(YBA) Kalath in Wicht's Lair

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Kalath brilliantly avoids the wounded waif's attack and silences him forever. But he can't escape the teeth of the one biting him nor can he escape the punch of another. Kalath takes another 2 hits total.

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Round: 5
Hits remaining: 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / - / -

Dirty Tricks Not Used: 1, 2, 3, 4
Shoves Not Used: 1, 2, 3, 4,
Chair Shots Not Used: 3, 4

All five of the waifs attack. One of them bites Kalath and Kalath can't shake the child off!

Waif 1: The rat mangles the ruins; parries the chaos of the weapon!
Waif 2: The snake leaps on top of the swamp; protects against the drive of the rain!
Waif 3: Chair Shot!
Waif 4: Chair Shot!



First Post
All five of the waifs attack.
You mean "all four", right?

Current Hits: 6

Attack at Waif #1, follow-through to Waif #2: The phoenix bows atop the foothills; shields the throw of the eyes!


yes 4

The two waifs biting Kalath draw blood and distract Kalath as he attacks the first waif. The first waif laughs and socks Kalath in the nose. On the bright side, the Kalath manages to hold the other waif off and so only takes 3 hits.


Round: 6
Hits remaining: 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / - / -

Dirty Tricks Not Used: 1, 2, 3, 4
Shoves Not Used: 1, 2, 3, 4,
Chair Shots Not Used:

All four of the waifs attack.
Waif 1: The mongoose torments the castle; negates the drive of the battlements! *yen*
Waif 2: The fist scourges the swamp; absorbs the blood of the river!
Waif 3: The wolf slides next to the ravine; conceals the touch of the orchid!
Waif 4: The blizzard swims within the badlands; parries the storm of the ape!



First Post
Kalath decides that discretion really is the better of valor, and gets outta this tomb!

Shove at Waif #1
Defensive move: The sleeping tiger slides near the badlands; quells the cut of the fell dagger!


Kalath wisely flees for his life, out the door, past the crumbled statues. He takes one more hit as one of the waifs kicks him as he runs by but he does manage to get out with his life.

He gains 1/2 and experience from the lesson.

The waifs give pursuit for but an instant and then the statues outside the tomb move and block the doors. The waifs lay into the statues and the statues into the waifs but Kalath does not stop to watch the results.

There is a small path going north from this crypt. There is the hill to Kalath's right going down to the main path or there is an open, rolling expanse of grave covered earth to Kalath's left. As he flees, which way does he run?


First Post
Kalath decides that he has had enough of the path, and moves into the grave-covered area, ready to face zombies, skeletons, and werewolves.


Kalath races east for a few minutes until the crypt and its occupants are well behind him. He finds himself in the middle of tombstones as far as he can see in all directions. Of course this may be because he is in a small valley running north and south. Just east of him the ground slopes up again and there at the top of a small rise he sees a lone tree.

It is very large and barren with great branches framed against the starlit sky. Suspended on ropes are what appears to be many bodies. At least they look like bodies but it is hard to say in the dark. What does seem certain is that there are large creatures prowling underneath the tree.


First Post
Kalath cautiously approaches the tree.
Kalath thinks .o0 (10:1 that I run away from this even faster than I ran away from those waifs)

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