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YBA: Questions and Ideas and Rants

Question: How exactly does running away work? Do you have to be successful against all attacks in the last round? Can you use Dirty Trick to automatically run away (I believe Gray did this to get away once)?

Bounty Hunter: Once you track down an opponent, can he/she run away from the fight?

Question/Idea: Can modifiers be purchased for an item? If they can or cannot, maybe the price should be 1 less than a style or location for +1 damage, and then 2 less from then on since its not as powerful (although Perfect Master could make them overpowering?)

Minor rant: Locations are still a bit weaker in YBA, Strategic Planner is harder to get than Perfect Master and it can't be taught. Suggestion: Perhaps you can be the Perfect Master of Modifier+Location also? Maybe call it Strategic Master of Modifier+Location or Strategic Planner of Modifier+Location.

Erratta: Teaching/Gang Boss extra experience should go to saved experience, correct? This would make much more sense if it already isn't.

Needs Errata: Chi Strike in YBA is a bit flawed, under the initiative rules, if all the fighters don't have dirty trick (either normally or by a battery) then the fighter with the highest natural hits/highest CR goes first, it wouldn't make sense if you can't Chi Strike weaker opponents, perhaps give Chi Strike the optional ability to go first in the round?

Big Rant: Epic Powers should be more easily bought at higher levels, perhaps through saved experience? It seems insane that a lower level has *alot* of an easier time compared to a higher level to gain epic powers. Perhaps 2 or 3 saved experience counts towards an epic power?
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Running away is an optional rule for dungeons but is not really a part of the rules for intercharacter fights. Thus a character could not run away from a bounty hunter (could make it impossible to run from a bounty hunter all around - this would be interesting in dungeons with monsters with the bounty hunter skill). A dirty trick can equal an automatic run.

Running away works regardless of whether you struck or not but if you get struck you have the chance to be killed same as normal.

If you want, a modifier can be purchased for a weapon at the rate of 1 yen for +1, 2 yen for +2, 4 yen for +3, 8 yen for +4, 16 yen for +5 but IMHO such a purchase is not ultimately worth it unless you have perfect mastery. Whilst on the subject, an object imbued with a +1 for location strikes cost 3 yen. 6 yen for +2, 12 yen for +3, 18 yen for +4 and 24 yen for +5. The reason is because this + can stack with that of a normal weapon and thus the price is slightly higher than a normal weapon.

Strategic planner allows a character to work with ANY of their known locations whilst Perfect Master allows one to only work with 1 style. This means that strategic planner can be made to work more easily with the location of the fight. I prefer to keep the flavor slightly different for the two myself.

Can Perfect Master be taught? I don't remember but that doesn't seem right at the moment. (will have to check)

Gang Boss/Teacher experience goes to normal experience allowing one to level up from it.

I will check out chi-strike when my brain turns on later today.

A lower leveled character it is true can more easily gain the requisite experience for many of the epic powers but they do not meet most of the qualifications. (I think Drunken Master should have Toughness as a prerequisite). By the time they meet the qualifications the experience is harder to get. Fated is the exception to this.


First Post
Perfect Master of ("Signature Modifier" + "Signature Style")
Requirements: Mastery of a signature style or signature location, one signature modifier
Cost: 6 exp
Effect: The Perfect Master may, once per fight per style he has perfectly mastered, change one of his generated attacks to utilize both the style and the modifier he learned in connection with it. This can be combined with the Strategic Planner power. This power may be taught to another at the cost of 5 exp and the Teacher that does this gains 1 exp.

There is a brief mention of location in there but it is written primarily using the word 'style'. Inserting a modifier and location would be wierd..."The mantis strikes over the clouds; guards against the gaze of the flower!" -> 'The ruby mantis strikes over the hells...' but I guess it works...

Perhaps reword both epics to allow both styles and locations?


Hmm, I forgot I said it could be taught in the rules (thats what 4 hours of sleep gets you). :p :rolleyes:

I think, and like I said my brain is still fuzzy at the moment, that I was originally planning on it being for both location and style which is why location is a potential prerequisite. Lets go ahead then and add location as a possibilty in Perfect Master. Strategic Planner should stay the same and the two are only stackable if the perfect mastery is a style not a location. And if a location is perfectly mastered then it may be taught by any qualified gang-leader.

Will that work?


First Post
After looking at this again I want to clairify something...

Whilst on the subject, an object imbued with a +1 for location strikes cost 3 yen. 6 yen for +2, 12 yen for +3, 18 yen for +4 and 24 yen for +5. The reason is because this + can stack with that of a normal weapon and thus the price is slightly higher than a normal weapon.

The price for a weapon that does one extra hit when a successful attack using its style is made is 2 Yen. Two extra hits makes the price 7 Yen. Three extra hits makes the price 15 Yen. After that, for each extra damage done the price is increased by 5 Yen.

Reason I want to clairify is because Wicht said that the price is slightly higher than a normal weapon...however past the first price (3 loc v 2 style) they are not higher (6 loc v 7 style, 12 loc v 15 style, 18 loc v 20 style, and 24 loc v 25 style)


How is this for a pricing structure?

Each Style for a weapon adds
+1 2 yen
+2 5 yen
+3 10 yen
+4 15 yen
+5 20 yen

Each location for a weapon adds
+1 3 yen
+2 6 yen
+3 12 yen
+4 18 yen
+5 24 yen

Apparently it was in my head to change the original pricing for weapons over to the first list and failed to mention it. But I know I thunk it :p


First Post
Cool. Now can we get this put into the rules on the website? Along with the costs for modifiers being added to weapons please.

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