YB 2.1 - any questions?


[size=”3”]YB 2.1[/size]

How to Play
Playing YB is very simple. Two (or more players) generate random moves with the YB generator and post them. A judge decides which move is better and awards or takes away flags based on that judgment. The first player to capture all of the necessary flags wins.

As a character advances in ranks, the character will obtain powers and abilities that will help capture flags (or prevent the opponent from capturing a flag). The use of these abilities makes the game more challenging and takes away a small bit of the games randomness

Breaking down the Generated Moves
A typical generated move reads like:
The evasive rose petal sweeps underneath the tundra; waves away the slash of the willow! *yen*

In the case of the above move, “Evasive” is a signature modifier. “Rose Petal” is the signature style. “Tundra” is the signature location. “Waves away the slash of the willow,” is the defensive part of the move while, “The Evasive rose petal sweeps underneath the tundra,” is the offensive part of the move. Using the above move, the winner of the round would receive a yen.

Creating a Character
Creating a character for YB is as easy as 1.2.3. One, create a name for your character. Two, create a look, feel and back history for your character if you want. There are few limits on what your character can be. Most players choose to fight as human kung-fu fighters, but you can be anything from a talking squirrel to an interplanetary inter-dimensional robotic fighter. Your history can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. The main limit on your imagination at this point is your character cannot be all-powerful nor is your character immortal. Third and finally, identify your character as a white belt and answer a challenge or post a challenge.

Game Etiquette
Manners are for everyone, even villains and YB players should observe a few simple points of game etiquette. Following the following rules will make the game more enjoyable for all involved.

1) Let the judges decide how badly you hurt your opponent. It is bad form and embarrassing to describe in detail how you smashed your opponent into little shattered pieces only to have the judge declare that the other move was superior and you lost the round

2) Do not put words or actions into the mouth of another players character! Not unless you get consent to do so or the actions are minimal. Do not tell someone else how his or her character reacts to a situation. Let them decide this! Even in a style match, be careful to be a minimalist in how you describe your opponent’s moves.

3) If you are going to be delayed before your next posting, let your opponent know. The rule of thumb is that a match can be forfeited if there is a 24-hour delay on the part of one player (though players are encouraged to be patient). If you can, make sure to post a move even if the fight will be delayed. The judge can often rule in your absence rather than forcing everyone to wait.

4) Don't fish for moves. It becomes obvious after a while and people won't want to play with you anymore. Use the first generated move you get.

5) Any use of a power should be decided on when the move for that round is generated and posted. If you are posting first, you cannot wait until after your opponent has posted to decide whether to include a power in with the move. This means, practically speaking, a power’s use should be posted in the same post as the move.

6) Remember - it's only a game. Keep in character conflicts in character and out of character always be polite.

Advancement and Ranks
There are 7 tiers in each of the YB Paths. White belt is always the first tier. Each tier has more than 1 rank with the exceptions of the first and seventh tiers.

The first tier has no ranks. Losses do not count against a white belt, though they are added to his record. A single win will promote the white belt into the path of his or her choice.

The seventh tier likewise has no ranks. Wins do not count for a 7th tier fighter, regardless of the path though they are added to his record. A single loss will demote the 7th tier fighter back into the 10th rank of the 6th tier. Even sashes are not immune from this rule concerning the 7th tier. The seventh tier of each path is also special in that there can ever only be 1 fighter in any one of the 5 seventh tiers. A fighter on a path with the 7th tier occupied must successfully challenge the 7th tier fighter to advance into the 7th tier (provided of course that they are of sufficient rank to merit the tier advancement).

Normally, when a fighter wins a fight, he goes up 1 rank. When a fighter loses a fight he goes down 1 rank. There are exceptions however. Besides those exceptions listed in the rules for the paths, killing another fighter earns 1 extra rank. Likewise, fighting a fighter from a higher tier will garner 1 extra rank for each difference in the tier. Thus a white belt who defeats a yellow belt will advance 2 ranks from the victory whereas if they had bested a white belt they would have advanced only 1. If a white belt would beat a yellow belt, disgraced 3 and kill that yellow belt, they could advance three ranks. Losing a fight normally only drops a fighter 1 rank. There are some exceptions however.

Death and Dying
Dying can occur in YB. First it is possible to commit seppuku if you dislike the direction your character has taken. This is extreme but it's your character.

Second, and most common, 2nd tier fighters can die if they reach the bottom of their tier and then fight the wrong person. Thugs, Out of Luck; Dark Apprentices, Out of Favor; Yellow Belts, Disgraced 3; Blue Belts, Fallen From Grace; and Copper Sashes 0 can be killed if they lose their match (and in the sashes case if they do not pay the yen). If these fighters are not killed when they lose then they go back to white belt after losing. Anytime a fighter wins a fight and kills a character at these ranks, they win 1 extra rank from the victory.

Third and finally, it is possible to challenge another to a death match. Such Matches must always be for at least four flags (if a traditional match) or six flags (if a speed match). The one declaring the death match must, if they win, kill the other fighter. The one accepting the death match can choose to either kill their opponent or show mercy. If they show mercy, the other fighter loses 3 ranks from the fight. Death matches garner 1 extra rank from the victory for the winning fighter.

Sometimes it does not matter who posts first in a round. Other times it does. If either fighter has chi strike, that fighter should post first. If two fighters fighting both have chi-strike, the fighter with the higher rank goes first until his chi strike is used and then the other goes first. If one fighter has Holy Day, he must go first unless his opponent has chi strike. If either fighter has dirty trick then that fighter may post last. If both fighters have dirty trick then the fighter with the highest rank goes last until his dirty trick is used and then the other goes last. If one fighter has sneaky trick but not dirty trick then that fighter can go last (unless the other has dirty trick). If both fighters have sneaky trick but not dirty trick the fighter with the highest rank goes last. Dirty trick in other words always supersedes sneaky trick if it is involved.

In strategy matches, the normal rules apply, but if there are no more chi strikes, holy days, dirty tricks or sneaky tricks to take into account then in a strategy match the fighters alternate posting first.

For the purposes of initiative, powers that come from items are always trumped by natural powers regardless of rank. Thus a green belt who obtains an item with a dirty trick and subsequently fights a Thug would still attack first until the thug had used his own natural dirty trick and the green belt has used his own chi strike.

Strategy matches
In a strategy match, every three rounds, the fighters post five moves and subsequently choose which move they will decide to use. Judges are encouraged to pay special attention to moves that might well cancel out another's. After three of the five moves are used, another hand of five moves is generated. The advantages to this is that fighters can try and choose their best moves, are more likely to get a signature style and are able to attempt to match defenses to their opponents attacks.

In a strategy match, when a dirty trick is used, the fighter against which the dirty trick is used chooses one of their opponent’s moves and indicates that that move should be marked as Used. This is of course unless the match is in the third round of the current hand in which case it is irrelevant as a new hand is about to be drawn anyway.

A fighter who uses fist of fury chooses one of their five generated moves as their second move. The hand of 5 still lasts for 3 rounds. In the rare instance where a fighter has 3 possible fist of furies available and uses all three FoF in a single hand, the fighter must generate the sixth move from his next hand of moves. In other words, the fighter must post his next hand prior to the move. The first move of the fist of fury must still come from the fifth available move from the old hand. If the fight continues into the next hand, the fighter will have only 4 choices to work with during the next 3 rounds.

Style Matches
In a style match the fighters use the generated move as a basis to describe what they do to their opponent. Judges must first decide if they think the description is fair based on the generated move, and they must then decide which description sounds more like a move that would garner a round victory. In a style move a better-generated move is a move that allows for good description. A good description is one that appeals to the judge as a round winner. It is the description of the attack, not the generated move itself that is judged by the judges in a style match. Obviously the better your writing skills the better you will do in such a match.

The generator occasionally spews out a move that has *yen* or *yen+yen* tacked on to the end of it. When this does occur the person winning the round wins either 1 or 2 yens. These yens should be carried on the character. What can you do with a yen? Yen are integral to sashes first of all and if you carry too many yen you will find that sashes more often want to fight you. Yen may be freely exchanged by characters for any IC reason desired. As well, and perhaps most importantly, Yen may be used to purchase and empower a single personal item that the character can use in fights. Notice that fighters are considered to have gained the yen at the end of the round in which they won the yen and may thus spend the yen immediately.

Insult Rounds
Most fights begin with an insult round. Insults are generated and delivered and the judges can decide who had the better insult. The winner of the insult round gets to pick the length of the match (2-5 flags) and the style of the match (Traditional, Strategy, Style, Speed or some combination thereof). If a player is more inclined to pick a style match, it is polite to let the opponent know before insults are exchanged. As the winner of the insult matches picks these things, it is important for fighters who do not want to play a certain style of game to let other players know before the insult round. Any stipulations to the fight are considered binding if the other player agrees by posting an insult.

The "Ancient Master's" decree
The shadowy and mysterious ancient masters intrude into every fight. After judging the insults and before the length of the match is declared, the judge must use the "Masters" button on the generator to randomly select a time and place for the match. If the fighter's moves at any time seem to close for the judge to call, the judge may consider the usage of the style of the day, the location of the fight, and the time of the day, in that order.

Comparing Fighters Ranks and Record.
Sometimes, moves are too close for a judge to call and the day and location of the fight make no difference in regards to the moves. When this happens, a judge should compare the fighters’ ranks. A fighter of a higher rank will win such a round. If the actual ranks of the fighters are identical, the judge should next look at the fighters’ record. To determine a record, first subtract losses from wins, understanding you can't get a number lower than 0 (6 wins, 8 losses is in fact a 0 record, not a -2 record).
The higher number is the better record. If the number is the same, look at total number of fights, again the higher number is the better record (i.e. a 2-3 record is worse than a 1-6 record in this case). If the fighters have the same number of fights, compare the number of wins. The higher number is again the better record (i.e. 2-3 is better than 1-4). If the fighters’ records and ranks are exactly the same, they are, of course, of no use to a judge and should not be used to determine a round's winner.

A traditional match
Fights are fought for flags. When all the flags are at neutral, the fighter winning a round captures as many flags as his move was worth points (i.e. a 2 point signature move captures 2 flags). If a fighter wins a round and his opponent has any captured flags, the fighter’s points are first used to move the opponent’s flags back to Neutral. Any remaining points earned in the round may be used to capture flags for the fighter. The match is over when all the flags are captured by one fighter. Lower Tier Fighters should fight for 2, or if they want a longer match 3 flags. Higher tier fighters can fight for 2-4 flags. Epic matched between top tier fighters can be for as many as 5 flags!

A Speed Match
A speed match is a variant type of the traditional match and may be fought for between 3 and 10 flags. In a speed match, a fighter captures flags as normal based on the points won in a successful move. However when a fighter captures a flag, it may not be moved back to neutral. Instead both fighters continue to capture flags each round until one of them has captured the number of flags required to win. A speed match therefore lacks the back and forth of the traditional match and is more of a race.

Fights with Multiple Fighters
Free For Alls
While there are many possible ways to do fights with more than one fighter, here is the preferred method. In fights with multiple fighters, judges are encouraged to keep score a little differently. The match should be fought for a predetermined amount of flags, between 5 and 12. Each fighter in the match begins with the set amount of flags already in their possession. Each successful hit against them removes as many flags as the move scored points.

Fighters each post one move as normal and must direct who the move is targeted at. Judges discern winners of each contest as normal. However, points can only be scored (i.e. flags removed) by the one attacking. Thus if one fighter attacks a second who is in turn attacking a third, if the move of the second is superior to both the 1st and 3rd then only the 3rd would lose flags in the exchange. When a fighter is out of flags, the fighter is out of the fight.

Losing in a fight with multiple fighters only causes the loser to lose one rank as normal. However, the winner gets to advance 1 rank for each fighter he outlasted (and extra ranks if those outlasted were of a higher tier than he) up to a maximum of 4 ranks.

Team Fights
An alternative to free for all fights are those fights in which the fighters are fighting in teams. In such fights, each team should get 2 flags for each tier possessed by the members of that team. A team of three white belts would have 6 flags. A team of 2 Green Belts would have 12 flags and a team comprised of only a single Brown Belt would have 8 flags.

Each member of the team generates a move and directs it at one of the opposing team. Moves are judged as normal, however, points can only be scored by the one attacking. Scored points remove flags from the opposing team. The first team to run out of flags loses.

Each fighter on the winning team receives 1 rank and each fighter on the losing team loses 1 rank. If the losing team had more flags to begin with than the winning team then the winning team gains 1 extra rank for each member. If the losing team had twice as many flags (or more) as the winning team than the winning team gains 2 extra ranks for each member.

Multiple fighters and death matches
Death matches with multiple fighters work best with free-for-alls and the fighters losing all their flags are killed. Each such death gains an extra rank for the winner up to a maximum of 2 extra ranks over the maximum of 4 ranks.

Official Matches
Fighters are free to "spar" in unofficial matches and need only declare at the beginning of their fight that it is unofficial. Ranks can not be won or lost in an unofficial match. If a fight is not declared unofficial before the judges set the time and place for the fight then the fight is always official. A fight officially starts when the judges determine the winner of the insult round and sets the time and place. Alternatively, if both fighters post their first moves without waiting for the judge, the judge may determine the fight to have officially started. Once a fight has officially started there must be a winner and a loser and someone must win or lose ranks. If at any time one fighter forfeits or does not post for a sufficient length of time, the other fighter is declared the de-facto winner and advances in rank accordingly. Forfeiting a death match of any sort can be just as fatal as losing the match in a more routine way.

Choosing a Path
Fighters who advance from White Belt to the second tier are free to choose which path they wish to follow in life. White Belts are always free to choose Honor, Yakuza, or Sash as their chosen path. White Belts who defeat a Yakuza or Dark Warrior are free to choose the Path of Light. White Belts who defeat a Light or Honor warrior are free to choose the Path of Darkness. Players should choose the path for their character that best represents the characters goals. Players who choose Sash, Honor or Yakuza need to realize that Light and Dark fighters can influence their place in the world. If you want to play an unchangeable good guy or villain then you need to pick the Path of Light or the Path of Darkness

Switching Paths
Sometimes for whatever reason, or sometimes because of a forced conversion, a fighter will want to switch paths. Doing so is not normally easy. The Paths represent life choices that the fighter has made. The two exceptions to this are moving from honor to Light and Yakuza to darkness which is a relatively painless choice. However any other move the fighter willingly makes requires the loss of at least a tier. The paths may be viewed as a spectrum going from Light to Honor to Sash to Yakuza to Darkness. Moving one step on the spectrum requires the sacrifices of one tier. Thus a person moving from light back to honor would lose one tier. Moving from Light to Sash would require the sacrifice of two tiers and moving from light to yakuza would require the sacrifice of three tiers.

When a player loses a tier they go to the top level of the next lowest tier. Thus a Green belt who moves to a sash would be a Copper Sash 2. And a Red Belt that moved to Honor would be a Green Belt 4.

A player may not switch paths if they cannot afford to sacrifice a tier. Assume a Yellow Belt 2 is converted by a Dark fighter and becomes a thug 1. They would have to wait until they qualified for Gang Boss 0 before switching and becoming a Copper Sash 2. If they win their next fight they could return to being a Yellow Belt 2.

Players may not move into the light or dark paths through the loss of rank. These paths are only open to those who win the necessary fights.

[size=”3”]The Path of Light [/size]

Concept: The followers of the path of light are less concerned about skill, power or politics and more concerned with the triumph of good over evil. They are holy warriors dedicated to the eradication of evil from the land. They seldom act together but tend to be lone defenders of truth and goodness.

Progression and Ranks
white belt: No ranks
Apprentice of Light/Blue Belt: 0-2
Warrior of Light/Orange Belt: 0-4
Knight of the Light/Red Belt: 0-6
Master of Light: 0-8
Lord of Light: 0-10
The Luminary: No Ranks

Special Rules: To join the path of light, a Honor fighter (or a white belt) must win a fight against a Yakuza or dark fighter. After winning they may choose to advance into the path of light instead of further into the honor path. A white belt who does this begins as a Blue Belt 0. An honor fighter begins at the rank he would have advanced into if he had remained an honor fighter.

Light fighters can only advance in tiers if they defeat a dark fighter or Yakuza warrior immediately prior to advancing into the next tier. However, if the light fighter defeats a Dark fighter, they advance 1 extra rank from the win. Light Fighters have 1 buffer rank below their 0 ranks called "Fallen from Grace".

Special Powers and Abilities
Apprentice of Light/Blue Belt: Pure Spirit, Holy Warrior, Holy Day, Signature Style
Warrior of Light/Orange Belt: Master of Emotions, Mastery, Chi Strike
Knight of the Light/Red Belt: Signature Style, Purity of Focus, Redeeming Light
Master of Light: Mastery, Right of Domain
Lord of Light: Signature Style, Purity of Focus, Mastery
The Luminary: Perfect Defense, Signature Style, Mastery

[size=”3”]The Honor Path [/size]

Concept: The honor path is the path of pure fighters. They hit hard and fast. The warrior on the path of honor cares less about concepts like good and evil and more about concepts like dignity, honor, and self-worth. Honor warriors are better when they are part of a structured dojo.

Ranks and Progression:
White Belt:
No ranks
Yellow Belt: 0-2
Green Belt: 0-4
Brown Belt: 0-6
Black Belt: 0-8
Grand Master: 0-10
Perfect Master: no ranks

Special Rules: Warriors on the Path of Honor do not lose belt rank as easily as some other fighters. Before falling from one belt to the lower belt because of a defeat, Honor fighters have three ranks of disgrace. Thus a Yellow Belt 0 that loses a fight becomes a Yellow Belt Disgraced 1 and losing another fight would make them Yellow Belt Disgraced 2. A single victory however will erase all disgrace, bringing them back to Belt 0.

Special Powers and Abilities
Yellow Belt: Signature Style, Dojo Style, Fist of Fury,
Green Belt: Signature Style, Dojo Style, Chi Strike, Master of Emotions
Brown Belt: Signature Style, Dojo Style, Fist of Fury, master of Movement
Black Belt: Signature Style, Dojo Style, Mastery, Master of Shadows
Grand Master: Signature Style, Dojo Master, Mastery, Master of Wealth
Perfect Master: Signature Style, Perfect Attack, Mastery, Supreme Master

[size=”3”]The Path of the Yen [/size]

Concept: Sash fighters are not overly concerned with good and evil, honor or power. They are more interested in where their next yen is coming from. Some are gladiators, some are bounty hunters, all of them look for an easy win and a fast yen. At lower levels, the main advantage of the sash is their ability to earn more money than other paths, allowing them to have an easier time buying an item. At higher levels the sash can arrange their own powers to deliver some hard hitting attacks.

Progression and ranks
White Belt: No ranks
Copper Sash: 0-2
Silver Sash: 0-4
Gold Sash: 0-6
Platinum Sash: 0-8
Diamond Sash: 0-10
Master Sash: No ranks

Special Rules:Sashes have no buffer ranks, instead a sash who loses a fight may pay the winner a number of yen equal to the sash's tier (i.e. two yen for copper, three for silver, etc.) in order not to lose a rank. Likewise a sash who wins a fight may, if the loser has yen, claim a number of yen from the loser up to an amount equal to the sash's tier. The sash always has the option if the loser of whether to pay the other unless they lost to another sash. If the sash is the winner the other must pay if they are able. Paying a sash does not affect the rank of the other fighter unless they too are a sash. If a sash loses to another sash and the winning sash is of a different tier, the loser must pay at least the other’s going rate if able. If this rate is equal to or more than the losing sash’s normal rate than the losing sash need pay no more to prevent losing rank. If this rate is less than the normal amount the losing sash would have to pay and if the loser wishes not to drop rank they must increase the amount as needed.

If a Sash of the 7th tier loses a fight he drops immediately to Diamond Sash 10. A 7th tier sash cannot pay to prevent this loss of rank.

Powers and Abilities
Copper sash: Signature Style, Profiteer, Arena Fighter, Bribe Judges
Silver sash: Signature Location, Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
Gold Sash: Hard hitter, Crowd Pleaser
Platinum Sash: Signature Location, Purchased power, Crowd Pleaser
Diamond Sash: Signature Style, Purchased power,
Master Sash: Signature Style, Perfect Attack or Perfect Defense, Purchased power

[size=”3”]The Yakuza Path [/size]

Concept: The Yakuza are less concerned with things like good and evil and are more concerned with power, territory and dominance. They are greedy and often mean. Yakuza are sometimes loners but more often they find strength in numbers and gangs.

Ranks and Progression
White Belt: No ranks
Thug: 0-2
Gang boss: 0-4
Gang Lord: 0-6
Warlord: 0-8
Overlord: 0-10
Oyuban: no rank

Special Rules: Yakuza have a buffer rank below their 0 rank, called "Down on Luck," and a second buffer called "Out of Luck" A Gang Boss 0 who loses a fight becomes a Gang Boss-down on luck. Losing another fight will drop that same fighter to Gang Boss-Out of Luck and a third loss will drop them to Thug 2.

A yakuza who beats a yakuza of higher tier in a fight gains not 1 but 2 extra ranks. A Thug 1 who beats a Gang Boss Becomes a Gang Boss 1 for instance. Yakuza who lose in such fights drop 2 ranks from the loss.

Special Powers and Abilities
Thug: Signature Style, Dirty Trick, Gang Member
Gang Boss: Signature Location, Sneaky Trick, Gang Member
Gang Lord: Signature Location, Dirty Trick, Gang Member
Warlord: Signature Style, Poison Blade, Gang Member
Overlord: Signature Location, Poison Blade, Overlord
Oyuban: Signature Location, Poison Blade, Cunning Defense

[size=”3”]The Path of Darkness [/size]

Concept: The followers of the path of darkness are focused on evil. Honor, power, land and skill matter less than spreading the terror of wickedness everywhere. These fighters are loners and often shun the company of others.

Progression and ranks
White Belt: No Ranks
Dark Apprentice: 0-2
Dark Warrior: 0-4
Dark Knight: 0-6
Dark Master: 0-8
Dark Lord: 0-10
The Void: No ranks

Special Rules: To join the dark path, a Yakuza (or a white belt) must win a fight against an honor or light warrior. After winning they may choose to advance into the path of darkness instead of further into the Yakuza path. A white belt who does this begins as a Dark Apprentice 0. A Yakuza begins at the rank he would have advanced into had he remained a Yakuza.

Dark fighters can only advance in tiers if they defeat a light or honor warrior immediately before advancing the tier. However, if the dark fighter defeats a light warrior, they advance 1 extra rank. Dark Warriors have 1 buffer rank below their 0 ranks called "Out of Favor."

Special Powers and Abilities
Dark Apprentice: Foul Spirit, Unholy Warrior, Sneaky Trick, Signature Style
Dark Warrior: Master of Shadows, Dirty Trick, Poisoned Blade
Dark Knight: Signature Location, Dirty Trick, Corruption
Dark Master: Mind Thief, Poisoned Blade
Dark Lord: Signature Location, Dirty Trick, Poisoned Blade
The Void: Signature Style, Cunning Attack, Poisoned Blade

[size=”3”]Explanation of Powers [/size]
Signature Style: If a fighter uses a move with a signature style he knows and wins the round, he wins an extra point. Fighters are immune to moves generated containing a signature style they know and automatically win any rounds in which their opponent used one of their signature styles (unless it is a mutual event in which case the round is a draw). Signature styles are normally chosen from the last style used to win the fight that led to the tier advancement. If this style is already known, the next move is used and so on. If necessary a judge can randomly choose a style for the fighter.

Signature Location: Like the signature style, the signature location adds 1 point to a successful move. This extra point will stack with the extra point from a signature location. Unlike Signature styles, the location grants no immunity. A signature location does grant some defensive ability though in that when a move is used against a fighter using a signature location known by the defender, if the move is successful it does 1 less point, down to a possible 0 points that round. This does not grant the other fighter an automatic win but effectively makes the round a potential draw. Signature locations are chosen from the move that won the fighter the fight in which they advanced a tier.

Dojo Style: A dojo style is identical to a signature style except that it can not be taught to another. When a fighter obtains a new dojo style they must join a dojo, or be in a dojo structure already, to actually gain it. (Except when there are no eligible fighters of a higher honor tier - in such a case a fighter may pick their own dojo style). Dojo styles are learned from a teacher (an honor fighter of a higher tier) and must be known by the teacher as a signature style (not as a dojo style). As long as the teacher's dojo structure has an honorable record (at least as many wins as losses) then the teacher is free to accept any student he or she wishes. If the teachers dojo structure (meaning the teacher and all under her or under her students) gains a dishonorable record then the teacher can accept no more students until the record is honorable. When a fighter advances to the next tier a known dojo style automatically becomes a signature style and may be taught to another. If a dojo student wishes to switch dojos or join a new dojo before advancing a new tier they must declare their intention to do so before the start of their next fight and revoke their knowledge of the old dojo style. If they win their next fight they may join as normal and adopt the new style. If a fighter advances into a new tier with no known dojo style they lose the opportunity to learn it. However if a fighter moves into a honor path tier from another path, their dojo styles are treated as if they had learned all of them as normal.

Dojo Master: The Dojo Master oversees a number of different dojos and teachers. He may, at the beginning of any of his fights, designate a style known by anyone in his dojo structure as a signature style for that fight.

Gang Member: Being a gang member provides a location identical to that of a signature location except that it cannot be taught to another. When a Yakuza gains a new "Gang member" power they may opt to align themselves with a Yakuza of a higher tier. By doing so they may adopt one of their bosses signature locations as their own. (If there are no eligible gangs to join, the player may pick their own turf location) As long as their boss and all his underlings have a winning record, the boss may accept members. If the "gang" has a losing record, then the "boss" cannot accept new members until the record is improved. When the yakuza achieves the next rank themselves, i.e. goes from thug to gang boss, they gain the signature location permanently and may therefore teach it to another. If a gang member wishes to switch gangs or join a new gang before advancing a new tier they must declare their intention to do so before the start of their next fight and revoke their knowledge of the old signature location. If they win their next fight they may join as normal and adopt a new location. If a Yakuza advances a tier without possessing a gang location, they lose the opportunity. However fighters that enter the yakuza path from another path treat all their “Gang Members” as if learned normally.

Overlord: An overlord may at the beginning of a match choose any signature location known by any of their underlings or their underlings' underlings, so on and so forth, and use it as their own signature location for the duration of the match.

Fist of Fury A fighter with fist of fury may once per fight per fist of fury known, post a second generated move. This second move is not compared to the opponents move. If the first generated move scores points then the second generated move scores points as well and the points from both moves are added together. The points from the second move are scored as normal taking into account the fighters’ styles, locations and immunities (Yen generated during the second move are counted whether or not the first move succeeds). Fist of Fury may not be used in connection with chi strike!

Dirty Trick: A fighter may use a dirty trick once per match per dirty trick known. Doing so requires that the fighter post after their opponent. After the opponent has posted and before they generate their own move, the fighter may declare a dirty trick and force their opponent to generate a new move. For all practical purposes (i.e. strategy matches) this means the end of a round. However for the purpose of redemption rounds and the like, the round is considered to continue.

Sneaky Trick: Once per match the fighter may change the location of the fight to give a little extra weight to their move (or possibly to cancel points from their opponents move).

Poison Blade: Once per match per poison blade possessed the fighter may declare any generated move to be used with a poison blade. If the move is successful the move generates 1 extra point. Only one poisoned blade may be used per generated move.

Chi Strike A fighter with chi strike can hit so hard the opponent has no choice but to react. Once per match a fighter with the power can declare any generated move to be a chi strike. The fighter however must post first in the round in order to do so. The effect of the chi strike is such that the opponent can use no power other than that which results from the random generator (i.e. signature style/location/modifier). Powers that may not be used include Holy Day, Dirty Trick, poison blade and Sneaky Trick. The fighter using the chi strike may not combine the chi strike with any power other than mastery. The one being struck by the chi strike may also use a mastery in their move. Winning a round with chi strike does not prevent a sash from bribing the judges after the round but it does increase the cost.

Mastery: The fighter may upon obtaining this power designate one signature style of his as being mastered. Thereafter, once per fight per style so mastered, the fighter can switch the generated style in a move to that of the style he has mastered.

Pure Spirit: The fighter is above insults and always forfeits the insult round

Foul Spirit: Because of their evil nature, followers of the path of darkness cannot be insulted and automatically win all insult rounds.

Unholy Warrior: The unholy warrior gains the current location of any fight as a signature location for the duration of the fight or until that location is changed at which point they adopt the new location as a signature location.

Holy Warrior: The fighter gains the style of the day in any fight as a signature style until the end of the fight or until the style of the day is changed, at which point the fighter adopts the new style as a signature style

Holy Day: The fighter may once per fight change the style of the day.

Purity of Focus: After a dirty trick or sneaky trick has been declared, the light fighter can use a purity of focus to negate the trick. This may be done once per fight per purity of focused possessed. Purity of Focus is the only power that may be used in a post separate from the generated move.

Redeeming Light: After a successful fight, the light fighter may attempt to redeem any losing sash or yakuza fighter who is of a lower tier. A redemption round is declared and each fighter posts a move as normal. Any powers that have not come into play in the earlier rounds and which might be useful (chi strike, dirty trick, sneaky trick, signature immunities) may be used by the fighters. If the redemption is successful, the redeemed fighter becomes a Honor fighter of equivalent rank to what they were after losing the fight and the Light fighter gains 1 extra rank. If the redemption is unsuccessful the yakuza or sash fighter escapes unchanged (though still having lost a rank due to losing the fight) but the power put forth by the light fighter causes them to lose 2 ranks (i.e. go down a rank from where they were before the fight).

Right of Domain: The light fighter, after redeeming a fighter, may now, in addition to the extra rank, claim one of the fighters signature locations as their own. There is a limit of 5 domains that may be claimed in this way, though if he wishes he may choose an old domain and switch it with a new domain.

Corruption: After a successful fight, the dark fighter may attempt to corrupt any sash or honor fighter who is of a lower tier. A corruption round is declared and each fighter posts a move as normal. Any powers that have not come into play in the earlier rounds and which might be useful, (chi strike, dirty trick, sneaky trick, signature immunities) may be used by the fighters. If the corruption is successful, the corrupted fighter becomes a Yakuza of equivalent rank to what they were after losing the fight and the Dark fighter gains 1 extra rank. If the corruption is unsuccessful the honor or sash fighter escapes untainted (though still having lost a rank due to losing the fight) but the power put forth by the dark fighter causes them to lose 2 ranks (i.e. go down a rank from where they were before the fight).

Mind Thief: Now, after a successful corruption, the dark fighter not only gains the extra rank as normal, but also manages to gain some knowledge from their target, namely any one signature style known by the converted fighter. A fighter may only learn 5 signature styles this way, though if he desires he can switch an old signature style with a new signature style.

Profiteer: Any time a yen move shows up, the sash fighter earns double the yen shown if his move was successful.

Arena Fighter: The fighter gains the current location of the fight as a signature location and anytime he generates that location, he earns 1 yen.

Bribe Judges: After the judges have called a round, the Sash fighter can pay them to cancel the call and reset the flags. The amount needed to bribe the judges is equal to the number of points the opponent won that round. If the opponent used a chi strike in the move, an extra yen is added to the price. This ability can be used once per match per bribe judges known.

Hard Hitter Anytime the sash fighter himself generates a yen move, he scores one extra point for each yen shown if the move is successful. This stacks with any signature locations or styles known.

Crowd Pleaser: The sash can declare any one move to be a crowd pleaser. If the move is successful, the sash fighter receives 4 yen. If the move is not successful, the sash fighter receives 1 yen.

Purchased Power: The Sash can pay 10 yen per purchased power and acquire one of the following powers - The choice does not have to be made immediately, the sash can purchase them at any time during his stay on the relevant tier. Once purchased however, the choice is irrevocable. If the sash falls a tier he loses the power and must repurchase it if he regains the tier.
- Chi Strike, Fist of Fury, Poisoned Blade, Mastery.

Cunning Defense/ Perfect Defense The fighter subtracts 1 point from any successful attack against them.

Cunning Attack/ Perfect Attack: The fighter adds 1 point to all successful attacks.

Modifier Powers: Master of emotions/movement/shadows/wealth/Supreme Master
The 50 modifiers in the generator are broken into 5 lists. A fighter who successfully used a move with a modifier belonging to one of the lists he knows adds +1 to the attack.

The modifier lists are as follows:
Master of Emotions: avenging, ferocious, cautious, relentless, calm, confidant, joyful, courageous, wrathful, sad.

Master of Movement: Moving: crouching, falling, flying, falling, rolling, running, tumbling, leaping, twisting, balancing, speeding

Master of Shadows: Tricky, invisible, stealthy, sneaky, sly, evasive, secret, unseen, hidden, shadowy

Wealth: diamond, jade, onyx, pearl, opal, gold, silver, topaz, emerald, ruby

Supreme: irresistible, invincible, mighty, perfect, faultless, flawless, pure, superior, transcendent, supreme

"Real" Personal Items
Any YB character can have and interact with any number of "In-Character" items, but these items can and will have no effect on the actual fights. They are mere window dressing to the Role-playing. (Likewise, no matter how "rich" your character is, they never have more yen then is generated randomly.) However, characters are each allowed to purchase and develop one item to use in fights. This item can be anything the character desires, a sword, a ring, a feather, or even a giant flying turtle. But no matter what the item is, it cost 5 yen to purchase. Once purchased, the item is "real" but as yet it has no powers. Powers must be purchased for additional yen.

Items are allowed to have as many powers as a character possesses tiers. Thus an item owned by a white belt may only have 1 power, whilst an item owned by a Green belt may have up to 3 powers. Powers must be purchased for yen and if a character with a maximum empowered item loses a tier, the most recently activated power becomes dormant until the fighter regains their old tier (if more than 1 tier is lost, more than 1 power will become dormant if necessary). Items can be given to another fighter at any time. However, a fighter may never have more than 1 "real" item at a time and may have to destroy or give away another item to keep the gift. Any powers that become dormant because of the new owners tier rank are considered lost forever. Furthermore, if an item is given away, its powers become temporary. Each time a power is used, that power is lost. When all the powers are used, the item remains "real", but the fighter must spend yen on it to add powers. A fighter may spend yen as normal to make any temporary powers permanent again.

One exception to the only one real item at a time is this - a fighter may have more than 1 item in between fights provided he plans on giving one away. This allows a fighter to craft an item merely for the purposes of giving it away or to accept a gift as long as he plans on having only one item by the time of his next fight. Fighters who start a fight with more than 1 "real" item in their possession must destroy the excess items.

Each power added to the item cost 5 yen multiplied by a Modifier Score. The Modifier Score begins as 1.
.....+1 is added to the modifier score for each power the item already possesses.
.....+1 is added if the power is an at will power as opposed to a power dependant on the generator (Dirty trick vs. Style)
.....+1 if the power is one already known by another Path and not by your path (excepting signature locations and mastery).

Thus an Honor fighter who had already purchased a sword and wanted to add a Signature style to the sword would pay 5 yen (5x1). A second signature style would cost an additional 10 yen (5x2). If after this the fighter wanted the sword to have the dirty trick power, the fighter would have to pay 25 yen (5x5).

The following powers are available for items. Notice that some of them require a previous power and some of them operate differently or stack with a Fighters personal powers. All "at will" abilities can only be used via the item once per fight per time known by the item.

Signature Style/location An items signature style or signature location adds +1 to a move but does not grant immunity. An items signature style can and will stack with a fighter's signature style if necessary.

Immunity An item can grant immunity to a signature style or location the item already knows.

Mastery An item can grant the user the ability to once per fight change the generated style or location to one the item already knows. This is an at will ability.

Hard Hitter This works exactly like the sash power but is stackable with a sash's personal power.

Dirty Trick, Poison Blade, Purity of Focusor Fist of Fury These work just like the abilities of the same name as describe in the path powers. These are at will abilities.

Chi Strike, Sneaky Trick or Holy Day These work just like the abilities of the same name as describe in the path powers. These are at will abilities. Items may ever only possess one of these powers once.

Mark: The item can "mark" any fighter it has defeated once and in one subsequent fight with that fighter, the marked fighter will automatically lose one round of the owner's choosing. This is an at will ability. Marked fighters who lose a match to the owner of the fighter are marked again. Marked fighters who defeat the owner of the item lose their mark.

On Judges and Judging
The judges are crucial to the game. Anyone can judge but those who choose to do so should strive to do a good and fair job. Judges should try to be familiar with relevant rules and it is advised that they jot down notes concerning the powers of each fighter and the time and place of each fight they are judging. Novice judges should also be aware that attempting to judge more than one fight at a time becomes increasingly difficult (notes are imperative if you try to do this successfully).

If both players agree to a judge (or say nothing for at least 1 round - thereby agreeing to the judge through silence) then all calls of that judge concerning which move is better is final. No other judge, no matter their rank can alter the decision. Judging moves is a purely subjective thing and is therefore subject to the whim of each judge. Each judge will rate different elements of generated moves differently.

However, any call made by a judge that violates the rules is subject to being overturned as soon as it is pointed out and recognized. In some cases this may mean that rounds will have to be refought or that a game that has been declared complete may have to continue (for example - if a judge misses the use of a signature style and forgets to take into account immunity).

Any person attempting to judge is automatically an apprentice judge. If a Master Judge notices an apprentice judge correctly advancing fighters (preferably with some flavor text) in a couple of fights then they should promote the judge to journeyman judge. When a Journey-man judge correctly applies the rules in difficult situations, thereby showing a thorough knowledge of the rules, or when a Journey-man judge has demonstrated such knowledge through a number of well-judged fights, they may be promoted to Master Judge by any two Master Judges (unless there is only 1 active Master Judge in which case the lone Judge can promote them) or by the current Grand-master judge.

Those who commit to judging a fight should make sure they can be there for the entire fight. If they cannot they should inform the fighters so the fighters can choose a new judge. It is far preferable however for the same judge to judge a fight the whole way through.
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I think most of the changes have been mentioned elsewhere.

I did not change Holy Day since Sneaky Trick just recieved a major boost and can now be effectively used as a second Dirty Trick (albeit a slightly better dirty trick as you might still win the round).

The sashes had a few changes but we will Grandfather in Gray.

My grammar may still need a bit of work in places so make sure and let me know where ;)

Did I forget anything vital? I tried and made sure the rules were more explanitive as in the previous version I had assumed in some places too much understanding on the part of a newbie.


MeowthBot and my test-gen also going over to the new form for named location potential (final at 8-1-9, more heavily infavor of named location, followed by no change, and the final complete annulment)...

Will go look over the rest in a bit myself and prolly wait on my next ramble for a lil while ;p.

Both updated now...
http://www.cs.angelo.edu/~mshaner/YB/yb.htm for my test-gen (Which really shouldn't be seen as anything besides test-gen).

[ Quick Matter of Clarity ]
You should probably mention that a character's natural powers trump any powers gotten by items for initiative purposes (ie, Meowth with a Chi Strike item still goes last until meowth uses all Meowth Sneaky and Dirty Tricks).
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Oh, and for the sake of simplicity, all fights currently going should use the old rules but any fights starting now should use the new.


reiella said:
[ Quick Matter of Clarity ]
You should probably mention that a character's natural powers trump any powers gotten by items for initiative purposes (ie, Meowth with a Chi Strike item still goes last until meowth uses all Meowth Sneaky and Dirty Tricks).



Another quick question, just noticed this in Kith's fight.

If you use FoF and add a yen move, if you lose that round, does the yen from the FoF goto the opposing fighter or just poof?

[ Ah doh okie Wicht :), missed where it was answered then. May want to clarify that in the 2.1 rules too if you haven't already :) ]
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Reiella, that has been answered before but I can do so again :)

The yen from a fist of fury second move are as legitimate as any other and go to the winner of the round.


Ah doh okie Wicht , missed where it was answered then. May want to clarify that in the 2.1 rules too if you haven't already.

Think that's about it that I can think of so far at least :).

Might find more later, might not :). I hope not :).

[ Posted from above edit :) ]

[ Danke Wicht :) Clarifications as important as errata most of the time :) ]
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First Post
reiella said:
MeowthBot and my test-gen also going over to the new form for named location potential (final at 8-1-9, more heavily infavor of named location, followed by no change, and the final complete annulment)...

I don't quite understand what this all means. Do you mean that there's a chance of a named location showing up in a move?

And if so, how does this effect things... I assume that it simply would be a way to gain a bit more weight in a move, the same way as style/location does now.

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