(YB!) Rini defeats Winter Snow


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(OoC: Rini, Yellow Sign, I've noticed that your flavor text has pretty much dropped down to nothing, which generally indicates a loss of interest, and I'm wondering if the match has stretched on too long and you wish to move on to Sudden Death. Or, for that matter, if my judging is inadequate and has detracted from your enjoyment of the game. Either way, please let me know; I'm here to serve you. :D )

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Yellow Sign

[OOC: Cairan, you are doing great. Very good favor text. For me the lack of flavor text is because of the length of this fight. It has sucked the life out of me. :D]


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::Rini stretches and yawns::

Winter Snow is right, this fight has gone on way too long, though it may be noted that I'm not much of a flavor text user anyway. :rolleyes: I'm kinda sad like that. The animals got bored and strolled away quite some time ago, though your judging is fine Ciaran.
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(It may make you feel better to know that this is now the longest fight on record, by about three moves or so, and so it will be going into the Hall of Records.)
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"Very well," cries the judge. "This final round shall decide the match. As Rini is in the weaker position, she must strike first. Begin!"

Winter Snow’s Sudden Death Hand:
1: The claw invades the tower; grasps the gaze of the iron!

2: The oak burns the island; shields against the quickening of the blade!

3: The oak strikes the temple; dominates the kick of the spring!

4: The dragon flips next to the peaks; removes the punch of the settlement!

5: The phoenix sinuously leaps over the desert; negates the offensive of the flame!

Rini’s Sudden Death Hand:
1: The willow prances facing the clouds; fends off the assailment of the blade!

2: The unicorn moves in the midst of the plain; silences the pain of the reptile!

3: The kama silences the badlands; dodges the motion of the bird!

4: The snake sings over the glade; wards off the gaze of the tides!

5: The fang cuts the desert; shields the cut of the storm!


First Post
~5: The fang cuts the desert; shields the cut of the storm!~

::Rini, in a desperate attempt to overwhelm the odds, calls upon brute strength to cut down the desert of her dispair, backing up for the final blow, whether it shall cut her down, or no.::


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“Rini chooses her move well; her cut is clean and sharp, strong with synergy. Winter Snow, for his part, chooses less wisely; he uses a weaker attack, and his move has no synergy at all. Point and Match to Rini.”

Victory to Rini!

“Rini, you are now a Green Belt 2, with a record of 10-8. You fought with incredible tenacity, holding out on the very edge of defeat until your opponent’s fatigue allowed you to seize a last-minute victory. Good fortune to you in the Tournament of the Phoenix Eye!

“Winter Snow, you are now a Green Belt 2, with a record of 7-4. You held the upper hand, but a moment of weakness lost you the match. Do not stay your hand in future battles, and your victory shall be assured.

“This match lasted for a full 40 rounds, making it the longest match on record. May the archivist of the Hall of Records take note!”

Voidrunner's Codex

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