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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor leans close to Mir's poncho-clad form, "Tell me that's NAWT a giant stawmach waiting taw swallaw us."

He breaks off a piece of mushroom three times the size of his head and *hammer-throws* the thing into the acid pond, just to see what it does.

«Just how strong is this acid, Possum? Sunburn bad? Eat through metal bad?

«Survival checks: 1d20+1=17, 1d20+1=17, 1d20+1=3, 1d20+1=8, 1d20+1=7, 1d20+1=2. Started out well and then fatigue caught up with him?

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First Post
OOC: 1d6 damage a round. It gets an attack each round after that until it misses. Lucky it's only a +2 on the attack roll. Though, it does target the Fortitude defense.

The bit of mushroom dissolves in a couple of minutes.

You continue your trek through the jungle, making a bit more progress. Another three kilometers into the trip, Keyton brushes up against one of the fungi while walking. In an instant, chemicals inside of the fungi, disrupted by even such a casual bit of contact, combine and combust. The tall fungus is almost instantly engulfed in flames, but Keyton was far to quick to be caught in it.

Another hour passes uneventfully. The next one seems to go by the same, until Sloor spots a bit of unusual undergrowth ahead. Upon closer examination it appears to be a sinkhole. An hour later, he is also the target of a mushroom suddenly sprouting sharp spines as he passes too close to it, but he is unharmed.


Mack trudges along behind Sloor keeping a lookout on the back trail. He is slowly coming to share the besalisk's sentiments regarding the planet. He asks Mir for the sixth time in the last 2 hours, "Is it much farther now, Miss Mir?"

<<OOC: Not sure if we are really at a spot to post much but conversation. Is there another update coming Possum?>>


"Now I remember why I do not have children," Mir says as she looks over her shoulder back at Mack. "We will be there, when we are there. This bush whacking does not lead to quick travel. Not to mention the nice surprises we have run into so far."

Use the Force - Check for any Force Sensitives. (within 100km) 1d20+13=18

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The bit of mushroom dissolves in a couple of minutes.

"Nawt *quite* as dramatic as I hawped fawr," comments Sloor, who's been using the time to get his breath back under control: it's frecking HOT walking in this mess. "Still thinks it's an awpen-air stawmach... And I just gave it *appetizers*, didn't I? Freck."

You continue your trek through the jungle, making a bit more progress. Another three kilometers into the trip, Keyton brushes up against one of the fungi while walking. In an instant, chemicals inside of the fungi, disrupted by even such a casual bit of contact, combine and combust. The tall fungus is almost instantly engulfed in flames, but Keyton was far to quick to be caught in it.

"You alright?" asks the besalisk.

Another hour passes uneventfully. The next one seems to go by the same, until Sloor spots a bit of unusual undergrowth ahead. Upon closer examination it appears to be a sinkhole. An hour later, he is also the target of a mushroom suddenly sprouting sharp spines as he passes too close to it, but he is unharmed.

"Whoaa!" the big alien jerks back, nearly falling over in the other direction; but when he drops his shielding arms, he is amazingly unarmed. "Frecking sawn awf-" Without thinking he whips up his gun and shoots the thing repeatedly, nearly point blank, the heavy blaster blowing huge chucks out of the mushy, yellow-green flesh... Satisfying!

"Now I remember why I do not have children," Mir says as she looks over her shoulder back at Mack. "We will be there, when we are there. This bush whacking does not lead to quick travel. Not to mention the nice surprises we have run into so far."

"Blast it all dawn with cancentrated full awtaw bursts, that's what we shawld have dawne." He seems more tired than angry now though -- the heat is really taking its toll on him. Frecking planets... "Bit awf rest?"
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Mir smiles but when she turns to Sloor she has a more stoic look and nods, "As good time as any." She passes an almost full canteen to Sloor. She then looks about the area with discerning gaze. The young human woman does seem to be in her element here and anyone with an ounce of insight can tell, she's loving it.


Mack picks a spot to be vigilant nearby while the group rests. He pops the helmet to take a drink and test the fresh air. He remarks, "Walking all day in this jungle is making me hungry." Seeing Mir's contented expression, "You didn't pack any tiki torches and BBQ gear did you?" He slaps at a Felocian equivalent of a mosquito and puts his helmet back on.


First Post
In to Sloor's reaction when Keyton almost gets flamed by the spores, I'm fine, thank you. As long none of these plants grow legs and start coming after us, I think we'll be OK.


After Sloor blasts one of the mushrooms into a fine dust, Keyton calmly goes up to Sloor and puts his hand on his shoulder while saying, Stealth mission, remember?


At the resting point, Keyton tries to ration his water the best he can. After being almost being flash fried or deep boiled by the plant life has taken my appetite. But when we get back, I'm going to find a place that makes good Nerf tenderloins. Sadly, the only place I've ever been too that cooked them right was on Coruscant . . . or what ever they are calling it nowadays.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
In to Sloor's reaction when Keyton almost gets flamed by the spores, I'm fine, thank you. As long none of these plants grow legs and start coming after us, I think we'll be OK.

"Give it an hawer awr taw," replies Sloor with a suspiscious glare at the surrounding jungle.

After Sloor blasts one of the mushrooms into a fine dust, Keyton calmly goes up to Sloor and puts his hand on his shoulder while saying, Stealth mission, remember?

Sloor glares back, considering the source. "Yeah, well... It had it cawming," is what he finally comes up with, but at least he has the decency to look a bit embarrassed about the whole thing.

Mir smiles but when she turns to Sloor she has a more stoic look and nods, "As good time as any." She passes an almost full canteen to Sloor. She then looks about the area with discerning gaze. The young human woman does seem to be in her element here and anyone with an ounce of insight can tell, she's loving it.

The besalisk plops down on the mossy ground, not caring that warm water is not-so-slowly seeping out of it and into his clothes so long as he's far, far away from any mushroom! "Thanks, Sra. Seriawsly thaw, haw far alang are we?"

"If she is not telling," informs TB who's come to see why they are no longer following, "then it likely means we are less than halfway there, oh perceptive one."

Sloor groans and seeks solace in Mir's canteen, tipping it back for a couple of sweet, refreshing swallows.

At the resting point, Keyton tries to ration his water the best he can. After being almost being flash fried or deep boiled by the plant life has taken my appetite. But when we get back, I'm going to find a place that makes good Nerf tenderloins. Sadly, the only place I've ever been too that cooked them right was on Coruscant . . . or what ever they are calling it nowadays.

"Food I can gaw withawt, fawr days and days. What gets *me* is the heat," complains Sloor with a much smaller swallow -- which are doing him a world of good, actually. "Statian bawrn and bred, that's me fawr sure, but the bawdy *still* wants the glaciers, the icy waters, all that gawd stuff... Thank the pawers fawr this thing," he thumps the semi-rigid surface of his chodium-cooled thermalware with a weak chuckle, "awr I'd be twin taw that burning bush back there!"

He hands back the cantene with a grateful nod.

«TB is silently doing the rounds some distance from the camp while they talk and rest. Stealth 18, Perception 19 (low-light + darkvision).

Voidrunner's Codex

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