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Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )


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Jarel-karn see the crowd under panic. After a moment of hesitation, he draw his sword and open the door. He move through the crowd, but can hardly fight his way. He hears his door shutting down. Someone has take refuge into his house. He try to go at the opposite direction of the crowd, which mean toward the statue.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Athletic Roll (1d20+6=8) Failed... I knew IC doesn't like my swordmages.

He moves in two move action up to F26[/SBLOCK]

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[sblock=ooc] Sorry I should of asked first but I had just assumed that it would of been near impossible to charge in crowds such as this. I'll ask before assuming in the future. [/sblock]


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[sblock=Skill check DC]What an unreasonable DM I am to ask for DC 12 checks. It's obviously much too high![/sblock]

I know! I mean, I only had a 65% chance of hitting that DC; how dare a DM put such an unlikely challenge in front of his PCs? It's as though you want to make us struggle and, in doing so, become better heroes. But who would want that?

In my mind, there's only one way you can redeem yourself. It's a little something I like to call, "Everyone gets a shotgun..." :D[/sblock]


First Post
Matlal is still going through the intricacies or ordering food when hears the commotion outside and begins to look around curiously. He was new to the city, but this seemed out of place. As the word "zombie" began to ripple from mouth to mouth around the street the barbarian couldn't help but smirk. It was certainly a word he'd heard, being derived from his native tongue in the rain forest delta where undead were so common. He rudely grabs a fish from an neighboring table and messily takes a bite before taking the longspear off his back and making his way through the stampede. Compared to thick vines and twenty foot snakes these pedestrians weren't too hard to get around.

He rushes through the people and rubble and sees a decrepit zombie ahead. He'd heard around town that undead from the Shifting Isle were not as reasonable as those from his home. With a roar akin to a jaguar he charged ahead to attack; the sweep cut down the rotting creature with ease. He jumped over the corpse before it could even hit the ground and launched another charge at the zombie ahead, inspired by the first blood of the fight. He solidly stabs the new zombie, but this one was in better condition and wouldn't fall so easily.

Minor: Ready longspear
Free Action: Athletics to move through crowd 22 Vs DC12
Move: R7
Standard: Charge: to N11, (reach) Howling Strike Vs Zombie Minion: 25 Vs AC14, Minion Killed
Death Trigger: Rageblood Vigor +8 Temporary HP
Free Action: Swift Charge to K11, (reach) Howling Strike Vs Zombie 24 Vs AC13, 17 Damage

I've triple checked to make sure the movement is right, and it is possible. After the first move go R8, Q9, P10, O11, N11. Also, the +2 bonus to charge speed from being a half-orc.

Swift Charge is an encounter power that allows me to make a free charge attack when I kill an enemy, Howling Strike is a power that can be used with a charge attack.

Rageblood Vigor gives me 8 temporary HP (constitution modifier+5 [feat bonus]) when my blow kills an enemy.

Just figured I'd explain all of these mechanics when I use them for the first time, to avoid confusion.[/sblock]

[sblock=Matlal Stats]
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 11
AC 17, Fort 16, Reflex 14, Will 11
HP 31/31, Bloodied 15, Surge Value 7, Surges 11/11
Temporary Hit Points 8
Speed 6 (+2 on charge), Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Howling Strike, Pressing Strike
Encounter Powers: Great Cleave, Swift Charge, Furious Assault
Daily Powers: Swift Panther Rage

Condition: -

[sblock=ooc]I'll usually post earlier than this, just got home late tonight.

Also, those were some sweet rolls. This character is off to a -great- start, he's rocking like a killing machine.[/sblock]

[sblock=DM]You put my bonus down for my initiative result (3), but invisible castle says 17 (and you even wrote it itself in the link text). Just thought I'd point out the mistake.[/sblock]


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First Post
Montroya pauses at the crowd of people, and listens to the words they speak. Zombies! Not in the city! All the innocent people. I have to help them! Pushing down the rage inside him, the deva tries to slip through the crowd, but they were too thick.

He moves as far as he can and stands still the crowd parting around him. Staff held ready, he waits for the enemies to come to him.

Free: Acrobatics to move through the crowd. Fail. Roll Lookup
Not sure if I can make another acrobatics to move through the difficult terrain(the X squares). If I can I still fail: Roll Lookup
Either way I move to Y17 and ready an action to attack with(depends it they all move together so I can catch three or more in a burst(vanguard's lightning, or if two or less(divine bolts). You can roll if you want to. I'll be around so I can do so if you'd rather me do it. +4; 1d6+4 damage[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Stats]
Init: +1
Passive Insight: 19 Passive Perception: 19
HP: 24/24 Bloodied: 12 Surges: 8/8(6)
AP: 1
Divine Bolts
Vanguard's Lightning
Memory of a thousand lifetimes
Preserver's Rebuke
Rebuke undead
Blades of Astral Fire
Summon Angel of Fire

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=Andrec]I tend to use a 'let it roll' mentality to skill checks. The 23 atheltic check you made first was good for the entire round AFAIAC, so you succeded in jumping the counter. I ended to move to H12 since that was what you asked.

Had the jump succeeded, I assume the intent would have been to attack one of the zombies adjacent to H12, so here goes, targetting the minion:

Andrec's charge, vs M at H13, AC 14 (1d20+7+1=24) hit, dead

[sblock=Tor]You can charge through difficult terrain. p.287 Just take the movement penalty.

No sense in wasting an attack, then.

charge vs AC 13 (1d20+7+1=28, 1d8+4=6) critical, damage 12

Matlal, Tor and Andrec rushes through the crowd, perhaps knocking down a few old ladies on their way certainly making their presence felt as they tear into the zombies. As the chaos clear they quickly notice each other on the field, relieved not to be the only ones with weapons drawn.

-''No! No! Oh Lord, Rinch is gonna kill me. Get back in the pen, back in the pen you lousy zombies!'' shouts a panicked young man wearing dirty clothes and wielding a bizarred stick. He he tries to prod one of the zombie but the angry beast just turns and backhand him. He falls in a lump, unconscious.

Meanwhile, the zombie who nearly lost an arm to Tor angrily tries to take his head off but clumsily miss. The ones near Andrec and Matlal follow the lead of their colelague and flail miserably.

vs AC 15 (1d20+6=11, 2d6+2=13) vs Tor
1: vs Andrec AC 16 (no shield) 2: vs Matlal AC 17 (1d20+6=11, 2d6+2=6, 1d20+6=14, 2d6+2=9)

Uh, not very impressive

Montroya glimpse a zombie between the crowd and blast it to smitheren with a divive bolt.

[sblock]Let's say he didn't use Vanguard, an area effect, in order to avoid becoming a mass murdere, okay? ;)[/sblock]

The crowds panics and stampede, catching a few of our valiant heroes. Mesa takes the worst of it and is knocked on his back by a throng of screaming civilians.

[sblock]People adjacent to a zombie aren't caught in the crowd. People are running away from the zombies!

vs Fortitude, 1: Jarel 2: Mesa 3: Montroya (-2 to attack because away from street) (1d20+5=14, 1d6+2=6, 1d20+5=20, 1d6+2=3, 1d20+5=9, 1d6+2=3) Mesa hit for 3 point of damage, knocked prone

As the crowd clears, the battlefield becomes less chaotic. The heroes can now move freely. To their horror they see several civilians, mostly children and elderly, who are incapable of fleeing and who are cowering as zombies corner them.

[sblock=Rules round 2]The crowd is no longer a factor, it has mostly cleared. The Cs are civilians who have been left behind. They aren't mobile. Some are in shock, most have been wounded in the stampede.

You will be rewarded if you can keep as many of these civilians alive as possible.

[sblock]Status :

Zombie at I17: 28/40
Zombie at I11: 23/40

Andrec : 22/22 [7] AP
Jarel Karn: 37/37 [11] AP
Matlal : 31 +8 /31 [11] AP
Mesa : 23/26 [9] AP, Prone
Montroya : 24/24 [8] AP
Tor : 31/31 [8] AP

[sblock]Zombie Minion
Perception : 10
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 10, Will 11
Immune disease, poison
OA: Slam (Standard, at-will)
+7 vs Armor Class; 4 damage.
Pack Attack
A pack of zombies gains a +2 bonus to its attack roll if it is adjacent to at least one other zombie.

Perception 10
HP 40; Bloodied 20
AC 13; Fortitude 13, Reflex 9, Will 10
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA : Slam (Standard, at-will)
+6 vs Armor Class; 2d6+2 damage.

Senses Perception 11
HP 54; Bloodied 27
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 12, Will 11
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA: Bite (Standard, at-will) Necrotic
+7 vs Armor Class; 1d6+3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends) and is knocked prone if it is Medium size or smaller.[/sblock]
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First Post
Mesa's world went topsy-turvy as a solid wall of people hit him. He rolled, up becoming down and all of it hurting. Finally, the tumbling stopped and he found he hadn't moved that far horizontally; instead, the crowd had ground him up like grist in a mill.

"Go out into th' world, Mesa," he muttered, climbing to his feet. "Experience new things." Groggily, he saw several nearby civilians, and zombies moving in one them. "Well, ye can keep this particular experience, because it sucks."

Pointing at a nearby zombie, he said, "Let's give these poor souls a rest, eh?"
His will up rose out of him, communing with the spirits in the clouds above him, and lightning roared down in reply. It tore into the zombie, hitting with enough force to snuff out whatever magics had given it the semblance of life.

Mesa turned to stare at the nearby gravehound and he smiled, the smile of a predator faced with a challenging prey. He spoke a single word, the air around him shaking with power, and then his form melted like quicksilver. Where he had just stood, a black panther crouched, its chest wide and its claws sharp. Even as a panther, Mesa was smiling at his foe.

[sblock=Actions]Darnit! A target-rich environment, but they're much too spread out for me to get with an area attack that would do any good.

Move Action - Stand Up
Standard Action - Storm Spike on Minion at Q24. (1d20+4,1d8+4=[9, 4], [4, 4]) So hit reflex 13, 8 damage (not that it matters) and zombie go boom!
Minor Action - Beast Form

Mesa is in Beast Form.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mesa stat block]Mesa- Male Razorclaw Shifter Druid 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC:16, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:15 -- Speed:7
HP:23/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used

Shifter Form: +1 vs. AC, 1d4+1
Beast Form: +4 vs. REF, 1d8+4, and target is slowed TENT

Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Storm Spike, Chill Wind
Razorclaw Shifting, Cull the Herd
Fires of Life


First Post
Matlal uses the distance from his spear to look around and spot Andrec recently finished with charging a zombie. He defends with his spear as the zombie flails uselessly at him, and retorts with an inconsequential glancing slice against the undead flesh with his spear. He shouts out to Andrec as he guards, "Dis happen often?"

Standard: Howling Strike Vs Zombie 11 Vs AC13 Miss

[sblock=Matlal Stats]
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 11
AC 17, Fort 16, Reflex 14, Will 11
HP 31/31, Bloodied 15, Surge Value 7, Surges 11/11
Temporary Hit Points 8
Speed 6 (+2 on charge), Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Howling Strike, Pressing Strike
Encounter Powers: Great Cleave, Swift Charge, Furious Assault
Daily Powers: Swift Panther Rage

Condition: -


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Ok Thanks for letting me attack and thanks for the Crit :) You roll better then me. [/sblock]

Focusing on the walking corpse in front of him Tor swings wide with one sword missing his mark but catching him with his an off handed swing. Taking a quick step to the zombies side hoping for a better angle he strikes again attacking with both blades at the same time but once again his right hand fails to hit its mark but connecting with his left hand.

Minor action= mark zombie as hunters quarry
Standard action= twin strike
1d20+7;1d20+7 → [1,7] = (8)
1d20+7;1d20+7 → [14,7] = (21)
Roll Lookup

1d8;1d8 → [2] = (2)
1d8;1d8 → [2] = (2)
Roll Lookup

Move action= shift to H 18

Spending an action point to gain another standard action.
Standard action= Two fanged strike
1d20+7;1d20+7 → [4,7] = (11)
1d20+7;1d20+7 → [18,7] = (25)

Roll Lookup

1d8+4 → [5,4] = (9)
Roll Lookup

Well I was hoping to finish him off this round and try to go help the civilian but my dice are against me :(

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