Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )

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2 Zombies: 250 XP
1 Rogue : 150 XP
1 Lieutenant: 150XP
1 short skill challenge: 150 XP

Total : 700 XP

700 * 2 / 3 = 467 XP each

Time XP :

23 days / 365 * 1250 = 79 XP
23 days / 365 * 1500 = 95 XP

Andrec & Montroya get 546 XP
Jarel gets 562 XP

Every one gets 150 gp (In Gems and gold pieces).


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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Searching the lair reveals a trap door leading to a small natural cave. Inside you discover an ancient portal. Jarel can ascertain that this is powerful magic. Luckily, it is also ancient, otherwise you might have had a problem. You probably couldn't defeat the wizard who created this.

This seems to be a permanent link between two location that can be used without ritual or even arcane knowledge. You just press through the wall and voilà. Rinch's crew probably discovered this portal, liked where it led, and built a base around it.

When Rinch's lieutenant come to, he isn't forthcoming with information but by leaning hard on him you learn that Rinch has just left with over a dozens of his undead troops in a hurry. He was plotting your destruction until he got disturbing news; some projact he has on the other side of this portal has come under attack and he has gone to deal with the threat. As far as you know, he might be in a fight right now.

[sblock=OOC]Still need Evo tp level up to really move forward.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=just checking]Andrec studies the portal, then focuses his mind on this area, scanning his memory for some piece of relevant information gathered in his time here on Daunton.

OOC: Andrec fell in love with the city when he first got here, and spent all his time exploring the city or researching every rare and mundane aspect of the city in the library. I'd like to make a History check, specifically Daunton's history, to see if I can recall who might have owned this property in the past, or what it might have been used for. Ultimately, I'm looking for an idea of where the portal might lead. (I'm also looking for something to do with myself while waiting for EvolutionKB).


First Post
After Jarel speaks about the portal, the deva nods. "We should move then, if he is after more innocents, then he needs to be stopped."

[sblock=ooc]Updated and sent out the email. Sorry it took me so long. Holiday traditions and stuff. I forget...Did you say we performed the ritual to be more effective against Rinch?[/sblock]


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]Strange, I don't see your mail among the one I receive. I'll review it later today to haste thing up a bit ;) Anyone else need some review too :p [/SBLOCK]


First Post
[sblock=approval]Andrec's still waiting. I sent the mail on Sat (5th).
Does anybody else find level 3 kinda disappointing?

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
OOC: All right, Montroya is the only one who doesn't know so it's time to spill the beans. You are heading to this thread to fight on this map:

DM_Malenkirk on Virtual Battlemat

The portal will lead you to appear in the center of the ritual circle.

In 6 Eagle Down, the heroes have been raiding an asylum used by Rinch to imprison and interrogates astral travelers with useful information regarding The Usurper and how to free him.

That's why Rinch has interrupted his revenge plans to head out there through the portal.

Your sudden appearance will allow your side to automatically win the initiative. It will also daze TENT the three monsters who are adjacent to the circle.

But don't post just yet; I want to give a chance to the PCs over there to react to the situation IC: The number of monsters is insane and they have no idea that they are about to get reinforcement!

Purge The Soul RItual: Performed off-Screen. It applies to Rinch and all his spawns. On this map, this is everyone except the Dark Ones (Thief looking guys). So for the whole fight you basically have a +2 implement for all attacks unless you target the dark ones. You also gain a Smite encounter power as a free action that can be activated on a hit; Add 1d6 radiant damage and daze the target or stun a undead TENT (Rinch ain't a undead)

This will put you more on par with the guys from 6 Eagle Down; Except The Warforged (level 3) they are all level 4 and the Githyanki Warlord is level 5 (but ironically, without a magic implement! lol).

Andrec: The Warforged (Soldier) has the best basic attacks on the field. +8 to hit, 1d12+5
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