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D&D 5E Your First Module

I started playing in the 80's (87) but we never ran modules. Ever. We had no FLGS where I grew up and the one bookstore carried only the PHB and Monster Manual (1E). A buddy of ours took a trip to a place with not one but two bookstores. He bought the DMG and Unearthed Arcana. We made do with those. (As an aside, I'm not sure what the younger gamers would think of our lives before the Interwebz, and how it has changed everything ​)

But, in answer to the original question, the first module I purchased was Rise of the Runelords. It was also the first module I ever ran. My adult group was in a brief Pathfinder kick.

And I hated, hated, hated it. I think my players did too. Through no fault of the module! But over the years, we've become such a group of Homebrewers, that a published module just didn't work for us.

I haven't run one ever again. I purchased Out of the Abyss from curiosity with a birthday gift certificate (and it was a cool read) but I'm not going to run a module again.

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First module that I played as a player was B4 - The Lost City. First module that I ran as a DM was definitely B2 - The Keep on the Borderlands. First module that I bought separately from a boxed set (because I got B2 and X1 with the Basic and Expert sets) or didn't get as an article in Dragon magazine was either Palace of the Silver Princess or the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. Both of which I got from an older kid in school who was selling off/trading off adventures that he'd either finished running or didn't think he'd actually ever run. I think I traded him a stack of old Spider-man comics for both of them, but perhaps some money also changed hands. (I also got a copy of the World of Greyhawk boxed set from him - complete and in excellent condition except for the lack of of a box. Still the copy that I own today.)


First module I possessed was Keep on the Borderlands (as my dad let me own his Basic set, even though the box and the dice went missing). Unfortunately it was still a good number of years before I could really get "into" D&D, so I never ran it.

First module I purchased for myself was Phandelver, which is also the first module I ran, and my current group's enjoying it as well. They seem to have developed a fear of flameskulls, though.


First Adventure played: Ghost of Lion Castle (solo basic adventure)

First Adventure ran: Isle of the Ape (high level 1E Greyhawk adventure) - I took over DMing duties when our DM left town, but left all his books.

First Adventure purchased: I think it was Vecna Lives! (high level 2E Greyhawk adventure) - This doesn't include boxed sets and hardback books that had adventure ideas in them, because I did purchase Greyhawk Adventures and From the Ashes before Vecna Lives! We played 1E and fought against switching to 2E for a long time, so I ran the adventures I inherited (including converting some BECMI) plus made my own.


X1 came with the Expert Set but I don't consider that a module I purchased. The first module I purchased was one of the other X series modules - probably X5 considering its publication date. I ordered X2 and X3 from the bookstore and purchased X10 in 1985 when it came out then N4 Treasure Hunt in 1986 and the collected B1-9 in 1987.

I didn't get X4 until 20+ years later.

The first module I actually ran was something from the collected B1-9 In Search of Adventure.

I still have never run X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 or X10.

EDIT: Oh, oh, oh!!! Someone mentioning solo adventure above reminded me that I purchased solo module XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain in 1985 and "ran" that for myself. Does that count as a first module?
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First played: Keep on the Shadowfell.

First Bought: Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

First ran: HotDQ.

My college 3.x group, where I started, didn't do modules. My 4E experience was...not finishing H1.

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