Your Kickstarter campaign is doomed


Book-Friend, he/him
“The truth about the world, he said, is that anything is possible. Had you not seen it all from birth and thereby bled it of its strangeness it would appear to you for what it is, a hat trick in a medicine show, a fevered dream, a trance bepopulate with chimeras having neither analogue nor precedent, an itinerant carnival, a migratory tentshow whose ultimate destination after many a pitch in many a mudded field is unspeakable and calamitous beyond reckoning."
- Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, or, the Evening Redness in the West

Many scientists give us around 40-60 years left, it is what it is. Extinction is the price of existence I guess.
Well, that doesn't mean it isn't worth fighting for: but if it isn't the present climate crisis, something sooner or later will be the end. All that goes up, must come down.

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Well, that doesn't mean it isn't worth fighting for: but if it isn't the present climate crisis, something sooner or later will be the end. All that goes up, must come down.
I won't survive, not even in the short run, I have damaged lungs from being a firefighter, and I was laying in bed feeling I was going to suffocate with all the smoke just the other day. It is public action that is needed to change, and for all the words there have been no actions, it is getting worse. One holds out hope that some segment of humanity survives, sure. Though I also think it is like Mark Twain wrote: "There is no dying, you are living until the last minute you aren't."
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Book-Friend, he/him
I won't survive, not even in the short run, I have damaged lungs from being a firefighter, and I was laying in bed feeling I was going to suffocate with all the smoke just the other day. It is public action that is needed to change, and for all the words there have been no actions, it is getting worse. One holds out hope that some segment of humanity survives, sure. Though I also think it is like Mark Twain wrote: "There is no dying, you are living until the last minute you aren't."
Nobody gets out of this world alive. Goes for societies and species as much as any of us.

I hope you find some comfort from the smoke soon, that is terrible stuff.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
no, it really isn’t, you are just living at a time where we managed to claw our way up for a microsecond, and you focus on that microsecond. In the grand scheme of things mankind is a blip and the last 2000 years or so amount to nothing (not that this was a steady uphill climb even then either…)

A hundred years from now, people will probably already feel very differently about the trajectory. Heck, I already do
Nah, probably not. If they do, it will be temporary, as every downturn has been before, and humanity will be better off coming out of that downturn than we were going in, just like every other downturn before. 🤷‍♂️

The idea of a steady uphill climb is also entirely irrelevant, by the way. If you fall a few feet during a hike, you don’t call the hike a failure when you still made it through the whole thing, had a good time, and got home safe.
your timescale is much too small, and you have the benefit of being being around at roughly the best time for humans
The best time for humans, who’ve been around for over a million years and have had some manner of history we can reliably date going back 15000 years.

A larger timescale is irrelevant. That isn’t history, it’s just getting existential about an infinity that has no impact on you or anyone else who will ever live.

1) It's your first campaign, yet you have a wildly ambitious project, without any clear indication that you can deliver on it.

2) Who it's for is unclear. "Everyone" isn't a realistic target audience.

3) The product is incredibly expensive for something that everyone in the (actual) audience is probably capable of doing on their own. In fact, I can get what you're offering as your core product as the bonus/filler pages for more fully realized projects that cost less.

4) Who you are and what you do isn't clear, when you thought it was worth putting the creators into the video. If we're supposed to connect with you, tell us who you are! (Also, your video is very clearly shot in a wildly artificial set that's somehow supposed to be someone's home.)

5) Your product won't be ready for 18 months, despite it looking like something that anyone could make (see point three) over a long weekend, minus art orders. Why isn't this written ahead of time, at the very least?

6) BONUS: Your campaign just launched, yet has an incredibly high amount of money backed, but the actual backers listed, at the price tiers available, don't add up. You have clearly stuck several metaphorical $20 bills into the tip jar ahead of time, even though the store just opened five minutes ago.

Note: This is about a specific campaign, but is sadly broadly applicable.
Whew! Not it!


Nah, probably not. If they do, it will be temporary, as every downturn has been before, and humanity will be better off coming out of that downturn than we were going in, just like every other downturn before. 🤷‍♂️
I am not sure we come out of that downturn.

We are at the start of the next mass extinction event, and we are the ones causing it. Smart enough to affect the world at a scale never before imaginable, too dumb to not kill ourselves with that. Maybe mankind survives, I don't think civilization will. All the actions we have taken the last 50 or so years about it make one thing very clear: we are completely unequipped to handle something like this.

Oh well, the smart ape, a failed experiment of evolution, crocodiles did so much better.... with a little luck they are still around long after we are gone

The best time for humans, who’ve been around for over a million years and have had some manner of history we can reliably date going back 15000 years.
I am more interested in the next 500 than the last 10000, I see us in decline already.

A larger timescale is irrelevant. That isn’t history, it’s just getting existential about an infinity that has no impact on you or anyone else who will ever live.
I am not talking about a larger timescale, I am talking about the next few hundred years. Also, something not having an impact on anyone I know can still be a very detrimental impact

I expect plenty of people I know to be impacted already however.
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Book-Friend, he/him
I am not sure we come out of that downturn.

We are the the start of the next mass extinction event, and we are the ones causing it. Smart enough to affect the world at a scale never before imaginable, too dumb to not kill ourselves with that. Maybe makind survives, I don't think civilization will. All the actions we have taken the last 50 or so years about it make one thing very clear: we are completely unequipped to handle something like this.

Oh well, the smart ape, a failed experiment of evolution, crocodiles did so much better.... with a little luck they are still around long after we are gone

I am more interested in the next 500 than the last 10000, I see us in decline already.

I am not talking about a larger timescale, I am talking about the next few hundred years. Also, something not having an impact on anyone I know can still be a very detrimental impact

I expect plenty of people I know to be impacted already however.
Plenty of people I know are already affected directly by climate change...and that's going to get worse before it gets better, IF it does get better. Which is a Longshot. Here's hoping.

I am not sure we come out of that downturn.

We are at the start of the next mass extinction event, and we are the ones causing it. Smart enough to affect the world at a scale never before imaginable, too dumb to not kill ourselves with that. Maybe mankind survives, I don't think civilization will. All the actions we have taken the last 50 or so years about it make one thing very clear: we are completely unequipped to handle something like this.
When I was in grade school, it was a coming ice age. Then resource exhaustion, the hole in the ozone, el Nino, desertification, global warming, climate change, and now ice age is cropping up again. And, of course, there's always a major nuclear exchange, which has the proven ability to eliminate all life on the planet, roaches included, if more than a quarter of existing war heads are detonated.

There's no point worrying about world events; your own death is an extinction point, and you'll never escape it.

But you can avoid Kickstarter events, and I do. So there is still hope.


When I was in grade school, it was a coming ice age. Then resource exhaustion, the hole in the ozone, el Nino, desertification, global warming, climate change, and now ice age is cropping up again.
huh? where is the ice age cropping up again?

We ‘successfully’ averted the one we should be entering (technically we still are in one, we are just in an interglacial period that should come to an end), by heating up our planet like there is no tomorrow

Also, global warming and climate change are the same thing, and you can throw in desertification for good measure too.

El Nino never was a threat, not sure how that ended up in here ;)

huh? where is the ice age cropping up again?
Yeah, there's been a growing number of theories cropping up over the last five years.
We ‘successfully’ averted the one we should be entering (technically we still are in one, we are just in an interglacial period that should come to an end), by heating up our planet like there is no tomorrow
Not really. Given the short about of time we have accurate temperature records (less than 200 years), there's only estimates at best.

Also, global warming and climate change are the same thing, and you can throw in desertification for good measure too.
Not at all. Climate change is an established fact, and has been for a generation; the cycle is measured in millenium, and thus is no real concern.

Global warming is a theory that is increasingly challenged, hence the retreat into 'climate change'.

None of it is really of concern, given that every estimate of definable actions takes place after the estimator's retirement date.They always adhere to the age old law of science: 90% of grants produce the result expected by the agency paying the grant. The other 10% never get grants again. :ROFLMAO:

The time to grow concerned is when port city real estate starts to drop. That is an indicator that will not be fudged.

Meanwhile, the future of Kickstarters hangs in the balance, which is what we should be discussing.
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