D&D 5E Your Money Or Your Life

Tell him no if you like—just be ready for the unexpected if you do.

Gadabout Planar Highwayman by Wootha WEB.jpg

Make the next crossroads in the party's path a memorable one with EN5ider's toughest and most unforgiving brigand, an immortal gnome with a quest unending.

Each week EN5ider gives you 5E supplements and adventures in your inbox for less than the cost of a cup of coffee! Join EN5ider and get instant access to the library of 580+ articles!

Not sure? Check out some of our free articles first, including a complete adventure, the smart-fighting savant class, a thrilling sidequest, the truth THEY don't want you to know, and an epic quest you might find famili—on second thought nevermind, it’s very silly.

Lately on EN5ider:
  • 584. Villain Spotlight: Gadabout the Planar Highwayman. One little fellow, one little demand, and what do you get? An endless parade through the planes because you've crossed paths with the one and only Gadabout, Planar Highwayman (CR 9) and sadist extraordinaire. This rampant thief's unending quest means he needs your coin and your relics—give them up or prepare to journey through the hells, hostile realms, and fretful kingdoms until you're ready to turn it all over. Dimensionally designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Wootha.
  • 583. Puzzles: Curios and Cryptograms. Want something more involved than a riddle or a bit of moving stones about? Look no further than these three brilliantly satisfying puzzles: the scroll and sheaf, tablet of dark waters, and way of three statues! Where applicable there's even directions on how to make your own props to use at the table. Deviously designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
  • 582. Monstrous Menagerie: Mounts for the Worthy. Adventuring down beneath the waves? Miss your beloved warhorse after it was slain in battle? Prefer to crawl along the sides of a cavern rather than the floor? There are mounts for you! Whether you're skimming the waves or the sky the cloud ray (CR 2) has you covered, the swiftness of a faithful steed (CR 5) is only bested by its undying loyalty, and although it can be cantankerous the few mounts are better suited for underground exploration than the frilled saurian (CR 3). Discerningly designed by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Indi Martin.
  • 581. Villain Spotlight: Red Mae of the Mirror. Not everything within a mirror is reflected by it and few know this better than Red Mae (CR 11), a shattered resident of Mirror World. Though cursed she is still powerful enough to reach out to the realms material with offers to do great things on behalf of those who will trade her their reflection. Any who fulfill their end of the bargain are paid in turn, but those who do not face the wrath of her and her living reflections (CR 2). Duplicitously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Phil Stone.
  • 580. Adventure: Shadows of Cwealmspire. The town of Whitehollow is one of the most quiet and prosperous settlements to be found in Endora—though not so safe as of late. For many years its peoples endured the presence of a lord of undeath nearby until it finally became too great a burden, leading mayor Glendus Elm to take a stand by hiring the mercenary Glankrar to dispatch the vampire Elwin Var'gar. Although the orc was successful he had other plans, contracting vampirism himself and taking over the fortress as its new master. Now a newer, greater threat looms over Whitehollow and no single sword will solve it, so a band of adventurers are sought to deal with the matter. This adventure in Elissar for 4–6 PCs of 6th level was dangerously designed by Thomas Pugh, featuring the cartography of Russ Morrissey and Francita Soto.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

Mike Myler

My best work ⬇️ tinyurl.com/mists-of-akuma-2024
Giant space gnomes, perhaps?



Crown-Forester (he/him)
Really Old Man? Weren't you the same sprite that gave me a wooden sword because you said it was dangerous to go alone? And you even gave me money before saying It's a secret to everybody! Now you're robbing me?

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