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Describe your vision of Gamma World where you live


Front Range Warlock
Well, I live within driving distance of Cheyenne Mountain, so I'm guessing that given today's nuclear technology (which can turn that mountain into dust) and the current state of world affairs, a post-apoc version of the Colorado Springs region would look something like a giant, smoking, crater with mutated fringe religious cultists stalking the surrounding wastes.

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You know, for a game created by a Wisconsin company, I'm kind of embarrassed by their knowledge of Midwestern geography, or did Dubuque get blown down towards Davenport during the nuclear war (I noticed this because I was just there last weekend)?


What I really enjoyed was how our DM took our D&D characters to Gamma World. It was one of those usual literary trope in which low tech meets high tech but it worked for us. Evil wizard gets a hold of an ring of 3 wishes...1 wish left. He uses a poorly worded wish to banish us and him to a "living hell where I can watch" as he put it and we are in Merigia. It was pretty neat as an RP experience. He ruled magic worked but it was not as strong. Spells above a certain level were not able to be cast unless it was a big ceremony to do.

Long story short we did lose people in the initial battle with the BBEG upon getting to Gamma Terra. Those people rolled up GW characters and we merged and chased the BBEG all over. Finally we beat him when he was trying to strand us in GW...he found some high tech Stargate thing. We went back to our world and said good by to GW...very tearfull though. Some characters had relationships with GW people and all.

All in all..great game. I am now itching to run a GW game.


First Post
What I really enjoyed was how our DM took our D&D characters to Gamma World. It was one of those usual literary trope in which low tech meets high tech but it worked for us. Evil wizard gets a hold of an ring of 3 wishes...1 wish left. He uses a poorly worded wish to banish us and him to a "living hell where I can watch" as he put it and we are in Merigia. It was pretty neat as an RP experience. He ruled magic worked but it was not as strong. Spells above a certain level were not able to be cast unless it was a big ceremony to do.

Long story short we did lose people in the initial battle with the BBEG upon getting to Gamma Terra. Those people rolled up GW characters and we merged and chased the BBEG all over. Finally we beat him when he was trying to strand us in GW...he found some high tech Stargate thing. We went back to our world and said good by to GW...very tearfull though. Some characters had relationships with GW people and all.

All in all..great game. I am now itching to run a GW game.

In every GW or D&D campaign I have ever run, there has been at least one adventure set in the other world.


First Post
I am runnig a Gamma World game right now online that is taking place in Western Massachusetts. For those who think that Massachusetts ends at Boston (and don't feel bad if you do, many Bostonians feel the same way), Western Mass is a very rural mountainous area, much like a Yankee version of Apaalachia. Some political entities I work with:

The Rectified Church of the Martyred Saints (the Wreckers): A Luddite cult of technophobic bible thumpers who rose out of the fringe polygamous Mormon sepratist sects in Mexico. They actively destroy both Digital Age and later technology and mutants. They have taken over most of the center of North America and are heading over the Appalachian mountain passes into the eastern part of the continent.

The Zootocracy of Verminont. A 'four legs good two legs bad' political entity centered in Vermont. Run mostly by Badders and Hoops, with a real hate on for humans.

The Happy Valley Collectivist State: A nation run by an AI known as O.M.N.U.S. Centered on the Pioneer Valley (Happy Valley) in central Massachusetts, right where UMASS/Amherst is located. A high-tech insular state that borgifies robots and other AIs into a huge parrallel-processing overmind. Flesh creatures live there, but are strictly monitored.

Grenfield: A city run by Grens, the peaceful green mutants with pheremone control. Very peacefull, but the Grens eschew all but Stone Age technology, relying on their pheremone control to avoid trouble.

The gangs of Nu Ork. New York has become a fractured tapestry of small tribal clans. During the Shadow Years a small clandestine group of nanowizards created the Ork nanoviral package, which was used by gangs to modify their bodies to be fearsome warriors. They have bred true over the years, and now operate a barbaric clan structure within the ruins of New York, New Jersey and Long Island.

The Sea Kings of Bahston: Boston has sunk into the Altantic, but the pirate captains that style themselves the 'Sea Kings' have built bases among the drowned skyscrapers. They sail the oceans looking for settlements to trade with or plunder (depending on their defenses!). They also battle the many mutants that now live in the ocean depths.

Anyway the thread of the game is here:

paizo.com - Paizo / Messageboards / Paizo Community / Gaming / Play-by-Post / Appalachee Jihad


First Post
I am runnig a Gamma World game right now online that is taking place in Western Massachusetts. For those who think that Massachusetts ends at Boston (and don't feel bad if you do, many Bostonians feel the same way), Western Mass is a very rural mountainous area, much like a Yankee version of Apaalachia. Some political entities I work with:

The Rectified Church of the Martyred Saints (the Wreckers): A Luddite cult of technophobic bible thumpers who rose out of the fringe polygamous Mormon sepratist sects in Mexico. They actively destroy both Digital Age and later technology and mutants. They have taken over most of the center of North America and are heading over the Appalachian mountain passes into the eastern part of the continent.

The Zootocracy of Verminont. A 'four legs good two legs bad' political entity centered in Vermont. Run mostly by Badders and Hoops, with a real hate on for humans.

The Happy Valley Collectivist State: A nation run by an AI known as O.M.N.U.S. Centered on the Pioneer Valley (Happy Valley) in central Massachusetts, right where UMASS/Amherst is located. A high-tech insular state that borgifies robots and other AIs into a huge parrallel-processing overmind. Flesh creatures live there, but are strictly monitored.

Grenfield: A city run by Grens, the peaceful green mutants with pheremone control. Very peacefull, but the Grens eschew all but Stone Age technology, relying on their pheremone control to avoid trouble.

The gangs of Nu Ork. New York has become a fractured tapestry of small tribal clans. During the Shadow Years a small clandestine group of nanowizards created the Ork nanoviral package, which was used by gangs to modify their bodies to be fearsome warriors. They have bred true over the years, and now operate a barbaric clan structure within the ruins of New York, New Jersey and Long Island.

The Sea Kings of Bahston: Boston has sunk into the Altantic, but the pirate captains that style themselves the 'Sea Kings' have built bases among the drowned skyscrapers. They sail the oceans looking for settlements to trade with or plunder (depending on their defenses!). They also battle the many mutants that now live in the ocean depths.

Anyway the thread of the game is here:

paizo.com - Paizo / Messageboards / Paizo Community / Gaming / Play-by-Post / Appalachee Jihad

I ran a MA based gane once as well:

Some years ago I ran a short-lived 4th edition campaign. I thought the outline might be of some use to fellow GW fans. I’ll first discuss the background and than the campaign specific information.

Into the past:
In the 24th century I surmise that the standard of living will be very high and the world population fairly low. With medical technology very advanced the choice to have children is under complete control of each individual. Additionally with colonies on the sea floor, Luna, Mars, the Oneil habitats, the asteroid belt, Oort Cloud and possibly on interstellar planets there is plenty of elbowroom. I estimate the population at 2-3 billion on Terra.
The standard of living is high enough that 90% of humanity has no need to work at any occupation except by choice. Most of course will just become better at being couch potatoes. But many will attempt to improve themselves or explore new horizons. Some will choose Full Immersion Reenactment (FIR) experiences. These are full time reenactments designed to emulate some historical or fictional culture, subculture or time period. Examples: Native American peoples “returning to the earth”, African tribes once again becoming nomadic herdsman, creating Camelot, feudal Japan, the American or English Civil Wars, Scottish Highlanders, fantasy or science fiction “games” or more outlandish cultures: Klingons, Vulcans, Romulans, Kzinti, Narns or Minbari (biomods for most and genemods for the true die hards).

The Eastern half of Massachusetts has a high concentration of Irish-Americans and Irish immigrants. I have no doubt that this will still be true in the 24th century. The campaign starts with a group of these Irish-Americans desiring to get in touch with their Celtic heritage. They choose a large plot of land and establish three Celt Kingdom FIR’s (which weren’t all that large in real world history). Jump forward 20 – 30 years. The Kingdoms now have a permanent population of 1000 – 1200 Celtic lords, ladies, warriors, craftsmen and of course bards. The daily manual labor is done by slaves (robots designed to look like humans, maybe androids instead?). Life is good and many of the residents never leave, letting go of their past lives. Additionally many are genuine researchers and historians, living the life, as it was hundreds of years ago. Some have been genemodified to appear as “classical” Irish people, i.e. red haired, tall, light complexioned, etc.
Then the world Ends, choose your preference as to the reason it ends. The Celts are already set up to live in a pre-industrial society. The majority of their slaves (robots or androids) survives the End and carry on their tasks. The slaves last some twenty to fifty years before they rundown through lack of proper maintenance (maybe one survives into the campaign time frame and has become an oracle?). By this time the Celts are doing the labor themselves or by the eventual refugees that they take in.
Jump ahead another 500 years. The age of Gamma Terra. The Celts still survive. They number some 15,000 strong. Over half of them possess some form of mutation though “culling” has favored those that look pure strain human. The Celtic heroes live again…


World of Kulan DM
Here's a Gamma Europe-style map I created in Photoshop using the Gamma Terra map as my startingpoint. I've attached two versions of different sizes.

I did "closeup" maps of the other continents too, which I can post if anyone is interested in seeing them. I've also posted them to the Files section of the Gamma World Mail Group (a Yahoo Group).

Gamma Europe (i.e. Ero)


  • Ero.jpg
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  • Ero_big.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 181

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