to counter.”

Amador frowned, “Well as long as you stay within the area of the circle you can not be effected by such enchantments.

Marcus and Mytrym appeared in the doorway above. Marcus was not happy, “He got away too.” He looked a little pale, and a small trickle of blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, from one nostril and down from his ears.

A voice broke through their discussion. “Enough of this!” Everyone looked up, but only Plickit and Marcus could see the finely dressed, drow floating at the top of the tower. He wore a circlet atop his head, helping to keep his flowing white hair back, and his shirt was tucked into an ornate pair of bracers. “I am Solom Ned’razak, Archmage of Szith Morcane, master of this tower, and teacher to the young students you have been sparring with.”

Will’s eyebrows shut up under his bangs. Archmage. It could be a bluff, or it could be true, in which case they were in serious trouble.

The archmage floated to one side, never staying long in one particular spot. “While this has been an amusing learning lesson for my students, its cost will become to high if it continues, so it ends. Now.”

The party waited a moment, then Mytrym broke the silence, “I’m Mytrym, of Eilistraee.”

The Archmage did not miss a beat, despite the invoke goddess. “Well met, Mytrym. You and your companions do not belong here. Why have you come?”

Will spoke, “You have been raiding the surface.”

“Not I, young savant. That is the work of the cultists that rule here now.”

Mytrym quickly asked, “You work for them?”

“No. They allow my school to continue, in exchange I provide them arcane spell support.”

Mytrym smiled, “We are here to stop them. They have caused too much trouble already, we plan to make sure they stop, one way or another.”

The archmage chuckled, “Well then it seems we have a common goal. I’d like nothing more than to see them… removed. I tell you what. I will agree not to destroy you, despite your intrusion on my home, if you will divert your hostility towards the cult of Banshee. Once the cult is destroyed, you are free to come and go, but Szith Morcane will be mine to rule. I expect you will be either going home, or continuing on to whomever controls the strings of the puppet that leads the cult here.”

Amador did not like a bit of it, but he knew that to face this mage would be sheer folly. “What do you know of a collection of items of the various races?”

“I know they were not kept here, but continued to cult’s mistresses in the city of Maerimydra. Other than that, I know not.”

“What of a halfling that was killed by the cult?”

“I don’t know what a cult of the dead do with the fallen of their enemy, but I could surely guess. However, I have not seen the one to which you refer. Perhaps he was taken to Maerimydra as well. Now if you would not mind returning the stolen spellbook, you can keep the spellbook of the student you defeated. He won’t be needing it.”

Will smiled and pulled the first spellbook back out. He set it on the ground. “Sure. How about you have your student dispel the enchantment he placed on us?”

The archmage chuckled. “Of course.” Dropping the immovable rod to the tower base, he opened the highest door of the tower, behind which stood his two surviving students. Nodding to one, the archmage turned to watch the party. The head student muttered a few words and the enchantment was lifted.

The archmage smiled, “Good luck in the temple. You’ll need it.”


First Post
Sunny Glade
Plane of Avandor, Home of the Seldarine
Time Between Times

Kalan Argin had lived a life full of adventure in the service of his lord, Corellon. After a few hundred years though, the young elf had been cut down in battle with a minotaur lord named Gulgooth. The young cleric had been readily accepted into Avandor, and had served just as faithfully. He was elevated by Corellon to a guardinal of Avandor, and gifted with the huge powerful form of a leonal. It was in this capacity that he now served, protecting the Seldarine, and fighting for justice and peace for all the Seldarine’s people.

When the prayers came to Corellon for aid in the Underdark, he hand picked Kalan Argin to answer the call. Kalan stepped through the rift to the prime material plane, knowing that he was serving his master. Still he had to wonder what it would be like, returning to Toril after so many lost years. He had a role to play though, and did not have time to sight see.

As he stepped through the glowing light of the portal the leonal let his head fall back and he shook his massive mane and let out a soft growl. The air of the Underdark was just as he remembered from his few times into the underworld in centuries past. It was cool, clammy and even smelled damp. The leonal’s eyes instantly adjusted to his surroundings. A motley crew of adventurers stood staring at him, waiting for him to speak.

So he did. “Greetings mortals! I am Kalan of Avandor. What service to you seek my aid in?” He focused his attention on the elven cleric that had called him.

Amador nodded at the greeting, “Greetings great one. I am Amador, and these are my companions. We seek your aid in destroying a foul temple of the drow.”

“Ah! Spider kissers. We shall rip them limp from unholy limp!” The leonal puffed his massive muscular chest and balled his massive hands into fists, cracking each and every knuckle of his hands in turn. His hands flexed open and his massive claws gleamed in the light of the portal behind him.

A human, Kalan knew his name after a moment, Will Farseeker, stepped forward. “Actually these drow worship the White Banshee, Kiaransalee.” Kalan studied the human a moment as he talked. Interesting, thought the leonal, the bond between the physical and the metaphysical in this one was weakened. Whisps of elemental fire licked through his aura, marking him as one tempting his humanity with elemental taint.

“I see. Well, you have a plan then?” Will nodded, and began to go over the plan.

After a few moments Kalan nodded. He rolled his head back and feathers soon replaced fur. Wings sprouted from his back. Soon his form was that of a griffin. “Let us go then!” He leapt up, snatched up the one called Marcus in his claws and flew out into the chasm. “For Corellan!”


Delorian shook his head as the leonal flew off. He had a bad feeling about this, and the guardinal’s presence did not make things any better. He pulled the shadows near him over his form, cloaking himself in invisibility. Pulling another shadow out into a doorway he stepped through, out onto the web in front of the opening to the cult’s temple.

Pausing a moment till he saw Amador in place and ready. He pulled a shadow out and formed another doorway. When Amador completed his wall of stone spell, sealing off one of the two exits from the entry area, the monk stepped through the doorway a globe of silence in his hand, ready to smash it on the other exit. This would mask the blast from the coming fireball.

Stepping through a dimensional shadow door had always been a strange feeling. It felt as if your front half was jerked from existence, and pulled to wherever you were stepping to. The pulling sensation seemed to bring the rest of you along for the ride, and then before you knew it, you were standing at your target location.

Not this time. He stepped through the doorway, and nothing happened. The shadow walk had failed. Something had prevented it.

In front of him, flames erupted from the ledge as Will’s empowered fireball cooked the four quth-maren standing in the entry room. As the blast receeded, the monk leapt toward the ledge. If could not shadow step there, he would have to get there the same way the rest of them did.


Marcus was dropped on the ledge by Kalan and rolled between the surprised and burned quth-maren. The skinned undead never had a chance to respond to the nimble dungeon dweller racing through their midst.

A burning sensation ripped at him as he entered the entry area. Some sort of enchantment was covering the area and tore at his very soul as he forced his way through the room. It hurt badly, but he was able to focus on what he was doing, and push through. He could taste blood in his mouth and feel it running from his ears and nose. He had to fight through it though, so he did.

Concern joined pain in Marcus’ mind when he realized the plan was not going completely as they thought. Where was Delorian with the globe of silence? It did not matter; there were two guards in the next room. He was hoping to catch them off guard. After all he was invisible, Naria had masked him front sight just before they came down.

As Marcus hit the corner he saw the two guards and the prisoner, just as Will had described them. The guards were looking at the wall of stone that blocked their exit one direction, and making hand signals to one another. One turned and raced toward the exit that Marcus was hiding in. Marcus almost felt sorry for the poor guard. He put the thought out of his mind as he waited for the best moment and thrust his rapier into the chest of the unsuspecting guard.

It was as his arm came forward that Marcus realized something was wrong. He could see his own hand. Every time he had been invisible before he could not even see himself. He was visible! The guard had to know he was there. But the guard did not seem to care. He was just trying to run past him. The rapier pierced the guard’s chest, driving deep. Marcus knew the hit was good, and he drove the blade deep, to the hilt, trying to do as much damage as he could.

The guard did not even miss a step. He shoved past Marcus with ease, ignoring the enchanted rapier sticking through his chest. As he ran past the rapier came loose and Marcus pulled back in horror. The drow guard had growled at him as he went past. Growling while exposing two inch long fangs where his canine teeth should be.

Marcus saw the other guard coming forward. The guard saw Marcus’ surprise and laughing, his own fangs easily visible. Marcus’ mind raced as he backpedaled. Then he found his voice, “Vampires!”


Kalan stepped onto the ledge and felt the telltale signs of a forbiddance spell ripping through his form. He ignored the pain and began moving in toward the undead that guarded the room.

Throwing wedges went whizzing past him as the buried into the quth-maren in front of him. He growled out a challenge and saw the shade monk tumbling in beside him. The paladin, the guardinal, and the monk all stepped forward together, meeting the charge of the quth-maren’s head on.

Kalan could see that each of his companions were suffering from the forbiddance. Blood ran from ears and noses, wiped away by some. Amador stepped in behind them all and held out his holy symbol, crying out loudly for the undead to feel the wrath of Corellon.

Kalan knew that this was one of those areas that Corellon’s light would be hard pressed to shine in. He could feel the unholy aura of the area. It stunk like death to his sensitive nose.

The fight was quick, the quth-maren, though unaffected by Amador’s turn attempt, were no match for the fighting prowess of Kalan, Delorian, Mytrym, and Plickit.

The fire mage Will stepped up behind the line, staring down at the vampire fleeing away toward the back of the temple. Kalan heard Will mutter, “I think not.” At the elemental savants command a massive wall of fire sprang to life down the length of the hall. It cut the second guard off within the guardroom and ripped straight through were the other vampire was running. The vampire tried to continue through. He burst into flames as he dove head first through the mystic wall. Nothing but a misty form came out the other end.

There was momentary pause as the group quickly healed its wounds. Potions were drank, heal spells were cast, and the group was ready to find the other vampire. Kalan and Mytrym swung the corner that was the only safe way into the smaller guardroom.

Kalan heard a cry from the main room. It was Marcus yelling, “In here!”

He and Mytrym spun around to see a misty form moving along the ceiling. Marcus was lashing out at it with his rapier, and Will was sending an orb of fire into it. When Mytrym joined in, the thing was doomed to stay in mist form.

Kalan growled out, “Splendid fight! Well done!”

Will came forward, “There are three coffins off the guardroom. We need to smash them.” The group quickly agreed.

Moments later they stood before the massive double doors that lead into the temple’s inner sanctum. Marcus stopped to search the doors, and found no traps on them. He listened and heard nothing.

A short quiet discussion ensued. Will wanted to cast a daylight spell on Kalan’s belt. Kalan lowered his protective aura and despite the look on Delorian’s face and his voicing the opinion that he would be no good to the group in the area of the spell, it was cast. Delorian turned away from the light and covered his eyes. The others looked to the doors. Mytrym kicked them open and he and Kalan moved in. The chamber was massive, and held an altar near one wall. A door led out of each of the two far corners. One of the doors was cracked open. Kalan loped toward it and kicked it open, daylight streaming into the hallway beyond. Another vampire guard stood in the hallway, he was stumbling back and rubbing at his eyes, obviously having just been blinded by the light.

Kalan glanced back as he heard the others cry out. His daylight spell was not passing beyond his own protective sphere in the back. From either of the front corners of the room, massive globes of darkness moved forward, dissolving the light away as the spells countered each other. In the center of the darkness globes, a pair of driders was advancing. The fight was on once again.


First Post
The rest of the group had moved off down the corridor. They were out of earshot when Naria stepped into the guardroom. A simple glamour had her appearance shifted to that of a follower of Lolth. Thin spiderweb designs covered her slender shoulders and arms, wrapping down around the base of her fingers. Her torso was covered by tight black leather, with a white spider etched into it. Loose layers of cloth flowed down around her waist, letting her legs move freely as she walked. Her feet were encased in high black leather boots that came up past her knee. Glimpses of bare black thigh flashed between the layers of her skirt as she strode toward the woman chained to the wall.

Will had seen her when his arcane eye had explored the area. He was not sure if she was alive, but suspected she was, otherwise, why the guards? He had approached Naria with the idea to disguise herself as a worshipper of Lolth, in order to gain the trust of this woman. Naria just hoped that she was indeed a follower of Lolth, or the whole ruse would be for nothing.

Naria let all expression slide from her face and placed a pair of fingers under the prisoner’s chin. She lifted the prisoner’s head to look her in the eyes, studying to see if there was any life in her eyes at all. “Do you live?”

The prisoner shuddered, and her eyes seemed to come into focus. She quickly scanned the area and then studied Naria. “By Lolth, its true… free me, arm me, and I will aid you in the fight!”

Naria smiled and drew back, shaking her head, “No… you could be under their control.”

The prisoner yanked at her chains, “I swear I am not. Give me a blade and I’ll gut every last one of the banshee’s followers!”

“Easy… what’s your name?” Naria pulled her water skin out and offered it up to the prisoner’s lips.

After the prisoner had taken a few long gulps of the water, she pulled back and answered, “Dessa Sik-Morcane, priestess of Lolth… release me and I will bring her fury to the banshee cult with a vengence.” Again she yanked on the chains. Naria saw little trickles of blood from her wrists. She was strong, but the chains were stronger. She just might really hurt herself trying to escape.

“Sik-Morcane? Married into power?” She studied the Lolth priestess. She had asked for a sword, she was more than just a priestess of Lolth, no her frame was too rugid, her bearing was not noble, but the strength of her will was obvious. She was probably an accomplished warrior. Perhaps it was for that reason that she had not yet been but beneath the knife of whoever had created the flayed quth-maren that they had been fighting so far.

Dessa nodded quickly, “It was the fastest way to get into the priesthood.” Naria nodded, often lesser-born drow were not accepted into the priesthood, so many ambitious non-noble drow females married into minor noble families just for the honor of attending the priesthood. Dessa started looking around. “Where are the guards… your people… they killed them.” She sniffed, “I saw them… surface dwellers… why?”

Naria cut her off. “Mercenaries… are forces are spread thin. Our coin spends well in surface cities.” Naria hoped the ruse would work. To cement it, she changed the subject. “How many cultists are there? How many are in the inner sanctum?”

Dessa shrugged, “I do not know… they were few, but powerful… I saw three priestesses, and… a dark warrior. He was strong, and had a displacer beast with him. I don’t know where the beast came from, but the two of them were all over me, there was nothing I could do. Now, release me so that I might aid you.”

Naria shook her head, “No… you are too weak and would take too much healing to be anything but a liability to us. I’ll be back for you.”

The woman seemed to snap, she yanked hard at the chains and yelled out, “Stupid whore! Release me this instant! Release me, I demand my vengence! Release-“

Naria smashed her knee into the enraged warrior’s temple. Her eyes rolled back in her head, then snapped forward.

“I said, release me! Fool!”

The sorceress shook her head and growled, “Go… down!” She slammed her fist and knee into the warrior’s head again and again till finally Dessa slumped to the ground, hanging from the manacles, her wrists bleeding along with her nose and lips.

Naria cursed softly and turned to walk away. She shook her right hand, trying to get feeling back into them. She looked down at the spattering of blood on her illusionary clothes. The anger, the fighting, the clothes, the charade was all hitting way to close to home. She quickly dispelled the image and tried to recompose herself. She strode up to the group, where they waited just around the corner.

Will stepped forward, “Well?”

Naria reported what she was told. “At least three priestesses, a dark warrior of some sort, and a displacer beast. The warrior and his beast are what took her out of the battle for the temple.”

Delorian spoke up, “We have some displacer beasts in the City. They are hard to train, but those that survive the process are highly prized by my people for their hunting and guarding ability.”

Marcus looked around, “Just three priestesses? I thought this was a big cult?”

Mytrym shook his head, “I think this may just be a small part of greater evil.”

Plickit cocked his head to one side. “Lets do it-tck.”

Kalan looked between them all. “Careful my new found friends I sense much evil here. These four you seek are indeed powerful if they are the cause.”


First Post
The gloom of the deeper darkness spells overlapped over the bright globe around Kalan. While the gloom could not penetrate the protective barrier around Kalan, the area outside of the barrier was plunged into darkness. Plickit skittered out into the middle of the room, using the shadowy darkness to help conceal his movements. When he got there, he stopped and peered around, trying to locate the drider in the darkness.

Mytrym spun beside Kalan, looking back at the drider descending from the corner of the room. Leaping into the air the paladin cried out, his cloak forming into wings to send him aloft. As he closed on the drider he could see that a rippling globe of magic protected the monster. Mytrym had faced plenty of driders in his time, but this one was different. Instead of the fang like teeth most drider had, this one had disgusting mandibles jutting out of his mouth, monstrous teeth and four impossibly long canine teeth. That combined with the drider’s pale skin made Mytrym sure that this drider had succumbed to the vampires as well.

Kalan chuckled as the vampiric guard backed down the corridor, rubbing at his eyes. The leonal lifted one hand and called a sheer wall of force into existence between him and the vampire. Confident that it would keep the guard out of the fight, he turned to look back at where the driders were. A few bounding steps took the leonal within reach of the closest drider.

As the celestial got close to the drider his bubble of protection enveloped the monster and all the drider’s magical enhancement spells began to flicker and fail. The vampiric drider angrily lashed out at the celestial, slamming him with one hand. Kalan grunted at the force of the attack, but was able to resist the sucking pull of the dark energy that fueled the vampire’s touch.

Meanwhile, the other drider pointed towards Plickit and cast a quick spell to try and hold the insectoid ranger. Plickit hardly noticed the spell, the protection from evil that had been cast on him, easily protecting his mind from intrusion by the drider’s spell.

Delorian rolled into the room, and lashed out at the spellcasting drider, but the drider’s protections were too powerful. The monk rolled back from the beasts reach, knowing to stay in combat with a vampire was foolish at best.

Amador strode in between the two combats, and pulled forth his holy symbol. As he stepped into the room, he could feel that there was a dark presence here. The room was some sort of temple, and evil energy had been concentrated on the altar. He lifted his holy symbol high and called upon the power of his god. Though light began to project from his holy symbol, it did not reach far enough through the gloom of the room, and did not effect the twin driders at all.

Backpedaling away from the drider that had tried to enchant him, Plickit began to throw chatckas at the undead fiend. The enchantments protecting the drider were just too powerful though, and all but one of the throwing wedges failed to connect. Even as the one throwing wedge that did hit fell from the moving beast, the wound was already closing.

From the doorway, a flaming crossbow bolt, fired by Marcus, ripped into the same drider, sizzling as it impacted. The drider turned that direction and started forward, then saw Amador standing with his holy symbol held high. A look of rage crossed the beast’s face, and it ran forward smashing one fist into Amador. The cleric cried out in pain as his life force started to drain from his body. He stumbled back, weakened from the dark blow.

Meanwhile the trio of combatants locked in combat in the other corner continued to do their best to rip each other limb from limb. Mytrym was not able to connect, but his swings definitely got the attention of the drider. As it pulled to one side, Kalan clawed it, yanking it into his hug bear like hug. The drider was quickly pulled in, despite its size, and sensing the strength of the mighty leonal, the drider shivered and exploded into a misty form that blew around the other combatants.

Again Delorian zipped into to meet the other drider. The monster’s protections were still too strong though, so the monk vaulted back, landing behind the altar.

Coughing and sputtering in pain, Amador looked up at the drider nearly on top of him. He raised his holy symbol, practically between the drider’s huge mandibles, and cried out for his god’s wrath once again. This time the vampire threw up his hands and began retreating from the light of the holy symbol.

Rolling over to the corner where his chatka’s lay, Plickit snatched a particular one up and spun, sending it ripping through the gaseous vampire. As the magical weapon sliced through the gas, trails of gas followed it and the entire mist seemed to ripple.

Seeing the effect the weapon had on the gaseous vampire, and that the other one was fleeing, Mytrym leapt up, his wings carrying to the mist. His bastard sword arced twice through the mist cutting huge swathes of the mist away.

Kalan narrowed his eyes and assessed the situation. He lifted a hand a small gout of flame flew forward. When it impacted the back of the room it exploded in a large fireball, enveloping the single turned vampiric drider. As the flames cleared it was obviously the fireball had done little damage.

The gaseous drider floated to beside Delorian, then turned solid. It reared back to lash out at the monk, but Delorian was not about to stick around. He leapt up, kicking the drider in the chest, and using it as a platform to leap back. When he landed, he rolled to one side, toward where the rest of the party stood.

Will had watched most of the fight from the doorway. The opportunity he had been waiting for finally arrived. Both driders were on one side of the massive chamber and his friends were all on the other side. He grinned and began a quick and familiar spell. As the pea shaped ball of fire arced toward the other side of the room the elemental savant muttered to no one in particular, “You might find this a little harder to resist.” The room shook with the explosive force of the blast. Heat enveloped the entire group, the sort of heat that pure elemental fire exudes. When the flash cleared, one drider had been forced into mist, and the other was quickly fleeing from the group.

It never made it to the door. The group ran it down and forced it to mist form as well. Both driders were headed to large webbing nests in the corners of the room, nests that were soon destroyed by the heroes.

Will strode into the room and nodded toward the wall of force blocking the way into the inner temple, “How long till it drops?”

Kalan shrugged, “Any moment.”

Marcus nodded at Kalan. “The guard got away… they know about him now.”

Amador stepped up and nodded, “I still have a dismiss prepared, when they try to dismiss him, I will attempt to counter their spell.”

Will nodded and a moment later the wall of force disappeared. “Lets go.”

The group quickly moved down the hall. There was a doorway, halfway down on the left. Mytrym strode forward with Kalan, but noticed at the end of the hall that there was a drow woman peering around the corner at them. He nudged Kalan and the leonal nodded and threw up a wall of force between the doorway and the end of the hall. The drow quickly pulled back from the corner, and the group stepped through the open doorway.

Behind it they found a trio of bedchambers, two of which were obviously being used by the cult. Small altars had been set up, with brazier, incense and various religious fetishes sprinkled atop. Marcus moved from room to room, quickly looking for anything they might need in the coming fight. Though he did not find anything particularly useful he did recover some valuables. The markings on the coin denoted them as from the dales, probably stolen in the latest raids. Marcus turned to the others and showed them, “We found the ones raiding the surface.”

Mytrym frowned, “My people should be living on the surface, not attacking it. We must put an end to this.” Everyone nodded and the group prepared to move down the hall further.

Kalan was watching the hallway. When the wall of force fell he and Amador strode around the corner. The drow at the end of the corner peered out and it was obvious that she was a priestess of Kiaransalee. Worse, she had taken a drider form. She quickly began to cast a spell.

Amador tried to follow the intricate patterns of the spell, but he just couldn’t make out the words the drow was saying, or the symbols she was using.

Kalan felt the energy of the dismissal bathe over him, trying to force him away to his home plane. Amador shook his head, too late to call forth his dismissal to counter the spell.


First Post
Kalan shuddered then seemed to pulse with energy as his natural resistance to spells prevented the magic from pulling him back to his own plane. He chuckled and pointed at the drider formed priestess, “You’ll have to do better than that!” He bounded toward her.

The group surged forward with the Leonal, spreading out along the corridor. Amador stopped to cast a quick prayer upon himself, giving him the strength of the gods. Mytrym threw himself at the priestess, hacking at her large spider like body. Kalan was all over the priestess, his claws raking into her form. Plickit’s chatckas whizzed past the priestess, barely missing her.

Everyone followed except for Delorian. The monk watched the light slip around the corner and sighed in relief as he the darkness around him held him in its embrace. He glanced around the corner, and saw the light bathing over the other combatants. He watched from there, safe within the darkness, knowing that the light would give the drow pause he let it burn bright around the Leonal, choosing to stay out of the fight rather than dim the light and join the fray.

The priestess quickly backed down the hallway, retreating from the forward rushing heroes. As she backed around another corner, she fled into a massive chamber through a pair of double doors.

As Kalan led the others forward he noticed a side door to the left of the corner. He quickly stopped and summoned forth another wall of force. “That should protect that flank for a while.” As he turned toward the large chamber he stopped and growled low within his throat.

The chamber before them was very large, with dangling chains hanging from the ceiling in many different places. Large hooks were attached to the ends of the chains and bodies dangled, impaled on the hooks. Piles of bones lay about the room, with four of them having massive bull skulls laid atop of them. In the center of the room a large pillar stood to about halfway up the height of the room. Atop it sat a throne that held the relaxed form of a drow priestess. This one was not in drider form like the other, and she was dangling a wicked looking mace from one hand. She seemed bored with the proceedings and waiting on things to heat up.

Words of power were chanted from somewhere inside the room and the entire room seemed to start moving. Piles of bones rattled as massive forms animated. Chains clinked as bodies freed themselves from the ugly hooks and began to shamble toward the door. A second drider priestess moved out from one corner and both driders began to cast spells. Bolts of searing light lanced out at Kalan. Energy from another dismiss spell began to simmer around him as well. Again both spells just washed away off his natural spell resistance.

Amador spun around the corner and stopped a moment, taken back by the sight of all the living dead moving forward. “You shall not escape your grave.” He threw up his hands and muttered soft prayers to his god. Whirling blades of force began to rip through the front of the room. The barrier of blades easily cut apart several zombies, and forced the driders to slip to either side of the barrier.

Kalan also held up a hand, a ball of fire shooting forth and exploding within the room. Bones and flesh charred and splattered about the room, leaving the large multiarmed minotaur skeletons, the driders, and the high priestess of Kiaransalee visible within the room.

More chanting from somewhere within the room and a second blade barrier materialized, this time right along the hallway the heroes stood within. Plickit, Amador, Kalan, Marcus and Mytrym were all fast enough to step out before the blades started to whirl, and Delorian was around the corner and thus not in danger. The sole creature caught within the blades when they started to whirl was Plickit’s jackal. The dog like animal yelped as the blades ripped through it.

Plickit turned in time to see his pet ripped apart. His head cocked to one side, watching a moment then spun to look into the room. All four arms flipped up, chatckas in each hand.

The drider between the two barriers was trapped with Mytrym in reach. She lashed out at him, but the paladin had been waiting for her. He stabbed deep into her stomach and twisted his sword. Her dagger lashed out, acid dripping from its blade. The paladin was too fast though, and his shield easily blocked the strike.

The other drider lifted her hands and quickly dispelled Amador’s barrier of blades. She moved toward the combat, growling softly.

Kalan stepped through the blade barrier like it was not even there. The blades bounced harmlessly off his form, not able to affect him at all. He lifted his hand and another ball of fire rolled forth. This time the minotaurs went down as well, leaving only the three priestesses left.

Arrows streaked through the remaining barrier, fired from Amador’s bow. The blades knocked into the arrows in mid flight, and deflected them harmlessly away.

More chanting came from somewhere within the chamber, and a massive column of flame erupted around the core of the heroes. Everyone but Delorian was burned, some worse than others.

One of the priestesses tried to cast a spell that Will recognized would kill Mytrym with merely a touch. Will had been waiting for either of them to cast though, and he quickly released a series of fire orbs at the caster. She stumbled as the balls of flame slammed into her and the spell was disrupted.

Mytrym and Plickit continued to press their assault on the other priestess. Plickit’s throwing wedges followed Mytrym’s blade. The priestess was quickly losing ground to them. Plickit was trapped behind the blade barrier, but his throwing was accurate enough that a few of the wedges hit their intended target.

Reeling from the attacks the drider formed priestess slipped to one side and unleashed her own column of flame on the group. When the flames cleared, Amador slumped to the ground and did not get up.

Kalan grabbed at the offending priestess and turned, easily tossing her into the blade barrier. The mystic blades sliced her into bloddy chunks before she was able to even get her feet under her.

All along the priestess on the throne seemed to just sit and watch. Finally the deception was revealed as the column shimmered and a form walked out of the middle of it. It had been an illusion all along. From within the column the high priestess had easily and safely cast several spells. Now she stepped forward, thrusting a silver holy symbol of Kiransalee out where Kalan could see it. “Be gone from this plane, celestial!”

Kalan shuddered as the mystic energy surrounded him. This time it was much harder to resist. It pulled on him, and all he could focus on was the silvery holy symbol in front of him. He growled low, “I have a job to do still.” He shuddered and fell to one knee. His spell resistance was failing; he thought he could see the green leaves of his home plane around him. He hoped in his absence the group would be all right.

Amador lay bleeding, trapped behind the barrier with Delorian, Will, Marcus and Plickit. Mytrym was alone on the other side with Kalan and the enemy, and things did not look good for the celestial. As the high priestess cackled out her glee at her spell’s power, her head fell back and her mouth opened to reveal massive fangs. They had finally found the head vampire, or perhaps she had found them.


First Post
With a mighty roar Kalan shrugged off the magic of the banishment spell. His mane flew about his head as he shook with anger. His roar echoing from the walls of the chamber he stilled and lowered his head to look at the dark priestess. His hands clenched into mighty fists, his knuckles cracking as his muscles tightened. “Time to die, vampire.”

From one corner of the room, hidden behind the doors leapt another vampire, it was the guard they had seen earlier. He leapt forward, his rapier lashing out at Kalan. The mighty celestial threw up one hand and slapped the blade aside, stalking toward the priestess.

Back behind the blade barrier, Plickit and Marcus both pulled potions from their packs. Plickit bent down and quickly administered his potion to Amador. The priest’s eyes fluttered open and he groaned through burnt lips. Marcus downed his own potion, leaning heavily on the wall of force that separated him from the other door.

As he finished the potion he glanced through the wall of force. The door on the other side had been smashed in. It was laying against the wall of force. Marcus frowned. The wall of force would only be there a few more seconds. Quickly he tossed the empty potion bottle over his shoulder and wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. The bottle smashed into a thousand glass shards that disintegrated in the blade barrier.

Marcus reached behind his back, beneath his cloak and spun out the two rods that were stored there. He set them both against the wall of force, one about chest high, the other about knee high. Clicking the buttons at the end they rods stayed in place as he pulled his hands back. That would slow down whoever was trying to get through the door.

The drider priestess that was left pulled back a moment and cast a deadly prayer. Black energy boiled from her fingertips as she lunged forward and touched Kalan as he went by. The celestial easily shrugged off the deadly spell and kept stalking toward his intended target.

Mytrym and Amador were tending to wounds, the paladin using his laying on of hands, and the priest using one of his last prepared prayers.

As Kalan strode forward, the guard continued to try and prevent him from reaching the high priestess. The celestial spoke a soft prayer, and his hand started to glow with a powerful healing spell. He leapt forward and grabbed the vampire guard by the throat. The powerful positive energy flowed into the vampire guard, causing him to convulse. His skin cracked as the energy flowed into him and when the spell was spent, the vampire was easily discarded to one side by the strong celestial. As the vampire landed hard on the ground it barely moved. But move it did, and it started to stand.

The high priestess strode up, the same dark prayer of slaying the others had cast rolling from her lips. Midway through her sentence several streaking orbs of fire ripped through the blade barrier. Will had been waiting for her to try and cast again and had held a spell ready to answer her. Growling at the pain, the angered high priestess shot a glare at the mage, her spell interrupted.

Back behind the battle, Delorian grabbed a handful of shadow and tried to pull it across himself to enter the plane of shadow. The shadows pulled easily at his command, but after they were pulled over him, he still stood in the material plane. He was still prevented from shadowstepping.

He could hear the sounds of the battle, but the blade barrier was preventing him from getting anywhere near even those cut off from the main battle. As he watched the door leaning on the wall of force was slammed into again. It fell back, revealing a figure in black armor. Behind it, a massive displacer beast stalked. Its tentacles were already probing the wall of force, trying to find a way through.

Delorian frowned, the light was still to great, but if he could not shadowstep past it, perhaps he could get rid of it. He had to get into the fight now. Concentrating he willed the shadows of the area to surround and overcome the light coming from the celestial. Slowly the shadows responded, and the light dimmed to a fraction of intensity than it was before.

Watching the barrier closely, the monk set himself then leapt through the whirling blades. The first blade caught him in mid flip, and spun him to one side. Pulled from his acrobatic move, several more blades sliced into him. He twisted in pain and finally spun free of the barrier. He landed hard against the wall behind the barrier, a small five-foot channel between the wall and the barrier giving him access to the door. The wall of force was still in place, but it could not last for long. Pulling himself from the wall and ground, the monk concentrated for a moment and let his body mend itself. He would be no use in fighting the dark elf warrior if he was half dead when he got there.

Meanwhile the drider priestess and Mytrym locked into battle once again. The drider’s acid dripping dagger flashed out over and over, but Mytrym’s armor was just too hard, his shield was always in the way, and he was lashing out with his bastard sword, the reach of which was far greater than her small dagger. Still Mytrym could not find a good angle to hit the drider either. As he fought, arrows from Amador’s bow flashed through the barrier. One was cut up in mid flight, but the other ripped past the drider, barely missing.

Kalan strode toward the high priestess. She lifted a massive mace, and stepped up to meet the mighty celestial. Kalan stopped a step back and let loose with a might roar. The shockwave of sound hit the priestess, but she seemed to shrug it off. Stepping the last step up, she lashed out with her mace, slamming into the celestial multiple times.

Kalan fought back, but the priestess was well armored and fast. She had reach on him, her mace smashing into him again while he could not get a single claw to connect. The celestial had seen enough. He stepped even closer, letting the mace smash him as he grabbed the vampire priestess up in his massive arms in a bear hug. The vampire writhed, trying to get to a position to bite the celestial.

Mytrym finally connected against the other priestess. She looked like she could take the hits all day though, her large drider body fueling her strength.

Plickit looked between the priestess and paladin and knew that Mytrym needed help. His chatckas were laying on the other side of the blade barrier though. He looked down at his blades and squared himself. His long insectoid legs bent then sprung him forward. The blade barrier cut deep into him, but he was through it before he could take too much damage.

Landing amid his blades he bent down and started snatching them up. As he grabbed them up he flung them out at the drider priestess. Blade after blade bit into her. She tried to spin away, and dodge, but the thrikreen ranger was far too fast for her. Though a couple of chatckas flew wide, most sunk deep into her. Finally she slumped to the ground, her eyes staring blankly ahead, a single chatcka imbedded in her forehead.

Kalan began walking back toward the rest of the group, hauling the writhing vampiress in his arms. Mytrym stepped up and swung his bastard sword in a wide arc. As he swung, holy energy enveloped the blade. The paladin sliced deep into the vampiress, then backed away to give room for the celestial to continue to haul her back.

Plickit flipped up one hand, his magically reappearing chatcka readied. He threw it into the vampire’s flank, but it did not penetrate deep enough to cause any harm. It blinked out of existence and reappeared in his hand once again.

The two mighty creatures continued to wrestle for control but Kalan was just too massive. Mytrym kept stabbing at the vampire, till Kalan turned and backed into the blade barrier. The blades spun around the celestial, failing to hurt it at all. The vampire priestess was not so lucky. She shrieked in pain as the blades sliced into her over and over again.

Finally her screams ended and her form dissolved into gas. She started slowly drifting across the chamber, toward the back of the chamber.

Then the wall of force fell. Will immediately unleashed a ball of fire into the room. It exploded with an intensity that only a well-versed fire mage could master. The dark warrior did not seem amused. A crossbow bolt buried into his shoulder, as Marcus fired and backed down the small five foot corridor between the wall and the blade barrier.

Caught standing in the doorway, Amador lashed out with his sword, then backed off quickly. Delorian stepped into place in front of the door.

Though the rods kept the two from moving at each other. The dark warrior and the monk locked into combat quickly. The warrior carried a dire flail, its ends spinning and smashing anything they contacted. Delorian was protected by a powerful enchantment that turned his skin to a stone like hardness.

Meanwhile, Plickit and Kalan raced after the gaseous priestess. She moved slowly in gaseous form, and they quickly passed her. Plickit found a small hole in the back wall and quickly plugged it. Kalan spun and threw a wall of force up between them and the gas. They knew they had to prevent her from getting into her coffin, and it was probably through the small hole.

Plickit looked at Kalan and frowned. “Can we break-tck through the wall?” He unplugged the hole and looked in, it looked fairly deep. “Looks deep… hard digging-tck.”

Kalan shook his head, “I have a better idea.” He shuddered and his form started to melt away. Soon he was nothing more than a blob of goo. The goo snaked a long psuedopod out and into the whole. Soon the entire puddle of goo was pulse and pumping into the whole. After a few moments, the celestial was gone, through the hole, on its way to destroy the last hope of the vampire head priestess had of returning to life.

Back at the fight, the fireball had really taken a lot out of the blackguard, and he quickly fell to the many strikes of the shade monk. That only seemed to anger the blackguard’s massive fiendish displacer beast pet. The thing stomped forward and lashed out with its tentacles. Again and again its tentacles bounced off Delorian’s enchantment, chipping away chunks of stone as the two fought.

Arrows flew through the doorway, shot by Marcus, Mytrym, and Amador. Some hit, others missed. And still the twin dark creatures battled on. Delorian could feel the enchantment weakening. His limbs were starting to get heavy with the exertion of fighting. The huge beast just seemed to have no end of energy, its tentacles lashing out again and again.

Finally the beast slammed its tentacles into the monk, and the stoneskin enchantment fell away to nothingness. The monk stumbled back, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. Marcus and Amador sent another bolt and arrow into the creatures hide. It shuddered, and then slumped to the ground. Its tentacles twitched, then they too lowered to the ground and stopped moving. With a heavy sigh, the massive displacer beast let out its last breath.

The group all slumped down against walls, or propped on each other. The carnage around them was immense. Bloated drider bodies bled out across the stark white bones of skeletal warriors. Charred remains, blasted into twisted lumps of their former selves lay scattered about the massive inner chamber of the temple. Finally the blade barrier disappeared into nothingness and the group gathered together.

Kalan looked at those around him and nodded slowly. “My task here is complete.” He collected his payment and turned to regard Amador. “I found this with the rest of the baubles the vampire had collected. He held out a small golden crown. “There was a note with it. She was to have it delivered immediately. Her body reformed at the destroyed coffin, and I found this letter on her as well.” He handed the letter to Will.

Amador looked down at the golden crown. Its make was definitely elven. It was lightly stained with blood. Amador knew without a doubt that the blood was that of his friend. A friend he had buried a month earlier. A friend he had sworn to avenge.

He looked up to Kalan and said, “Thank you my friend, I will not forget your aid.”

The celestial nodded and replied, “You are most welcome, animal-friend. Call on me again when you have the need. Now, I need to get back to His service.”

Amador nodded and the celestial turned to quickly move off. When he was clear of the forbiddance spell that held the temple firmly linked to the material plane, the mighty celestial leapt into the air and disappeared in a flash, back to his home plane.

Will stepped up to Amador and said softly, “Its what you were looking for?” He motioned at the crown.

Amador nodded quietly, “Aye. And it needs returning to its proper owner.”

“Of course, where is that? We can help you get it there.”

Amador shook his head, “You can not go were I go. The crown must be taken to Evermeet.” He turned to all of them. “I am afraid this is were I must depart your company.”

Plickit cocked his head to one side, but said nothing. Delorian frowned ever so slightly but said nothing as well. Marcus turned away and found something else to occupy his hands with. He started looting the dead, knowing that as a newcomer to the group he had little to say to the priest.

Mytrym nodded and spoke first, “Our way ahead is dangerous, and I am sure it would be even more dangerous if that crown were to fall in there hands. Go with speed, my friend, and may your god watch over you.”

Will spoke again at last. He sighed a little then said, “Our way ahead will be most difficult without a priest, but I know that you must do what you must. At least travel with us back to Dagger Falls and get rested up before you leave.”

Amador nodded.

Mytrym spoke up then, “I’m not going back to Dagger Falls with you.” The entire group turned to look at the paladin. “I have far too much work to do here.”

Will nodded, “You will be staying here with Naria then when we proceed?”

Mytrym nodded, “I fear I must. I cannot ignore the plight of the many drow here. If Eilistraee’s will is to be done, it has to start somewhere, I see no reason why it should not start here.”

Marcus frowned, “But what of the city these drow came from?”

Mytrym shrugged, “You must learn to crawl before you walk. This is where the drow of the Underdark will learn to crawl. Perhaps then one day they will be able to walk on the surface.”

The group gathered their things and began for the surface without two of their companions. Amador strode along away from the others, quiet in his own thoughts.

Will and Marcus were talking, Delorian and Plickit flanked them, listening, but not adding much.

“When we are done resting up in Dagger Falls we can teleport to a larger city, like Saerloon. There we can hire some extra help, and buy supplies.” Will was eagerly anticipating getting some extra spells for his repertoire.

Marcus nodded, “Sounds good. Did you read the letter yet?”

Will frowned and then nodded, “Yes.” He pulled it out and handed it to Marcus.

Marcus read it out loud to others.


“Our Dark Lady favors my efforts, and my research proceeds well. Within five tendays, perhaps six, all will be ready for the Day of Great Vengeance. The Spider Queen is dead; we have already brought low the Spider-kissers and seized our rightful place in the realms of the dark. Now the Day draws near when we shall avenge ourselves upon those of the day-blasted lands, too, and achieve that ultimate triumph denied us so long ago.

“While I prepare my Great Revenance, it falls to you to make ready the way. Harry the surface-dwellers, hunt them in their woods and fields, and take the measure of their strength. Do not concern yourself with putting them on guard; our Lady desires their blood, their fear, and their dreadful anticipation of our ultimate act of revenge. With each slaying we grow in her favor and sow the seeds of our coming victory.

“If they come against you in Szith Morcane in irresistible strength, slay as many as you can. Withdraw from the fight if you must, and bring Zedarr with you, but as for the rest- they are to stand and die for the glory of the White Banshee. The battle for Szith Morcane will come to nothing when our Great Revenance comes to pass. If anything, our final vengeance is made ever sweeter by each fleeting, false hope our enemies entertain before it falls upon them.

“Work great slaughter for our Lady’s dark glory, my daughter. Soon I will come to you from Maerimydra with such dark and terrible might that all of Faerun will tremble before us.

“Mother.” Marcus rolled the letter closed and swallowed hard. “Five or six tendays it is then.”

Will shook his head, “Less. The letter had to get from Maerimydra to Szith Morcane.”

Delorian frowned, “How long would that take?”

Will looked over, “Your guess is as good as mine.” He pulled out a map and unrolled it. “This is the map we found in the blackguard’s quarters. It shows the way to the city… but there is no official scale. Here it shows the distance between the two entrances of this massive lake.”

Delorian nodded, “That says 17 miles. Our entire trip then is what… 150 miles?”

Will nodded, “Assuming passable terrain. He looked at Plickit. How fast can we travel down there?”

Plickit thought for a moment. “Without the paladin in armor to slow us down… we could probably make 12 miles a day.”

Marcus did the math quickly. “That’s at least a ten day.”

Will nodded, “Plus about that time to prepare before we go. Leaves us somewhere between 2 or 3 tendays to stop the Day of Great Vengeance.”

Marcus chuckled nervously. “No pressure, eh?”

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