Yuan Ti and allies thread (Ti-Khana critters)



That looks good to go.

Updating the Index of Ti-Khana Monsters plus the Completed Fifth Edition Creatures Index and 5E Monsters Based on Third Edition Sources Index.

war pterosaur looks good too. statting up on dndbeyond now

So are you OK with everything up to the Multiattack as well as the proposed Plummeting Doom?

Can I green out those sections as stuff we've agreed on?

I suppose all good armed forces have Land, Air and ....Sea components...shall we make a ti khana plesiosaur (elasmosaur) or crocodile.....

I would suggest a large-headed plesiosaur, aka a Pliosaur.

That is, a Thalassophonea or similarly shaped animal such as Pliosaurus, Liopleurodon or Kronosaurus.

An Elasmosaurus was big, sure, but realistically it wouldn't threaten anything bigger than a salmon. They would only have hunted animals small enough to swallow and their heads are really titchy.

Something like "Predator X" (Pliosaurus funkei) or a similar big-headed pliosaur should be able to handle meals too big to swallow. They could probably tear carcasses apart using their powerful jaws and mighty neck muscles.

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Casimir Liber

ok yes can all be greened out.

okay - the aussie in me likes Kronosaur after Kronosaurus queenslandicus but "pliosaur" more generic like "pterosaur" I guess.

Musing on sea creatures being a bit limited in use - and have not thought of Yuan Ti as marine or coastal. Back to pondering an amphibious spinosaur as more versatile in gameplay, but then again a true sea monster (like a pliosaur) is more of a novelty...hmm...need to sleep on it


ok yes can all be greened out.

Will do so.


okay - the aussie in me likes Kronosaur after Kronosaurus queenslandicus but "pliosaur" more generic like "pterosaur" I guess.

The official 5E dinosaur all use genus names (i.e. Elasmosaurus rather than Plesiosaur), indicating Kronosaurus would be more suitable than Pliosaur.

Musing on sea creatures being a bit limited in use - and have not thought of Yuan Ti as marine or coastal. Back to pondering an amphibious spinosaur as more versatile in gameplay, but then again a true sea monster (like a pliosaur) is more of a novelty...hmm...need to sleep on it

Why not both? It is a shapechanger already. The Yuan-ti could have adapted it for marine assaults by giving it the ability to shift between a Liopleurodon-like flippered form for swimming and a Spinosaur-shaped legged form for terrestrial actions well as the default of becoming a whopping big snake.

If it can shapeshift between Liopleurodon and Spinosaurus forms we could dub it a Spinopleurodon (which'd literally mean spine-sided teeth, by the way.)

Or just call it a Ti-khana Pliosaurus. Nothing wrong with that name.


Hmmmm...not sure I liike the idea of a 3-formed one. Need to sleep but tossing up between Spinosaurus and Kronosaurus

We can put it on the back burner until the War Pterosaur is done.

Let's see, we were talking damage weren't we?

I'm aiming for DPR 42. Allowing for one Dive every three rounds that makes 37½ damage.

Its two melee attacks have STR +5 so that leaves 27½ from the dice.

Maybe 2d8 for the poison damage as it's lower CR than the Ti-khana Triceratops that has 3d6 poison?

So how about:

Bite. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) poison damage.

Claws. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.

Venomflame. Hit 9 (2d8) fire damage plus 9 (2d8) poison damage.​


looks good and adopted

Updating the Ti-khana War Pterosaur.

Okay, the Venomflame needs a range.

I am assuming an "Air Cavalry" War Pterosaur is usually ridden by a Yuan-ti Abomination or multiple Malisons of Type 1 of Type 3, all of which come with Longbows as standard.

A longbow is 150/600 so we could use that as a range for the Venomflame or give it something shorter, like the 100/400 of a heavy crossbow, the 80/320 of a light crossbow and shortbow, or the 60/240 of a true giant's rock throwing.

Any preferences?

Casimir Liber

So now ruinous shriek - something like:

The war pterosaur emits a deafening shriek in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one....?

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