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Star Wars: Republic and Empire (OOC thread)


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Rosa Merridon

Medium Human Noble 3/Scoundrel 2
Init +9; Senses Perception +8
Languages Basic, Huttese, Old Galactic, Shyriiwook, Bothese

Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 17), Fort 17, Will 17;
hp 40; Threshold 17

Speed 6 squares
Ranged Blaster pistol +4, damage 3d6+2
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Special Actions Dodge, Point Blank Shot,

Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 12
Feats Dodge, Linguist, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Deception), Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiencies (pistols, simple, heavy)
Skills Deception +13, Gather Information +8, Initiative +9, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +10, Knowledge (Bureacracy) +10, Perception +8, Persuasion +7, Pilot +7, Use Computer +10
Talents: Coordinate, Born Leader, Hyperdriven
Possessions Datapad, long-range comlink, blaster pistol, New Republic military uniform, various civilian clothing.[/sblock]

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First Post
But anyways, you didn't give any comment to the background itself.

Oh, that looks good.

I'll work on an engineer type :cool:


I am extremely interested, but there are already many applicants and many Jedi's, so I will just apply for the alts list.

I'm going to take what I think are the best six or so applicants; posting first isn't going to give anyone an advantage. And because I'm travelling for work later this week, I'm probably not going to make any decisions on PCs until this weekend.

Anyway, what I'd like to see from everyone is...

* * * *

name gender, species class(es) level(s)

Background, explaining what your character does in and out of combat.


Eryk Serrano, Human Male Soldier 1/Jedi 6/Jedi Knight 1/Ace Pilot 1

Eryk is the only child of Fleet Admiral Istara Serrano, and Minister of War Waric Serrano. With his parents active officers in the Republic Navy, he was largely raised by his mother's family on Anaxes until his father retired from the Navy largely to remove any appearances of favoritism (when Istara Serrano became Fleet Admiral, there was no position Waric could take that would not be under her command). Shortly after that, though, a social visit from Leia Solo revealed that he was Force sensitive. At the Jedi Academy, he became close friends with Padme Solo, both of them trying to live up to the example of their famous parents. He proved fairly adept with the Force and a natural pilot, though he shied away from the command roles both his parents had thrived in. After Leia's death, Eryk has been one of Padme's few age-mates among her close confidants, and often acts as her personal pilot. He's an excellent starfighter pilot, a very good shot, and keen observer of personal interaction.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Oh, that looks good.

Cool. I am so far considering Cathar species from KOTOR campaign guide. I'm thinking that "Storm" and his mother were slaves to a hutt, but his mother tried to escape and ended up dead. The hutts thought that he is dead too, which is in no small part due to Savin rescuing him. Cathar also make interesting for it's conflicted nature. He adheres very stricly to the Code, but as Cathar are very passionate creatures it takes even greater effort from his part. Also I feel like him fighting in a way that to an outsider looks like he is in berserker rage when in truth he still holds back all his emotions (Just descriptive :D).

But I get Scum and Villainy today so I'll check that before making final decision if that's okay.

So far: Storm, Male Cathar Jedi 5. Lightsaber specialist/ Gunner
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Varin Talon, Human Male Jedi 5

Varin is a very quick witted man. He lacks the physical stature that one would assume a Jedi possess' but makes up for it in his knowledge of both tactics and diplomacy.

He led a rather typical human's life on Naboo, the only big difference is that his home was entirely too close to the Emperor's Retreat. One more than one occassion, his home would be a stomping ground for the stormtroopers and sometimes even an AT-ST.

His father was a member of the Alliance, and so was gone more often than he was at home. When Varin reached the age of 12, his mother allowed him to travel with his father. Varin managed to learn alot from watching how the military worked. He learned how to speak to people appropriately, how to run a ship, and how to use that ship to the best of it's possible abilities.

At the age of 16 his father moved him yet again, and yet again it was a move that Varin ended up being very grateful for. He recieved training at the Jedi Academy. His past teachings were rapidly moving into his present ones, as he learned to use the Force to do things that most people couldn't do on a ship.

His years spent at the Academy were some of the best of his life, but after 4 years there it was time for him to leave. He wasn't sure where to go yet, but knew that his future was in space. He belonged on a ship. [/sblock]

Cleaned up his background some. Made it less...... conflicted and more ability oriented.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
:lol: I just realized what made your original descriptions have a familiar tone drothgery... I think I've met this Grand Admiral Serrano before :D. I wonder if she has a certain Xenophobic Demolitions Expert as her advisor ;).


First Post
Hi, I'm a little late (I can only post Tue -Fri for the time being) would a Jedi affilated character be fine, speak, a Jensaarai?

Sure. Write something up. At some point Leia found the Jensaarai and built enough of a relationship with them that Kelbis Nu is the lightsaber instructor at the Jedi Academy, but I haven't fleshed out the details of how that happened.

I can't guarantee a spot to anyone, but I'm going to take the six best backgrounds (in my opinion) that fit the set-up for this game.
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First Post
Darses Arkano
Human male
Jedi 5

[sblock=Appearance] Darses is a 24 years old human with long and black hair. He is quite tall, and quite thin, which gives him almost an aristocratic appearance. This is confirmed by an intelligent and austere face, a scarred right cheek, lips slightly tipped as if he was judging his surroundings: judging them negatively, apparently. His eyes are brown tinged with a strange golden touch, and they are often a little bit wide, as if he was surprised and interested. He wears long and flowing robes, brightly colored with red and green motives. Other than that, and a belt, he doesn't appear to carry anything else: not even a lightsaber. Attentive observers however can notice that there indeed is a lightsaber, on the internal part of his robes: not carefully concealed, just out of sight.

Perhaps the first thing that is noticed when he appears, however, is that unless he is on a Republican military ship, a little and stunningly beatiful girl follows him everywhere. She seems to be at most 4 years old, and has blonde-brown hair and slightly pointed ears. Her beautiful violet eyes gaze innocently, absorbing the surroundings. She is also very quiet, and never wanders too far from Darses.[/sblock]

[sblock=background]Darses was born the son of merchants on the planet Bpfassh, in the Outer rim. Before the advent of the Empire, that planet was only know for the fact that several Dark Jedi originated from there, and rampaged through the sector, to be stopped by a Jedi taskforce led by Master Yoda himself. The Dark Jedi were popular and powerful figures on the backward planet, and the spread mistrust of the Jedi that episode generated was only reinforced by the Imperial propaganda.

For his entire childhood, Darses was regarded as a mental retard: he had a severe attention deficit disorder, and always seemed to be be in his own world. He barely knew how to speak, and he was by no means capable of reading or writing. His parents died during an epidemy and the only relative left was his grand-grandmother, which inherited all the (small) fortunes of the family. The old lady stubbornly decided that she would see him healed before her death, and spent her every fund for this purpose. The scientific laboratories on Bpfassh couldn't find out what was wrong with Darses: his brain scans, although revealing some strange anomalies, didn't find anything that could cause such great symptoms. When Duilia heard that the rebel alliance is trying to revive the Jedi order, she sold everything she possessed and boarded a ship towards the Galactic core.

After several months of information gathering, Duilia met Leia Organa Solo, and presented her the 12 years old Darses. As soon as Leia touched the child, she collapsed on the floor, blacking out because of a sudden and complete exhaustion. After the eager bodyguards finally ensured that Leia is fine, and the whole misunderstanding was cleared, everyone was astonished to see that Darses had suddenly became a normal young boy: he could speak, he could read and write and seemed to be quite bright. At the same time, however, he had very dim memories of his whole life, not remembering at all his parents, and the only person he recognized was Duilia.

After accomplishing her goal, and seeing her grand-grandnephew healed and accepted at the Jedi academy, the old woman finally let herself go, and passed out just a few months later at the venerable age of 103.

Darses proved to be still a little bit strange. He plain out ignored half of the things that his teachers tried to teach him, sustaining either that they are doing it wrong or that they are teaching it wrong. It wasn't a good way to make friends, so eventually he stopped commenting, and everyone thought that he had finally grown up. In truth, he had simply realized that there is no sense in antagonizing them: evidently, he was the only one with a voice in his head, guiding him trough visions and dreams to new levels of the force mastery. His progress was astonishing not only because of his speed (he was quite slower than Padme Solo, though): the complete surprise came from the fact that he started manifesting force powers that no one used to teach, and he knew a lot of them.

While his progress with the lightsaber was close to null, he rapidly progressed in force mastery and the study in several fields: history, hard sciences, technology and military tactics. At the age of 18 in fact he left the Academy to act as an assistant to the Navy's officers. He started to return every 6 months, spending at least a week with each new student, teaching them mostly about telekinetic powers. He actually just gives some basic lessons, and seemed more interested in evaluating rather than in teaching.

Three years ago, he disappeared for almost 10 months, cutting all contacts and reappearing with the scar on his face and a small girl. Although he allowed the medics to fully examined him, he refused to speak about her and even flat out denied to one of the Jedi the right to examine her. This led him to a nasty conflict with the said Jedi, a senior master according to whom the young girl is force sensitive and must be further examined and trained. Darses defied the authority of the Jedi, and found some backing in the council: after all, if he wished to raise and train her, that is no problem: even if he refuses to call himself a Jedi Knight (opting for just Jedi), he was already graduated by the time. Besides, his reputation as a Jedi who has never in his life used the lightsaber in actual combat was already spreading.

Darses acts as an assistant and consultant for the Navy, accepting to be assigned to any commander they choose. He is not married, but has informal relationships on a "don't ask, don't tell" basis with several women[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality] Darses Arkano is an intelligent, extremely smart, educated and wise young man. Having a somewhat stern personality, he resembles quite a lot the "no-nonsense" Jedi Knights of old (well, no one can say that because no one knows how were the Jedi Knights of old).

His defining characteristic is that since childhood he had been hearing a voice. The voice guided him in his learning process, and he firmly believes that the voice belonged to an ancient Jedi Master. And as such, he believed that his destiny is to act as a bridge: the lore that was lost was to be rediscovered for the New Jedi Order through him, the chosen one. Well, a shame that the voice suddenly fell silent when he was 19. After two years of internal struggle, he finally arrived to the answer, and accepted it with new-found humility: he is indeed the one that will act as a bridge, but he won't be the one with bristling talent and unlimited potential. That one he would have to find and educate. Almost as if a reward for his enlightenment, a new vision came and guided him to the outside of the outer rim, towards an undiscovered planet, where he found and freed the small girl.

Since then he has been taking care for her and guiding her. He feels an incredible force potential in her: although he cannot be sure, he suspects that it may be on par with Anakin Skywalker. She is a little bit unstable, though, as he was when he was little. So, every day, he meditates with her, and stabilizes the force around her: otherwise, she would grow anxious and scared for no apparent reason. He will fanatically protect her at the cost of his life, however he believes that her destiny is stronger than his, and has no fear in bringing her on battleships that are going to soon engage the enemy. For simplicity's sake, in front of others he acts as her father, and refuses to explain further.

Unfortunately, he never managed to convince Republican officers to bring her on board. Although he is a precious assistant, no commander is willing to put on a risk the live of a child without an extremely convincing justification, possibly coming from the President and signed by the Minister of War. So he asked Padme Solo to take care of her, when he is on mission, and teached her the short procedure to stabilize the child's force. When Padme is too busy to care about that (which is, most of the time), she leaves it to some of her close friends at the Academy. Darses, when possible, spends several hours each day in a holographic communication with the child, asking her barrage of narrations and questions: basically, she uses him as a diary and doesn't seem to know that most children don't share so much information with their parents. At the same time, he teaches her and counsels her.[/sblock]

[sblock=build]3x force training, Skill focus: use the force and knowledge(galactical lore). Skills: use the force, KN (tactics, galactical lore, technology, physical sciences). Talents: Force intuition, Force perception, Visions. Wis 17+1 for 15 force powers.

He fills the role of a tactician and knowledge monkey. If the party requires so, I can switch one of the talents and becomea pilot.

In combat, he most of all uses telekinetic power to fling enemies around, stun and force grip to fight single enemies, disarms and provokes general mayhem. For defense, he uses negate energy, or just protects himself with floating objects. He also has the farsee and mental trick. [/sblock]​
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First Post
Zenith Khambatta, Female Human Scout 1/Jedi 4 (maaaaybe 2/3)

A force-sensitive from a backwater world, Zenith is an explorer at heart, and a hunter by nature; restless and always driven to see and to find new and amazing things. This was why she trusted the offworlder 'Leia' despite her outlandish tales. And what a payoff THAT had!

Zenith is unconventional for a Jedi, earthy and not terribly given to arcane innuendos or intimations of destiny. She HAS a lightsaber, but isn't particularly fond of it...preferring weapons that let her use her stalking prowess more effectively. She is a cunning combatant, capable of varied tactics and switches them often to keep foes off balance. Out of combat, she is curious to a fault, and can usually be found someplace she shouldn't be.

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